liner- such our 1BOG fitter J Notary 0 i St Newmarket to on good Farm I I I A I I AMI n fa a dome Toronto Offloo I Building corner and rt Snider J McDonald Would Building over J IBS Co g Bone will Frank A COMKCTQ11 Insuranco FRED Corner Or Main and Hots ford Newmarket LOSS A containing purees and Red Cross car arriving Hero from To ronto at noon tinder materially the work the leaving Mist or at this office- The homo of Mr and Mrs mimd Wellesloy St Toronto was scene of a quiet wedding on Wednesday heir second daughter Etta linn married- to Arthur VanNdstrandi older boo of- Mi and Mrs J A VanNoa- rand of VandorfOnt The Hey Bradley Hyde conducted the ceremony in the presence of the immediate relatives of bride and groom and later Mr- and Mrs VanNofltrand ft for a trip WV frt ell my life until I took Com- for and for It mo oat fa Urns as on a AJrn and J four girls I do all my and other work with their ho cited roar trade tecbrd of any poultry Sup plying dealing with subsidized cold storage that ob tained flubBidiee on condition that providb public Blorago the statoa that only iz per cent of thft produce handled by flulisidized stored or others In Wis con nection he says It may bo ihon- lioacd that in Lindsay the concern which re ceived last grant- on total subsidy of in re port a very quantity of Produce stored for tho public Since so In fact that no record kept of the amount to Dr J 171 Graduate In of Toronto Coll fctr of the and roeni- iJollcge of Surgeons tar of v clinical i Hospital arid CollCKe Ear Nose and Throat Glasses supplied Telephone ilt RIOIIMOrjD Professional Mr i Hamiltons Resldencc- Phone Knd Overcome He pointed out however that the greater the spread tween the price paid to the pro I paid by con- Si AND JEWELLER Park Avenue Now Post Office PAINTER AND Ave 2nd house from Queen Newmarket Phone PO 401 A of Piano and Vio lin Dealer in all kinds of Mu sical Instruments and Repairs Piano Tuning Agent for Columbia and Records Complete Slock I Pr Lyman Issuer of- Marriage Licenses At Ihe lira Office Private issued at private re sidence if desired NEWMARKET and Head Stonosv Call before ordering elsewhere FOR I Kept in Slock and Made loOpder Invito to hop at Homo The had a full page ad for T Katun Co last week Lack of- adver tising support by lite local mer chants led the Herald to a contract for a page regularly of the Eaton advertising The price paid is doubtless an at tractive one arid will show the home merchants they never had a full appreciation of the value of newspaper space If local merchants in other towns do not wake up there will soon bo a number of local papers carrying departmental store ads A mer chant hasnt much game in him if he is afraid to risk a few dol lars in telling what he trying to do Durham Chronicle Avoid VJaoto I The world war has laken so producers from the sources of food supply that the worlds consumption of food is greater than the amount and consequently food reserves are being rapidly depleted Millions of men are actively en gaged in and in sup ply of munitions and equipment They are fighting bur halites find we must provide their food Canada will produce all the food wo can consume hut Canadians must save more There is very much waste due in many instances to the lack Or a demand at market prices especially supplies much of this waste and yet while this I waste is taking place fam ilies arc- compelled to go without it for lack of means to pay the market prices Could not the Board of Hed Cross arrange to bring the consumers In touch with this surplus fruit that it might not he wasted The use of such per ishable food which would other wise be wasted will help to in crease the supply of exportable food There is also much waste in Die kitchens and dining rooms of Canadian homes The waste in bread alone is a considerable item Bread has been looked upon as one of cheaperStaple foods and iillle care lias been tak en 10 prevent its waste by drying up the discarding of crusts etc A little thought will show what this waste amounts to when the cumulative result throughout Canada is considered Compound when my year old daughter camo end It helped mo a lot I also had my oldest girl tako It and It did her Iota of good I keep It In all and recommend it Irritabil ity backache dragging all point to female which may bo overcome by Compound This famous remedy the medicinal Ingredients of which derived from native end herbs has for forty cm proved to bo moot valuable and Vomen everywhere bear willing testi mony to wonderful virtue of Compound millions Ottawa July A startling revelation of profile taken in the sale of food during last year par ticularly when prices rose so spectacularly was made today by OConnor K the cost of living commissioner in a re port lo the minister of labor of Burner arises products are out of cold slorago and this draws attention to the fact that two companies have eighty and forty retail stores each Ho points out that this gives Ihem an immense In com peting With other relail stores dealing in same lines Upon point ho comments The proceeds from byproducts ought to enable abattoir companies to sell on a much smaller than can the smaller butcher and if necessary to pay a higher price to producer than the smaller buyer can afford but no thing disclosed upon inves tigation indicated that either of these natural results had in fact followed Ml Profits In dealing with the egg situa tion Mr OConnor states that in partial justification of cold storage companies generally it is necessary lo state that the war time advancein the average pro fit on eggs has greatly in fluenced by excessive profits de rived by two particular compan ies The in his investigation of