I I I i I J Iter Notary Public Loan on good- Farm security ft norm Toronto Off loo Hank comor ftniiicr J Offloo Toronto over W Cor Ml Frank Duncan prinXEEH AND COLfrEGXPfr Dr Wllklnoon I our mm news Industrial Homo Commissioners of last week passed account amounting to This sum included salaries of the officials marriage of May Louise of Major lon formerly of Newmarket to Mr John was cole- rated at St Simons Church To ronto on July by Rev Lewis The bride wore dark blue serge with large black hat and carried white roses Mr Guy Biggins assisted Lat er Mr and Mrs loft for Algonquin Park V I fill Corner Main and Dr J of Toronto f lire in iVo and and England supplied HO VillOllC 810 MISS RICHMOND Professional Hamiltons Newmarket Phone Hi AM I Adjoining Avenue Now Pool Office Bert Qrcon AND PAPER Ave from Queen St A l Nov market Teacher Piano Voice and Vio lin Dealer in all of Mu sical and Piano Agent for Columbia and Complete Slock I Pro Lyman Jackson Issuer of ThoVory exchange says With the latest form of roller ballbearings and pneumatic fires may travel greater ease on a good road llmirun ice- skater does on ieo Oh such skates a given amount of exertion will a man about three times as far as if walk ing A writer in the that instead lit being entirely for recre ation ami as prcaont the wheeled skate is about to on- on an extensive career business rollers The few left if our not now equip themselves with a pair of rollers w it Park fcm four backache nervous end the My loud id Mm ftndroniplDg would me to I could just tear everything to and would ache all over and feci nick that I would not Want anyone to talk to me at tfmco Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills mo to health and I want to thank you for tho good done I have had a bit- of troublo and worry does not affect my youth ful looks My friends cay Why do you look bo young and well I owe it all to Mw Moora Avenue Washington Park We every woman who from backache or could lot- written by women made well by Vegetable Compound If you any about which you would to know to Co Lynn Maes for helpful given free of Marriage Licenses At the Era office Newmarket Office Private at private re- if desired NEWMARKET WORK DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stories Call before ordering elsewhere CUT STONE FOR BUILDING I Kepi in Stock and Made to Order MARBLE AHDQHAWITE end Designs Monuments AH Kinds of Work PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Jl1 fcnl see us before Stones Cut to us elsewhere Order JOHN of Foreign AND MARBLES It a Newmarket r Hyacinths Primula Mm Tulips ttf- Carnations for as early possible LETTUCE for and Over Delivered I A A I FOR Doporturo from We clip the following from the of last week Mission Circle met recent ly at the homo of Mrs Wood and presented her with a out lasj vase as a very slight token of their appreciation of her great interest in their work and regular attendance it the meetings despite the numerous upon her timd as the result of the relative position she has held for the past years to church ami community Her helpful did cheerful presence will be greatly missed and ail her departure other of activity On Sunday evening the J Wood conducted his last service in the hirst Methodist Church here which while it did not take the form of an ordinary farewell service contained many remembrances of past pleasures and strengthening messages of future hope and encouragement All regret the departure of Mr Wood this week for other fields of activity He has surpassed he highest expectations of a critical audience aft a man and as a minister in the pulpit Ills oratorical ami fluent command of the lang uage his knowledge of events past and present both spiritual and material received praise from all who had the pleasure of hearing him In the life of the community his strong and pleasing manner won hosts of friends who feel assured that a brilliantly successful ca reer awaits him in the future At the beginning of the evening ser vice Mr Wood spoke a words OH behalf of himself and his fam ily of appreciation for the mani fold kindness manifested the members of the church and the citizens of town and county during the three years of his life in their midst and Etfward people will not forget Mrs Wood whose helpful presence will he greatly missed and the other members of the family wishes for success and a safe return are extended Wood now on his way cast lo take his place 111 the Canadian forces on active service The foljowhigis fron the ton Gazette of last week After a most successful pas torate of three years in the First Church in fW J Wood ami family left this morning for their new Held of labor at Newmarket Out During the time spent in the of the church of which Mr Wood has had charge has prospered in every depart ment Mr Wood is an able preacher and a good pastor and his broad sympathies have ever kept him in touch with all the which tended for the betterment of community During his pastorate the at- tendance at both morning and ev ening services has been remark ably good while the week night services have special