Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 26 Oct 1917, p. 3

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1 i Located A I A Terry has Ills office Ailed in the Bank If Toronto and will leased hi ids be both old and now See card in ad column Secure luesiliiv firms your seal for the Plan night at Pattersons Store careful of the sugar Ihcro Afternoon Tea will come and and spend a social for strangers lo tt Sale opens at WffsrCoraVi Canadian military Wedding A pretty khaki wedding took at Orpington Parish England on Monday af ternoon Oct 1st fit A Church will r flock of wild wont Was Private James- Halt 2nd Canadian Division Toronto scarcity in country Two flocks of goose south on Tuesday The Office Specialty arc put- est son of Mr and Mrs n six outdoor 1734 Sixth Ave East for Hie of the em- j wen Sound in Olid 1 1 the out at night an- I yard men forth York I- following the officers fueled at Convention In nio recently Mp Aurora Misa Now- innrket the paper for further particulars Roof Inn good heavy grade of Hoofing with cement and nails roll at Hardware or Newmarket The was Miss Petty the only daughter of Mr and Mrs A Petty Elmcrofl Orpington Kent The who was given away by her father was married in a gown of cream with bridal veil and carried a shower bou quet of carnations She also wore a gold locket and chain ho gift of the bridegroom There were J MoIMierson i MoOpnald cousins or I he Aurora Kxeenlivn Com Misses King Robinson and Messrs Cornell ami Miss McBrido and Mr Teasdalc Bargain Sample hit of Smoking Pipes Reg so am I fnrQ5c flood service Methodist Church I urge congregations both turning and evening last Sun day and still room for more people sermons by Pastor He is showing I be a man of broad vision spiritual grasp of his sub- easy flow of language and In his He is feeling at home in the pul pit here now and his sermons are Inspiring and edifying by the and of song much enjoyed taxi Sunday Hon J Davis is to give an address on Up Missionary of the Church he being a number thn Mission Committee which was recently in session In Toronto Chicken A few nights ago seven chick ens wore stolen from a hen bouse on Ontario St or three lights after three men were seen prowling around the Methodist Parsonage The what men could be around there as ho worth stealing except a lit- coal bill all al once he thought his neighbor Mr Stewart who some prize chickens so fap phoned him about what was going on dossed and seizing his shooting iron proceeded to Investigate but the ring of the phone alarm- the intruders and good their escape by auto which they Queen St with ff Mr Stewart is well prepar ed for the next visit who were attired in blue silk poplin net caps wilh wreaths and bouquets of margue rites They wore pearl brooches with maple leaves the of the bridegroom Private A 2nd Canadian Division al so of Toronto acted as best man in the absence of the grooms brother Hoy who is serv ing at the front and could be present at the wedding The ceremony was formed by the Vfcar of the Parish the T The wedding breakfast was served the brides homo to about gnosis who ha been a at the Ontario at Orpington has been in valided from the army and ho and his bride will be leaving Eng land for Canada shortly they made means of an left standing on the i Chad Ellison of the BaStaar ami Supper that Tottenham spent Sunday with Mr is to be hold in the Christian and Mrs by Waton Mr spent Sunday with Mr and Thurs day in Toronto Mr and Mrs Sloan and Miss Oldham of Bells Lake spent friends in town The hunters expect leave on Friday for the Annual sport among the deer in the north Mr Win Leonora returned home from Toronto land feels much improved in health Dont forget the Baptist Anniversary be held on Sunday Oct when A Brown BABT of Toronto will preach at all three services Mr J expects to move into thehouso lately vacated by Mr Walton Willi the assistance of Mrs p of Toronto the Hod Cross Society has been able arrange for an exceptionally in teresting Concert in the Town Hall Newmarket on Tuesday the of October The program wilt comprise se lections by Returned Soldiers as sisted by the following Toronto Artists Mrs Herbert Miss Vera Miss fc Phyllis Clarke Master Trislan Clarke Violin ist Miss Mildred Marks I The ladles are eelling Hush Seat Tickets for each vhioh may be exchanged for Seals at Patlersons Drug tonight Secure your seats early as there is sure lo he a crowded Hall Misses Jessie and Mary Elliott and