Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 20 Jul 1917, p. 6

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V ii ft fjjjfc AGENT MOUNT ALBERT miniArt Mount Albert Mrs of Toronto is ring at homo of daughter J Mrs Messrs have purchased automobile recently Mr Oliver of Toronto upending a al the homo of liis unpin Mr ii ji 1 jUKMOHIAfi service The Annual Decoration Day Service in connection with lite fount Albert Cemetery was held the Cemetery on Sunday ovon- last It hod been showery during the day but the prospect towards evening and wan carried out as planned with Hint Sharon Band which had been engaged for the occasion ailed to put in an appearance owing to the fact that it was raining heav ily at and they naturally concluded that Ilia condi tions prevailed here Mr Hear the efficient caretaker had grounds In excellent lion and the final had work well In lion the Presbyterian and Womens Institute each contrib uted a very tastefully laid out flower bed The different lodges also assisted in the floral and combined result was a display and Albert Cemetery is now one of the most attractive homes of dead in tho County The program consisted of tenminute addresses Mr Osborne fSXnv Mr and Mr Geo who spoke on behalf of lUio Lodges while all good that of Rev Mr flray deserves special mention the roads were mud dy and the weather so mown at threatening the attendance- was unusually large and a very collection was taken up All who of the mat- deserve the highest praise for the very efficient manner in which everything connected with the matter was carried out The Methodist was held on evening at the home of Mr Win and a very enjoyable evening was spent in of the wet The strawberries were the finest on record and everyone seems thoroughly satisfied with program which was furnished by the young people Tlie pro ceeds were over Radios Aid are to bo congratulated on their event Of VAOHRLL Lots of rain lately but the downpour on Friday last did not dampen the spirits of tho fam ilies who went to the lake for a picnic from Egypt They all re port a good time despite the weather and when tea lime came they were all ready for the good things After tea Mrs Rye ice cream- The last seen of them they were going up Vacbell singing Keep the Homo Slices The storekeep- erj better half told the that she thought the dark clouds bad turned inside out by the l of the ail SHEEP from Lot rear of Con of East about the middle of June one and two Lambs marked vitb red paint Information will he suitably rewarded James Quecnsvillc Although weather was dfcj- was a good crowd at garden Party the Temple and off Proceeds were expenses a net Miss Evelyn spent the In Toronto with Cher aunt Miss May Miss Shaw and her visited at a couple of days this week Miss Maggie Brown of Aurora spent Sunday at Thos Browns Mr and Mrs of To ronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Miss Olive Black of Toronto spent Sunday under the parental roof Miss Lillian of Toron to visited at Mr Crones over Sunday Quito a number look in Party at Ml Pleasant on Tuesday evening and report a good limo Miss a Proctor of London was visiting at Briggs a few days last week The Red Cross Sewing Circle met at the homo of M Bonn Oil Thursday of last week Mrs A Turiimons of Toronto spent a few days hero last week visiting Mr Watsons Miss Wood of Brad ford is spending a few days at Col Waylings Mrs Jerry of Sutton West visited friends hero Thurs day of last week The Mission Circle met Hie home of Mrs J on Wed nesday of this week Miss Ramsay of Cold Ram b- spending a few days at her homo here along with her broth er Harvey who is home from the war Holland Landing Mrs Fisher and little Helen were guests of Mrs Sidney flood- win Mr Orr spent Sunday al his homo Mastor Stanley Otton passed the Toronto Conservatory Inter mediate Pianoforte Exam with Class Honors He is a pupil of Mr Arthur Oliver of the Conservatory staff Stanley al so passed the Entrance to High School He deserves hon orable mention as ho is only years of age Miss Sylvia Lane passed the Introductory Pianoforte Exam with honors She is a pupil of Master Miss Margery Bell received First Class Honors and Miss Verna Stevenson Honors Stanleys attempt at leaching proved successful We are glad to report Mrs is convalescent Master Milton spent few hours with his mother Sunday and Mr Toronto