Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 31 Aug 1917, p. 5

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t I 9 id ft- r I v- Toronto lDpe oucen arid BU icrG Snider J Harvey Bono and I Off loo Toronto Building Jfflono Will ho in I Frank Duncan A XlVEBPOOMinrJITOB FRED Dr Wllklneoni DENTIST Main and Newmarket Corner Dr 8 J of Toronto nS a Licentiate of College of Surgeon Bye Hospital and pur Now nd Throat England Tested Glasses suppMod Telephone I hies Hours- RICHMOND r Labor Monday a public holl- day according to Statute All places will from to ow During week fol lowing name have appeared in tho of Iritis Gassed Returned Aurora Mr Hoy Show of St ban a herd at tho To ronto Exhibition among wliioli arc wo have broken for and Milk How Rdicnrcd from Editor of republish at request J I Food Embargo Canned corn and to cannot bo used til the of October by ordor of Controller Householder who violate this order aro open to penally new food must be used Residence Mr I North Hamiltons Newmarket AND JEWELLER Park Avenue New Post Office Green AND HANGER Ave 2nd from Queen St Newmarket Phono Box A Teacher of Piano Voice and Dealer in all kihds of Mu sical Instruments and Piano for Columbia and Complete Block I Prompt The held llioir annua at Jloiid a week ago last Saturday afternoon The noxious weeds on streets and on vaoant lots continue their healthy growth unmolested T The lingular Monthly Meeting Of the Christian Tem perance Union will bo- bold on Tuesday Sept in tho home of Mrs on Millard Ave commencing at pm A full attendance is requested Press I Next Tuesday all tho schools open again in- Town and coun try As far as possible all the students should he present at the opening as it gives a better op portunity for the to the classes and arrange the work Taunton la sides and when my coins to from work and a long tWtV woman- to our and asked my mother wbyIwaa I Buffering Motor told her that I every month dont you buy a of My mother bought It and next month I was no well thst I worked all month without staying at home a day I am In good health now and have told lota of girls about IfMics Russell Street Taunton Muss of suffer In every month rather tiiari consult a 1 If girls who are troubled with In fill or periods backache icftdache sensations fainting spoils or take Vegetablo Com- pound a and pure remedy from roots and herbs much suffering might bo avoided Writ to Co Lynn confidential for whlcli prove helpful J r the are atill beauty of the great resort can scarcely yet be judged tha are one can when trie Rbspitablo doors are opened After the war that Inn for liousugssibeaulyQf location convenience arid par of aervioe If any among the great The bigness of- its grandeur of location and its mar- architectural beauty must bo seen bo appreciated All efforts to describe it futile Many have been con- tonledto know their friends Bays is not bard to dorful their has not led them to make a closer in vestigation seo it for thomsclvcs their conception of what this great resort is and what it moans to future of this Lake of Bays is very vague After a glorious sail aboard The Algonquin in charge of Captain Sangstcr and under the very and obliging St- I Lyman Jokeon Issuer of Marriage Licenses Al the Era Office Newmarket Office Private issued private re sidence if desire NEWMARKET nil DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones Call before ordering elsewhere CUT 8TONE BUILDING PUHP08E8 I Kept in Stock and Made to Friends Canada Yearly of Friends convenes in Friends Mooting House Newmarket oclock this evening Very special services on Sun day as well as public meetings on Saturday Monday and Tuesday evenings A largo number of delegates are expected Mr Otter- of the purser man one is aboard I ho famous littlj in and which summerrbsortB on the North American What it wlllinean a- factor in development of the Lake of the once on a par with the best pro vided resorts in Americaahd will attract a class of trade that has not up to the present been appealed to This means that Inn will become such an asset as will add value to ev ery resort on the lakes and will give a tremendous to the commercial interests of our lake i- tipiwfieitmng of Books free forRed Ball Trademark cut from Carton or Seek and limlwd SUGAR REFINERIES Montreal TjHii A An estate valued at was loft by Win P Wood a King Township farmer who died Aug Mill Mrs Wood his widow- is bequeathed a life inter est and upon her reverts to son Aubrey subject to a payment of to his daughter and each to his children Wil liam NORTH YORK MARBLE AND GRANITE and Monuments Headstones All Kinds Cemetery Work PROM ATTEND ED TO Call icc us before buying elsewhere kinds Of building Stones Cut to Order a mom and Importer of Foreign Domestic GRANITES AND MARBLES Phone Box flu Newmarket All I The church was crowded to the doors last Sunday morning to hear Dr Patterson of Cooks Church Toronto The sermon was on and everybody seemed to be glad that they had heard it J wood as sisted in tin service and the Methodist Choir led the singing A good quartette sang twice and there was also a splendid anthem Union service here again next Sunday morning Union Service The Methodist Church was well filled last Sunday evening and the service throughout was very much enjoyed The Pastor Rev J Wood was assisted by Revs Young and together with Taylor a return ed Missionary who spoke his work in China himself and family being in native costume The Choir contributed a splendid ren dition of Handels and two quartettes in their usual fine style The meeting was under I he auspices of the Young Peo ples Societies of the town Union service here again nexr Sunday evening with the congre gation of the Presbyterian Church AEROPLANE FELL INTO THE BAY OH SUNDAY Barrio Examiner An aeroplane floating upon the bay with its nose beneath the wa ter its wings outspread oh the surface and tail pointing up in the air was the novel sigh I watched by a large number of spectators around the head of the hay Sunday