Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 24 Aug 1917, p. 5

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i BarrlsWr Notary Of Main St to on good Farm Security tfiDEWoOOriAtD A BOM Toronto J Dank Building corner Queen ami Snider J and of Toronto Building ever Bone will ho in A Frank Duncan an Insurance FRED Wowmarkot Dr DENTIST Main and 8lfl Wowmarkot OUR baking hold under the au spices of the Aid In con nection with the Christian Church took lost Friday and surplus roauitod Improvements Mr Ball of Toronto who has bought the Farm the of King is spending a as the of Mrs on the adjoining farm Mr Ball is looking over tho ground view to building a now house on his and making other improvements 0NfBftaAy fffe The rhoBt successful cattle feeders and ably a reasonable mill A GUILTY recent issue The ScIenUno American- Us that dor- log 1916 no less than- deaths resulted from tho wearing of high the heel or feeds and concentrate What and throwing the wearer downstairs j feeds to select and when -topur- To this the fashionable added in same year a of permanent strain ings As the hand of humanity has turned flgohist the fly so must the foot of womankind turn the Corner Or- J Boyd M firtduite Irf of Toronto and m of College of Surgeons JiEflgland clinical Hospital and College Nose and London supplied Hours RICHMOND Professional Hamiltons North Phone Hi MoKewoni AND Park Avenue Adjo New Post Office Green AND PAPER Ave 2nd ftouso from Queen St Newmarket phone PO Box A of Piano Voice and Vio lin Dealer In all kinds of Mu sical Instruments and Repairs Piano Tuning Agent for Columbia and Complete Slock I Prompt Service Lyman Jackson Issuer of ic hi Licenses Era Office Newmarket Office Private I issued at private re sidence if desired NEWMARKET LATEST DESIGNS IN and Head Stones Call beforo ordering elsewhere STONE FOB BUILDING PURPOSES I in Stock and Made to Order WRTH YORK MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS and Designs In Monuments Headstones AU Kinds of Cemetery Work PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO I see us before buying of to Order JOHN SJ Importer of and AND Oft BOX hit I- How Is the Time to Plant Winter you take off your Y0UR Buying at the Fall and Winter Months 188 annual Sunday School Johns Church was held at Bond Lnko on day of last week a large attendance Games boat trips and all kinds of sports wore indulged In and with abundance of good things to cat as well the kiddies had glorious day Toronto inens morrow Week from Monday Is Labor Day School opens Sept Canada Yearly Meeting of Friends convenes in Newmarket next Friday See program on page WlnthoWar OMidlddto An adjourned meeting of the North York WiiullipWar Con ference was hold in Newmarket last Friday afternoon Hoove Keith in the chair Matters were discussed for two ox three hours but no definite action reach ed the representatives mot being to pledge themselves un til something definite was known as to the policy of the two great parlies in the country especially if Sir intends to form Copenhagen Aug iOOerman losses In according to an informant of the Associated Press who rcccully bad been at and with the fleet lias Iwenlylwo boats this figure apparently covering the since the start of the unrestricted submarine warfare- campaign additional boats arc said to have been lost In the Mediterranean now ban almost 30Osub- the newest being of Iho big lype and armed with gun however the socalled canal boat type Include a submarines largo number of WHO ECONOMY Union Next Sunday evening the Meth odist Church should he crowded to the doors The Tay lor a returned Missionary from wlil speak on Ten Years in he of Progress in Mission Work China will Illustrated Native Costumes some eight or a dozen young people taking part In this ser vice the Christian Church the Church Presbyterian Church and the Church are uniting the services in the other being withdrawn on that account No person in town or vicinity- should miss this vice- Be 1Jie delivery Is not more difficult Tor the proprietors large shops to meet than it is for the keepers of small estab lishments demands made on grocers druggists dry goods dealers and forget ful or unthinking customers are unending Many persons do not consider it an imposition to tel ephone for a spool of bread a chop or a loaf of bread and ask to the purchase sent over away- The tradesman tries to oblige the cost of livering the goods amounts stead ily A reform liiat will help the small tradesman out of the whole competition that heedlessness have put him in will lie a to everybody Kitchener Telegraph Sir George nicinhcrfl of the Mouse of Commons this week that Canada paying Assistant rood Con troller from Slates a salary of per annum The three Controllers headed by II Hoover who according to a Senate hill will control the food for the whole of the United States ore to rebel a salary of each or less than a single assistant In Canada How can the Government guilty of such reckless extravagance expect to Impress Iho people through such highly paid to thrift and economy EIGHTY LAKE BOATS WILL GO TO ATLANTIC Cleveland Aug repre sentative of the Stales Shipping Board was in Cleveland yesterday definitely initiating the Government plans to comman deer alike freighters for coastwise and transoceanic war trade Fig ures tabulated by the Government agent in conference withlocal shipping experts owners build ers and lugmnn- show that up ward of SO lake boats can ho tak en to salt water The Shipping Hoards decision will rest upon tlie report to ho made by its rep resentative is to lake every boat possible of passing through tho Canal and thence through St Lawrence River