I I TO I Oil Main Street- rind all Apply at this office ml ff GALE Two Farms- FirstClass in and Vaughan near To ronto Address Toronto WANTED A girl for general housework good wages Apply Glen Grove West North Toronto Phono A young labourer wants em ployment in or near Newmarket Hub had experience in farming learning and Write fiUiling nature of vork and terms to GILBERT It No Lanark STRAY Strayed upon Lot in 2nd Con of Whitchurch on Sunday Aug Two Aged Black Mare and the other a Bay Owner in to drove property pay charges and take them away It New P For Bale Cheap Enquire at Box or Era Office It t WANTED To learn Iho Printing Hot moro than years of ago arid must passed Exams Apply at thla office WANTED Delivery Man drive truck Steady Job and goad chance to learn hardware Apply to A f I in Solicitor Notary Commis sioner for taking Affidavits Will bo In Newmarket Office all lay Tuesday Wednesday Friday find and on Monday and Thurs day evenings from 730 to Ground New McCauley Block Opposite Post Office Phone No Solicitor for Imperial Hank of Canada J Walton Co Aurora Private funds to loan on First Mortgage Probating Wills and Estate a specially A Very Fine Toned if May bo Seen at Friends Parson age if- WANTED I Men to Farm raotora Must have peHenco With gasoline Apply to J of i Wednesday Inst of Mr Congratulated on his Birthday and now at tor fl con nection with the editorial man agement of Era that connec tion is severed Only an exceed ingly limited number of those who were subscribers 16 this paper when Mr Jackson along with Mr bought the office from Mr Porter who started its publication in Febru ary are now living Now- market was then an unincorpor ated village of about GOO inhab itants Five when the place assumed incorporation Mr Jackson was among the flvo gentlemen elected to compose first Council but was too ill that winter to accept office and the late Mr John Davison was elected later on as Mr Jacksons suc cessor At that lime members composing the Council of chose of thou number as Reeve late Donald Sutherland was elected to that position Aral Coun cil elected of Dun- aid Sutherland Jackson Wallace George and Win Hoe Mr Jackson baa lived under the reign of live British Sovereigns during his life time and many indeed have been the changes ho has lived to see during the sixtyfour years in Newmarket lias grown from ah unincorporated village to an in corporated town of about population For nearly a quarter of a cen tury Mr Jackson was elected yearly to the Council of the Mu nicipality most of the time as lie Reeve and for two years was Warden of the County Editorial Notes A coalition Government has been formed in Australia an e RIa The reporter a lady who usually did the mm According to a press despatch from Ottawa it is anticipated a general Dominion Flection will be held in November Changes in the Federal Government by that time may also be anticipated North York Conservatives have already named the present mem ber as their candidate for next campaign But the Liberals Of this old Hiding inland to car ry the next election President Wilson of has done himself credit in his re ply to the Popes proposal In clear and emphatic terms he has declared that it Is Impos sible to consider any terms until the nations are made against German oppression It is exactly the stand that the En tente Allies have taken Nothing will satisfy but the complete ov erthrow of the Word comes from Alberta that the largest crop of potatoes the Province has ever grown will be gathered this year It is enor mous largely exceeding the earl expectations of the farmers themselves People will use them more freely than heretofore on account of high cost of bread and other food materials during the next twelve months Pos sibly the present war may bring about changes in the use of fu ture food stuffs On I Machinery for Sale DAVIS East of Bank of Toronto Newmarket A MOV THE OF Mondays war news is thus headed in the Mail and Empire and shows that the allies are making Ralloite marching to great victory Hal- tic on Front beginning to reveal itself In its greatness prisoners and guns captured makes new thrust North of St cap- luring German prisoners An other smash by French at Verdun results in capture of sev eral viUages Canadians score success in the Coal City The despatch further states that the Austrian loss exceeds no less than including prisoners Success is coining Wild scenes of angry disorder which threatened at one time to initiate in a riot Par- TOmifltonliondiy night Amid Mr way but itis slow Call the Police and a tumult and angry roar above which no words could be heard Sir Thomas