Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 19 Oct 1917, p. 4

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Has Been Moat ho Move Proof churches of nominations have ho functions with refreshments wilt bo hold Wntle the war continues It all other places In Can made a similar move against waste Newmar ket included A very important dcclulon was given in the Appellate Division at Hall Toronto Fri day Money a wife put of dun provided by husband to defray household expenses is the property of and a wife baa no authority In law to hat half of a joint To women who are suffering from some form of womans special ills and have a constant fear of breaking down the three following letters ought to bring hope I North Win When I i old I got married and at years I gave birth to twins and it mo with very poor health I could not walk across floor without having Hit down to rest and it was hard for mo to keep about Old do my work I went to a doctor and lie told me I had a displacement and ulcere and would have to have an operation This frightened me bo much that I did not know what to do Having hoard of Vegetable Compound I thought would give it a trial and it made mo as well over I cannot enough in favor of remedies Mrs North Wis from Oklahoma Okla When I began to take Vegetable Compound I seemed to good for nothing I tired easily and ha1 headaches much of tho time and wo irregular I took it again before my little child was born and It did me a wonderful amount of good at that I never fall to recommend Vegetable Compound to ailing women because it has done ho much for moVMrs A Have From a Grateful Maosachusetta Woman Mass I was Buffering from and was examined by a physician who found ray troublo was caused a Is placement My symptoms wore bearing down paras backache ami sluggish I tried kinds of medi cine then I was asked to try Lydia Vegetable Compound It baa cured mo and I am pleased to bo in my usual good health by using it and highly recommend it Mm Ml Park Mass If you want to Lydia Li Co confidential Lynn Your letter will bo opened read and and hold in confidence iWillilnHhd last fortnight since Pari prorogued Con- members of Parliament have been provide bertha A boon given an a year job as Commissioner Clarence son pulls down a year Civil Koryc6Coirirni3Hl6npr Gerald lakes the lion of Inspector of Storage on the Ottawa largely an ornamental office Mr haw to be appeased because he was dlHappohited in lion to he a Senator Frank of who was btHik account in the name of her- j certain to he defeated by Win harbor as inspector of Dredging In Dr Interior gets a mil of the insurance of six thousand dollars a year as Chairman of the Civil Service Commission vice Dr Ad am the capable and non- who is shifted to the Board of Historical a very dusty pigeon hole for the brilliant and public- spirited doctor In addition Roche five other cabinet ministers must be provided for to way for the new fUHionisr members of be Government sir Ioye I JV7 ho HURON r4 i self and her husband as her own personal property appeal of defendant from a judgment of a lower court was dismissed with costs If a woman has any funds of her own she must have sep arate account in the Bank from her husband or else money can be lined for bo payment of her husbands debts Comments of Exchanges Toronto Mail and Far mors who object to a price about for their wheat dont is as know when they are well off London where bis aspirations price of wheat in Australia has To crown his career as a peer of been a bushel and there is J the realm will be diligently big surplus loft from lljo oldjvoicd place as cabinej min er op and a new one of about later without portfoliothe bushels coming along in Hon ho occupied before he became a few months Argentina lias a locum tenons as Overseas of about of Militia will probably be els with record crops in sight in taken by Hon Frank Cochrane December and January In fact who has expressed a desire to be if it were not for the shipping rid of the hardships of Jan difficulty the North American contest to seek refuge In Indian Argentine and Australian flic Senate The Hon George surpluses to he stored In the next Foster is also slalerl for a cot in few months would represent more national dormitory the than wheathungry Europe needs weather in North Toronto Instead of a worldwide shortage disfinctlv unfavorable for therefore there is actually in I the Minister of Trade and Com- a surplus If peace The Hon who is to make room for a real labor minister will be sal- isled with a Hon Martin Bur roll who finds the social jf of Ottawa very tractive will given a snug Hi- fi berth at IhlK capital some thing thai will not lake him awav from teas and golf club probably the Clerkship of the House of Commons which car ries with it live thousand dollars a year and as much ease and dig nity as Mr likes Hu mor assigns the position of Minister of Militia to Sir whose title and wealth Oiinnor Ernest Dunn Who returned from the front to his home in Newmarket last week best embodied in Sir Joseph cent bacon which be purchased in the United Stales for Sir Joseph represents in his person the and powerful influences behind the Borden Government Food Controller Banna is a Borden Government bluff Mr You that regard fhj the Is bached by facts Not dollar has ever been lost by on investor In Mortgage Corporation Debentures Mortgage Corporation Debentures The Debentures Standard Reliance Mortgage Corporation yield Interest thousand dollars Invested Standard Debentures compounded tor years amounts to A gain of or Invest In Merlface Debenture No aty about PROFITS FROM very viluablt financial cant