Miss Gibson of spent with Mrs Skinner Ccots 12 to Hour Our Air Warmers vill warm a largo room See them working Binns Hardware This of Our Specialties tho at the Present can You from to palp on many of above Linos BUT DONT now Ho In Price la Expect for Time There lots of Boots and Shoos for Ken Wo mon and are UptoDate Guarantee Workmanship of Pair KINO We of Mrs J After an illness lasting over weeks Hannah Jane died at the home of lier daughter Mrs Andrew Ave Toronto Mrs was a daughter of the late and Margaret Hod- dill She was horn in King Township on Jan In Miss lie- came the wife of J of Whilchurcli Township and to gether hey spent a few happy years on the old homestead on St between Aurora and Newmarket until Mr death on Sept when the family moved to Aurora and later Newmarket whore they remained until the marriage of the daughter Gladys when Mrs went lo Barrio to live with her daughter and later came to Toronto with her Some months ago Mrs Clubines Every Auto have a set of Bull Dog Tire Saver Storage Jacks They increase tire mileage onethird it set of i Hardware Explosion The residents at the north end St Georges Ward were start led by a terrific explosion last Monday morning and the report soon circulated that Thompsons Machine Shop was blown up It not quite that had but bad report was heard the Specially Works and also Main St down town People soon collected lo see what was he matter and learn extent of Ho damage Fortunately no person was burl but it is a that Mr A Thompson his Mr Thompson and a Machinist Mr Fred were lot killed The explosion occurred at about ten minutes after the pump lad been started to nil the tanks with air for the purpose of blow ing up auto tires in the Oarage The tanks were two ordinary hot water boilers with a capacity of gals placed horizontally one above tlic other on wall racks about or JO feet above the floor together and capable holding a pressure of 2SG lbs At the lime of the explosion the pressure was not more than lbs and what caused is a mys- A man from Toronto has liven his opinion that it was by a chemical action of oil and water The result appalling One boiler was blown completely inside out wrecking the interior of the shop An iron lathe was broken feet iway The end of the building was blown against the Foundry feci in the opposite di- 28 panes of glass were broken in the shop and tools scat tered in all directions Not more than one minute before all three wore ibo shop directly in Pe path of flying pieces of Mr Thompson into the Office followed by to get some regarding their work and i happened lo at ibo doorway will JJly cover loss Th Shop in Insured against fire but the Policy does not cover damage by plosion Mr Thompson is that no lives were lost health began lo fail and after spending several weeks in Hie Hospital she was removed to her daughters home where all that loving hearts and lender hands lights turned could do for her was gladly done until she passed peacefully away on Oct After a brief service on Wed nesday Oct at the home of her daughter conducted by Hey Jos of Raton Memorial the body was taken lo Newmarket lo the home of sister Mrs Hose and on Oct was consigned its last resting place by side of her late husband and two sons Wesley and Harry who passed away some years before The funeral service Newmarket was conducted by the J Simpson Pastor of pan forth Ave Methodist Church Toronto and for many years a close personal friend of the family assisted by J Wooo and of Newmarket The deceased was a sister of the late J J of the Methodist Book Room Toronto She leaves to mourn their loss one daughter Mrs Andrew and one son Clarence both of To ronto also one sister Mrs Hose of Newmarket and three brothers Beverley of New market George of Richmond Bill and Alfred of Toronto She will be missed by a large circle of friends for to know her was to love her dearly KEEPING YOUim Work and worry make ago faster than year- Whatev er work easier and worry less smoothes back wrinkles and lengthens life A splendid help to this end is Eyes that hurt when you work or read or that fail to see clearly both near and far can almost always be by glasses Wo will lest your and tell you whether glasses will cure tho trouble Our ad vice is reliable and costs you nothing If you need glasses we guarantee to fit your eyes perfectly and the most reasonable cost A handy repair shop Is here to fix up any little hurt lo your spectacles while you watt repair work done as promptly