Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 28 Sep 1917, p. 4

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sn j J Kind You Have Always Bought borne tJio of and been made under fox over Allow no one to deceive you jiatfcb J ay the health of Children What Dominion Parliament prorogued the GovernorGen eral on after giving royal to much important la a passed during tho prolong- for Castor Oil Paregoric and Soothing It la pleasant It contains neither Opium nor other la guarantee It For thirty it been in for tho relief of U nation Troubles Diarrhoea tlio Food giving and natural The Mothers Friend Yen Soars of For 1ft awarded to Canadians for valor tlio post wceki Our hoys keeping up the record for Canada arc you doing for i A election will follow fall and political are getting roaay for conflict No doubt the next will present many now faces yrs and over Rubber Toronto pair Rubber Boots value with by Society SOtfO J00 Yearling Stallion VVW Imported or Canadian Bred Stallions and over 1st given by John Taylor 2nd 2nd by Society Stallion two years I John Box Borax Soap I- i I Furnace Work Plumbing Our Specialties See Bathroom Outfit at tlio Shop TINSMITHS OSBORHE ft SOBS TO On I for Salo DAVIS East of Bank of Toronto PHOTOS t Your friends oah buy any thlno thorn MAKE FOR YOU Phone Photographer Studio One Door West of the New Poet Office EVENING Speaking of tho waste of grain in distilleries and in Canada which Food Control ler could slop with stroke or his pen Christian Guardian remarks To u it is a national crime that with I In- world and our homeland face to face with Canada should continue the wilful and wicked waste of pounds of food each year It Is up to Mr to consider his responsibility 300 There is a new musical inslru- now which sounds like a though it is not a stringed instrument This instrument runs three octaves chromatic and like the piano is played by means of a small key- hoard When in use the instru ment is placed on top of piano although it- has no connection with the piano however it can also be played with the piano for accompaniment The action is absolutely unique unlike that in any similar instrument One of its principal advantages is that there Is no chance practically for it toget out of repair and no cumbersome dry cells or storage batteries are required to run it It works on either alternating or direct current plugged in on any ordinary electric lighting or pow er circuit Illustrated World The Manitoba Government will spent for the pur chase of sheep in Ontario at once and will sell these at cost to the farmers of the province Capt returned from Baffins Laud reports having an nexed square miles of territory rich in animals min erals and fish and having dis covered a middle passage free lirom ice- till with LOCAL APPLICATIONS as they mot reach the seat of the disease KaUrrh Is a local disease greatly jflucnced by conditions in order to cure it you must take internal remedy Halls Catarrh jure la taken Internally and acts thru She blood on the surfaces of he system Halls Catarrh Cure was by one of the In this country for years It Is of aouie of tonics town combined with of the t blood The perfect of the Ingredients In Halls Guid la produces audi in Bond for fix i uissl6U Mr Owen M P in addressing a Conservative gathering in To ronto last week remarked Many in high places in gov ernment of Canada had grabbed four knighthoods and one baron etcy at the same time had been swelling their bank rolls and bulging their pockets with money squeezed out of the blood of the people It is time those things were slopped and that the hold ers of illgotten gains were com pelled to disgorge the plunder and return it to the public treasury These words will find an echo at the next election Despite War Canadas Reading Public is well served as will be seen in the current issue of the Canadian Newspaper Directory compile by A Limited Advertising Agency of Montreal Toronto Winnipeg and London There are publica tions of all kinds now being is sued in Canada including dailies semi- weeklies weeklies monthlies bimonthly and 10 quarterlies Ltd issued its Aral Canadian News paper Directory twentysix years ago the firm has seen the birth of many of the publications list ed in its Directory and is in a po sition to have accurate know ledge of the held The present day condition of the Canadian press enables the Dominion to continue to boast the largest reading public in the world in proportion to population- Newspaper Directory con tains a wealth of general infor mation regarding every town and city in Canada where a newspaper or other publication is issued giving population transporta tion telegraph telephone ex press banking facilities and oth er accommodations It is a ver itable mine of uptodate infor mation for business men Comments of Exchanges Mercury When a man lies on bis back on the edge of a ditch nine miles from home for a couple of hours and tries to figure out why the hanged old thing wont go be begins to see the point in those auto ads that speak about getting close to na ture to 200 IPO Are Constructed In Canada Canada is playing a bigger part in the game of beating Hun pir acy than is imagined by the or dinary citizen Censorship reg ulations and the tendency of the British Government to keep its Canadian shipbuilding plans se cret is preventing the telling of the full story of developments in this industry throughout Canada during the past two years On account of the big demand for more boats industries have sprung up in a week Many big Canadian concerns have eliminat ed their regular work and have gone into shipbuilding One big firm of contractors has ed a big shipyard on the Paci fic Coast where it will turn out big boats for transoceanic trade In