npUyn neat time one ad I3 J of trial t fainting ln4 I Jr l for It Jack ring trip t ing some ub that Iter selling leople of lints ir Brown fi bloom hie fine be- lies was waning will Sab- Be on business as been Toronto limes is on in ills SIT ft not but The of two for four feu lime Per- has off yet of is of lie alls was during ash of wn the Is house lowing up Hut that masters pod Mr a let- the big papers bricks ml a time ion up a to start ick built ill be i w of w of Dost Quality Porcelain and at In our window thorn arid Last Sunday thpeervicesworo welt attended both morning and evening Pastor gave a I address for CO F in evening There will bo a Union Service with next Sunday morning service at the Friends Church and even ing at tho Christian All will find a welcome tff WO particularly floral other Is tho Old Clover Pattern on Wo Linos to aoloot from HAVE OTHER LI J 8ECEOT FROM The marriago took in Ave Baptist Church To ronto of Mario Inez daughter of the Septimus Nash and Mrs Nash formerly of Newmar ket to Mr Harry son of Mr and Mrs Albert of Toronto ceremony was conducted by Ixio was un attended was given away by her brother After tho coromony a small reception was hold at the home of brides mother Toronto and lat er Mr and Mrs left for a trip east They will reside Toronto lily li of China and PHOTOS your can buy you thorn LET THEM FOR YOU Zurbrigg phone One Door of the New Boat Office BY flPPOIWTClEtJT Furnace Work Plumbing Our Specialties See Bathroom Outfit at Shop TINSMITHS a sens SMITHS A wealHor was exceptionally favorable for the Annual Garden Party of the ladlcVof St Johns Church on Wednesday evening and people simply flocked to the Separate School Grounds which specially decorated for the The supper was and ladies had the pleasure of sorvirg more peo ple than on any previous sion Father Wedlock was hero and there making everybody that they were welcome The Aurora Citizens provided abundance of splendid music There no speaking but any disappointment on thai score made no I the numerous at tractions on There wan for ihiJdren Pond Cane Hack Wheel of and Drawdif Mr Ed Hill won the Easy Chair Mrs Murphy of Ottawa handsome Centerpiece and Mr Jr the 30Trip Ticket 10 Toronto on the Met ropolitan The total pro ceeds reached the enormous sum of After expenses are paid will go lo the local Red Cross At close a voto of thanks was given lo Mr Doyle of the organization com mittee great are continually meeting we know Viol of them OAC- I mot in Kingston and and there It will be the when we got to France there before my birthday alright al right Well byebye with love lo all I 1 hip to Prcrn to In a Pord and j NORTH YORK HARNESS SHOP is None Too Good for Farmers these days and here I the place lo get THE 1t kinds of with while you wait Art going away for a visit If so you will want a HEW TRUNK OH have Assortment In Wft are I ate going to stay home ill want some Music unliable Jokes to liven you up Agents for the BRANTOLA only instrument flays all disc records and WU at form we us and be convinced of superior qualities We are for Victor Records P NOTTINGHAM South of Atkinsons Jewellery Store Newmarket FIELD COMFORTS Papers will be collected on Tuesday July on the east side of the track and on Friday on the west side Kindly have papers tied up and ready for col lection The deers head and other ar ticles up for raffle will be dis posed of next fall The Field Comforts Society do- sire to thank Mrs Aubrey Davis for a generous cheque of being a portion of the receipts the Children a Concert following boys have ac knowledged receiving parcels from the society Carl W Smith Harold Godwin Ed lUoidan A Armitage I Dunn Morion P J LoveIt Chas Hills Blaokall Hilts Yale The society has during the last mailed par cels each containing two pairs of socks other necessities and comforts Also a parcel to J in the Naval Service con taining twelve pairs of socks and necessary comforts The Field Comforts will have a booth at the Fair this fall in aid of the boys at the front Interesting letters too late for this issue A Tic u tor despatch from says four German ships have been sunk by British de stroyers in the North Sea fowf captured three stranded and three forced to return to Hotter- dam Ota Toronto Letter Mr who for years had been superintendent of the Island Filtration Plant of the died on Monday aged A Jap employed in the shops at West Toronto had both legs taken off at the yards Mon day when run over by a freight train He died shortly afterward In the Western Hospital from shock SOME DAY WILL A KK VOUH Why