Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 20 Jul 1917, p. 2

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A on Wednesday Large grey and black mixed border Willi fringed ends Leave same at Era Office and greatly oblige xrtptp I basket boxes each Boll Phono JOHN HOPE J Pino Orchard i i A Ford Touring Car in good condition Model Will sell at bargain A Christian Parsonage LOST I Goodrich Complete Packard Him Series the vicinity of 3riirket Sunday the Howard for same DUNCAN Co Constable FOR BALE Brown Pony suitable for child- iron lo drivo also harness whip weight blanket cart and dustor Apply Box The fifth dividend of per cent will bo paid the sharehold ers of Iho Sutton Grain Elevator Limited after August ISAAC Trees Address Button West Out -AT- CEMETERY ON- 1917 The different Lodges and So cieties taking part will moot at the Market Square and Jeavc for the Cemetery at oclock headed by Iho Band SCOTT ROBERTSON FOR A Very Kino Toned The Military Bill 2nd reading llic resolution of don for Iho Extension of when the taken on Tuesday night only had majority The Premier said he had carefully where his duly lay and had come tile and he believed conclusion that if resolution met with any considerable oppo sition In Iho lib would feel it his duty to withdraw It It the Canadian House carried the extension resolution majority tap controvcrsey would not end would bo carried be yond oceanarid lokon up hi Britain a condition not to bo contemplated for a The matter must bo determined Iho Canadian Parliament by a rnous or practically unanimous vote In an earnest speech Hon Geo P- Graham urged hat consider ation of llic resolution bo until the Government brings before Parliament measures pro viding that those best able to pay bo asked to contribute their full share to the coslof the war and for organization of lip resources of the country so as to insure the greatest possible assistance to the Empire and to reduce the cost- of living to Canadian people TJio vole stood to It is quite evident that the Prime Minister introduced his resolution as a manoeuvre lo put the onus of no election on the Liberals but so far as they can see an extension of the life of Parliament only meant a contin uation of the methods and men who had been profiteering out of War The general opinion is that the resolution should have been deferred until the Govern ment had announced its War pol icy in detail The prospects are that an elec tion will be held in September next Later The Premier lias with drawn his resolution and it will not be sent on to the Senate The present Parliament dies on 7th of October of IhePolsoh Iron Works dove into water Saturday Opposite the plant op the psplanado and rescued Percy drown ing Thb committee by the Food Hon J Co have hot yet formed plans for work They will Toronto their headquarters their recommendation will cover the whole of the Dominion The Committee consists of Messrs Eaton and Wiley Prof John of Toron to University has passed away- aged years On Sunday officers and men of the 48th Highlanders left for Now York and Chicago on their great recruiting drive Four hundred- mail and employes of the Postal Depart ment in Toronto have had an in crease In wages altogether to talling sum of 8200000 a vuriisdiKlva on three wj -va- Miss Morlohi couple of weeks at Jtichardson came homo from the Hospital on Wed- Miss Crawford of Toronto last week with Mrs Dr Hull Hon EJ Davis is in Chica go New York and Boston- this week on a business trip Miss Hena Muir is spending a week vfsitlng friends at lingwood ana AS A MILITARY May he Seen at Friends age Nov Is Time to Plant iter Where you take off your Early Peas or Potatoes GROW OWN and Save Buying at During the Fall and Winter Months PHONE IceCream and Dairy Plant Main Street South Newmarket in any quantity at popular prices Buttermilk Milk Sweet Cream table and whipping by pint or quart Cheese cplra mild in and 2lb Cheese Cream Cheese and But ter Call and lake a Brick or Ice Cream in bulk containers borne with you We also deliver Ice Cream in pails to your home in or over Will keep for hours Open phono Local Agent Wanted I Newmarket TO SELL FOP Hit- OLD Splendid List of Stock Fop Pall Planting 117 AND I Spring Planting Including Many Varieties which Control Also Agents Proposition Hand some Free Outfit Exclusive Territbry liberal Com- missions 6litfliilihxi Prom the Houston US Post When the history of this war shall have been written lie part thai Groat Britain has played will stand Out notably and in military annals Ger man detraction of as a military factor has been persis tent from the beginning but the worlds estimate has undergone a change and when end comes no nation will be