on request lor it today tew TV to the thousands of middle- ranch OfHcot AYR DnOCKVlUe CHATHAM ELUIRA WOODSTOCK toirrlst 5 imperii f store Mr by Corner lo come wheat prices would probably drop about 50o Mercury The Mercury has no patience with the cry that because Mr has broken with his parly he is no longer a Liberal The pronouncing of mere parly is neith er here nor there in these tragic years The only thing that matters is in our opinion is a thing right or is it wrong is it going to lend strength lo our war measures or is it going to ham per them il going lo enable us lo play our part at home so that clear conscience men scattered all over Canada Everybody knows that- the small grocer and exist by suf ferance of the big fellows who make the price and allow the fellow just enough margin to get along on Sir Joseph vcllc doesnt even allow that He has his chain of retail stores and lakes little middlemans pro fits and the big middleman too Alb things work together for Sir Joseph if the Borden Government would untie Food Controller llan- hands he might be able to gel at the big fellows Go to the source that is the way 101 scotch the high cost of living The millers for example- surely Controller knows the current price of flour is lant The current price of flour is based on the current price of wheal and wheat has been a ris ing market ever since the war started The real price of flour made from wheat purchased two and three years ago should be based on the price of wheal at the time it was bought Our Toronto Letter I lie had so long and so faithfully j anniversary of Heights the event was In exactly four weeks of ex- 1 The Major holds the ami nations men came to distinction of the Toronto Mobilization Centre brought down more German to ascertain their physical illness under the act This huge total whole British does not include the men who up intending to attest if found ill and docs not include men who applied and were ex amined the object of join ing the Royal Flying Corps of odd men were placed in Category A that is fit for any branch of service The Canadian Military Insti tute has seen few such gather- brought down three of these and as that on Saturday since the then firing all his ammunition at beginning of the war but on an- the fourth and having exhausted count of such a distinguished his weapons of offence lurn- as Major A Bishop and back and made his way to Ilia also because the day was the base I- now has 17 to his credit Thai record is surpassed by only one airman on the allied side lion Mr ell told how Major the Victoria Cross out instructions on a I hen flying farther lines came to an enemy airdrome where he found six or ma chines ready to ascend How won He carried and over 3 of I Moor varsity Hospital Eyes Hi paint Arde phone To HOME Every Lover of MADE BAKING Our Favorite and Five Flour FRESH FEED GOOD Prices Right OLIVER YEtttfQ CASH ANTHRACITE Give Us a COAL Call I Phono SOUTH END I STORE LOTS OF FEED BRAN AND SHORTS ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR ALSO CREAM OF THE WEST In the Broad Making at tho Fairs for Milling Go May of Prompt Delivery HOWARD Phono CO can welcome the hoys thai return from the war secure in the know ledge thai we have kepi faith wilh them or is it going to place us under the ban of having toyed willi questions that shook the earth and trifled with matters of supremo importance while our brave lads at the front went down lo death for our safely Times The school fairs which have become such a popu lar feature in rural districts in recent years have a distinctive educational value which moro than justifies their existence and warrants their continuance and hearty support Pupils of the different schools in a township are brought into competition with each other in an endeavor to ex cel in garden production slock judging and various arts and crafts The boy who becomes expert in the judging of young cattle is likely to become a suc cessful and the lad who knows lie destructive habits of weeds will probably have a cleaner farm when he grows older than lie would if he didnt pos sess hat knowledge Practical knowledge is always the best kind and an added stimulus to the teaching of agriculture in the schools is given by every boy and girl cultivating their own garden plots THIRTEEN SHIPS Oct 12 Details of how the famous commerce raid er made her raids be fore meeting her fate on the reefs of Mopeha island and pass ed inspection of a British cruiser by assuming the disguise of a lumber carrier were revealed hero today by Captain Smith master of the American schooner one of Ihe known victims of the German tile law do well in English 4 Goes to Pmm report changes to our Office today Ufa bf craft The put a German port and in cembcr out asva lor schooner under command of Lieut Von and a crev of Half of the crew spoke Norwegian With forged Norwegian clear ance papers and two fourinch guns concealed by a of lumber Ihe vessel put lo sea en countered a British cruiser pass ed inspection mounted her guns and proceeded lo sink thirteen vessels in the Atlantic two them Britishers Captain Smith said The final capture in Ihe Allan- tic was a French bark on which of the prisoners were put and sent to do Ja neiro The escaped its pursuers and rounded Capo Horn beginning a campaign of destruc tion in the South Pacific Depredations of the a converted American vessel were announced by the Navy De partment October 9 ought to climate There are ten vacancies in he Senate five of which are as good as filled now Messrs Bennett and Barnard being lie names mentioned These with the seats in the Senate recently handed out