to the Atlantic before lake traffic is icebound Shipping Board is now making a list of boats under feet length beaut which can pass through the Canal without alteration Boats up to feel length arid not more than feet will he cut in two and towed by tugs through cabal and river lst Saturday morning- eggs veget ables and fruits IJulter scarce Ruling prices as follows per do to tic Butter per lb If Dressed Chickens peril- Apples per basket Potatoes per bag per Cabbage each a bunch Carrots a bunch Live Chickens per lb IS Old liens per lb to Live- Ducks per lb Young Ducks per lb to Pigeons per pair Rabbits per pair 30 to 35c Hides per lb 18 to Calf Skins per lb to to Sheepskins lo Currants per lb Red Currants per lb Red per Ruspberries per lb DATES OF PALL PAIRS Barrio Bolton Bradford Sept Oct and Oct and Oct and Kept Oct Sept Oot and 3 Lindsay Newmarket Sutton Toronto Weston Zephyr Sept Oct and 10 Oct and 12 Sept and Aug 10 Sept and Canadian National lion City selfcontained and of fices police station fire bank and plant CANADIANS VICTORIOUS AGAIN London Aug 1C VWc made further progress oast of in the this Douglas announces in his of ficial report and total of prisoners oapturcd there has now reached The taking by the Cana dian Troops the German higher as nothing else Prince has efforts to recap we the lost ami a grim battle was waged throughout the day particularly on and around Hill 70 Ten times liie one07 coue seldom got enough for fighting with or bomb Hour after hour troops the fourth Prussian one of Hit elite the German to a frightful fire from our artillery ami machine guns Their losses were frightful A veteran machine gun officer tells of having had a target for an hour and a quart or enemy rein- coming up in columns of fours for use in counterattacks He said his men killed yesterday they had seen at any previous time A Irtisoner said tlie ground which his thickly strewn with dead uou About lots Port ore to ho sold for taxes There are over buildings large and small for ex hibits at the Canadian National Exhibition chase are present most diffi cult problems mahwho buys meals in small amounts needed and buys the meal cheapest per-hun- poor the real values The feeder who hag rich and farmgrown roughages purchase and feedless grain and and purchased bo of a jess intelligent cattle feedor always raises on his farm the best possible quality of feed arid makes his purchases of grain and meals to balance tho rations properly There are but two correct methods of choosing meals when purchasing Which method lo follow depends altogether on the quantity quality and variety of the farmgrown roughages Pur chases should ho made on the basis of in a form or the Total Di gestible Protein plus plus fat example lied Clover buy contains pounds digestible protein and pound total di gestible nutrients per ton tim othy buy has only pounds di gestible protein and mi mis total digestible nutrients per ton corn ensilage lias di gestible protein and pounds total digestible nutrients ton per and mangels or swedes about alf as much of each or better Alfalfa hay supplies the protein of in about the correct proportion while timothy hay must he supplemented with a rich protein meal Again corn ensilage although bulky supplies the cheapest total nutrients of any feeuy hut requires a protein to balance it made from green clover oats or and vetches is worth almost as much as good corn en silage Tho between same i relationship exists lne weals which are Coding of The farmer who has grass such as timofty K the in shorts middlings and oats If tin the other hand he has al falfa or clover buy corn or good and roots he porch less meal select on the basis of cheapness nutrients and should total r Every farmer bo analysis can in a few present feed prices and verify above purchases and select accordingly Certainly if he wishes to get the most value for hit feeds containing the de sirable elements in the cheapest cooperatively in oar- loads if possible and thus save extra freight charges and com missions A when markets arc csf usually in be and fall and save the storage eat ers iru Hug charges and usually by millers and lo DEAFNESS BE by local they cannot reach diseased portion of the ear There Is only one way to cure catarrhal deafness and that is by a al remedy Casrrhal deafness is caus ed by an Inflamed condition of the muc ous of the Eustachian Tube When the lube Is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing and when It is entirely closed Deaf ness Is tho result Unless the can be reduced and this tube restored lo normal condition hear ing will he destroyed forever Many cases of deafness are caused by catarrh which Is an inflamed of surfaces Halls Catarrh Cure acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of We will give Hundred Dollars for any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot cured by Catarrh Cure Circular tree All Druggist J CHENEY A CO is raise for a memorial hos pital A Wilier appeared before P M on Wednesday morning Charged with passing a forged cheque for hearing the name of a Hell of Decton Accused was remanded till day Without bail Ad vance Aug Gallic aged years was killed today at Camp Mohawk an aeroplane in which ho was flying crashed to the ground The young aviator was a son of Mr and Mrs of Winnipeg Gallic with a number of other pupils was engaged in solo fly ing early today and after a suc cessful flight was landing his machine When was about feet from the ground anoth er machine also in the act of landing crashed into him from the machine fell to the ground and lie was in stantly killed It is thought cadet in the rear machine was prevented from seeing the ma