able to claim greater honors of war A brief review results since Englands entrance is given from London In all the English armies have captured prisoners exclusive of natives taken in the African campaigns In all they have lost men through capture They have captured guns during the war and have lost and of the latter 37 were recap tured And it is added the British have not lost a single gun on he west front since April When the war began Eng lands army was negligible but such ill was it was thrown hastily into Belgium and fought against great odds and frightful losses down to the bat tle of the Maine There were many blunders and those blun ders were attended by diaster hut with characteristic English and tenacity the work of creating a British army went forward It is not loo much to the British army in France is the equal in fighting spirit and capa city of any army ever assembled in the world It does not yet represent Britains maximum but it is a wonderfully coordin ated fighting machine courago in the highest degree cap ably officered and in man and gun power to any force that Germany will be able lo bring against it Not have lost a gun in more than two years is Of itself in dicative of fighting quality of the Englishman and what has boon won shows clearly the trend of the war The Germans have lost their superiority of lost ini tiative and are now steadily giv ing ground in the west will yield slowly and stubbornly but that British line is not to he broken or denied The bulldog has bis grip and is not lo be shaken off Tho olds tradition that the Briton is a spa but not a land fighter has faded forever for in the greatest war of all history his land achievements both in quali ty and magnitude are unsurpass ed so far with richer glory yet to come That such a vast army with such farreaching be created withinhe brief period of ifoae years was anticipated by either friend or foe efficiency the determination Ibe purpose and alii the dauntless has brought to pass and dispose imp lately of the of to year Last Saturday was French Tag Day was the result A number of people gave from to r00 each A boy- years of ago named Norman Williams was arrested on Sunday for robbing seven city Churches Principal If W of Up per Canada College resigned and Mr WL Grant of Queens Uni versity was appointed to succeed him When John Smith William Street three other men and one wonan started out for a joy ride in a stolen motor car Sun day night they were not expect ing half the- thrills which came their way First their motor car broke down and it is alleged they stole another from under the nose of its owner Then at Bronte they are alleged to have entered the general store of Mr J were caught and held up a- gun J Enright however made bis escape with in cash from the till only to be rearrested at and in addition to the other allegations against Smith he was found to be carrying a loaded revolver An explosion occurred Monday at the Refinery on Cherry Street and as a result J J Prescoll caretaker is in St MichaeLs seriously burned and may not live The occur red just before the employees ar rived for work the casualty list might have been large On a charge of stealing from Mier Sarah Ft- John Street was rested by Detectives and Stroll mo The alleged offence is said to have been committed when was visiting the woman at her home The Sunday School in connec tion with St Clements Anglican Church North Toronto has pre sentcd several pieces of furniture to the Military Con valescent Hospital North Toron to The infants class gave a small bookcase the young mens class two armchairs and the remainder of the school a library table and two chairs The Jews of Canada will form an organization next month to assist the allies in prosecuting the war Several American airmen are now in this city getting pointers Dr Superintendent of the Provincial Trade and Labor Department of the Ontario Gov ernment announced on bis re turn from Ottawa that an appeal is about lo be made throuIf lie National Service Board for sup plementary labor during the com ing harvest Dr has estimated Ontarios need for ex tra harvest hands as approximat ing 7000 men The of Toronto are af ter the whiskey men all right After arresting Thus a welldressed young man who be sides being in the company of an escaped female lunatic carried two bottles of liquor police of ficers visited the young mans room on Carlton SI and found four full cases of whiskey loose bottles and a pile of tics who denied sell ing liquor was fined and costs for carrying the stuff and and costs for keening liquor in his room The young woman who was with him when he was arrested has been returned to the asylum An incident at theUnion Sta tion