as possible aud at fair charges ma Co worth About people attended the licague meeting last Monday ev ening the special feature being address by Capl the I W Terry on his experiences in Egypt A largo geographical drawing on the blackboard was of great assistance to the audience in comprehending the siluatiomof the Iroops and the address was full of in lor est from start to fin ish Tho trying climate the condition of the people with their eccentricities the fertile soil habits and vices of the Hie Pyramids religious services ami the value of the missions among the children together with the departure of the troops on the Mediterranean the torpedoing the transport ami the rescue along with personal experiences made Ihe lecture great educa tional A patriotic duel by the Misses Richardson and a patriotic so lo by Mr word also well received and the occupied the chair Next Monday evening a Relum ed Missionary from China will give an address It is hoped that there will lie another record at tendance YANKEE TRICKED HUN8 Paris Oct Phelps with one of the French brought down alone one seven German machines flying in company Collins returning from patrol duty noticed puffs of shrapnel in the direction of from allied antiaircraft guns He flew at a great height toward the puffs found himself above the seven German ma chines One German look so as to be able lo attack the American if ho descended lo engage Hie others Collins lurT- and flew swiftly toward the French lines as though afraid lo fight The German satisfied that Collins had been scared away re sumed place with the others Collins returned before the enemy machines noticed him dived down and fired into the last machine which doubled up and fell in flames He escaped before the other six could fire upon him Collins is years of age and was educated in the University of Ida- bo SITUATION HOPEFUL The soldier in the old Russian army bad fewer rights than a dog and was treated far worse The wonder is not that the new Rus sian army little discipline but that il has so much So says Edward Russell the Root Commissioner who has just re turned from Russia and whose article on the new Slav republic in Hearsts Magazine for Novem ber amounts practically to an of ficial report on Russian condi tions Mr Russell with a full knowledge of that Russia is now going through is very ful about the eastern situation and believes that by next spring the Hussion armies will again he doing their full share in making the world safe for democra Mineola Oct Lieut in his carrying eight passengers ar rived at Government aviation field here from Hampton Vir ginia at pm today He covered- the distance of about 325 miles in four hours West Toronto Oct 23 The Ire which occurred in Jew ish Synagogue on Maria Street yesterday afternoon caused con siderable among Ihe Hebrew community The work of the synagogue at a cost of was on point of completion but fire will it necessary that all the work be done over again The damage to the building is estimated approx imately at 92000- which is only partially covered by insurance I- v are very very sorry to bear Mr Morning passed when ho wont down to see if ho was fit for ser vice Mr Clifford Terry was home on Sunday Mrs Terry spent Sunday in Toronto Miss Mary McCarthy her broth er and Terry were at Kettlcby Saturday night Mrs MacMillan was the guest of Mrs Hugh Maclean on Sunday last Mrs J Jackson and Mr and Mrs Parr motored from Weston Mrs W J Sniders a Mr A Lew of Toronto motored up to Mr Walls fox ranch It must be some attraction Won der if there are any dears around are sorry to report Mys A Barman is ill Hope lo hear or her speedy recovery Whistling Jim Mr ami Powell spent Monday afternoon at the home of Mr Atkinson Mr Geo was home if- white Miss friend Miss tlif white house for lhowookend also her Taylor of Aurora were present at Wesley Church morning Mrs and da ugh to of were on a Orchard Beach were at Mr Walkers over the weekend Mr and Mrs Wm in Toronto on Saturday last shopping expedition Mr Snider and family also Miss Jean Powell motored to on Sunday in time for Church services and on heir re turn home in the evening attend ed Church On account of stormy weather last Thursday afternoon only a few of the Joy Class girls were at their Bee at Miss Bibbs Those who were present certainly bad a good time and before leaving for home a dainty lunch was served The girls have two quilts started for Missions which looks as if they were trying lo do heir