fact the Atlantic and Pacific coasts are hives of shipbuilding industry Yards that were fall ing into disuse have been mod ernized for rapid ship construc tion In every little port where possible on the Lakes a ship of some kind is being con structed shipbuilding In dustry is fast becoming a vital factor in the industrial life of cities like Vancouver Toronto Kingston Montreal New Glasgow and many intervening points No less than steel boats of all kinds are under construction Of these arc being constructed on the Atlantic coast 30 on the Great Lakes and on the Pa cific coast These do not the large number of subchas ers and other boats being regu larly shipped to Britain by Cana dian shipbuilding firms All men discharged from the Canadian Expeditionary force in Canada who Have not been over seas will be required to report under the terms of military act tram en rare I J 00 50 Co Toronto 2nd by Society J Slalliona 2 yrs old 1st given by Stephen Thompson Ml Albert Halter value 2nd by Society Yearling Stallion 1st v 2nd by Society y Imported Mare with Foal by side or evidence of having raised a foal In 1st given by Lever Ltd Toronto Soap value 2nd by Society i Spring Colt or Filly from Imported Mare and Biro 1st and 2nd given by John A Son Brood Mare with Foal by side or evidence of having raised a foal in 1st given by J Canadian Cooker 2nd given by A Newmarket Goods Spring Colt or Filly 1st J 2nd given by Hunter Newmarket Goods Gelding or Filly 2 yrs old v Yearling Gelding or Filly 1st given by P C Co Toronto lbs value 2nd given by Bennett Newmarket Goods value Society Canadian Draught Horses Span In Harness 1st given by MassoyHarris Co Ltd Toronto 1 Walking Plow valued at Winner to pay 1200 2nd given by the Campbell Flour Mills Co Ltd Cream of West Flour value Mare with foal by side or evidence of having raised a foal in 1st given by Canadian Fairbanks Morse Co Toronto Set of Scales I I i a fl 2nd by Society Spring Colt or Filly Two Year Old Gelding or Filly Yearling Gelding or Filly 1st Best Draught Marc on Rein given by A Lister Co Toronto i Lister Farmers Anvil vaT Cart Horse Mare or Gelding 1st given by Clark Agent Newmarket Wheelbarrow val with added by Society Span in Harness given by J Floury Sons Co Mfg Aurora a Dandy Plow Winner to pay 2nd given by John Newmarket Goods General Span in Harness 1st given by C Wilson Son Toronto Brass Scales value 2nd by Society Brood Marc with Foal by side or evidence of having had fi 111 I vl I I 9 9 2nd Newmarket Era for year with added by Society Spring Coll or Filly Yearling Gelding or Filly Two Year Old Gelding or Filly hands and under Span in Harness C 2nd Newmarket Era for year 8150 with 8150 added by Society Single Mare or Gelding in Harness Brood Mare with Foal by side or evidence of baying raised a foal in Spring Colt or Filly 1st for with added by Society 2nd by Society Gelding or Filly old Yearling Gelding or Filly 2nd Express Herald Newmarket for year with 81 added by Society Span in Harness a Single Driver Mare or Gelding in Harness 1st 2nd given by Samuel Trees Co Toronto Holly Whip value with by Society Brood Mare with Foal by side or evidence of having raised a foal in 1917 1st given national Stock Food Co Toronto Stock Food Tonic value 2nd by Society -rr- Spring Colt or Filly Gelding or Filly yrs old 1st given by J Barrett Track Bridle value 2nd by Society Yearling Gelding or Filly Equestrian Lady Driver 1st by the Co Ltd 1000 2nd given by The Simpson Co Ltd Case Silverware 3rd given by Piano Music Co Toronto Piano Stool value Saddle Horse Gents Turnout Mare or Gelding Harness Whip Blanket Buggy Exhibitor must bo Bona Fide owner of Entire Outfit Pony Class Span in hands and under 3 Single Pony in Harness Mare or Gelding hands and under I 300 200 200 year 300 300 200 by one pail of 300 200 500 100 25 Span of Ponies in Harness 12 hands and under Pony in Harness Mare or Gelding bands and under Pony Brood Mare Foal by side 200 1st lbs Butler in crock 1st given by W Humphrey Toronto Butter to become his properly by Society 10 lbs Butter in crock 1st given by Kinnear Co Toronto Butler to become their properly 2nd by Society lbs Butter in crock 1st given by W A Drummond Co Toronto one Milk and Cream Testing Outfit complete butter to become their pro- value 2nd by Society For Best lbs Butler in Lib rolls given by the On tario Wind Engine and Pump Co Toronto Butter to become their properly lbs Butter in crock 1st given by J Millard New market Butter to become his property Goods to the value of 2nd by Society lbs Butter in crock 1st given by Tom Newmarket Hut tor to become his property 2nd by Society lbs Butter in 1lb rolls 1st given by Jos Pipher New market Butler to become his properly 2nd by Society 10 lbs Butter 1st given by D Reeve Butter to become his properly 2nd by Society lbs Butter in rolls 1st given by Samuel Lukes Bradford Imperial Flour value 1300 Butter to become his properly Best lbs Honey in jar 1st by James Whimsler Co Newmarket Honey to become their properly Best 10 lbs Honey in Jar 1st by Waller Eves Newmar ket Honey to become his property Best lbs Honey in Jars 1st given by Huntley to become bis property Best gal Maple Syrup in Jar 1st by Wm Syrup to become his property 50 Canned not less than finned Pickles not less than si varieties f Collection 2nd 100 Since graphite and wood wore first combined as an aid to com munication by correspondence Germany or more particularly Bavaria and Austria have been of duatry It was exactly the environment nor tho suitability of natural products that caused these industries to spring up in these countries but labor condi tions chiefly The conditions un der which the lived who made wonderful pencils which have earned a worldwide de mand because of their perfection