j A V01 ALE ON OF FURS AND MILLINERY ROCHE CO I t ft wrist watches Arc Clio best In the world Oct them MeKewons In order lo get out a rush Of work Specialty em ployees arc kept on job every till oclock day end QonU Umbrellas to at Watsons Store To Assembly Hall of High orf Friday evening Deo Tho Society in holding an Open Meeting so that townspeople nay op end an enjoyable evening there Ail excellent speaker lias noon pro cured there will be the famous Paper and other attrac- Perfection oil Moko the most useful tills year They hove advanced Too hot we have a few left at the price bo hurry If you want one Dions Hardware Newmarket A meeting of the Hook and Ladder bo hold in the fire Hall on Wednesday evening Doc at oclock sharp All mem bers are requested to bo present tot of assortment at half price to at Watsons Jewelry Store Ivory and Mahogany to at Watsons Jewelry Store llatItot Arrangements been made for tvo Market Days in Newmar ket next week A Market will be held on Wednes day morning at which all the To ronto buyers will be present to pay top prices us Saturday will bo too late to market in Toron to for Christmas The usual Saturday market will be held for the convenience of townspeople Partners will find- it to their ad vantage to bring Christmas poul try and other produce hero Ex tended accommodation provided II I 1 I Loan Great interest has been mani fested in the Victory Loan Tho Halifax Oleaster The awful at Halifax has aroused the practical sympathy of Industrial community all over Dominion and Newmarket Is no ex ception A meeting of the Council was called on Monday and the member wre unanimous In author Izlng the Mayor Issue a cheque for to relieve tho sufferers At the request of the Mayor tho lied Cross Society made arrangements to donations of money and cloth ing In good condition at their rooms the Oral three days of the week and the response has been very general The Council will took after the shipping of clothing which has been delayed owing to a freight blockade consequently there Is still opportunity for any citizens who did not hear about the collection of clothing to send In their contributions next Tues day afternoon At business meeting of the Class in connection with the Methodist Sunday School a dona tion of was voted to the Hall- fax Committee Your Automobile Friend Would appreciate a pet of Tire Saver Auto Jacks They increase the life of tires onethird per set at Bums Hardware Newmarket FIELD COMFORTS Owing in the of fuel there will not be any wwlng In the rooms until after the Now Year unless an ur gent call Is made for work A box shipped this week for Ore at Halifax Proceeds from he and Tea last Friday afternoon The lucky number fnr tin Aero plane kindly donated by Mr Wright Is No o Qllt and 50 to at Watsons High A meeting was on the evening of Tuesday last when the con tract for the alterations at the school was given to Mr Hose and the work Is to be done during the Christ mas holidays Several accounts were passed ami tho Hoard adjourned sailor hands and taken to a place of safety No trace of her parents ha been found Halifax couple who have children of own have guarded her Jealously ever since and Intend to adopt the little one provided her own do not turn up from the cataclysm of death There many such instances where little infants will never more feel the mothers warm embrace or the tender carcfis their daddy i I Mirrors o at OQOt At Hardware would tickle the heart of any little girlie The and Supper in the Meth odist School room on Wednesday af ternoon under the auspices of the Mission Circle was a great the proceeds being about Another one is taken from our midst in the person of Mrs vyard Morris She bad not been well months and the past week she been worse passing away Sunday morning She leaves a husband and son also her father Mr A and two sisters to their loss Tuesday to Ml Cemetery Joltonham of Toronto spent the weekend at Mr Win Department 11a carry and can Vou from to tiOo on many of GUV lit for usa i Sty ctsi A Mr received a Dean who has just telegram op Saturday from bis returned from the West and en- son Gordon who enlisted with the listed in spent the week- Canadian Navy and is in training end with his parents Mr and M Halifax staling he was safe and well Mrs was in To- Mr