called at tlie Parsonage on Saturday Stanley went with them on a Ashing expedition The Misses Edith and Verna Stevenson have returned from a very pleasant vacation Mrs Ollon and Stanley spent a few days with friends in Mrs Thompson and Miss Lena have been visiting in the city Queensville a- A A I I ago ho was by Mr and Mrs Smith left her baby with our Miss Lily was good till night time when it raised a great howl Miss Lily was at her wits end till she thought of mouthorgan oh which she a considerable performer its dbicct strains baby into and when Ethel got homo he was eating broadband milk like a little man Hen Tomlinson has picked up under Dr He doesnt seem to care to rest yet a while- Too much rain is detrimental to the hay fanners suffered the ugo Theres a considerable STREET NORTH The storms that passed over Ontario the past few automobiles around ore days were brought about by more who have them seem quite willing lo livery hole cars at very a on of days were brought about by equinox of Venus in which the forces of nature to combine to a crackerjack commotion Every thing ap peared Just right lo waken up lie dreamers The vivid flashes of lightning and the terrific thun derclaps were all heavy like can nonading and bursting of bombs The wet period will last through July after which drier weather will prevail till Sept My copy of Hicks is in great demand among believers but there are doubting Tom mies Donald Pennsylvania Ottawa and Mrs John Toronto are visiting their mother Mrs Aird and a dear old mother is Mr and Mrs Donald Riddel and Miss Flora circumvented Lake in an auto a week or and report a particularly outing Egypt was chauffeur and knows how to do ft O K They wont by way of Bradford Barrio and made calls on friends at several points Donald was good to her eh Shes worthy of it all Miss Flora is spending a portion of her holidays with her niece Laura Tonilinson Allan- dale These lassies are capital girls of thirteen sweet as honey smart as cayenne pepper and re markably lovable dispositions They make a charming team both like their Uncle Owl Win Aird has made a new and much better road up to his resi dence He has left the old mountain path up to his Highland castle intact for he sake of lang syne This is one of my favorite spots for a call Here I find some of my kindest friends in Grandma Miss Jessie Harbor and Mrs Win and wellbroughtup family The Highlands or Windy Ridge as it is sometimes called is the home of some of our best and cleverest young women Theres Misses Edith and Mary Highland Mary Miss The ma Chapman and Misses Bessie and Flora Riddel A rather un usually brainy lot of young wo men Misses Mary and Tbclma Chapman aim to be teachers Highland Marys am bition is to be a Public School teacher Miss- Thclmas mind is directed towards work and for her age she is for beyond the average in knowledge of Gods Word Awfully pretty girls too Would I were a kid under their instruction that I might for a kiss as a reward for good be haviour Oh bow good Id be I rales Those not able lo afford a car stick to the bike and theyre yet Dorothy Jewell though but eleven Is a most performer Few about hem can equal her Henna Dorothy thou sweet little maid When thou forth on thy cycle arrayed Away thou spinnest with the speed of the wind Een the or the tempest self stays behind Poplar Bank Sunday in tend holding their picnic the other sports will bo among events- of afternoon also re freshments will bo served -Ev- Mr and spent the formers sister Mr and Mrs Toronto don and Mr of were visitors at Mr J Proctors recently Mr Stanley Barker spent few days last week in at tending the Free Methodist Camp Mooting Mr and Mrs Harry Mills spent Sunday in Barrio Mr Allan Sister spent Sunday at his borne in Keswick Methodist Church has been fortunate in obtaining a Sutton mm school grounds -on- Saturday was eld on ground July laces and other sports wi 0 the ftwasa Gar den Parly at The Briars July- Ladies Aid are pulling forth every ef fort to make this a success Tea served from after there will programdf vocal and instrumental music and reoltaUohs Mrs Cross and Miss Verona have returned from a two weeks visit in the city Mrs of Pcfferlaw was the guest of Mrs W Mc Donald week Miss Ruth Knapman of Is a few weeks with her aunts Misses Gould A quiet wedding was solem nized at the summer homo of Mr Win Wells at