Not Now Toronto Opticians TERM In July In work Inlo ny VJ LJ Corner Vonco for our Gunner Son of Mr and Mrs Meek Newmarket who went Over seas with the and is now in England following letter was re ceived last week from Gunner Meek written lo his ulster Miss Annie Meek Newmarket June 21 Dear Sister I have just enough lime lo scratch you a few lines this time am in one of the oldest institutions for soldiers for Iheir comfort and as a place to go in their spare mo ments Wo find plenty places lo go in Besides dif ferent and homes such as this one wc have that host in stitution of lhe at every camp There we can get a bun and cup of tea and writing paper The writing paper is giv en to us free of charge at lhe while lhe bun and lea or coffee costs us a penny each Who can dony that the is the soldiers friend Every night the Y we have free conccrjs and I can say with surely lhat the talent in lhe country is fine indeed The gives us things almost at cost As said above a cup of lea costs a penny In the while in a restaurant it costs us pence hapenny Oil wo have a great lime with the money system Im sure been beat yet hut it takes some tall figuring lo get around their and Pence and all the various names they have for the different coins such as a Hob a Quid A Florin Sixpence HalfCrown etc I tell you the system cant compare our good decimal system lhe best in the world Well I must toll you who I have net lately Last Saturday afternoon while walking on Iho Leas In Folkestone who should I meet but John He has been back from the front for months and is looking very well He told me of West who is in the same camp as I am but different barracks I havent seen him yet Then young Harold is here somewhere loo He has been looking me up a couple of times but wc havent been able lo make connections On Sunday afternoon last who should I meet but Hoy mie He is about half a mile away from here My biggest I surprise was last Monday while wheeling a on fa tigue duty when saw standing in front of a bunkhouse Glad stone Lloyd from You remember I dropped that old barrow as quick as a flash and let a shout out We had only a chat as had to go on with my work but he came over lo our lent that and we had a good old talk Tie as you know lias been back from lhe front for some lime atcut months He just came from Bast ings and gave me the news of the boys who arc there Herman is there holding down a good job in an office Godwin is there loo Poor Glad stone 1 guess- he was rather disappointed in not gelling home He would have been home had it not been for some mietalae He look too well and is much thinner He will likely be going back in a few months When I started out I think I would till as much paper as thic but believe mo this old pen is travelling and I have yel to tell you the best of all lhat is we arc going on days leave lomorrjw We expected to get away on Wednesday but for rtome reason didnt Wo would be bad ly disappointed if we dont get away tomorrow Our trip is going lo be a good one first to London thence to Edinburgh Glasgow and the Lake district We gel free transpor tation The boys are still in England We got a wire from one of them today The A boys in our draft are all together Willi the exception of two who arc signalling Wo in lhe Howitzers working wilh a gun known as the point When wo arrived at fihorncliffe vol unteers for lhe different guns were called for You see there is a battery of drivers and siege guns The and the ore about the same except Howitzer Ill be able youll about it when I get back As mails rather uncertain I wish when you write you would tell me the dates on my letters you get Ill keep track of the dates I write them and then Ill be to tell if you get them alii I havent got any from you yet Write lota because some are almost certain to go astray When wo got to France we will Newmarket Ont July My Dear Mr Editor I been requested to write you a letter lolling of our trip to Newmarket Well wo here On July at about P We loft on July A and fol lowed out our plan of camping on our way We camped near Mont Silver the first night and had very pleasant place lo on church lawn The next day about noon wc got to Columbus Grove Ohio and spent a day and a night wilh my brother Guy who is Pastor of the Christian Church there On July noon we started on our journey again heading for Cleveland Ohio by way of and Tif fin While at Tiffin had a splendid view of Tiffin College and wo also passed through and spool about an hour in viewing the College is a wonderful College They have under construction at