Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 20 Jul 1917, p. 8

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Wvj ess w s raws iSSS H i- MB LOtf iCjuBIK I aU V r win ni if J I MADAM Rose fit Montreal April Foovor two years I was flick And I suffered from cansant I Headaches and had Iitpitalion of I carina badly that I feared I would There ceo mod to a lump In my And the was dreadful I Buffered from in tha Hack and Kidney I treated by physician for a year And a half and ho did mo no at all tried MS ft resort After using three boxes I was grtolly and twelve made mo well Now I can work all day and no Headaches HO Palpitation no Heart Trouble no Constipation no or Kidney Trouble and a new and that gave mo hack my health Mauau ARTHUR Wo a for trial At all dealers or by Ottawa Ah token of hold and In No Vivhhvatf with Un Wlhl by of coiu- iihdii Vivian for of work mwtasant Too forKfit llu on the lawn of J on Ihccvoiilng Jul 17 Oil barn raining fit the homo of Mr It an ill tort MjhhIou Hand was Friday afternoon All arourgod to be J invited her pu pil of Ml Pleasant and their parents to a at her home in on Saturday July There was a and all good OOP j JAnJatl tool J lot lo If fcttsanj wty t- quarters in alcoholic for a i y On to Rent 7 Rooms Apply to J Newmar SALE That and premises at known as Mansion House For particulars apply to Mrs tott Sharon or to her Newmarket i ran V a J acres one west of Head acres of hush hemlock rock elm pine oak and fc Running creek through hush and pasture acres of summer fallow acres of good orchard and good garden of small fruit Good and cellar with hard and soft water with stone stable underneath and water in the stable Hog pen and imple ment house No belter land In good slate of cultivation Pos session given first of March JOHN BARRON It No Ronton FALL TERM FROM AUG and Gbarlos Toronto Is unquestionably one of Can adas Rest Commercial Schools The demand for our Graduates is far in excess of supply WRITE TODAY TOR W J ELLIOTT Ppi Attractive Trips To LAKES ALGONQUIN LAKE OP BAYS DAY Trip Tourist How on from Stations In at vory low fares vltb liberal TICKET8 IN Berth reservations and full all Grand Trunk Ticket Offices or write E District Passenger Agent System Toronto J Agent J It Phone Agent EXCURSIONS Every J r- J it Km 4 by one hundred and fifty men attended Mr barn raing on the Coil on Saturday afternoon Bides were and the raisinu was completion when the rope on one end of a heavy plate foil Injuring I wo of lrt Warren Morris a young farmer and lames Drown Mr Arch man Morris had his head badly cut ami was struck on the side of the face and knocked un conscious pinned to Hie by a pike polo Jhe pike pole probably saved both men from fatal injury as it checked and deflected the An old and respected resident of passed away on Tuesday in the person of Mr Jno Gonhl Mr Gould hail been in declining health for some time due lo the Infirmities of old ago he having reached his year He had been a resident of Noble- ton for ah out thirty years previ ous to which he lived on the of King near Idoydtown Ho is Survived by bis wife mid four sons Jacob of Holloa David and of Toronto and Hugh of Winnipeg The funeral will take place In Cemetery Fri day afternoon Mrs Robert J of Cad illac Mich announces the of her daughter Roberta to Johnston on the of July Mr John Dean who has been ill is improving nicely The members of the Womens Institute met on Wednesday and packed boxes for the soldiers SO The marriage Miss youngest daughter of Mr of Falls to Mr Ira Anderson of look place at the Presbyterian Manse ridge on Wednesday July the Rev Mr of ficial The bride who was unattended looked very pretty in her travelling suit of blue a white bat After the cer emony happy couple left for I he brides homo at Falls for a short time They expect lo leave shortly for Gad shy Al berta where they intend to reside A very pleasant ceremony was performed In the Baptist Church by Rev Brown on Wednes day July when Miss Gertrude daughter of Mr and Mrs J was united in marriage lo Mr John Baker of The church was very prettily decorated for- the occa sion and the ceremony was per formed in the presence of only immediate relatives The happy couple left for Toronto and other points and intend making their home at Markham Olrmcu lot Over jew J AM bono many lO flStfc the allround linlmcnl fox aas5 mm Oft Cuto any Troati4 U4 or vrIto lo Holy City next Orchard Beach Mr Harry Hawkins of Montreal spent the weekend with his uncle Mr Andy Wright Visitors from Port Credit and Richmond Hilt spent Sunday at Thomsons Miss Thompson oi Toronto who sang so beautifully at church on Sunday morning was the guest of Mrs A for the weekend Mr and Mrs A Cornell of Newmarket were guests at Ingle- wood for the weekend also Rev of Newmarket who preached here very acceptably on Sunday The Misses Dart of Toronto who contributed such a delightful duet at the service last Sunday morning have promised lo sing again before the season is over The on Saturday delay ed tho noon car from for one hour and twenty minutes at the Jersey River for want of power The high tension wire was out business the first time this season rain came down in torrents Mrs of Toronto was a guest at Dudley Manor for the Weekend that Rev Principal of Wycliff Cot lege 111 Sunday- nd in sing little Miss Beryl Jackson is here from Montreal ho a few months with her grand parents at and New market The lake was so quiet on Thursday evening of last week that the Band at Monte Reno Park could be distinctly heard across the water LEY Business is activity Econo my is efficiency Economy- is not slowing down Economy is speeding up and finding new use for everything Throughout the war wise inert of England have striven lo maintain Hie in dustrial structure of intact despite all difficulties and heir slogan is Business as Usu al- Remember the parable of Hie man who buried his masters money so it would he safe and whose fellow