Jacksons Point when his daughter Nellie was married to Oliver son of the Hon John Oliver Minister of Agriculture for British Columbia Rev Mr Morden officiated The bridesmaid was Miss Ada Wells and Gillie was the groomsman Mr and Mrs Oliver left for Ottawa and will re side at Quyon Rev Hiram Hull of Toronto is preach at the Summer Church on the Lake Shore next Sunday evening Miss Olive who has been attending Pickering College for the last nine months has passed her examination for a stenographer We her great success and happiness in hernew position Olive said examinations were bard but however she managed gel through thorn all eight Harmon J Pole Tin Mrs Marsh and family have returned to their summer resi dence here Hodge Work on tlias Park Wilkinson Woodcock Wort Con J Wort con R Work ieam J with HOLLAND LANDING i tit Harrison Work on Centre Road Foster Work Holer Morrison Gravel Mrs Donovan and Mrs Chap- Walter Ualioney in are also occupying their TO FAHLIEUS Your crops never looked bet ter than at the present and you the very best Binder to out it and is the new McCor- Also Agent in this dis trict for the new Chevrolet Car Ho sure to see it I have ono at Mt Albert If PKGG toiv to westercj If you are going West lake of the low sloa Fares offered by the Canadian Northern Railway good leaving every Monday literature and all Information apply lo City Agent THE IMP YIIOKOUQMIRtiO Enrolment No Approved Reg in tire Canadian Thorough Stud Book as Ho His Colts are very saf- to the breeders Not ouo of his Colts has died this year equal in size and strength to ordinary Colts six weeks old This year will you a living satisfactory Colt J SONS Managers Mrs Matthias is visiting her daughters in Hamilton A few of our citizens enjoyed the Sharon Garden Party Mr and Mrs Clayton Foster spent Sunday at Bond Head with Mrs Fosters sister Mrs An drews and Misses and Laura returned them Mr Richard of Toronto is visiting his brotherinlaw Mr J Wright and other friends Miss Ida McGcnerty of St Thomas is spending her holidays among her friends and relatives bore Miss Violet Thompson spent a week with the Misses Mr and Mrs Burt of Toronto are spending a week with Mrs Thompson Mrs is in the city for a short lime The League members are plan ning to hold open air meetings When the little grey horse comes up to town And the dear all dressed in brown They walk the streets on Satur day night And eat their chocolates with de light On Wednesday night they took their flight To Sharon they disappeared The supper was great what a lot they ate And no one interfered Tho Womens Institute will meet at the homo of Mrs J T on Wednesday July Mt Albert Institute will be present and furnish pro gram All ladies welcome So far as known the Mea- is only Canadian freighter engaged in the transat lantic service has sunk a submarine Our burg is blessed with cows horses and innumer able sheep running at large I suppose you can understand that it is not pleasant wandering around after dark How long oh how long must Ibis state of affairs be tolerated A few days ago I navigated to Val to inspect bis straw barn and stables They are very complete and their tidy workmanship reflects much cred it on Bruce Riddel who did most of the work I think Tim has a very attractive and commodious home only far from the line of public travel What the na tion did be ever build so expens ively way back there said a casual observer Well he couldnt very conveniently move the farm out to the street grave ly remarked the Owl Now if youll just let your eye follow the finger directly lo Gum Swamp youd And there just handsome and cosy a rural borne as there is in Joel La- is the proprietor seems complete His new residence is something sel dom surpassed in the country The silling room is cosy and just a blaze of glory so well is it lighted I was immensely de lighted with il and was taken up with the lovable liltle folks Mrs is a daughter of Albert Rogers Con EG Go to Norman Yorks and youll find some more Gum Swampers and several likewise at Langs The mark of improvement is seen on every hand bore Whis key isnt King any more James is having his residence veneered with hollow cement blocks This sooms to bo tho most approved style of Anient work Tho lasty band of John Miller is doing lite Tliqe Smith is preparing to leave on his annual blueberry outing Several years Live Wire