afternoon Not a few planes have tumbled to the earth in this vicinity but this was rat one to drop into the blue waters of While hovering over tho town the cadet experienced trouble with his ma chine and Anally engine stal led when at a considerable Not having time to reach open ground where alight ing would bo safe ho chose the shallow water in preference to housetops as a landing As he sailed down towards the water he narrowly missed the carriage factory and a passing freight train Before the piano bit the water the aviator had unbuckled himself and was ready to swim ashore but Ibis was not neces sary as Jack Monk man who was near by in his canoe picked him up The piano floated hun dred yards towards the south shore and was then taken in tow by Cliff Carlcy Mechanics from Camp Borden loaded it on a truck and took it back to ap parently not badly damaged In the morning Cadet gave the people of Barrio a lengthy ex hibition of fancy flying and to spectators it looked very much as the aviator was ing himself by seeing how close he could come to housetops trees and church spired Those who walcbcd him got many thrill and could not but admire his nerve and skill TWENTY ARE KILLED WHEN HUNS BOMB HOSPITAL Preach once more the feood oldfashioned gospel of the clean plate Do not let children waste food al their meals Do not waste it yourself KRRIN8 greenhouses ST Now the Time to Plant Celery Where you take off your Early or Potatoes GROW and Save Buying t Mm tho Fall and Winter by local applicaUoBB as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ar There Is only one way to cure catarrhal deafness wul that Is by a remedy deafness Is caus ed by an Inflamed condition of the muc ous lining of the Eustachian Tube When the tube Is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect when It is entirely closed Deaf ness Is the result Unless the Inflam mation can he reduced and Uils tube restored to its normal condition hear ing will be destroyed forever Many cases of are caused by catarrh which Is an Inflamed of he mucous surfaces Kalis Catarrh Cure thru the on the mucous of We wlU one for any case of Catarrhal that cannot be cured by lulls Catarrh Cure Circulars free All CHUNKY CO Toledo I On the French Front Aug The incendiary bombs which were dropped by two German avi ators on two hospitals behind Verdun on Sunday evening killed ten wounded men one woman and trained male nurses They wounded mala nurses and inflicted further in juries on patients suffering from wounds received in battle many of whom rushed naked into near by fields in an attempt to find shelter from bombs which wore being rained down Meanwhile the German aviat ors circled about in be air for half an hour firing heir machine guns at hospital orderlies who were endeavoring to extinguish the flames Tho nurses had just finished bandaging of the wounded Germans who had been brought direct from he battle field and had gone to bed when the bombs were dropped from a height of only yards The Hod Cross signs were painted prominently on the roofs and the Germans knew of the hospital which had been in existence for more than a year Ayg About 10 oclock this morning a mile cast of a sad fatality oc curred at the home of Mrs Lyon widow of the late John Lyon when her youngest daugh ter Mary only seven years of age was accidentally shot Mrs Lyon had come to to work in morning and while Henry her young son of nine years was searching for some fishhooks he found some cart ridges that had been put away and thought to be where the children could not get them He loaded the gun and he and his older sister years were having target practice at a post when their little sister ran in frohlf post and a bullet en tered She bled to death in half nn hour before medical aid arrived rat 1 railway whHli is its much and snorting lands its cargo of holiday seekers safely Portage We arc unci to the courtesy of our old friend George Rutherford In his cor- as purser hut this year we meet him in the dual capacity of conductor and purser for when the little liolTnmali pulls out on its ascending route our geni al is in charge full of good humor and per sonified Scarcely more hours sail and wharf vc are landed As one approaches the shore two huge buildings attract his attention on the left the great octagon diningroom ob viously a palace from its ex terior beauty and on tho huge circular construction rising from its ce ment piers which find a safe foundation beneath the waters surface Heroa one hears ex pressed among the passengers aboard and all the boats railing How perfectly beautiful and soon a goodly number of those aboard arc hustling to the wharf below As one steps ashore a little man in shirt sleeves and with an ordinary straw hat almost ob scuring a view of his face steps quietly to gangplank speaks a quiet word to boatman shoulders a small- mail bag and walks away almost unnoticed You meet him later however and to those unacquainted he is in troduced as Johnny the faithful and efficient resident superintendent who has been steadily on the job from the day the first bag of cement was un tied and who has shown master ful genius in his direction of the work of construction Once landed it is soon observ ed that the buildings at present visible from the water constitute only a small portion of the gi gantic whole Stretching back each a distance of feet and with three floors are the two dormitories Here sleeping is being made for the hun dreds of guests who will seek the comfort of Inn when the day of opening has come of these largo buildings has end giant cement piaz zas leading from each floor which arc themselves constructed of cement throughout Even the partitions are cement which makes the buildings fireproof Restful seats artistically con structed of slone are built be neath the overhanging verandah both main entrances The magnificent rotunda and office building is unique in archi tectural design and is made doubly beautiful by the orna mental fireplaces which adorn all the floors