Calvin had a sick horse which required Ihoveterij services but it is number of articles for sale and a business trip to town on There have been quite a num Miss of on the sick list but we ore visiting at her brothers Mr glad lo say they are all The girls went to a lot of trouble Thursday Friday In decorating the booths had made a Mr of Belleville great number of articles for sale and made a served a very dainty supper Nearly Tuesday everything was sold and the girls are to be congratulated on efforts Shareholders The annual meeting of the Newmar ket Hotel Company Limited was held at Watsons With Ivory handles from nUld to being anxious to do all at the King they could to help raise the evening when shares of the money Necessary to paidup shares were represented war in the most vigorous fashion thereat The employees of the Davis Mr W Lyons was voted to Industrial Home The Commissioners met day last week and passed the usual- accounts ting to about The con tracts for supplies next year were awarded as follows Dry Goods and Groceries Mr Ins Aurora Mr Aurora Mr Tall Newmarket Chanllers Mist was in town for St Patricks Bazaar held last Friday and Saturday or this purpose and sub- Wesley tho a criotion of the was foi making a total of In lotal was near- Everyone Will Yell You Music Is the life of the home Why be without you can get for complete Gramophone outfit In esse form was duly suitable for carrying Plays any rec ords Let us demonstrate Tho total for the County of York was nearly one million dollars over the allotted and complimentary remarks re the ef ficient management were made by several of the stockholders The Directors elected for the en suing year were Dr J Wesley and Messrs W H Eves Widdlfleld P W Pearson J A Cody Aubrey Gold Filled and Wallham Gene and Andrew Cents t 18 Clio Gold Filled and Watches at McKeAvonfl Santa Has Arrived At Hardware with a Big as sortment of Games and Toys for the kiddles See them before selerling Mr Harry Webster spent weekend in the city It was a beautiful day for Mr Mrs Brown spent barn raising which took Thursday in Toronto i place on Wednesday last Miss Agnes McCabo of King Dont forget the Sunday School spent a few days last week Miss Concert on the A good ONoH program expected Mrs Harry Wood spent day and Friday in Toronto Miss Ada Davis of Toronto was in town for the concert Thursday evening Mr Cornelius McCabe Deputy Reeve was in Toronto the past week attending County Council Mr Albert Wisnor of was renewing acquaintances in town on Wednesday and Thurs day The Conservatives have engaged the Town Hall for meeting on Sat urday evening The store windows have a ionc hi Vale Auditor Mr Subsequently at their regular meet ing the Directors appointed the fol lowing officers Dr J Wesley VicePres Eves The very gratifying report of the what Christmassy look but the war has made a feeling of general dej President to W Poultry s in plenti fully now Head the Era ads before making Christmas purchases Throwing on the street while snow is on ground is prohibited Only Two Left Electric Stand Lamps below the regular price today at Hardware Newmarket Give Father or Mother A pair of Spectacles for Christmas Watson Graduate Optician baa kind that gives satisfaction- Church Slim congregations last Sunday ow ing to the and cold snap At the morning Miss Rhea At kinson daughter of Mr Atkinson Jeweller made her first appearance as a soprano soloist and did exceed ingly well The pastor delivered two very Interesting sermons Inthe morning bis subject waS Arithmetic and in the evening What Is Man Next Sunday Is set apart on be half of Hie Sunday School There I will he three special senIces during the day am and pm at all of which Lang ford Ed ucational Secretary of tho General of the Methodist Church Canada will give an address Mr Lang ford Is en eloquent speaker and Is enthusiastic in this branch of the church work The public are Invit ed to all services and we are con fident that none will regret the effort lo hear him on all occasions of his visit Special music Is also being provided WATCHES TOR- OUR ITS STOCK Is now at VERY BEST A Gift to lh and to Keep Giver In Pleasant Remem brance Atkinson Co Family Had Harrow Escape Alderman A has a brother residing in Halifax and he was feel ing quite anxious