White and Hon Clean to handle Bold by all Drug gluts and General Stores House both those ap prove and those who do not ap prove of bill and I shall iho result to the Prime Minister as soori as possible Karl Grey GovernorGeneral oral of Canada for seven years who was a very popular and phil anthropic died in Eng land on Wednesday after a long illness Memorial service will bo held in London on Saturday The Military Act passed by the Dominion Parliament was signed by the Duke of Devonshire Gov ernorGeneral of Canada at Gov ernment House Toronto on Tuesday of this week Tho Gov ernment sent a messenger to To ronto with the bill for signature Conscription is now in force A for a certain- provincial per was unfortunately of Ihcaefestivecaeions So abb day to obtain as much informa tion as possible Oh arriving at the home brides parenla she remarked to aervant who opened the door I have come to get some of the dotailajof wedding which took place yesterday An expression of intense re gret carnb to countenance of the servant I am awfully sorry she exclaimed everything finished- You ought to have porno last night The company tf3fiatar00f fcien for oyer to deceive you lathi Eg a Castor Oil Paregoric Drops It fa Opium ago in Ita It For than thirty in mm for relief of Con- Colic all Teething and the Food giving healthy and natural deep The Friend Yea fllwajs J 1 Wo Just received a of Pf Mint bo all of removed leaving only It io put in r at tin ll I A ate up scrap tilt LEADING and You can buy your Woo PorOvorBO were both on their feet with passion and gesticulating at another Deputy Speaker A moment later Hon Pugs- ley backed by Opposition cheer ing and Government hooting was out in the middle of the floor fac ing the manifestly nervous Depu ty and demanding recog nition from the Chair for Mr J who was endeavoring to address the House Passion ran riot in the Cham ber- both sides roared per sonalities and insults at one an other Tho din at times was deafening and nothing beyond the babel of shouts could he heard in the Press Gallery Bit terness and trouble bad been brewing all night but the storm broke shortly before midnight when under the closure rule Thomas White endoavored to take he floor from Mr and was recognized by the Sir TJiomas White gesticulated angrily but could not bo heard Shame Coward Bcrvo your masters big interests Call in Lash to tell him what to a ay were amonjf the shouts heard from the Opposition side Give the people a chance once a while Mr Millionaire Finan- was taunt mingled cheers and groans The uproar K the second time within four years the Conservative Govern ment has shown its autocratic spirit by the use of the Closure power in putting through the Commons the Canadian Northern purchase measure last Wednes day morning The opposition effectively emphasized main objections to the details of the measure and the people will he informed from the hustings when the elections are on The in Parliament on Monday night as reported by the papers was a disgrace Our parliamentarians seem to he lb beam The hill was by a vfcte to When it was announced in the House on Wednesday that the GovernorGeneral had given his assentto the Military Service Act Sir Borden pointed out that the Hoard of Selection consist of four representatives from Ontario four from Quebec two each from the seven other Provinces and two from the Yu kon Tho Premier expressed a desire that onehalf of these rep resentatives should be nominated by Sir Wilfrid as leader of the Liberal party while he himself would nominate the oth er half Sir Wilfrid hi bis re ply stilled It all as loyal British subjects to do our parts to see that it is carried out us possible Applause these stances I deem It my fluty Si A Conservative caucus com posed of members of the House of Commons and Senate discussed the political situation at Ottawa for four hours on Wednesday morning at which it is said Pre mier Borden offered to resign fit favor of Sir George Foster but the offer was unanimously de clined parly pledging loyalty Sir This appears to bo the answer to the message from Western Canada that dc- Government and the formation a War Council of six Sir Hubert Borden to he one but suggested a change of leadership as essen tial Our Toronto Letter During the past year consider able progress has been made by the Harbor Commission in the Ashbridgcs Hay District which is known as the new industrial section of the have been already re claimed at least acres have been leased to various industries The valuation placed on this new land ia from to an acre and the leases most of which arc for the usual period Two miles