present a new Science Building Which is among the most beautiful buildings we saw on our trip In passing through Cleveland Ohio we were direct ed to go out on Ave John Rockefellers home We followed directions and found the Avenue lo be a beauti ful and delightful road to travel We at last came lo lhe IcriMansion but John was no place lo bo seen We hail ex peeled he would be there lo at least salute us but perhaps he was busy and did not notice our Ford Ave is about length and and warmth of outdoors Old Nature up moot hubbub of curnmcrprcpr- Undoubtedly you will head HATS t beautiful While in had lake one of the sights on our trip Cleveland ve drove around on Ave and a most splendid view of the From Cleveland ve mo tored loKric Pa a distance of one hundred miles the last utiles being very poor roads On this trip we passed through some very picturesque country Penn sylvania hills and mountains From wo motored to a distance of about a hundred miles We again found bad roads through Pa but good in Y us wan y most inleresling pari of our trip Hero we saw thousands of acres of vincviiMlu lrrlght In lino with by topping your outfit with of our ft valuo In a Fedora Pana ma of a clean flbro brim dipped In front and book and trimmed with Palm band A Panama Hat finely In toloccopo with flat cot brim vIth m 1 Variety la again In tho of our providing man With individual m J T f i r I neat rovoralblo collar toft a and double EACH I a A Panama with brim that may bo dipped In front or turn- cd down Of plain white with lowout collar long broaot and AT An Coator from fanoy with and brim corded ribbon and hat guard AY An crown and brim trimmed with blaok ribbon and with hatguard attaohod Ah extra light hat for wear price AY AND Aleo a full of Chip Childrens Kioto In all nov AT rnatorlalo plain vhto or AH From medium In plain vhlto ondo trim with WIER In black tan brown and grey All MKHG WA8H In plain and corded matorjalp all The and Wo are Heady to fill Them THE JAMES CO The Uptodate Gents Furnishers WW I and acres I ov places have learned j route through Canada as we did in The roads are not quite so good here as we have been used lo in goofj old Indiana We had no trouble with our Ford to speak of not even a puncture Wc still have Indiana air in our tires so we fed as if we are still In Indiana when we go motoring We were four days on the way a distance of about seven hundred miles We may have speed limit few times but we have not heard of it yet so suppose we got by all We are now pretty well located In our new home and find very friendly and lovable people here and like it very much have a comfortable Parsonage and are with the outlook and hope to be of value Jurist and His Kingdom while here was hard to leave our native land and no doubt we long to get we expect to throw our whole lives into the Church while here do our best to establish Kingdom of our Master in of people while here vineyurds I believe I am safe saying lhat for dis tance of miles we saw nothing except vineyards on either side Of the rood stayed all night at the little town of Wcslerleld Here we camped near a Church and had a very pleasant and healthful conversation with of Ifie Church who was very kind lo us Welch the grape juice man lives near this village It was he who introduced the vineyard business into that community The Pas tor told us that the people there were not in favor of national pro hibition even as a war measure See is in County near qua Lake where Camp Meeting was converted into the Here we pass ed through a most interesting section of country to Buffalo While in Buffalo we spent a lew hours in seeing the oily and bad the pleasure of viewing the wonderful monument erected there to our great American who was killed in that cily William After viewing lhe city we drove our car on the ferry and crossed the Niagara River at Buffalo and motored down the new cement road in Canada to Niagara Falls where we spent a day and a night viewing the most beautiful falls in the world I would not try for one moment lo give any description of the mu nificent work of nature It can not be described by any word of mine From Niagara we drove to Newmarket by way of Hamilton and Toronto We did not course It was his It quite SO easy to follow the I Yes it Is cried Dick laugliing Yours truly A Bagby Newmarket Can July 1017 DOIUQ YOU Two boys busy In one corner of a yard making I shall buy powder and wc said onti of Ihem Our will have something to say about thai Dick said Ben ny Interrupting him I Ian do what I please with my money cried Dick