cold storage in Canada It is probable thai bought dozen eggs at a in no country allied or neutral margin of of 737 cents A which have been supplying the branch of this company bought in or NORTH YORK MARBLE AND GRANIYE Designs in Monuments loadstones All Kinds of Cemetery Work t ATTENDED TO fcn1 see us before buying elsewhere kinds of Building Stones Cut to Order John id Importer of Foreign and Domestic AND Phew It at sl if VOUM Easter Lilies Primula Mm Tulips cdiucaroauons for as early RHUBARB tra for and Out A I It was a strange coincidence that two funerals met at New market Cemetery last Saturday afternoon in which the parlies were related through Ihe Rich ardson family Mr John of Bradford father of Alps Richardson and Mrs of Newmar ket died on Wednesday of last Week and was interred in New market Cemetery on Saturday af ternoon Mr and Mrs Rich ardson and Mr and Mrs ruff being among the mourners As the procession turned into the Cemetery it was follow ed by the funeral cortege of- Robert who died at the residence of his daughter in Harbor Michigan on Thursday of last week This funeral was on arrival by the morning ft train but was delayed till the afternoon train Or and Mrs Armilage of Harbor Beach Mich and Mrs Or of accom panied the remains here also Mrs Coke Dr Silas Pearson and Mr Jonathan Collins and Mr Mclrod of Toronto and Jr Collins of Buffalo Rev Wood conducted the ser vice of both funerals at the graves which was indeed doubly impressive The late Pearson was the youngest of five sons of the late Paler Pearson one of the pion eers of this district and a man of sterling qualities Pearson of is a nephew of deceased who was in bis year A sister married the late Henry an other sister married Ihe late and Still an other married Mr Jona than Collins and the only surviv ing is Mrs Coke Two daughters and a son survive the ale Robert Pearson allies with food have such tre mendous profits been taken as by two Canadian firms Ltd with which Sir Joseph velle Hart of the imperial muni tions board is connected and Matthews Lid The profits run into millions of dol lars on one article great a sensation has the revelation made that members of parliament were in a commotion tonight and drastic action was promised It is understood that action will bo taken lo doronnd for the public treasury the Im mense profits made of the warwoes of the country and when soldiers and civilians had to be fed Taken in conjunction with the report made by Mr OConnor yesterday that in certain articles of food the supplies held in cold storage plants were unjusti fiable there is no doubt that par liament will not be allowed to dissolve before the impossibility of the Mike happening again is provided The report is the re sult of investigations held under the cost of living regulations which were pul into effect at the instance of Hon Crothcrs Million While coldstorage report deals with all the articles stored in these warehouses the most sensational profits are found lo have been made out of bacon Ltd in exported pounds out of a total export of pounds by Canada last year The margin of profit was cents per lb The average margin profit by all the coldstorage warehouses of Canada was L58 cents per think of time the Ford saves a busy farmer inhauling milk to the cheese factory- vege tables butter eggs and poultry to market fruit to the railway One fruit grower last season made four trips a day to railway station a total of miles and carried as high as 72 crates of quarts each on a He couldnt made more than one 30mile trip with a team The Ford soon pays for itself in the lime it saves the farmer With help so scarce every farmer needs to make use of every precious minute of his time To him the Ford car is a real sity Indeed some farmers tellue that it is doubtful if they could carry on their farm work under present labor conditions if it wasnt for tho time the Ford saves them J i 1 approximately 1000000 dozen at 248 cents average cost of the years profits and sold three and a half million dozen at cents the average selling price for the year He adds that a small independent company nearby bought half a million dozen at cents and sold at cents This proves he says that among the smaller cold storage com panies the spirit at least is wil ling where profits are concern ed The margin of profit tak en by on ham was cents per pound in and by cents a pound which was the highest in Canada No farmer need be without a Ford In fact tho average farmer could afford one if it were double the price It is as easy to drive as a horse three times as fast and costs less per mile to run Why not order one today TOURING FORD ONTARIO 1 if I ICN ROBERTSON N Pord Dealer IfJ pound If is subtracted the average margin is oerjts per pound throughout Canada The profits charged by the other warehouses from cents per pound up wards After showing he velle firm made a profit per pound on lb of bacon which is a profit of about for the year on this one article alone Mr OConnor points out thai the margin of profit of the same com pany the previous year on bacon was cents per lb on 57500- lb and says There is no evi dence of correspondingly increas ed storage or other costs 1000 pounds at least of the sales of were for export The margin of 367 was sufficient satisfactory and profitable in 1016 why not in 1916 Re ferring to the Mallhews-Hlack- well Company commission er says Company No it will bo sold lb of bacon lis margin was per lb The margin of its com petitors was email They were however feeding the mar ket Us need was not so great This would indicate that the firm made a profit in 1916 on bacon alone of about Mr OConnors figures indi cate that practically all of the sold