Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 26 Oct 1917, p. 7

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i St Walnut Sideboard for China Department Our of Din- aro of tho Quality lvo Patterns of thorn particularly nice end Floral Pattern and other Old Loaf Pattern on clean body Wo to from A meeting of Board wttH hold on Monday evening several maltcrH wore discussion The Hoard was not In fuVorof having a Students Convention this year nor was It in favor of asking Mr to address students on his favorite subject A motion was passed the loyalty and patriotism manifested by Staff Pu pils in contributing to Hod Cross Fund last week which was bettor than last year mm Hi WORK I Sheldon Spent 1800 for Treatment Without Bene- fit Contribution About To Red Notwithstanding tho wot agreeable weather on Thursday of last week the collectors pointed to canvas the Town on behalf of British Red Cross did their work nobly and J a gratifying response There arc a subscriptions j hot yet paid amounting to con- Bl- going over Si but yesterday through the funds in hands Treasurer Mr J heat end I Buffered as follows I did not I B Marshall A WE HAVE OTHER FINE TO FROM i J ii T activity at depot thin week Last week there were three cars of live stock shipped to Toronto this wjjck here wore only two The price paid for hogs was being loss than last factory freight In and out con tinues about the same During the past six cars of coal and one of coke have been re ceived here which will the fuel situation some Wo should bo gelling one or two earn every day lo Oil lite orders already booked Importor of and BtrriBtcr Solicitor Notary for InkliiK Will be In Newmarket Office all Tuesday Wednesday Friday and and on Monday and evenings from JO to Office Ground Floor MoGauley Office Office Phono No 205 Residence lot solicitor for Imperial hunk of Canada A J M Walton A bo Aurora Private funds to loan on First Mortgage Probating Wills and work a specialty Jn all countries Ask for our bo cent University Montreal We Want Nov llcliablo Agent in North York County to sell Fruit and Ornamental Trees dur ing Fall and Winter months Good pay exclusive territory free soiling equipment OVER GOO Of the Choicest Nursery Block in cluding NEW VAIUKTIKS con trolled by us Handsome up-to- date selling equipment and a splendid Canadiangrown stock to offer Wo are not jobbers Write now for terms to NURSERY Toronto Catalogue Bent on request to applicants for agencies or purchasers of Nursery Stock HIGHLANDS OF ONTARIO CANADA The Homo of the Hod Door and Moose OPEN Door November 1st lo Nov inclusive Moose- Nov to Nov in clusive In some of the Northern Districts of On tario including mi the open season is from Nov to Nov inclusive Jn that part of I ho Province of Ontario lying north of the Canadi an Government Railway from the Quebec to the Manitoba boundary the open season for Mooso is from October lo No vember Write for copy of Playgrounds Haunts of and giv ing Game Laws Hunting Regulations Etc lo Horning Union Station Toronto J Depot Agent Phone J Phone Agent An Order in Council has been Passed upon the recommendation of the Pood Controller allowing Oil and after Nov manu facture and sale in Canada of oleomargarine and its Importa tion free of duty All Next Wednesday niffbl is AH Halloween and the Goblins will gel you if you dont watch out I In limes past it has been neces sary lo have an extra Police Force on duly to vont depredations of an unseemly lor as wall as destruc- lion of properly No doubt this will he at tended to and boys and girls who carry things too far may got pinched Pun ceases when lives and properly become endangered It would he a good idea for par ents to provide indoor amuse- for heir children instead of letting them run on the streets At least one evening in the year can be to solv ing the mysteries and of those elements that govern the fates and fairies The princi pal features of Halloween always been a quality of uncer tainly with an element of spirits ghosts etc and most of the games on these occasions partake character The perpe trators of outdoor tricky such as stealing gales vegetables removing signs etc should he severely dealt with know I spent on doc- tora and not did mo good Ono day a called at my and said had been go as I at time and Vegetable Compound I took am I over I cannot undcratAnd why women dont ceo hotmuch pain and they would by taking your I cannot it enough for it life and kept mo th Hospital E 111 their beat battled With this caoo ateadily and could do no of ten the most scientific treatment by the medicinal properties of tho good old fashioned and herbs Contained Vegetable Compound If complication pays to write too Pink- Rem Co Lynn Mass for 4400 2725 3075 1700 the past few weeks In view of fact that feed conditions in Canada are so satisfac tory and Hie demand for feeding is so general the Dominion De partment of Agriculture has agreed to pay of the freight rale paid on carload shipments on feeding cattle from the Win nipeg Stock Yards country points in Eastern Can ada This concession will he ap plicable to bolu the drovers and alike Shippers con signing to Eastern Block Yards from the Winnipeg Yards will not he entitled to this reduction how ever The District Representative will he glad furnish any fur ther Information desired and as sist farmers in arranging for co operative shipments if desired Keith