proudly It Is my money I can and I shall cried Dick who was a positive little fellow Ben ny his playfellow still looked doubt ful Father asked Dick marching up to the woodpile where his father was at work isnt my money my ownt Why yes I suppose so said Mr James And cant I buy what I please it That depends upon what you please to buy said his father I should think said Dick thai if the money is my own I could spend It as I ha1 a mind to No said his father filial does not follow I thought everyone could do as he pleased with bis own tilings said Dick Did you said his father Then whose Jacket- have you got on Is it Bennys No father it my own Are you sure Dick Dick thought it was an for his father to ask Of then a neighbour came to Mr Niagara Falls July Jams pull log a stop to the Kenneth Anderson aged years the boys went back to their while picking cherries today in It Is a new Idea to me that cannot do as they with to them cried Dick Yes- you see they cant said Ben ny his fathers yard fell out of the tree breaking his neck causing instant death He leaves a widow and young child pi Hundred Otherwise Normal A 100pound Philadelphia baby two years and nine months old who as a pastime moves furni ture with the ease of a piano mover and who eats as much as mea i8 i Aug WROhro Sept 10 ft MOBILIZATION I I Have you any to go and sell ft asked Mr James No father I should think not said Dick Or give it away It up asked his father No I should think not Dick You see then bis father that people cannot always do as they please with their own things Well that Is different Dick No said his father it Is the same thing Nobody can do what they please with their property there are bounds and limits to be respected in using their clothes toys money or any of their properly must always use them as their parents ap prove Your money like your coat cap shoes books toys yours to uso and to enjoy but and enjoying them under the direction of your parents Do you see Dick Yes eald Dick not very cordially however But men can do what they please wiUi their money- No said Mr James men are un der restraints made by the laws of the laid They just as like with their own property You recollect thai borne ago a man was on suspicion Unit be set lo own hoots 1 Doctors from near and far have studied him has been rayed and examined They can not find anything abnormal about him except his weight They can not explain his growth His enormous weight is not due prim arily to fat because his bones are as large as those of an adult feet inches tall and weighing pounds baby is Billy McCarthy son of Mr and Mrs W Mc Carthy When he was born in August in New York City he weighed nine pounds and twelve ounces He immediately began to gain at such phenomenal rate that when he left the hospital with his mother days later he weighed 36 pounds A three- weeksold baby weighing 36 pounds was an unheardof thing even in New York City Ho kept right on gaining until at he weighed pounds and now although he will not be three years old until August he stands feet inches in his stocking feet and weighs lb Billy a brother Frank who is nearly five years old with whom he plays like a and Frank wears 8yearold suits himself Billy holds Frank on his lap like a plaything and push- en him around the McCarthy lawn in he Irish wilh the facility of a boy elephant play ing with a kitten And interesting thing about little Billy is bat his Is away above normal It has net been hurl by his growth He talks about things reasons and asks questions which a child of six or eight would not think of mother- says all the dootpre who have examined him say that he above normal mental ly and to just let him grow as long as he Is healthy Sir have you an opening for a smart and energetic young man like myself Certainly Theres lb door back of tit CONFEDERATION SPECTACLE 1 ZOOPERFORMERS Birth to Af Stieihr AcUimat GIANT LIVESTOCK AMD AGRICULTURAL DISPLAY Judging Competition for Farmers New Farm Crop Cora- petitions Extended Chuiificationa and Innovation in All Departments IMMENSE EXHIBITS OF TRACTORS A1ID FARM LABOR SAVING DEVICES ART Italian French Persian American and Canadian Masterpieces MUSIC limes Famous Soloists and a score of other leading organizations ENTIRE NEW MIDWAY NATIONAL MOTOR SHOW showing op tfliaMoiVu Greatly enlarged Government and other Exhibits War in ill pbatca Model Camp Artillery- Drive Flifchu of surprises in store and a thousand thrills for new EDUCED LINES TRAVEL -j- Large English Berkshire Dog a DAN 1 J On Short I Machinery for Bale Y heel to OF TORONTO