used his masters money to make an increase Economy is doing the best you have with what you have in your self in what you own and what you can influence It means a joining of hands figuratively of every man wo man and child in this great coun try so as to work together that our great resources shall bo ac tivated and moved by our com mon patriotism It means more doing in telligent spending more distri bution of information of how where and when goods may be had of all kinds to meet every human requirement It does not mean hoarding it means sow ing spending for the business soil of the Canadian nation has boon scarcely touched us awaken to the of economy and make Business Unusual You may not wear the khaki but you can come across Spend money wisely but spend it which means use it A GOOD Henry Ward over six ty years ago established a Farm er Creed that was as follows We believe in small farms and thorough cuitivation We believe that soil loves to eat as well as its owner- and it ought therefore lo ho liberally fed We believe in large crops which leave land belter than they found it- making the farm er and the farm both glad at once We believe in going lo the bot tom of things and therefore in deep plowing and enough of it All better with a subsoil plow We believe that every farm should have a good farmer We believe that the best fer tilizer for any soil is a spirit of industry enterprise and intelli gence Without this lime and gypsum bones and green manure marl and guano will bo of little We believe in good fences good barns good farm houses good stock good orchards and child ren enough to gather fruit We believe in a clean kitchen a neat wife in it a spinning wheel a clean cupboard a clean dairy and a clean conscience We firmly disbelieve in farmers that will not improve in farms that grow poorer year in starving cattle in farmers boys turning into clerks and mer chants in farmers daughters un willing to and in all farm ers ashamed of their vocation or who drink until honest people are ashamed of them and widely known- for their and helpful ministry lo humankind hospital Work was the recent con vention of the American Association tit which ho is President This is what he bad lo say about national prohibition No ono except policeman Indulgence in alcohol alrftted pauperism Immorality and- crime than tile physician has reach ed when alcoholis rafo- iy employed as a drug being dis placed by boiler remedies Al cohols only place now is in the arts and sciences- Notional prohibition would he welcome by tho medical profession Principal of llio Unite States Free Theological School In Glasgow died recently mourned by all who knew him has been voluminously and with great concerning he great crusade fop liberty in which the British Empire is He affirms- that in such condi tions is obligatory for the na tion to do its work with pure hands From this point of view he became passionately convinced hat no victory could come until the nation purges itself of the drink evil and his last writings were thrilling appeals for imme diate national prohibition Many things are- happening these days to the doomed liquor traffic The Department of Justice prosecuted tho United States Brewers Association for raising a million dollars tocor rupt public elections in The Secretary of the Association went to Jail rather than produce the hooks which recorded the Organ finances A taste of jail life changed his fooling and hooks were forthcoming The counsel for their clients pleaded guilty and the Judge imposed fine totalling 963000 The confession of such gross dishonesty if there were no oth er reason ought to be a suffi cient reason for winding up the business Sound government must not tolerate a trade willing to money in any such unscru pulous and unpatriotic way J II lit- a has sweetened hall century with the came crystal purity that make it today Buy it in original pack end lb and cure of the genuine Let Sweeten it Made in onlythe highest J- tOOO WOliaUH IN TUU By J Wilbur Chapman in the Christian A few years ago a missionary who had been in China for 25 years returned home on his first furlough He had had such a passion for his work and such a desire to serve his Master that lie had been unwilling to leave hie field of labor even for a needed rest When ho reached Ihe homeland the editor of a great newspaper sent a representative to call upon him and told him that Ihey wished him to travel up and down the Pacific Coast for thirty days and then to submit to an interview He was also told that he would be asked to tell the readers of the paper what impressed him most in America after long absence Inasmuch he was travelling as a guest the paper he made very care ful note of tJie conditions with which he was confronted and in the interview he gave most strik ing answers to general ques tions The editor of the paper said bo imagined this aged man would be impressed with thc4 advance along scientific lines the almost universal use of the tel ephone binding the cities togeth er or with the fact that in his absence men had discovered the wave currents of and were sending their messages without the means of cables to London and back in twenty minutes but these things wore not mentioned The missionary said however When I left America twentyfive years ago the majority of Chris tian homos had in them family altars and now I have re turned after so long an absence I find thatll is the rare exception to find a family altar in a socall ed Christian home And then speaking like a prophet he said When the family allar breaks down the danger and with the homo endangered there is serious trouble ahead for the country The home is never quite com plete- until the father takes position before his household like a priest I do not mean as an- ordained minister but rather as one who realizes that be is re sponsible for the spiritual inter est of his household It is not enough that wo should provide for