chine in front by some portion of Cornwall Aug Farmers in town report that with in the past couple of days fires resulting from lightning have been moro prevalent in the dis trict north of Cornwall than for- a great many years It is stated that day not less than forty buildings of various kinds were more or less damaged by flro in district between Maxville in Glengarry and in Within a few hours one house and two barns wore do wbHe between Russell and Finch between day light and eight oclock in the morning no less twelve buildings were or destroyed by fires caused by lightning used in war were unable to lift any cohslderablo weight and con sequently as weapons of lljcy wore Their part in the war was that of cavalry scouUi only that wore working In the third airplanes U in iuiuy in numbers took on the of raiders much as it was done by Stewarts cavalry in Civil War and by the War they passed around the enemys flank and destroyed towns and stores- and railways in the rear of the fight ing line Such is about the point reached by the airplanes today But Britain is how en tering the period in which the big bombing airplane is becoming practically a longrange gun ol considerabio accuracy and when that point of view is thoroughly understood ones ideas on raids and reprisals are apt to alter con siderably When a longrange gun bom bards a town or miles be- hind the lighting because the town is known to he full of troops or lu bis an important solle of transfer depot for ammunition or to ho the headquarters of an army one docs not talk of repris als one endeavors to mount a heavier gun and knock out the one Similarly when a shell from such a gun hits a building some hundreds of yards from the bar racks or stores or headquarters billets one does not cry out about the barbarity of the gunners one probably clears out the civilian population for their own good and feols pleased that the shell missed an important military mark Here is the real opportunity lo carry on aerial war not by mere reprisals or spectacular raids on Berlin or other political centres but by striking at the heart of Germanys defences Behind Germanys army lie the sources which feed it A very big proportion of Germanys iron mines blast furnaces steel works and armament factories which make that army a real defence lie within easy flying distance of the French eastern frontier If these sources of supply are systematically destroyed Ger man army will feel the want of quickly and more acutely ever the are likely to feel want of food through Germanys submarines The moral effect in Germany musk also be great If the mines and workshops are shut clown hundreds of thousands ofpcople will be thrown out of work Con tinued bombing of Iho industrial centres will shake the nerve of the Government which threw into the war and then fail ed to defend them And they will set about ending the war by try ing to So far he German people have felt safe behind he sure shield of the German army army once passed either around its flanks overhead ceases lo be a shield and if the army cannot protect the German people they will lope faith in their army in their Kaiser in their and in their good old German God England is not yet anywhere near her limit of output of either airplanes or pilots Rig bomb ing airplanes and fighting machines- can he built quickly and a pilot rained only for bomb ing fighting can lie trained in much less time than takes to produce a fullytrained military pilot an allround knowledge of soldiering British naval pilots at Dunkirk have shown what can be done wilh big bombing airplanes and the It with much smaller airplanes and bombs have done great execution on ammunition dumps and railways behind the German lines But an ammunition dump blown up can bo refilled in a few days or weeks and it means more work and wages in Germany whereas a munition factory blown wi own aid waste means idleness and and cer- army suffering for the German pie which is a much tain way of stopping the And when the German field begins to feel the lions thus caused it a far weaker barrier lo torious advance of the al lies troops than it is in these days Every mile the makes age of mum be sua of his on German cussed that the allies advance it possible for English bombing airplanes to go a mile farther into Germanyand the must bo settled territory first by in vasion from the air and second ly by an Army of Occupation While peace terms are being It is for England see air fleet is set lo work as soon as is possible Lot us bear no more of reprisals let us rather demand a proper offensive Washington Pood AdmioistraUon made the important ruling that all processes In the of distilled spirits for purposes roust stop oclock on night of Sal unlay September effort to construe he law to permit the use of wheat corn rye and other which had been hoarded after that time it made plain would met w1Ui firm A 5pound a which makes them preserving Atlantic arc plentiful this year limited mm r 1 i MOTHER AND STORE CLOTHES Wherever there are boys in the home there Is a Clothes Problem Vou know it Now that isnt as much of a problem as some think because you can get from us suit able Boys Clothes for everything from play ing baseball to going to Sunday School Bring in the boys and let us fit them out It doesnt cost much the boys will feel better look better and they will work better i Phono Mens Outfitter imui El IF SO GIVE US AH OF SUBMITTING A PRICE pun always g satisfaction A Full Line of Electric Stoves N I IN STOCK Should bo pleased to demonstrate thorn and To In i G Phone NEWMARKET Tin i To Ream not et Quality that the Can t a I

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