PM P Stewart J Geo Evans A J Rogers W A Hill lingers Davis Eves Dosworth Adams Pearson Bennett Choppln French Darker Cane Hinns Robertson J Robertson Road- house Rose J irimson Vernon Osborne F Duncan Tench Geo Vale Watson Hull West A Howard Davis Office Specialty Mfg Co Davis Leather Co Davis Leather Co Em ployees High Sell 13311 Separate School 1000 1750 17i00 50000 Your Coal I You can save of your coal bill by using one of our Cinders Rlnns Hardware Amounts Given Schools High Public Separate Amounts St Andrews St Georges HMO 11005 1025 Patrick 1 20514 Given Wards 57559 40388 27700 I Freight on Mr J local repre sentative of the Ontario Depart ment of Agriculture is cooper ating with the Honorable Martin in carrying out IhcVplan recently announced by which freight concessions ap ply on carload shipments of fe male cattle and sheep and also on Blockers and feeding cattle to country points Ontario Breeders will be par ticularly interested in the Free Freight Policy included in the Ministers announcement Un der this policy female cattle un der two years of age and ewes three years or younger may be shipped from any Canadian Stock to local points without the payment the purchaser of the freight charges on same arrangement with Railway Companies of these charges will be rebated by the railroads and the remaining will be collected by the Companies direct from the Dominion Live Stock The snipper will be required to make a declaration I hat he is a bona fide farmer and that the slock so returned is for his own use or that of his neigh bors and is for breeding purposes only Representatives of the Dominion Live Stock Branch who are now employed in connection with other work at the different Stock Yards will be prepared to render assistance to shippers in assembling their consignments if so desired farmers who are in a position to handle additional cattle for feeding purposes this winter or for finishing on grass next sum mer will receive a rebate of 25 of freight charges paid This rebate is being granted by the Companies following regulations made by Mr regarding the need of making the fullest use of Ontarios abundant supplies of feed in increasing beef supply of he country Owing to scarcity of feed in many parts of Western Canada this Fall there has beam a heavy run of and feeding cat tle in the Winnipeg Yards during Methodist The men lings on Sunday were well attended In the morning the Minister Rev Bonn Spoke from the Chap of Tim othy 7th verse It was well Il lustrated Dont miss hearing an able sermon Come All the welcome Com A very pretty wedding was sol emnized at the home of Dr ami Mrs Watson when their eldest daughter Claire was united in marriage to George Irvine Jensen Rev Wal ters of Mich a friend of the groom bride entered the room on the arm of her father the strains of the Wedding March played by Miss Iva Marker a childhood friend She wore a simple dress of while net over lace and carried a shower bou quet of white roses The brides maid Miss Greta Watson sister of the bride wore a pretty dress of pink silk and carried pink ros es Mr Pearson Armitage cous in of the bride acted as best man dainty breakfast was served in diningroom which was decorated with roses asters and The bouse was beauti ful In its dress of autumn leaves and wild flowers The bride and groom left for a trip through Northern Michigan the bride travelling in midnight blue velvet with hat to matoh Theywill reside in Detroit The bride is a granddaughter of the late Pearson of New market Old Tea Looks All Kighfc Old tea and fresh tea poor tea and good tea all look alike No wonder a woman often gets a bulk tea she doesnt like Rose Tea in the scaled package is always fresh always always the price on the label Kept Good by the Sealed Package I 1 J Drown Dies lit Windsor The following is clipped from a Chatham paper and sent to Us by a friend The death occurred in Windsor yesterday of Robert J Brown- a former Chatham man who for the past few years had resided in the City Tho deceased gen tleman was well and favorably known in the city before he moved to Windsor His death which followed a short illness will be mourned it number of Chatham friends As far as is known there are no relatives of de ceased gentleman in Chatham The immediate surviving rela tives are one son Norman of Windsor one sister Maggie of Scotland and one brother Drown of Windsor The remains will bo brought to Chatham tomorrow morning on the Wabash train The funeral will take place from the under taking parlors of W Burrows and Son on Sunday afternoon at The he laid at rest Maple Leaf Cemetery This shows that the people of Newmarket are still loyal to the Empire and ready lo do their share for the sick and wounded who have faced enemy in de fence of freedom and justice Red Cross Society A Card was received on Wednesday morning by the written by Corp Thou a Prisoner at Ger many dated Aug which reads as follow Dear Madam I am informed that you have been in receipt of no acknowledg ment from me for parcels you so kindly sent I have boon get ting and enjoying tlicm regu larly and have always sent a Re ceipt Card I regret very much indeed that these ho not seem to reach you and assure you that am deeply grateful to you all Believe me Sincerely Tho Annual Meeting of the So ciety vill be hold on Monday Oct 29th at in tho Rooms over the Post Office A full attend ance of the members is