of with sowers pavements and sidewalks under construction have been laid out Among other noted events at the Fair on Monday was the pre sentation of the Victoria Cross to J J by the Governor Gen eral of Canada for the formers late son The Duke of Devon shire added interest to occa sion A Presbyterian minister whose homo said to be in Watcrford Conn was taken into custody by Detectives and on the information of an Ameri can army officer who believed him to he the man who has been known in several American ana Canadian cities as Colonel Parkinson of the Aviation Corps of the Army The arrest ed man denied the allegations and Inspector Kennedy gave him the benefit of any doubt Ten thousand people are said to have been on the ball grounds when the Leafs on Saturday Dr ft a throat passed away at the begin ning of this week Since the cutting of munition orders in Canada many in Toronto have laid off thousands of workers only the skilled me chanics being kept in most cases FairbanksMorse has closed womens department entirely laying off workers While travelling with his sis ter from Lake lo Toron to on a 1 passenger train a young woman approached Per cy Everett with an infant and asked him to hold it for her a few minutes At the time train a station and it is believed that tho woman got off there did not re member the name of the station and when he arrived in Toronto he immediately reported the case lo the police in describing the woman to the police he said she would he about years age had fair hair and was wear ing a black silk dress Everetts home is at and as the child is only one month oh1Je has decided to adopt it The stores are becoming crowded with Exhibition visitors and four arrests for theft were made on Monday There were 36000 at the Exhi bition on opening day Rents of dwellings are on the rise all over the city Hcspect- to roomed houses rent from to 50 per month Attendance at the Fair on Kiddies Day reached SOME DAY vouu Why Not Now I Opticians Limited U4n rprr ttWi I i Wilkinson and family from Muokoka arc Furniture Cheap for Cash EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night attended to at w IVo have both ison vhon your Canned Fruit i Canned and Fruits to if i 9 I So tin 20o tin tin 26o tin J Pino flpplca and FLOUR The Price dropped hut Quality romalns the a and bo convinced CONFECTIONERY It Quality that That Is tho reason our la Wo have both tho Varieties same tho Fee DRINKS Phones and John Bingham of is spending vacation in Town Mr Alex Eierhcllcr of De troit Mich was in town this week Mr Harold of To ronto is visiting his mother for a week Mrs Frank Moody and son Leonard spent a couple of days In Toronto Miss Eileen Hewitt nurse on the New York City Hospital staff ia home for vacation Surrey spent two or three days with Miss Dor othy Pollock at Keswick this week Mr Keg is In Brant- ford this week representing the A Mrs accom panied him Hello of To ronto was in Town a few days wilh her father who is hero frond Detroit this week Mr Millard Howard who has been with his brother Mr Howard all summer left for the West yesterday Mr and Mrs John Kershaw and daughters Kola and Jessie were at last week at tending the KershawMcDowell wedding Mr Ed Thompson and daughter of Fort William are visiting his mother Mrs Win Bell of Aurora and his brother Mr A Thompson here esteemed friend Mr Andrew Yule Customs Officer Who has been prevented from visiting Town for many weeks owing to illness was at the of fice here on Wednesday World Miss and friend motored from Newmarket on Sunday returning En the evening accompanied by Miss Moss who spent a fortnight with the Misses Wright Lieut Reginald youngest son of Mr W A lon of this town who was report ed slightly wounded in face and hands last week went over seas in and has been serving at the front with a construction battalion until about a month ago when bo went into Iho trenches having been trans ferred lo a lighting unit He is 22 years old unmarried and prior to enlisting was on the head office staff of the Bank of To ronto in Toronto The of June is the date of the last word received from Mr A Wests son who is a prisoner in Germany He was working in a sugar factory Sev eral Canadians whom he knows are working at their respective trades One a gels 25e a day and board Another son of Mr West Norns who was rejected six times before lie could gel into uniform is driving a mo tor in England He writes that girls been taken on lo drive cars and Canadian men drivers have been sent to Rus sia OOP- Carter On Aug to Mr and Mrs Fred Carter of Junction a son On Aug in East to Mr and Mrs August Gibson a son la