SB Sgg nT S j I LOCAL NEWS on evening vnnd by the list d 10 good aormoh by ftlio A number of Aurora iron wore also Street very slow jjj very at owing unusual high It llHH iKMWl found to employ a foundation of thflpc aa the Wot Spoil was St a according to old j on that day it for forty in rained all right downpour but Monday day and there good sunshine in mi Kill say thai fit I ha end of a very St Clean to Grocer and General r following eOocoBflful in panning the junior School Entrance help ht in York Win lion Mary Bain Av idagc if Will ram which case rainy period Party Garden Party ho separate School Wednesday of noxt a splendid Ihnrc will bo various on Sons and music of he proceeds will o lo patri otic purposes Ah evening of than ordinary interest is iwo drawings will lake place for which now being sold- Father Wedlock is popular with all and iho grounds jlkely I crowded Go early relievo I lie congestion at the Mr Pearson died at Hie liOrne of his dauglilor Clara si Harbor on ly Ho had l in indsponl winter with his son and dauglilor Ida In April of be went lo Harbor fiwcli visit his dauglilor Clara and remained ho away His wife Janet predeceased him eight jears and be was laid beside in Mount Pleasant Cemetery Newmarket on arrival of Hie train from Toronto on Sat urday afternoon The remains by Dr and Mrs Harbor Midi and Mrs Watson of Detroit Relatives present from were Dr Pearson Mrs Coke and son Mrs Lillian J J Col lins of Toronto Mrs Morley of Annua Dr J P Col lins of Buffalo Dr Pearson of Aurora and Mrs of Toronto Deceased was in his year and had lived all his life except llie last two years at the old homestead Maple Grove His eldest brother died four years ago and Ibe remaining brother is Dr Pearson of Toronto Council t Council mot July pursu ant to Irosont- Muyor and and worn a- walk on the side of Ave from Millard Aye to the north of Cody lot They were assured that the walk would have duo consideration and it was referred to IhoJl Com Following bills passed Northern Co 1I700 Products A in Co Jas Co 10 Goo Stark to Dunlop Tiro Co rubber goods to Mr Doyle Cordinor Druwg to Com IS 10 Co and War Tux 974292 Jan Express Co Inland 05 Duncan Inspecting Mayor 4000 Tel Co phones If York Current Pay 9heolfln Application for Water Service from granted Applications granted for- Light when perm tie are received to the following Alfred Iovott Dr Wesley for A Y for Adams T for Jiphor for Stove Communication from imperial Hank re Building Permit ref to Corn with Mr Tench Communication from Hydro Co re corporation and railway debentures rof to Fin ance Corn Clerk presented halfyear ly Statement which was referred tho Finance Com report of Committee on Finance and Assessment was adopted the levy for being fixed at mills on the raloable property Council adjourned Dowser Frank Frank Dennis MIHio Beatrice Frank Far Muriel i Church On Monday evening the Ladies Aid and llys Trustee Board dis cussed repairs and needs of the Parsonage in the Church Parlor was decided that the Trustees would Book Casts some repairs while the will supply other needed articles of to make the Parsonage comfortable new Pastor and family Frank Fair Muriel Mikes Oswald Hall Harry boh Hewitt Lowell Hook James Hoy George Lister John Lister Charles Vern Mainos Arthur Mears Vera Lou so Morning Mildred Moulds Lulu Murray livens Alzina Piphcr Joseph hon Pollock Arthur Stark hon Tail David Terry Walter hon Toole Marjoric hon Williams Winchester Muriel Owens Cain At Cole Vernon Cowieson Emma Hall Bertha Hamilton Evelyn Hamilton Hill Byron Knights Fred Mahoney Olive Wright Ada Crnasor Herbert DeOroff At Sutton Bennington Vera Olive Ethel Graham McDonald Muriel lion Morrison Jos Martha boh Paris Flossie Flora Taylor Ethel Taylor Wood Frod Taylor Stanley Big Lorenzo Taylor Agnes A Cora Sutton Bernard rbpiripsorj Wbihpson Willie Norton I and Welcome bait Friday evening the mem- friends of the Christian Church gathered to welcome their now Pas tor Rev A and his fam ily A reception was held in the auditorium and despite the Weather a fine attendance was present Mr A acted as Chairman After prayer by Prosper the congregation and Choir Joined in singing the Na tional Anthem The Maple Leaf My Country tis of Thee honor of our friends from the United Stales During the large flags the Union Jack Canadian and the American prominently displayed and wspended into position at the out Dm church The address of welcome was by Mayor Eves after which wort speeches were made by Rev s Duller of the A my Rev Thorn of the Presbyterian A Young of the Friends Prosper and P of Keswick President of Ontario Christian Conference speeches were short program by the weir Mr replied