occurred a fewuays ago A baby child a safely pin The child was almost choked to death when the mother driven to desperation opened the childs mouth wide put her fin gers down its throat and succeed ed after a struggle in locating the pin and pulling it out much to the relief of all concerned The mother was an American en route to- Kincardine to visit rela tives Mr Height of Waterloo visited his slaters the Misses over the weekend Mr and Mrs Lawrence of Toronto spent weekend with relatives and friends in town Mrs Prince and nephew of Toronto were guests of Mrs on Sunday MIsb Nellie of To ronto is spending Iter holidays with her sister Mrs Will Cane Niagara St f Miss returned from the city on Wednesday af ter visiting her grandparents for two weeks Miss Verna Howard is visit ing at Hamilton and Grimsby for two weeks and is accompanied by her grandmother Miss May Banks and Miss earl of Toronto were weekend with visiting over the Miss Leila Miss Georgia Mann who has had a couple of weeks vacation at Orchard Beach has returned to her duties at Mr Chopping of fice Miss Lulu Davcy who has been teaching at New Lowell the past year is spending her vaca tion with her parents Mr and Mrs J Davcy 2nd A M Trevor ac companied by his friend Corp Smith of loyal Flying spent the weekend at the home of- his parents Mr and Mrs L The following arc attending a Masonic gathering at Belleville this week Messrs J Hill A Boyd J H Barker Watson and Mr Gray of Bradford Wevare- pleased lo report that Samuel Lukes of Brad ford who was taken seriously ill at summer home of Mayor Eves last week is gradually im proving and is considered out of danger Dr A Terry and family of arrived in town on Wednesday and look possession of their new home on Church St Many old friends will be glad to welcome them back to Newmar ket The Cross obierved Saturday as Flag Day for the French and received a most lib eral response collections amounting to nearly A spirit of willingness was mani fest everywhere the charm ing young ladies were Obse quious had very few refusals Red Cross Knitting Tea is postponed July bo hold in Friends A good attendance will be appreciated Treasurer Miss For syth received a Post Card Tues day from Mrs E Bulkcley the Secretary of the Red Cross Soci ety at London acknow ledging receipt of parcel by Geo West of Newmarket a pris oner of war in Germany on the of June Contribution of sent to England to purchase material for training wounded soldiers in varloug handicraft The soldiers are trained in the Chatham House- Mangale which Is run in connection with Gran ville Special Hospital London July Four of the largest and most modern German submarines were destroyed by American warships which were convoying the first instalment of American troops to France ac cording to a report from German sources Two changes in the British Cabinet bear important relations lo the conduct of the war One is the retirement Sir Edward Carson from first lord of the ad- and the appointment of Sir Eric The other- is the entry of Winston Churchill into the cabinet as minister of munitions in succession to Dr Addison An Ottawa despatch of the of July says The Post Of fice Department are issuing an ordinary postcard with an inset containing information of the various provinces existing in add now and also statis tical information in regard to Hie area population general devel opment and industry of the coun try since The department will also issue about August a commemorative threecent stamp lo consist of an engrav ed reproduction of Harris paint- Fathers of Confederation tin tin Bananas I Pino and Lemons Hewn Pauls the Bee fltlonda to the season cessary Ihrcshii i water the pie J 9 Price dropped but the Quality remains Hilb and bo convinced CONFECTIONERY It Quality that counts That Is reason our Candv Wo have both Varieties and i Candy CCS Warm we will carry a Line or SOFT DftiNkftj Lemonade Etc IT WILL GET PROMPT o S3 Ring 6 J Miss A Weston paper says Ethel Hall nine years kind ten the Public School isnot returning in September She has gone lo New York lo study further the primary part of this branch Her place is being filled by Miss of Newmarket THE LEADING Furniture and Undertaking House You can buy your Furniture for Cash EMBALMING A SPECIALTY- Night calls attondeti to rosldonco I IB I Phones and I It Quality that Counts QUALITY OUH SPECIALTY ALSO AGENT FOR THE Moat Musical Instrument In the World- CHOCOLATES KSf88H 1 MAIN STREET Agent for Cameras and Photo Supplies House Phone No 1 51 NEWMARKET Store Phone No to have IF SO GIVE AN OF SUBMITTING A PRICE OUI1 WORK ALWAYS GIVES SATISFACTION I SOME DAY WILL MAKE YOUR GLASSES Why Not Now Toronto Opticians Limited AT- Our thanks are due John