FrultatWes Made Him Feel Walking On Wr OaauOOTNovSatbfiOM For over two years was troubled frith Constipation Drowsiness tack AppetiU and Headaches your sign which road you talking on air This appealed to mo I decided to try a In a very short I began to feel hotter and wok I feel fine relish everything cat and Headaches entirely I this pleasant medicine to all my friends DAN Wo a box for trial rIzo 25o At all postpaid Fruit- clival Limited Ottawa HEW BRICK On to Rent Apply to Box QIC Newmarket I i M DALE That house and at fihoron oh the Mansion For part leu apply to Mrs George How- Sharon or to field her solicitor ft FARM FOR ALE acres one mile west of Bond Head acres of bush hemlock rock elm arid Running crock through bush and pasture micros of summer fallow acres of orchard and good igarden of small fruit Good and cellar with hard ttoft water Ham etone and water in tho stable Hog pen and imple- house No better land stale of cultivation- Pos session given first of March JOHN ft It No Mailed for congratulate Smith on success mat College at Toronto In alt countries- Auk for our which will ho MARION MARION University St FALL TERM FROM AUG I Yonge and Toronto Is unquestionably one of Can adas Host Commercial Schools demand for our Graduates is far in excess of the supply WRITE TODAY FOR CATALOGUE J ELLIOTT Barrister Solicitor Notary Commis sioner for taking Affidavits etc Will he in Newmarket Office all lay Tuesday Friday and and on Monday day evenings from to Office Ground Floor New Block Opposite Post Office Office Phone No 205 Residence Solicitor for Imperial bank of J M Walton Co Aurora Private funds lo loan on First Mortgage Probating Wills and Estate work a specialty I ill spent Monday at Mr Cleav ers r Dont forget the anniversary services of the Methodist Ladies Aid to bo held oh at and 7 All are welcome Mrs of spent a few days with the Misses Mr and Mrs Storey spent a day in Toronto We regret to School teacher MIh Mr and Mrs McKendry of To- onto are holidaying at Mr Jones Mr and Mrs spent Monday in Miss Wilson of Toronto is the guest of Mr Fairies Miss Vera is spending I he holidays borne KING CITY The marriage of Miss Maud daughter of Mr and Mrs George Watson King City Out lo Mr Crawford Wells was solemnized in All Saints Church King City The church was doe orated with snow hulls and peonies and the P artison officiated The bride was given away her fath er looked in gown of ivory satin and Georgette with tulle veil trimmed with orange blossoms and pearls She car ried a shower white sweet peas Miss Minnie Walson sister of the attended her wearing white silk with overdress of point with large picture bat carrying pink roses Miss Dorothy and Miss Gladys Jamie- sim nieces of the bride wearing while frocks and carrying bas kets of pink roses snapdrag on made sweet little flower girls The groom was supported by his Mr Wells McDonald and the ushers were Mr John and Mr Charles Watson brothers of the bride During the signing the register Mrs P wife of the rector presided at the organ Mr and Mrs Wells left later by motor spend their honeymoon in and on heir return will reside at King City A A Bruce occupied llvo cbairand opened re- appreciation of the Ihojr lata paster ivho has popular with both congregations Mr Clark on behalf SU James Church in a very address prosoh ted Mr Mutch with a beautiful electric tfiut oak chair upholstered in Spanish and Mrs Mutch a brooch- set with pearls and Melville presented Mr Mutch with a purse of money Mr Mutehex- his deep appreciation for the token of good will and re viewed his while hero pressing satisfaction gross of the churches and bis sorrow that circumstances over which had no control neces sitated his departure from the scene of an extremely pleasant pastorate lo take up the Editors chair Mr Walter Scott on behalf of Melyille Church and Dr Smith on behalf of St James ex pressed the appreciation of those congregations for the great ser vices rendered by Mr Mutch and his mother during their sojourn bore and the great sorrow both congregations fell at the those who have so faithfully worked for their welfare The of both Churches sang several selections during evening After partaking of refreshments provided by the ladies the gathering dispersed with a benediction Tribune In Canadian homes for the last Sixty Years Sugar has been the tot preserving It is always absolutely- pure and can be depended upon everything that sugar -can- do to success Buy it according to the quantity you need in or lb Cartons or in or lb Bags Let Sweeten It CANADA CO MONTREAL grant Owen McGoldrick yds gravel Thomas Trainer gravel grant Hiram Hamilton yds gravel Harvey work on stone crusher admire who was Glass plank yds gravel and m J Attractive i rms To 1UKOKA LAKES ALGONQUIN LAKE OF BAYS BAY Hound Tickets Now on