wltli a few very A period followed fJoxt Sunday For many years Decoration Day has been observed at New market Cemetery It is a lilting service and is all the more sacred when held on the Sabbath Day It cannot be said that the men and women who look an active part in Ibe public affairs of the Town and vkjinily and even years ago are forgotten for this occasion brings people together who recall former events and talk loved ones who have gone before This year flowers are plentiful and it is hoped that not a grave will bo neglected Tho Cemetery is a beautiful on Decoration Day and as many people as pos sible should an effort to visit the City of Iho Dead next Sunday The procession of Lodges and Officials will leave the Market Square headed by the Band oclock and suitable addresses Dibble Lizzie At hit Brooks Gladys Cook Dike Mildred Gertrude Phoenix Hose Hilda Ross Bruce Ross Donald Smith Clarence Stokes Marion hon Murray Thirsk Viola Willson Annie Leek Harvey Borden Pearl Daisy At Harvey Edward Peers Lucille At Aurora Anderson Kathleen Andrews Billing Grace Birch a Ellen Black Florence Brown Elva Bryan Vorna Buckle May Butler Vera Jean Irene hon Crawford Ethel will delivered on the Cemetery grounds pleasing a of getting acquainted and all retired to the wernenl whore the ladies had refreshments A 80Cial auditorium and he Profusely decorat- an enjoyable affair and nil that the jay be a long and ar lle service r rt All kite fl next so com I for a this has to a later date About Our Cut Glass There many nice things we ought to say about It la the first place it came from a factory that turns out a highgrade product and nothing else You will find too that the de signs that wo show are de cidedly novel and attrac tive Besides our Cut Glass Is he heaviest there Is and the skilfuHy and accu rately cut Wo arent going to that this Gut is cheap because it be Hut It priced low for its quality We now have a nice select fallowing of cut Ms la our to you to look over Atkinson Co I Dove Ethel Fox Dorothy Hacking Ethel Harper Clara hon- Hunt Gertrude Florence McCallum Vera McDonald Freda John- Harry Treesa Ross Jean Phyllis Vera hon Toasdale Fred Tuslian Gladys York Charles Velma Seattle Edna Banbury Towns Grace McDonald Margaret Stevenson Barbara At Wilfrid Brydon Mario hon Dennis Fred Dennis Daniel Dennis Laura Harry McCarroIl Lillian Dorothy lion Quintan Owen At FergUHphiMyrllo Bandy TOaedalo Alwildri At hon Cook Cora Davis Morrill Myrtle Violet Geo Payne Percy Dnlla Norman Jean Word Gertrude Tho following pupils been successful in passing the Public Graduation Examination At Bertha Fox Muriel Lulu At Hazel Al- vcrda Corner Holland Mr Stevenson has returned to his work after ill ness M MIHigan has returned lo the oily and in a few days is going to Elmer Mr Hairy was borne the weokend Mr Smith Sunday In town Mr D Mr Mil- Mr D were home for a few days Messrs Samuel and Harry and W Glover were home for a few dayfl Mrs Thompson is spending a few days in the The Hod Cross are having good success in selling their icecream welcome Mr Fred spent a few days in the city last week Mrs A MiB8V a few days at Mrs Bells and made some calls on old friends 0O0- AUllOUA Aurora met on Sat urday arterrfaoiPin their Junior game defeating the vls- jlOrs by lo 10 Local en thusiasts are greatly pleased at the result and although the Au rora lot were in good trim they had a strong team to meet in the Mail lands In the town hall Saturday evening Mr p Poole of To ronto zone supervisor of Farm Service Corps delivered an inter esting address to a crowded meeting in the interests of the Boys National Service on the farm and garden Medals were presented lo all hoys who have worked or will work two months this summer on a farm i Carpet In All Size Squares In All and Wide OH Clothe In All Window Our of These Una Selling at Price thtfrVW Can Wow- s WORKMAiittHIF Think Sugar I I- i fitooK of WMftWldaM iarao eoJthat we you for some time fe Sorry to report that Mrs Nurse who has the care for some time past is not improving very rapidly Mr Snider and daughter Mabel also Miss Elsie motored lo tho city on Tuesday last leav ing Mabel to visit for a week with her auntie Mrs John Walker and little Hazel have gone to London Ont to spend a few days with Mr W Walker Mrs Powell and her moth er Mrs Sim Atkinson were the guests of Mrs W for dinner on Tuesday Mr and Mrs Madill spent Sun day visiting relatives at North Toronto Miss of Aurora spent he weekend with her friend Miss Gladys Miller Mr and family went to Sunday to call on old neighbors Mr A Lew Mr Howard Oliver gathered up a car load of young people last Wednesday night and motored to the Strawberry Festival