for their Pastor in the person of Rev Levering He gave a splendid address last Sun day evening his text being How can we escape if we neglect so great a salvation Come and hear next Sunday evening Miss Hamilton and Miss P swell of button together wilh Whit ford and Mary pard spent an evening al Mr Morrills home last week There is always a Red Cross Sewing Circle on Tuesday noon the Keswick Temperance Hall at oclock Shirts are in vogue there now Come and do your bit for our Canadian lads Shirts arent hard to make when once one is started so come come come I Miss is back from the worth League Summer School at Elgin House and reports a splendid time Mr Normans motor for Japan will soon be a reality Wouldnt you like to help Mrs Bacon of Toronto is the guest of her cousin Mis Win Marritt think its going lo is a safe say now adays When we rise in the morning it rains When we dine il rains When we work it rains and even when we go to it rains Whats the weather man weeping for any way Mr Lovering will address the League on Wednesday evening Everyone make point to be out ft all depends on you Mr Poole YMCA Work Sec retary spoke to an enthusiastic audience of boys of the Teen Age oh Thursday evening listing the boys for work on the farm The purpose of the Sol diers of the Soil Movement is lo show the boys of the Teen Age thai they are helping to win the war One of statements is worth while printing as nearly as I can remember it It is If a boy works wilh the same pur pose and thinks almost the same thoughts as he did in the Spring of something Is wrong That can be applied lo each one of us He Said the girls could do their bit by helping the busy farmers wives Doesnt that help some girls Mr Poole is ar ranging for an Athletic Meet at Jacksons Point on Aug a big bonfire and talk afterward It is expected Mr Taylor Statteri will be there lo address the boys Surely that will make up for all the backaches this summer Mr is back from England lie wasnt the front but he wanled to bo and thats something Bathing is line now By the way why someone who is energetic build a spring board from the shore to about six and a half feet of water so one could have a decent dive Billiken OOO Orchard Beach Miss Mabel Weddel of New market and Miss Evelyn Weddel of Sharon spent a couple of days this week with their aunt Mrs L Jackson Miss Margaret Weddel of To ronto is spending a couple of weeks with her sister ngle- wood Cottage Miss Caroline Grant and Miss M Long collected on the Beach last Saturday being the French Flag Day which was add ed lo he collections of the New market Society A arrived for Rev Balfour on Wednesday and he is now arranging to build a boat- house A Sunday School Excursion of six cars from Toronto passed through to Jacksons on Wednesday Whats the matter that the does not get the weeds cut on the side of the road They were not cut all last year and some vacant lots also need attention These are in great contrast lothebeaulifuI lawns and gardens farther- along the shore and look untidy to say the least Garden truck is doingwell lady got potatoes in a hill and four of them were the size of duck eggs Another lady is us ing fresh cabbage As much as boxes have been taken off a small patch of strawberries The birds are carrying off the cher- about as fast as they ripen Mr Roberts of the Union Bank New York City with his wife and baby are spending a week at Mr T J Robertsons Mrs Lacon of Toronto is also a guest of Mrs Robertson ma summer residence Mrs who has been seriously ill again is some better Miss Inez Fuller of Newmarket spent a few days this week with her aunt Mrs Miss M Kitching of Toronto is visiting Mrs Mrs of Toronto is visiting Mrs Piper Mr W spent Sunday last at home in so HOPE Mrs Hall and Mrs Dyke spent a couple of days in the city last week Our Home is gaining all the time The report for Ibis quarter is two new members and an offering of over Quite a number gave full reports Mr Bailie was hitching his horse up on Sunday when it suddenly became unmanageable and threw him against the fence culling his facebadly Miss Gertie is away for a coupjp-of- weeks holidays Miss has return ed lo the city Quite a number attended the Garden Party at Sharon Gravel Dan Gravel Gravel Cunningham Gravel Amos Lapp Gravel A Arnold- Gravel A Mitchell Gravel A Mitotan Work Sutherland J Warren J Croulch Work Cleverlon