being unable to get any word till Saturday evening Mr who represents the Sheet Metal Products Co moved there from Toronto eleven years ago He was sitting at breakfast with his wife when the first shock came Both escaped without a scratch and their son Hick who Is at Windsor College about seven miles distant was entire ly out of the danger zone A newspaper reporter called on Mrs and this Is what she says In my husbands office In the rear of our house the glass was blown nut with such force that It was embedded In the wooden partition several feet away said Mrs George When my husband ran to open the door to see what had happened the top part of the framework toppled over and Jammed the passage but we soon made our way to the street and the things we saw were too terrible to repeat The people ran crazy I about the streets many of them drlp- I ping with blood and shrieking The word went around that there would be a second explosion from a magazine and the sailors herded the people away from the street to the open I was caught up in the mad rush and maQe for home to warn the people In the apartments Fortunately the second- explosion did not occur were safe Mrs Dions afterwards busied her- self in relief work searched for band ages clothing end medical supplies lor the who kept pouring Into the public halls and Institutions en sleighs motor trucks and all man ner of vehicles Mrs told of a little orphan found Bitting on a mattress near the devastated area She is a bright fouryearold tot and all she could was that her father was a team ster In the Foundry The lit tle ones arm broken two places but the bore the pain bravely until aha was lifted tenderly by VAHDOIIF During the past few weeks our blacksmith has been extra busy horseshoeing Mrs W Powell also Miss An nie spent last Thursday in the city Even if the weather and roads were not very favorable on Sun day it didnt slop Ted from mak ing his usual trip to the house on Station St lo spend the day Mrs Geo Preston is visiting friends in the city a few days this week Mr Harry of Toronto spent Sunday at the While House Mr and Mrs A VanNoslrarid of Toronto spent Saturday under the roof Mr Paul Headway spent tho weekend at Toronto Miss Lemon of Lemon- villo is very busy sewing Ihese days On account of Sunday being such a disagreeable day only a very few were present at Wesley lo hear Rev John Wilkie a mis sionary of India With the Christmas and wed ding bells both ringing in our burg it makes it very merry this Miss Atkinson spent Tues day in the city either on a shop ping expedition or to see old San ta we dont know which u fiOGAHTTOWlf Mission Hand in vite you lo an entertainment in the at oclock on Friday Doe 1st Collection in aid of Mission Hand Come and bring your friends -i- PIKE Quite a number from here at tended Convention at also League Con vention Newmarket Dr n Missionary fronf India who is home on furlough spent the Mr Geo family of King spent Sunday under he par ental roof a lotion for- a few to remove ton Your grocer has tho lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply you with three ounces of orchard while fori a few cents Squeeze tho juice of two fresh lemons into a tie then put in the orchard white and shake well This makes a quarter of the best lem on skin wbilener and complexion known Massage this fragrant creamy lotion daily in to the face neck arms and hands and just see how freckles tan redness and rough- disappear and how smooth soft and clear skin becomes Yes I It is harmless and lb beautiful results will surprise you e3 Live Stock Markers Top prices paid in Toronto this week Export Cattle Choice Cattle St Handy Choice Butcher Cows Milkers Springers Choice Calves Medium Veals 13C0 Common Calves Spring Lambs 1800 Yearling Sheep Hogs fed and watered Hogs off cars a 1 Toronto Markets Butter lb Laid Eggs Turkeys lb 30 Chickens In lb 18 10 Fall Wheat bush 214 Goose Whoal bush Oats bush 78 Barley bush Timothy Hay ton Mixed Hay ton mm mm mm i ESTABLISHED OP liuua Unit all hit Ui I I BRANCH SMYTH swum AT- Market i Butter lb New Laid Eggs Wheal per bush Oats hush Barley bush Bran fihorls ton mi i arts Saturday And will till New Come down find of our It will you Wo ttood for you buy thorn end fell Mow Stock If worth of will your Js 1 ARCHIVES OP TORONTO