at Tem- peranceville Miss Ada Atkin son also went but not in How ards car Well anyway they- all report a good time MissElhelMadfll and Miss Mac of Aurora were al Wesley Sunday morning and after Church went to Mr to spend the day We arc pleased to learn Miss Mabel Hooper has returned homo from the Hospital Wo hope she still continues to improve in her health The Ladies Aid last Tuesday al Mrs A Welshs was well at tended Last Thursday night Arthur VanNostrand returned to his home his bride As usual our musical band was soon gath ered together and went on their way lo charivari the young cou ple Quito a search was made for them ill last lions of a flash light were no ticed near the lake and found them at Weary Waggle their future home boys certainly gave them plenty of mu sic Arthur responded very generously Another fee Cream Social is on its way In a week or two On Friday morning Mr and Mrs VanNostrand left for their honeymoon trip to Lakes Tho attendance at the Metho dist Church Sunday was good The Pastor Paine occupied the pulpit and preached very ef fectively from Isaiah Tho Ladins Aid meeting which was held on Wednesday after tioon at Iho borne of Mrs Cook was very largely at tended A number Were present from other places A good program was cnnsinting of readings du els and instrumental music The proceeds amounted to Mr J one of the Brothers of Do La Salle College were guests of Mr McKuen on Sunday Mrs and son of Winnipeg nee Miss Vorna Cook formerly of this place arc visit ing friends Miss Stella Cook of was the guest of her uncle Mr Cook over the weekend Mr and Mrs If wood any children of Torontoare spending their holidays at her fathers Mr J OOOt Mr Flanagan of Toronto vis ited at Mr F Webster over Sun day Miss Pearl and Miss Webster were successful in passing the Elementary Piano Exam Congratulations A number of our sports at tended baseball practise in Ket- Monday night and also the game at Vandorf on Wednesday The Sunday School are a picnic on Wednesday July in Grove on the Town Line Homo made candy ice Cream and lemonade will he sold at the booth There will also be good amusements Everybody come Baseball is in full swing around this burg The boys are getting up a team which promises to be among Ihf be- and Ihoy hope to play surrounding teams in the near future Everybody come lo practise and let us have an interesting game at the pic nic Messrs Gordon Webster and Aubrey spent Sunday with Mr This weather is pretty bad for farmers Mr and Mrs J Jefferson at tended Kotlleby Church Sunday Mrs Crowley and son have re turned from their visit at a good time NEWMARKET Fancy and and lancy rlarquiaettea Reg to yd Panoy ground with flOln Reg BO for yd Ladled Cummer VVoIght fop Fine Hose Clack and White All Sizes I F ESTABLISHED r CANADA PAID UPZOOaOOOIlESEnYE HKAO TOHOHTO SAVE your money SECURE your future and SERVE allowed at current rata DcpctU atoll NEWMARKET BRANCH M SMYTH Manager J tJ IM r That the people of and vlolnlty vo have been offering thorn We thank you for your patron age and are prepared to offer you bargalna than will not to thorn all but hero a COME The AND SEE FOR Great Values We luge report a Lots of aeroplanes going back Silk YOURSELF- are Giving and forth lo Camp Borden these days They are getting quite common Snow Drop o Johns Newfoundland July 16 Premier Morris announced iu the Assembly this afternoon the formation of a Coalition or National Government Colonial Cabinet now nine seats will be increased to twelve and the Government and Opposition will have six seats each Sir Morris is Prime Minister Live Stock Markets Highest prices paid fa this week are as follows Choice Steers Cows Good Milkers Stackers Feeders Choice Veal Calves Medium Veal Calves Light Sheep Spring Lambs 1500 Hogs are down since last week Toronto Markets l Wheat per bush Hay per ton 14 butter per lb 38 Eggs per 33 Potatoes per bag 3 Spring Chickens dressedO Fowl dressed 0 0 I Style from to for Ladles Poplin Skirts and ehlrred top from to 0 Friday and Saturday on Sato for Ladles Silk Sport Coats Hog Friday and Saturday Mens Caps Bog for Silk Blouses Reg for 188 Fine Boots from to 5 Friday and Saturday for Ladles White Pumps JSo Velvet Fumps Ladles Patent Leather Low for Ladles White Boots Reg for 2 Silk Keg 5o OnSalo Friday and Saturday for Ladles Velvet Sport Coals Reg for SPECIAL SALE ON SHOES shoes TO I3E I Couth of King George Proprietor mm I Newmarket Markets July Wheat per ii per TO Barley per Peas per bush Bran per ton Shorts per ton 40 Hay Timothy per ton 12 Butter per lb per per lb Potatoes per bag 33 33 Pastry Flour OAR OF JUST I M ETC 076 bag are a it a P L tj TORONTO rWAC BR ffffi mm iJ At Zeal e3 mm- SB