Newmarket on Aug 1917 to Mr and Mrs John Henry Smith a son In Newmarket on Aug 30th 1917 to Mr and Mrs Al lan McGhee a son At Pine Orchard on Aug 2Uh lo Mr and Mrs Joseph Woodcock a daughter Altar At WcsMeld Church on August 1917 by the Rev Vera eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Robert McDowell of to Frank Kershaw of Toronto In on Aug by Rev J Wood Edna daughter of Mr and Mrs J Church Street lo J of Aurora At Dunkerron on Aug Miss Mills daughter of Mr and Mrs Mills of West lo Mr Oscar K Lukes son of Mr Lukes Bradford During Warm vo will carry a Lino of 80FT such as Lemon Cream Etc will get prompt a PHONE Nowadays It Is Quality that Counts QUALITY OUR SPECIALTY ALSO AGENT FOR I THE The Hoot Romarkoblo Musical Instrument In the World CHOCOLATES MAIN STREET AgentTor Cameras and Photo NEWMARKET House Phono No 151 Store Phone No Huff At her sons residence Highland Grove on July 1917 Mary Huff aged 10 days Deceased was a sister of Mr A J Sharon Thompson On Aug 24th 1917 at River St Toronto George Arthur DeeDee son of Arthur and Martha Thomp son aged 1 months Funeral took place on Sunday from the residence of Mr George Morning Tecumseh St to New market Cemetery On Tuesday Aug 28th atlhe of her Mr and Mrs Samuel Jennings Cowan Ave Toronto Mrs Cornelia Stiver widow of he late Sliver Markham Township There will be a service at the house Wednesday at Interment at the Hart- man Burying Ground near Mount Albert on Thursday SOUTH STORE LOTS OF FEED BRAN AND SHORTS- I ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR BREAD FLOUR ALSO CREAM OF THE WEST In tho Making Contest at Rural for Campbell Co May Got Cream of the Hero Prompt Delivery A HOWARD JUL HURON l LI Aug 27 The four- yearold Indian boy son of John George of Longford Mills nine miles north of here who was brought to hospital Sunday by Dr Bryants a summer visitor in the district suffering from a shattered skull the result of a gunshot wound died at that In stitution early Monday morning and his nineyearold sister has confessed that she accidentally shot the little fellow while they we re playing with a neighbors gun What in your name Katie maam Well Katie you may come to me next week and Ill give you a trial And youll not maam had loo many trials my 01146 In Sutton in loving memory of Phoebe Sutton who died Ausr Three years have passed dear mother Since you from us have gone Your place is still so vacant We cannot help but mourn The flowers we place upon your grave Mav But our love for you who sleeps beneath Shall fade away No more us through life shell roam Her cares and trials are oer Some day well meet with at homo Whore we shall part no more by her Daughter Louisa Husband and Family To HOME Every Lover of MADE BAKING WhraiOBdiirtaiing AH Order Our Favorite and Five Rose FEED GOOD ANTHRACITE Prices Right Give Us a OLIVER DIKE Flour COAL Call me a To Mary Carpenter belongs the honor of having been the pioneer of a movement which resulted in establishment of industrial reformatory schools in every large town in England She is described as being very practical but possessed of a ready wit and great perspicuity A girl Red Lodge of the homes for girls established by Miss Carpenter had rooted aver sion to laundry work and the weekly washingday was invari ably the signal for a seizure of the most kind She became absolutely rigid foamed at the mouth and seemed altogether in a most abnormal condition Miss Carpenters observant mind took of these regularly recurrent flls and In her own practical fashion she end de termined on remedy Having for the doctor she Mm ia approve her proposed treatment have been gating Ihc nature of doctor she said together by apparently unconscious and I find that the p of cure is the apphew hot iron to the soles of doctor professional great credit nurse Miss sharply Heat mo hot Immediately The prescriplion a one up and began lo There vere no more daye the ccd with Turning f Carpenter J A what tween money If end man I cant answer mat do it its lleht an locked up- 1MB OP Wired i lh Main ling of ioeded lied Late- from nig At a din held- on decided judge ment made engage the York E her is Walter I Rev the saaond J Our Hat The I Women sources Council lernoon the luhlicil minion Council rningd of especial The Town evening rinks foaled against up and played I Chief Pearson of The Is exciting and fin leaj were comb inn Doyle and F splendid full slid win I A brides market when daughlei Wuir In Joseph Over I and formed lor of The member coup after lh at we rgarel Hisses nil olas an anlfon and Mrs Wler and da ana of Hi JPPy trough at J by ook the Jnt wdino- allies ft TORONTO