Sale from Stations In On tario at very lev fares with liberal stopover GET IN ADVANCE Berth reservations and full Information at all Grand Trunk Ticket Offices or write District Passenger Agent T System Toronto J Depot Agent Phone J Phone Agent excursions Ever ALL also by THURSDAYS STEAMER Groat Lakes Routes your future Is In the put en if of fr Pass Toronto Too Late for Last Week The Field Day under the au spices of the Aurora Patriotic League of the Womens institute was llio most successful one League lias held the gale receipts alone being over 500 a record for Aurora Park A procession was formed at the Public School led by the Queens Own Hand in which about school children marched also Town Council and men in Au rora since Confederation games were all well contested the only regrettable feature being the absence of speakers who were de tained through unforeseen cir cumstances and the aeroplane which was promised and during day a communication was re ceived stating it was impossible to furnish aeroplane but it reached the Committee loo late lo bo announced in the Park The Knitting Contest was quite an attraction and a number girls and women competed Miss Maud Webb got 1st prize and MISS Connie 2nd in the Girls Contest while in the Womens Contest Mrs Mark got 1st prize and Mrs Tucker 2nd The Judges were Mrs Walter Mrs Hall anl Mrs McConnell Another amusing feature was the Baby Show Under year the 1st prize went to Master John Cliff and the 2nd to Master Jones From to years Mas ter Cyril son of Ed gar got 1st and Ethel Thompson 2nd Mrs Hendry Mich Mrs Norman Glass Hill and Mr Geo Carley of To ronto were the Judges Men residing in Aurora since Confederation 50 years receiv ed a handsome jubilee badge The receipts were about and all the proceeds of the day are to lieused to buy comforts for the boys at the front The Patriotic League wish to thank everyone who contributed and helped in any way lo make the success it was The Annual Picnic will be hold on Saturday in Hal- cliffs Orchard at the church Tho first dance of the season was held at Lake on Friday evening last Motor par- tics from Ml Albert and tripped the light fantastic the mystic hour of midnight arrived The weather was perfect for dancing a gentle breeze from he lake adding an est to the pleasure of those participating A large and representative gathering of the members of the and Melville Churches met in the tin- church here on PrU evening to bid farewell to the retiring pastor John Mutch Orchard Beach There were guests at Hoarding House last Saturday and others arrived on Sunday morning Something Hko more arc booked for next Satur day Mr Balls display of roses is simply grand There at least in full bloom and a gorgeous array of colors No wonder people to Prof King of Toronto preached here last Sunday the guest of Mr A Elliott Mr Leslie wife son of Ottawa spent tho week end wilb his mother Mrs Mr and Mrs Porter of Toron to were guests it Mr and Mrs over Sunday Mr is putting another Storey on his boathouse and fit ting it up for sleeping apart ments Mr and Mrs Holt Hewitt were weekend guests at of Newmar ket is to be the preacher the Union Church next Sunday Misses Burt Of Toronto have promised to give duet in morning and Miss Thompson of Toronto in the evening Miss Alice Mann spent the weekend with A girl friend at Sharon gOO0t School Reports School No King In order of merit Jr to Cut- ling Bernicc Webster Velma Jr ML to Dudley Dunham Recommended Ruby Doan Vivian Webster Jr to Sr Grace Cutting Vivian Recommended Karl Jr I lo Bar man Carl Black Recommended Mnyzel Miller Jr Pr lo Clarice Jim Laura Black Lome John Barman Hazel Johnson Joan Teacher Council Ltike Gibbous road work Do minion Road Machine Co rep to grader Dlack 124 yds gravel and work in pit rep to grad er and stone Blackburn road work James Thomp son road work Jerome Campbell new culvert and reps to culvert J hi Jenkins freight expenses stamps etc Co slush scrapers Fred Skinner gravel on road Duncan repJo sidewalk P Holland Landing Council Council met July at Messrs Hit ching and Pegg Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed I Communication from the County Clerk stating that the taxes to be I levied for the current year are follows General Purpose Industrial Home Court House debenture Patriotic Purposes flood Roads Maintenance Provincial War Tax Following bills were ordered to be paid John laying ft of cement walk at ft Andrews drawing The above Council met at Arm strongs Hotel King City on Sat urday June 30th Members were all present and the minutes of last meeting read and confirmed A number of communications were received and read The following bills were pre sented and ordered paid Henry Ireland 323 yds gravel Johnson work In pit Perry 287 yds gravel and work in pit J A Watson new