manager of the Advertising of Bankers Trust Company of New York who learned the printing trade in the Era Office for a copy of a very neatly printed entitled Americas Altitude Toward the War- It contains Presi dents Messages official corres pondence with the Entente Allies and the Central Powers certain official papers and speeches- bearing upon the great War compiled and condensed in chronological order together with a resume of the important battles and events of Great War It is a splendid book for authentic reference Mrs Dr Anderson of Cal gary of Mr and Mrs J Millard of Newmarket writes Although it is thirteen years we made our home in the West the Era is still full of interest for us and its weekly arrival is always antici pated pleasure- You are to be congratulated upon the high moral and educational standard which the Era has always main tained It is Indeed a credit to Newmarket During Alberta Conference which was held in Calgary some weeks ago we bad he pleasure of entertaining at tea two former Newmarket boys was Fred Miller who before war broke out was a Pro fessor in Alberta University Ed monton and now at his request has charge of a rural church and district where ho is most suc cessfully working out some iiniqno ideas among his people The other was George Web ber the retiring President of bprta Conference lie is station ed at the flourishing town of Alia Our old boys arc filling creditable places in this the West A couple of weeks ago v were delighted to have call from Mrs- of Newmarket who was spending a day or two bine Era Cradle- At on Tuesday July to Mr and Mrs Chester a son Lehman At Thurs day July 5h to Mr and Mrs Herman a sou At on Thurs day July lo Mr and Mrs a son Sutton In Newmarket on July to Mr and Mrs Harry Sutton a daughter Tomb At Bradford on July John Rogers father of Mrs Richardson and Mrs of Newmarket in his year At her late residence on Yonge Aurora on Tuesday July Elizabeth Jones aged years Wilson At her late residence in on Wednesday July Mary Hutchinson beloved wife of Henry Wilson aged years Williams At her late residence Temperance St Aurora on Wednesday July Martha V Williams beloved wife of Arthur aged 31 years Funeral Saturday afternoon Well- In To on July Mary Matilda Weir in her lh year In Toronto on July Teresa Rowan aged years Interred at St Johns Cemetery Newmarket yester day morning ecu A Full Line of Electric IE IN STOCK Should bo pleased to them and give To Phone NEWMARKET THE HOUSE OF sprayed j done before Paris kills t- fill 1 London July King George rapidly than arsenate of I a today at a meeting of the Privy oes not adhere so Council at St James Palace Ihe be mm the new name of Royal House and family to The House of Windsor The attendance at the Council was the lag rest since the corona tion It included Premier George Foreign Secretary Hal- four and other members of Cabinet the Archbishop of Can terbury former Premier As- and all members of the Colonial Governments who are now in London Tho Privy Council unanimously endorsed King Georges announcement and proclamation putting it into effect was published this af ternoon King George is of the House of and It was recently decided to drop titles or names of German origin PROTECTION OP POTATO TOPS FROM At Farm a i used in the Paris green ate lead in order to gel will tops rainy weather it have something the leaves SO that IWJ protected until it stops thus menial a of lll0 boll 1- conducted for six Ontario Showed lia rt where the to kill bug ll 1869 bushels ir when the I J Furniture All Orders It is very important to prevent the tops of potatoes from being eaten by insects particularly by the Colorado Potato Beetle Tbe bugs do not do much barm to the foliage as a rule and usu ally plants are not sprayed to destroy these although the few er there e to lay egfl- less difficulty there will in troy the young begin to eat rapidly soon after hatching and close ahouM fctpt so that Hie vines may bo was only is desirable not J spraying time that hit Is eaten Ottawa rhihl fly poison at with on the l Ibo little fallow Hie He died I i Last adage J will success a waa which rainy Don on on We week per lh lions of the pi 1 assurei take arc no nomini will lib and tables Mr the ho at liar gone I and Gerald April Beach Clara passed Mcteoi years in Me the In urday Mrs Midi Detroii a Mrs Mrs lins of drews Una of of Tor Dec and In the la homes ago a is Dr bast be a Chi lor Re proven Mr eh aim Pr Choir and I fa ho ii United ing I the were p sua pen front The given I short Mrs as of A Rev On These Choir a few Ape folio we delight Both for it wj is tin lions ins re Sunday Canadb cloth to liquid OF TORONTO

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