requested Society has been fortunate in securing the vacant rooms over the Post Office through kind ness of the Department at Otta wa until they are required by them and in future all meetings will be held at same place so that there will be no confusion The second meeting will be the Knitting Tea on Tuesday after noon of next week and as there is an abundance of work it is hoped thai there will be a large number of ladies present Until further notice the rooms will be open every Wednesday from to 12 am and from to 0 pm for sewing and any lady who can spare an hour or two during the day will be gladly wel comed There is a call for nu merous Hospital Supplies thai arc urgently needed The hearty thanks of the So ciety are tendered to the Trustee Boards of the various Churches for the free use of their premises during ho past three years which has been of great assist ance in Red Cross work and giv ing the ladies of the Town an op portunity to get better acquainted with each other Should occa sion require the Society would be pleased to go back to the church es for their work Following is a list of supplies shipped last week doz Pairs Socks A doz Head Bandages I Suits Pyjamas Comfort Bags filled with Razor Brush and Comb Tooth Brush and Brush and Soap Toilet Writing Paper Envelopes and Pencil and Washcloth A- report being circulated that a lady in Newmarket is getting for her- services in the Red Gross we are requested lo state that no officer or member of the Rod Cross Society here is getting one cent of salary in any way for her services Robert J Brown is the eldest son of lie John Brown who was Pastor of the old Kirk in Newmarket over half a century ago Robert spent his boyhood days in and left hero about 35 years ago for Is land Lake Eric Be has been hero on a visit several times and always kept in touch with lha Town by being a constant toUa Villi IIJ In English House of Com mons on Tuesday night Premier Lloyd George made the following remarks There three things Government ought to make clear in interests of Ireland First incitement to rebellion cannot be permitted Germans nearly landed arms for that purpose months ago We know that are being for to fittMw J A f A A A THE MENS STORE J In of Oomcthlng Bolter than ordinary will do to coo what wo to offer In tho following OVERCOAT Is from a good firm cloth Is mado In singlebreasted fly front stylo cut Inches long has collar J SMART for mm The Shawl Collar Coat may bo de- ponded upon for allround satisfaction as It does good appearance good stylo good valuo and of warmth It Is Inches long has bolted and tabs on sloovo3 The Stylo made from heavy In smart modolo- t Our Coals lined with good ser viceable Mohair lining and seams sown Extra Special Values at Hoys Overcoats Ulatorotto and Shawl Collar stylo at a Big Saving to you THE JAMES WHIMSTERCO NEWMARKET The Uptodate Gents Furnishers VV DOW SAMPLE If you fully acquainted with Clothing situation then you would how big a bargain this Is It of Manufacturers Samples and fact that vory few of a kind make them all the more In style and pattern Priced to MENS SUITS In spite of many advances In prices and tho uncertain condition of Clothing Markets today our values simply amazing and it doesnt take an export cloth man to it SWEATER COAT The nip and chill In air these mornings has mado many a man fool of a warm Sweater Coat Just such comfortable Coats as with shawl or storm collars two pockets and closefitting cuffs In the Wow and Popular Weaves Price to HOI DONT FORGET OUR WONDERFUL VALUES IN SHOES I know that it is partly done hy von Second a thing no Government can pernit is organ ization for rebellion- After referring to the drilling and the marching going on in Ire land and the exhortations of de Valera the Premier declared that what going on Ireland was a deliberate attempt lo enroll and drill thousands of young men who in England would have been enlisted in prepar ation for rebellion The third point was that there was a deal of talk in Ireland among he Sinn Fein leaders which said the Premier did not mean home rule or selfgovern ment but separation or secession There was a demand for the sov ereign independence of Ireland and declared the premier we had- better say at once that under no conditions will Great Britain permit anything of that kind Nearly two million pounds of dried cod are tied up in New foundland owing to lack of ship ping accommodations Increases been author ized in the pensions and allow ances to and in respect of sol- and sailors in Canadian I Expeditionary Forces and the Canadian navy amounting to apj proximately per cent Newmarket COLLEGE FARM DULL FOR SALE Our senior herd sire Floral Bell Victor is offered for sale His breeding is good he is a splendid individual We are also offering a Team i Good at all farm work Gall ana I see them Farm at Newmarket College HMD IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY Increase Your Earning Power and Improve Your Citizenship CLA88ES WILL BE OPENED 9 -on- In Following Subjects TENOQRAPHY ENGLISH BOOKKEEPING PENMANSHIP MECHANICAL and DRESSMAKING STRUCTURAL DRAWING and SHOP MATHEMATICS MILLINERY PfiOM TO Application Cards may be Secretary of tho Board op Principal of and must bo on or before tho 3rd of November FEE FOR EACH CLASS will be Returned If Is 9 J WBMtiL J i f 1 L I I 5X3 I I w u OftONTO s

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