These are the work of Corp James McFarland now with the Bait and will bring him renown when the credit for the beauty of is ap portioned By cement walks over which is constructed a permanent canopy one can pass from one building to another and enjoy the little jaunt which leads to the at waters edge This building is copied from an early type of Spanish architecture arid has table seating capacity for people It is a marvel of archi tectural beauty and convenience Through the courtesy of Superin tendent we arc shown through the basement where are located the great ovens rofrig- and store rooms The culinary department is to be modelled after the most modern on the continent Circling around the main din ing room is a great promenade with a beautiful on the lake a visit is paid to the great water lower a structure erected on crest of an ad joining hill It is of ce ment and covers a height of about 80 feet from the base The outlook from summit which is reached by a winding outside stairway is beyond description The great mass of woods below looks like a vast carpet of green and the picturesque lake with its innumerable bays is seen for miles in each direction This water lower is to bo equipped with a huge searchlight which will be powerful enough to spy put part of tho great lake and surroundings for miles The baa a capacity for gallops and connections are to give continuous water ser vice under good to all of the Inn Mr JIL Johnson otHunstvillc writes us that above meets bis view He has only sold part of farm at arid J is still knocking around like a man of only forty He says I Our old friend Mr W Hughes of Toronto visited Island with me two years arid ho said he thought it woulojout- do Toronto Island in ways Mr Evans and wife visit ed my doings at Ml Delight and Rose Mount the other day and expressed great pleasure Hose Mount came on the market last winter It is a little mile from Scotia Junction hut had no road to it and its oc cupants did not know how to open it I bought it and now have road so opened that one can go over with an auto I have a good crop on it gelling ready for a small mill to work up sonic of the timber in view the great demand for wood and lumber You will remember that I was a great admirer of the Beaver and had the Canadian Emblem placed at my doorway years ago on Mill Street Newmarket Now I am better acquainted with the beaver since they are fast re luming to Central Ontario and rebuilding their dams There is an old heaver meadow on the place I am now improving and we have to keep tearing out their dams to keep our road from be ing flooded A party north of me said that he had beard that to trap and dis turb them would drive them off so he caught one but the beav ers went right on building them in the presence of their imprison ed comrade In your notice of the funeral of the late Smith my mind was carried back to the old days and the men who graduated with me Besides Mr Smith was the late John of Toronto Chas my old comrade the late Geo and others and I am still at it INEFFICIENT HOSPITALITY I detest said Polly going to sec people I do not detest people I should be so glad to visit them if they would only let me see themselves But that is the last thing they think of doing They show me their house or that part of prepared for com pany inspection They give me something nice to eat They permit me to observe their best gowns and their best manners They have things done to divert and amuse me All of which is a mere empty show external lo themselves and all the object that has led my footsteps Can not eat salad and drink chocolate at home Do I not know that they have pictures and statuary rugs and hangings I am reasonably sure they have a gown and hat they know how to behave pleasantly As for amusement there are a bun- died things that enable me not to famished for to their homes It is not for any one of these things I go to kill lime For though they may ask me for that purpose I want lo assure everybody declared Polly that lime no nor eternity itself wont be long enough for the things I want to do I dont have to kill time There is just one thing under sun that induces me to see people And that is the faint hope that they may give me not refreshment and amusements but- themselves I That they will by honest frankhearted conversation reveal to me what manner of men and women the- ore what thoughts lhy have what are their ideals and aims in life And this Is why finished Polly I detest going to see peo ple For through this strange error in notions of hospitality the people themselves I do not really see Philadelphia Bulletin Oft London Aug The first de tailed account of the disastrous fire Saloniki last Sunday is contained in a neuter despatch I from that city which that persons are homeless and bat the property loss is enor mous Insurance companies are interested lo of to Ottawa Aug Thomas Kel ly the Manitoba contractor was released front the Moun tain penitentiary lo a public hos pital because be was Jn danger of death to the statement of Milliliter of Justice to at yesterdays sitting il FATHER TO YOU COME TO OUR STORE FOR SOME r Wherever there are boys in the home there Is a Clothes Problem You know It Now that Isnt as much of a problem as some think because you can get from us suit- able Boys Clothes for everything from Play ing baseball to going to Sunday School Bring In the boys and let us fit them out It doesnt cost much the boys will feel better they will look better and they will work better Phono Mens Outfitter II I IF GIVE OPPOHYUrMTY OF A WORK ALWAYS I I loves I A I T It Should ho pleased to d them and give references To mm ID to go to tho Country on call up 9 j PHONE Let us you Comfortable a BUGGY CARRIAGE OR AUTO Prompt A BOYD Prop night on Phone 172 Promptly I mm j-f- mm hi That we have now Guaranteed In every way COLORS that will not fade Worsteds of British lianufacturo Tho PRICES A CALL SOLICITED J WILLIS AIL I I ici-i- ARCHIVES

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