and suitability for all kinds of work are said to be revolting in the extreme It is claimed that some of the best pencils in the vorld when made in Europe aro made under all kinds of sweat shop conditions The people work all day for what Canadian workmen would spend on one meal for his family yet through years and years of concentration these workmen have become so expert that their work fin est quality procurable and can not bo copied yet awhile Industry So completely bad Bavaria and Austria dominated the pencil trade that other foreign firms In cluding a sprinkling of British concerns saw the apparent ne cessity of locating there espe cially in Austria It ia claimed that these helped to improve the general conditions But even at this no Canadian firm could manufacture pencils at the prices the foreign makes could be laid down Canada The different conditions under which Canadian workmen live the higher stand ard of living a greater variety of needs all demanded the payment Of higher wages than was and is paid to the Austrian and Bavari an workmen In this country child labor wherever It is dis covered is eliminated Under these many circumstan ces Canada lias therefore bad to depend upon foreign makers for pencils The Canadian buyers al- ways demanded the lowestpriced article no matter what nationali ty the maker and when the sup plies began to fall short after war bad been waging upwards of a year prices took an upward trend Today Canadian users of foreignmade pencils are paying upwards of cents for what they want but these supplies are dwindling fast and very probably will soon be off the market Aus trian and German manufacturers apparently expecting war 10 break out long before hostilities occurred had huge supplies or pencils slacked away in ware- bouses on this side of the Atlan tic and the fact that they have been able to supply the market from slocks on this side of the Atlantic during more than three years of war is an earnest of what the individual German man ufacturers were expecting some time during 1914 or Canadians Show Unusual This is where Canadian ingen uity and enterprise have helped to ward off a growing want It might have been suicidal for a Canadian firm to to com pete with these European Inter ests under prewar conditions Competition was absolutely out of the question in fact competition was never considered for a mo ment The gradual extinction of the slocks of Ihecheaper grades of pencils was the incentive that led a Canadian firm The Wm Cane Sons Co Limited at New market Ontario to embark upon the manufacture of Made-in- Pencils- True these pencils are not the acme of per fection yet nor are Ihey packed to the nicely foreignmade pen cils arc the manufacturer admits all this but there Is a de mand for his product and perfec tion will be reached Tremendous difficulties have bad to be surmounted before pen cils could be made in Canada Special workmen had to bo ob tained then the different types of machinery and latterly the proper qualities of wood and graphite But after twelve months of operation this manu facturer claims that he is see ing daylight and will soon able to demonstrate that the ln- can be firmly established in Canada Many Improvements advancements have been made during this year of operation although Mr Cane had to experiment for two years be fore he could place a pencil on the market It is boast of people who prefer Austrian and Bavarian pencils thai the de gree of perfection and price of fered for tho foreign make will soon exclude the Canadian mako from the market when peace Is declared But the stale of per fection arrived at by the Canadian maker should minimize such It is claimed that the Canadianmade pencils sharpen too rough that the wood splinters that tho enamel Is not any too good that the lead needs improvement and that print ing is cloudy and blotched This was the case once but mens that are being turned out compare very favorably with be foreign makes All of colors are being used now to whit enamel The cedars from and the baking and tho ther mometer chows exact temperature free booklet describes many other special features Writ for I TORONTO S I J IM r fie ST ft COLD J A ALU CO obtainable from Canadian mines when mixed with other supplies can Into same varie ties hardness etc as that coining from Britain and Ceylon All the enamels and glues used on the pencils are made In a Such satisfactory results been accomplished so far that the Governments School Board au thorities and many big firms arc using them and Ihe industry will probably become so firmly before the war ends and the people will be so educated to encourage home industries that pencilmaking will be permanent established in Canada Soon Mr Cane expects lo making pencils of all degrees of hardness also indelible pencil- crayons and slate pencils 9 for ST cheaper pencils at those coming from Asia used la the foreign graphite Because it chiefly consists of the Assam teas of Northern India the strongest and richest in the less Red Rose is required in the tea pot Where four or five spoonfuls of ordinary tea are required just use three of Red Rose And feed Rose tastes better Kept Good by Sealed Package TUB FLAVOUR LASTS Open the sealed end with your finger nail i Push on the other end to make sticks project Pull out one push the others back in I NK i Unwrap the double cover and see how surpassingly delicious and fullflavoured it is mm A Canada The Flavour AIL I I is mmbumm MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ROUGE- AND 1 Such as Flooring Siding Moulding and Inside Trim in Pino Cypress Asli and Oak and Stair Materia all well kiln dried and nicely machined and Window Frames In or Sold will you By fcV

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