the material comfort of our child ren It is by no means enough that we should be concerned for their intellectual development The spiritual he cul- and moral surrounding our children must be carefully watched and properly developed and I know of no one thing that so help along these lines as that day should begin with family prayer In a group of distinguished the was asked VWtit brought you to great roan re- hip a to It is a sad thing to know that some children have novel heard llieir fathers pray and sincerely the father of whom this can he Said and of the child who Is deprived of an influ ence which inevitably makes for strength of character 1 an quite Aure that ono rea son why so many- men shrink from holding family worship is this they do not feel that they are able lo make a sufficiently long and intelligent prayer and feel they are too busy to read any extended lessons from the Scriptures I am also posi tive that one reasonwhy the children in a household find fam ily worship distasteful is this that the prayers are too indefinite- and sometimes too meaningless while the reading of the Scripture Is too long drawnout and the passages elected lop ale to the occasion Why not have family worship something like this the family assem ble around the breakfast table let the bead of the household read two or three verses of Scripture or belter have a New Testa ment at each plate and read Verse each as the lesson Then with heads bowed if the father or mother could do no more than this it would be helpful Our Father blots our household to day Take care of our children protect IhemMn Ihe time of dan ger help them in their work and in their play Bless their father and their mother and keep us all an unbroken fam circle until we are safe borne with Thee Amen Such a prayer could bo easily offered and it would be im pressive to the smallest child The most of us fail in our praying al the point of I know of an aged man who used to begin every day with prayer with his household The servants came to family worshi the men from fields came sil with the household and wor ship God The name of every one was mentioned and an indi vidual prayer offered for each They sang a hymn together they bad a brief Scripture lesson and the menwent forth lo toil realiz ing that Goo was with them and did their work well because Ihey must render an account un to fiod for both lime and talent If the family altar is to he re established the following will need to be kept clearly in mind The father and the mother must be right with God Children will he very apt lo de tect the note insincerity and there is no place where this re veals itself more clearly than in he words we use in prayer It is not so much what we say when we pray as the way wo say it As a matter of fact is not so much what we say and the way we say it as what we are that counts There is one prayer which the head of the household should continually offer It is this Search me God and know my thoughts and see if there be any wicked way in me Then too it is necessary thai the prayer offered in the morning be lived throughout the day We cannot pray one way and live an other We cannot ask for pa tience and be impatient We can not pray for love and bo unlovely There are trees the spread of whose roots underground quite equals spread of their branches above and this is the picture for true Christian Being right in bis devotion he must he right in his daily living The influence of family wor ship is as lasting as Eternity Many a boy who appears restless Ihe family altar has the im pression made upon him which comes bock to him with tremen dous force afterwards when he is out in the world and with sin Many a girl is kept that which is incon sistent because of her recollec tion of lite trembling tones used In her fathers prayer and the TO i ERG For your that Spring and Mattress carry full- lino of ihn GUARANTEED LINE of Iron Dodo Cprlnno and Mattresses and OUR RIGHT keep nonuall Polish up old Furnlturo Mahler FRED SKINNER Undertake OUTH END FLO PASTRY ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR Loader from Old Wheat A SPECIALTY AWD ALL OF FEED FOR GOOD VARIETIES ALL KINDS OF GRASS Prompt Delivery ponded my fathers for the family sound of her mothers voice in song So many times we And ourselves drifting and suddenly we stop as if a hand had reached out to lay hold upon us It was Impossible to drift farther and the hand was a mem ory and memory brought be fore us the time of family wor ship when our fathers were pray ing and the very atmosphere of Heaven was round about us Let it not be said that life Id these days Is too strenuous for old Unit family worship It is barely possible that we have not time for extended worship but each morning thus given to Sod would protect a household At it possible a the to the entire household to prttm thus A HOWARD i IV to go to tho Country on call up Lot us mako you Comfortable In a COVERED BUGGY CARRIAGE OR AUTO Prompt Charges A BOYD Prop flight Calls on Phono Promptly Attended I If the end of the day finds you weary or irri- tablevith frayed nervesyou need something to tone and strengthen the system i J id hi are a remedy which quickly helps in conditions They acton the stomach liver ana bowels and so the strength and steady Ihe nerve A few doses of these world- famed family pills Meouie Belle Jf CANADA A CoVv Lighted Equips SUuiurd u4 TotuUl SI log Cut nJ Coloniit Con Per Lltrtltf RADIAL Kin Twenl fe H I I flu pledge ourselves to a faithful and consistent following of Christ in the days ahead of us A home U a home A home protected by prayer cannot drift fur toward Ihft world so that if we would have our homes right with God end our children from must pray not only about our lovftd ones but them Stems CO 0HAHLE3 later doner for La in nJ com yw Office Block Phono No for A J lrivU run to JJ AMI Willi- ad I if- B0 of or 1 TORONTO

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