bridge per con tract J A Watson plans and specifications re two bridges Robt White yds gravel and work in pit W 180 yds of gravel Wm yds gravel and work in pit Ross gravel grant John Black gravel grant 5282 I Sidney Douglas work in pit J Kchoc gravel grant half to Albion M J gravel grant 5735 M East gravel Win Hoover yds gravel J J cleaning J J gravel to Al bion Frank Davis clean ing gravel pit Howard rep lo culvert gravel 23 A rep to cul vert Si Cook- excess statute labor If White rep to guard rail J rep culvert Dew rep to bridge Michael MoGjnni opening ditch Win Victor PVS J A FriZ- road work Hir am Poller yds gravel PVS Owen McGoldrick yds gravel PVS Fred Graham hauling gravel PVS Fred Skinner rep pipes Brown oil for streets John Murphy lumber PVS Black Skinner rep lo street P V Johnson on Daniel McCarthy learn on grader Rogers yds gravel Resolutions That Clerk be instructed to notify Commissioners of King City to meet the Council Clerks Of fice on July 5th at 330 pm That the Clerk he authorized lo notify Mrs Hen ry Clark to attend Council meet ing at July re damage claim That Ibis Council do fix the price for ce ment tile dating from Jan 1st 1917 for the different sizes as follows 15in in That V tho Treasurer be and is hereby au thorized to pay Frank Barber Engineer for attending and making award re Walton ditch the sum of CampbellKanke That Treas urer be instructed to receive 50 from Edgar for cement tile sold That the Clerk be paid the sum of for witness fees and mileage and serving summons re Division Court case re Dove vs King KaakeCampbell That the Treasurer he instructed to pay J Cameron the sum of re arbi tration re Dove vs King Tp That the following be ap pointed Morris Dennis in lieu of Hall and John Cain in lieu of Oliver Sturdy McCabeKaake That the Clerk be and is hereby authorized to notify Geo Abraham overseer of sidewalks in to re pair or remove any sidewalks that are in a dangerous condition at once That the ten of Williams for the manufacture of cement tile at ho price of per tile he and is hereby accepted That a grant of be given Con opposite lots and 20 for repairing and widening rood Commissioners Morris Dennis and A also a grant Of on 12th ton opposite Lois and Com- Hall Special Meeting At special meeting of the Council held in the Clerks office on July 5th the following resolu tions were passed McCabeKaake That ten der of Browning for con struction of bo accepted That tender for the con- the Bridge be accepted On motion Council adjourned to meet at Suttons Hotel Sehom- Saturday July to Intends half years- salary as Clerk total 2509 17 on road with team on culverts Wernham on cul verts 221 John Smith Mrs grading walk Moved by telling seconded that Geo Tate Jr pay per day for grader- while in his possession and that other outsiders pay he same Carried Council adjourned Whitchurch Council Whitchurch Council met at Vandorf Wednesday July with all the members present and the Reeve in the chair Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed Treasurer presented Statement of Receipts for half year showing overdraft Standard Hank Account of Bills were presented as follows viz Powell for yds gravel 3000 Louis for days operating grader for days oper ating grader 500 A Bruce advance pay ment to Toronto Gen Hospital for mainten ance Mrs Sarah 500 Gordon days with Engine on grader Conner yds gravel A with engine on grader and wood 5695 for 31 days work on Con Evans yds gravel 3585 John Fry 16 oper ating grader 413 JltY disin fecting after Scarlet Fever at J Frys 500 MoLaugblin Johnston A Moorhead legal advice 500 The Treasurer was instructed lo pay the bills presented and to transfer the sum of Clergy Reserve Funds from Bank of To ronto at Newmarket to Standard Bank Stouffvillo general current account Resolutions were passed ap pointing Reeve lo repair sink hole on Con opposite Lot 15 Coun cillor to expend in grading and gravelling Con Line opposite Lots 2 and Coun cillor Baker to expend in claying Con Lino at Lot 16 Council adjourned to meet at Bond on Saturday Aug at am i No Whitchurch To Evelyn Net dra Williams Florence Frank and Edith Fry To III Lome Er mine Wasley Recommended Myrtle Clarence and Norman Pry To Richard Wagner Ir win To Jr Doris Winchester Fay Wagner Recommended Myrtle To Hoover A Wilkinson OF ONV TORONTO ft yOui pr m BL to flo to tho Country PHONE Lot us mako you Comfortable In a COVERED BUGGY CARRIAGE OR AUTO Prompt Charges Reasonable A BOYD Prop Calls on Phono Promptly Attended AUTO Piione CANADA ONCE A 11 II Convenient Service Modern Electric Lighted Equlpmed and Tourist Sleeping Car and Coloniil Coeei For Tickets Reservations Literature and Information A RADIAL NEWMARKET Of Write King St Tcrenla I BELIE Order the Efficient Flour thi- i Ms llf lt SPECIAL ma I WESTERN CANADA WINNIPEG