in Canada is handled by Flavelles- and and with regard to this situation he says the basis of a monopoly of Ibis commodity ex isted before war In 1014 these two companies exported more than half the quantity of exported by Canada Their control of the bacon situation has been much strengthened since Possibly no more striking exam ple of a monopoly of any one Enjoy Monopoly Mr OConnor says that the popular conception of a food trust consisting of the various cold storage companies banded more or less loosely together with the common object of creat ing an artificial scarcity does not exist so far as he could dis cover A few of the cold stor age companies however have at tained such dimensions and have so centralized the- business in certain lines that as respects particular commodities particu lar companies are able to exer cise a practical monopoly In some instances lical monopoly has been airly and justly administered in oth ers It has not He stales lhal on the whole the operations of the cold storage companies have stood the lest of investigation well The profits of most of these companies have been small and have not to any degree con tributed lo produce the very high prices prevailing He says that a world shortage has induced high bidding in a world market domestic prices have followed the trend of export prices up wards and the Canadian farmer has not been blind lo bis oppor tunities Mr OConnors figures have r directly or indirectly here is simply confine the manufacture of butter the operating of a cold storage business The latter performed the same service for products that elevators do for wheat oats barley etc namely the surplus during the producing period and carries it to be subse quently distributed at the non- producing period as required The intention in the operating of our business as in all other businesses is lo make a profit but in securing the products which we purchase and do so absolutely upon the open market in competition with he trade generally and the price is determined entirely by the open competition and the supply and demand Because of the un usual export demand occasioned by war conditions the farmer is today enjoying unheard of prices TO been challenged by both the Win Company and the Mal- IhewsBlackwell Company The latter wired the premier as follows Have read in this mornings papers statement given by OConnor giving our profits On bacon for the year 1910 sup posed lo be compiled from confidential figures rendered Mr OConnor on your government authority The accounting ren dered him does not warrant any such figures which are grossly wrong and misleading and the publication is most unfair and will do serious injury to the pack ing industry- in lessening the pro duction of hogs and creating pre judice in the public mind that entirely unwarranted and not true to facts Wo must ask thai correction bo made at once and publicity given lo correct as far as possible the lamentable in justice done us William President of Ltd of Lindsay has given out the following state ment The reflections upon the cold storage and great pack ing Industry of our county which appeared in yesterdays papers were most unfair and untrue and unfortunately apparently had the sanction of the depart ment of labor at Ottawa Limited whose name has been associated with the is concerned the Lindsay business has no as sociation whatever with any oth er business of like nature either There is more Catarrh In- sec tion of the country than all other dis eases put together and for years was supposed to he Incurable Doctor prescribed local remedies and by con stantly failing to cure with local treat ment pronounced it Incurable Catarrh is a local disease greatly influenced by constitutional conditions and therefore requires treatment falls Catarrh Cure manufactured by J Cheney Co Toledo Ohio is a con stitutional remedy is taken internally and acts thru the on the Mucous Surfaces of the System One Hundred Dollars reward Is offered for any case that Halls Catarrh Cure fails lo cure Send for circulars and testimonials J ORKNEY CO Toledo Sold by Druggiets Halls Family Pills for Constipation From 14 with High to Years of Age School or Collegiate Education Excellent business opportunity for brloht In of Toronto engaged In producing food for Can adians at homo and overseas GOOD WAGES AND PERMANENT POSITION Tare paid to Toronto and comfortable lodgings secured if engaged When applying stale age training and name of school principal Apply to Box Era Office Newmarket How glorious it is lo he en gaged in a purely intellectual oc cupation murmured a youn maiden gazing rapturously into Ihe admiring eyes of the editor Your own menial faculties for lools and the whole universe for a workshop Now tell me she added what do you find the most difficult thing connected with your noble profession Paying the staff said the editor see theres some this state upon question of abol ishing capital punishment Would you vote to abolish it I would decided reply of the old chap Capital punishment was good enough for my ancestors and its good enough for me Everybodys Magazine If you do not know about the wonderful mountain scenery in cluding Jasper and Mount Rob- son Parka traversed by Tranacontinental line of the Can adian Railway between and Vancouver gel a copy of our handsome descriptive booklet to be had for the from fhat now or Guaranteed In that will not fade Pure Worsteds of British Manufacture llYho night CALL I A WILLIS Ihone Satisfaction Years of practical knowledge and an extensive and modern plant equipment assure pa Irons service cannot be surpassed A telephone call No will bring a man take care of your wants IS be vk n fc OF i-