Work Trod Case Team Jus Smith Work Team Work f Team Work Gravel Caster Work Jacob Weddel Work 1770 m 1300 50 MO Geo Leek Work Jacob Hopkins Work Archie Goodwin Work Con Wm Tali- Work criveiier Work in Ceo Prank Thompson Work John Drawing Gravel Seymour Harper Work A Gravel Harrison Work on Gravel Joel Work Geo Work Hi I 100 iSA port an excellent time The Misses Goode spent last Verne Work with Miss A Andrews John Work Big times al the ball games David Work The air seems to be filled with Phoenix Work be bum of aeroplanes these days Work Gordon Work Paul Gravel And Hint Corporate hereto attached passengers but rescued and pro- Treasurer be instructed return for collection uncollected taxes charged Alex Hon P while crossing in the ferry at Three Rivers was threatened by the lected by employees Nursing Sister Campbell of Orange J and Pie Castle a returned soldier were drowned near when they and another nurse with them in a boat stood up to change seats part of Lot It Con amount- lo litis amount fear ing been entered in error by Dominion Hank a paid ColeHaines That the Coufl- do now adjourn to meat Township Hail on Council in be afternoon CanU A It MacKENZIE Cferfc Sharon July 13th The regular meeting of the Municipal Council of the Town ship of East was held on the above date All members were present Minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed Communications from the Co Engineer re ditch on the west Town Line The Hydro Associa tion re membership etc Moved by Proctor seconded by and resolved that the William Wright Reeve issue his order on the the Treasurer for payment as I Chi are a pa Flora vihlfo other WE la TO CHEDIT0n3 Notice is hereby given persons having claims the Estate of William late of the Tp of East Gf bury in the County of Io nian deceased who day of April file he same properly with the undersigned lor of the MOUNT The Girls Mission Band met at he home of the Misses Pearl and Stiles on Friday July There was a largo at tendance Ibe was veiy unpleasant The after noon was spent in sewing and much was accomplished It was desired that the next meet ing would be held at borne of Mrs Everett York There will be an evening ser vice in the Mount Pleasant Church next Sunday at oclock Tlie Cross Society are havings Bazaar and harden Par ty on Mr Tilletts lawn on Aug 2nd Mrs Tillctt the Pres and all are sparing no pains to make this a great success Come and help the cause along Word has been received that Morton of has been wounded We are sorry lo bear It but for a speedy recovery We are glad to hear that Mrs Williamson is improving Wo know she has a good nurse one will give her good care The Cross are working hard Quilling and making shirts etc If you havent already got some tickets for quill that is being sold now bo suro to get some and help us along My but it does look bad lo rubbish and pop bellies dumped on he road by little White Church Rubbish of this sort is not seen on the roads the summer people come up We have found some motors loba guilty this act One car was caught in the very act week of throwing these bottles on each side of the road for half a mile or more His number was taken and he was warned lo pick these up Another person dumped a box of rubbish on private properly of Mr A Hamilton but was kind to leave his name and address- Something will bo done lows viz David work Lots 12 Con Alfred Kelley drawing gravel Con 2 1250 Walt P Wright Grading Con I0C0 Andrews drawing gravel Con Tien Manning work on 1st Con 350 Andrew Grading Con 250 David Millard Drawing Gravel Con Culvert Lots ceased on or before the of July as irnrn thereafter the said proceed lo amongst those bin- regard only to those claim filed Dated June W Con 3 500 i Oliver J A Cole Com Oakley Flanagan work on road Perry Browning work on road Grading T Grading Con 5 Wm Burns rep Sidewalk I Con Jno Greenwood drawing Tile J Finder Gravel Con Richard Boyd Grading Richard Com Con Ed Johnston Culvert W Work on on Samuel Arnold Gravel Con Era Ad Court of Revision Culvert Com Con 5 Arthur bolts for Bridge Con Fred Hamilton Spikes for Bridge Con 250 225 220 325 3w Solicitor for Em- JAS FOR A w easy Will very Cheap Quick sale Apply to Brown Hill M ft SILO J it eon A foot b- IMP Will travel and season cfiS J COWIKSON A WALTER THOMPSON tf THE MEM l Whlta I i

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