to Messrs Macdouell and Fisher will make eight Conservative who have been lifted out of danger serene atmosphere of he Upper Chamber Incidentally rumor is busy with the name of Hon Bob as a prospective Senator The Honorable Bob would have his troubles in being In Winnipeg again and it is said would he satisfied now with a seat in the Senate his time for grab bing something bigger having gone by The Hon Bob Is said O have wailed too long He should have grabbed the High a year ago when the grabbing was better At all events the Hon Bob will not be torn away from the old famil iar scene The new Parliament building is to be a splendid af fair The Senate quarters will be luxurious the atmosphere of gossip and intrigue just as brisk as ever in short the best club in Canada All these straws indicate that conscription is not the issue that Premier Bordens followers thought it would he Conscrip tion is now the law Whatever people may think about it they are taking it quietly Act was passed there has not been a peep out of Quebec which is a great disappointment lo those who bad hoped thai it would stand Quebec on her head Those two leaders of thought in Quebec Sir and Sir Gouin have told their people that since is the law of the land it is their duly lo obey Quebec follows lhal pood advice it obeys the Sir Wilfrid still has strong views on conscription Since everybody in Canada is agreed that winning war is the first duly and since there was really never any difference on point except as to the meth ods by which the war was to be won that issue may be regarded as settled The paramount is sue at the next general election will he Ihe high cost of living- Over five hundred automobiles have been stolen in Toronto dur ing the past year Food Controller says the Bradbury sugar shortage is so serious that the manufacture of candies con fectionery and jam may have lo be prohibited That the downfall of the Ger man Kmpire as it exists today is necessary lo the development of the human race is the conclu sion arrived at by Mr lecturer of the American Sec- lion of Ihe Tbeosophical Society speaking in Canadian Foresters Hall one evening last week Mayor Church staled lhal the street cleaners would not be paid for Ihe lime they were on strike It would mean about lo the city said the Mayor They will however be paid time and a half for any overtime work that may be necessary the back he condition they were in before the strike and in catching up on the garbage collection A boy named Willie 7 years of age was run over by an ice wagon on Saturday and died Oil the way to the Hospital In his will the late Harry left to the City to be in he purchase of benches lo cost 5100 each to be made ac cording lo a design approved by his trustees Fifty of these will be placed about Island Park and the lake shore frontage at To ronto Island and the remainder to he scattered throughout other parks in the city Rev Ben editor of The Pioneer has been invited to England to speak at a number of public temperance meetings and will be here till the of No vember The probe into the packers which is being made by a Dominion Commission tinder the chairmanship of Henderson K was resumed at the City Hall on Saturday morning Dis crepancies in the presentation of Evidence owing lo a lack of uni formity in the accounting meth ods has required that many of sit Agent i Mar At alt ME Call CUT Kept The man who Scared ghosts is afraid of nothing f im A The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has beep able to cure In all Its stages and that Is catarrh Catarrh greatly Influenced by treatment Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acts thru the blood on the Mucous Surfaces thereby de stroying the foundation of the disease giving the patient strength by up the and assisting nature in doing its work The proprietor CO touch In powers of Halls Cure they for fcby that It to Sand far J- oil the statistical tables dealing with the transactions of the Matthews- Company bo recast to conform with the method of ac counting used for the records dealing with the affairs of the Wm Company The Company had large contracts wilh the British Government and made a profit of a million dollars in nine months Dr Griffin passed away suddenly Saturday evening Dr Griffin had celebrated his birthday on Wednesday last He was on that occasion quite active and cheerful although he had been feeling rather poorly for a week or so previous it r Ihe Methodist Church loses one of its and most valued servants Dr Griffin had been treasurer of Superannuation Fund for J years and under his skilful it prosperous The general conference Montreal two years recorded Us confidence in his ability when spite of Mr awe J elected him to position Itat A Matter of CJioice If you ore a lover of sixcylinder performance or if your choice is a car equipped with a tried and true fourcylinder engine you will do well to look into the merits of the Overland Model EightyFive This is the popular model that is built in both motor a Four or a Six Both are big comfortable cars The Four has a wheelbase of inches the Six inches Doth are beauties in appearance and in action Cantilever rear springs andtig roomy seats afford solid riding comfort for five people you have decided to invest in a moderately priced teal family car one that will stand up under steady service- drop in and ask for a demonstration of this Model Eighty Five Ottrland and Cloiid Cr Latest AH I Call A Memo Dealer PI Huron Tea Inch Tout In Inch ill J CO Agents Main St South Newmarket land Limited Your hi LI iudi L h h On TO HON TO

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