bit as class Mrs W Sanders ville also Mr A holder of the Standard Bank were guests at Mr Macklem Cooks on duy Miss Cynthia Cook attended ho funeral of the late John Hoi man of Toronto on Thursday Rev Paine preached a vory in structive and impressive mission ary sermon on Sundayafternoon telling us some of the conditions of China in the interior which are appalling and which should stil us up to greater diligence along the Missionary line We hope lie may preach more of these ser mons Ladies Aid which was held at Mr John Browns on Thursday afternoon last was a decided suc cess although the weather was so inclement A pleasant and profitable lime was spent CO THE OTI1EK SIDE tor Era I noticed in last weeks is sue of your paper some unknown farmers wife was very curious to know why the dealer raised milk a quart when the farmers raised We agree with the farmers wife that they only I a quart since Oct 1st In the fall of 1910 the farmer was getting SI for can of milk and Hie deal- was selling at a The farmer raised il to for gal can and the dealer still held it at a The farmer now getting for an can which you will perceive is a rise of over a since the fall of therefore is no more of a for the dealer than it is for the armor and during that time our bottles and caps have NEWMARKET A Heavy Pino Wool Hose for Boys and 10 Good Value 75o pr Ladles Hose Penmans All Wool Todays Price Our Prico Fine Bladk Cashmere Hose to Good Value Pure White Hose Ladles Only to 10 pr Ladles Pure White and Drawers Low Neck Short Good Weight for Fall Wear Unshrinkable Underwear to per Garment NOW THE TO BUY YOUR FALL AND AND THIS IS J THE RIGHT STORE FOR RIGHT GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES doubled in price Dealer a BRADFORD Mr Thorpe has sold his farm on the road lo Mr Herb Arnold of Cookslown are told the price was Mr Alex Butcher has sold his farm to Mr of the price being in excess of 12- Schomherg struck it bad for Ihe Fair this year It was lo have been on the but it rained all day so was postponed lo the when it rained heavier than on the other day Ding ding ding went the fire bell again on Saturday night An overheated furnace in Mr Gil bert Lukes house caused a little fire which was soon extinguished The temperance forces are organizing to abolish the bar in Montreal and Sale Register Oct Mr J A Haw- tin will have a sale of standing and down Timber consisting of Maple and Tamarac on Lot Con King Old Survey Sale al two oclock Smith And Live Stock Markets paid in Toronto this Top prices week Choice Cattle Choice Cattle Handy Butcher Choice Butcher Cows Milkers Springers Choice Veal Calves Medium Veals 31100 12500 Common Calves Spring Lambs 1050 Sheep car3 Hogs fob country points Toronto Markets mention a few of the wo Putting on Sale AT Wool flog por garment for Mens Coats for 200 Worsteds and nog for Suits In sorgo worsteds and tweeds sizes 35 to Reg for Ladles velvet trimmed and plush for Ladles Heavy Winter Coats Reg for Ladles Skirts bluo and sorgo 4 fop Ladies for Ladles Stockings for 20o Overcoats Hog for 405 Boys Suits Keg- for Before you buy your Supply call and see our Largo of boots CLEARING OUT MILLINERY A Good Assortment or Ladles misses and Chlldrons Trimmed Hats and i I Couth of IHng George Hotel I- L A Rod Cow with long horns strayed from the premises of Newmarket a few days ago Information of her will he rewarded SALE OP AND Messrs Boyd and Thompson are having a sale of Head of Pure Bred Cows and and Two Males Ihe Mansion House On Saturday Commencing One oclock Sharp Among the number is Queen No who won 1st Prizes at the leading shows under lest Maid No Fairmont Minister kol also Winner of many 1st Prizes under teat The balance aro daughters and granddaugh ters of these cows and got by best Sires Also selling CO Head of IVcoh Springers and Cows in full flow of milk as well of 35 25 Fall Wheat bush 214 Wheat Barley bush Timothy Hay Mixed Hay l OOgw ESTABLISHED 1875 il Newmarket Markets lb SO Eggs doz Wheal per bush 203 Oats per bush 60 narley per bush Bran ton Shorts ton Potatoes per bag Stater Notice is given thai the above Elevator will reopen on Tues day the Hi of October All Kinds of Grain Sold HAUDLEiD I Highest Pile Paid A Square lo AIL r OF CANADA UP FUND IAtirJliJiO Till is today to production our local NEWMARKET RANCH M SMYTH Manager j NEWMARKET i or- o aiiriveo ALL lumber CEMENT FEE OS I- from tt or by i ihbiyi tiH ijO x

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