attention and have been of great interest to all church The fact that during the past year extensive improvements and alterations have been made to he church Is a striking evidence of Mr Woods ability increasing popularity during his pastoral term A striking feature of Woods pastorate has been the foot that he work and influence of the church has grown from year to year during his stay in and now that his pastor al term has is on every hand only the strongest ex pression of regret at his depart ure- As a token of esteem in which he is held by all the departments of church might bo noted the faot that presentations been madp to Mr Wood by the Quar terly Hoard and the Sunday At the Sunday session on last the presentation cut glass water pitcher and glasses with solid silver tray accom panied by an address read by Miss the Superintend out and other officers of the giving expression lo the esteem In which lie is of their regret at his departure On Wednesday evening of this week at the close of prayer service a purse of was presented to Mr Wood on behalf of the Quar terly Board and congregation by Mr J P recording Mr reading an address expressing the hearti est appreciation of Mr Woods services as pastor during the past three years The best wishes of every mem ber of the congregation are ex tended to Mr and Mrs Wood ami family for their continued suc cess and prosperity in their new Tottenham We clip the following from llio Tottenham Sentinel being a Newmarket boy and Mrs lie I fry the youngest sister of the Editor of the A Belfry preached his farewell sermon in llio Church on Sunday evening to a large audience service in Aim Presbyterian Church being can celled foi the occasion He spoke feelingly of his work here and of the goodwill existing be tween the different churches and asked the people lo give his suc cessor a good reception Belfry will be missed in town as he always look a great interest in everything calculated to ad vance tho interests of the com munity Mrs Belfry will lie missed equally as much for the active part she took in church and Rod Cross work They go to with the best wish es of the citizens En general On Tuesday afternoon Mrs J Stephenson kindly entertained a number Of ladies to a lawn parly in lienor of Mrs Belfry who left on Wednesday morning for her home at A happy time was enjoyed by all during which expressions were given to many regrets at Mrs Belfrys departure from us As Mrs Belfry had proved herself a Christian worker of the highest type in every branch of Christian work not as a ruler but much more ennobling that of lifting sister friends a place of usefulness Not alone was her influence felt in the various branches of the churchs of Sunday toothing when through the early drizzle the train drew North Station bear ing iljo larkest number of return ed soldiers who hayojc6moat one slpco ar There were one hundred and board whom one hundred and one from Toronto To say they had a warm welcome is pulling it very mild Michael Tony is- a young Mace donian who wanted lo marry 17- yearold Christina Papa objected to the mixture on the grounds of na tionality Thus it came about that when ho found that Chris tina had suddenly disappeared he went in pursuit On locating couple at Tonys -lodging- house her father notified the libeand young couple were locked up as vagrants Mon day morning the fair maid was over to the Home of the flood Shepherd for a week and Tony allowedbail A Baptist Church ho built on St and Ave cost about for the building alone and whole structure when com plete will cost In tho hood of A is the pallor Masscy Hal is now undergo ing extensive alterations The entire stage is being rebuilt and enlarged Dressing rooms and offices will be in the building on Victoria St in the large audience room will com mand a full view of stage Magistrate on Fri day fined W J Voadcn 200 or mos in prison on a charge of taking bets NEW If you do not know about the wonderful mountain scenery in cluding Jasper and Mount Hob- son Parks traversed by the Transcontinental line of the Can adian Northern Railway between ami Vancouver get a copy of our handsome descriptive booklet to be had for the asking from Phripp Town Agent AND GUMS The smashing success of the Russians west of in southeastern- forms the chief feature of the war news enemy retreated precipitately and disorderly so thai Russian pursued him to the River a small tributary of the Seven thousand pris oners taken by the victori ous troops Fortyeight guns including twelve of heavy calibre also fell to the vielors The Russian advance is along the south bank of the River and on a sevenmile front il ft i fc mi j WE tables of Ihe saves a busy farmer in milk to the factory vege- J lames butter and poultry to market fruit to the railway station One fruit grower last season made four trips a day to the railway station a total of miles and carried as high us crates of It quarts each on a trip He couldnt have made more than one 36mile trip a day with team The Ford soon pays for itself in Ihe time it saves the farmer With help scarce every farmer needs to make use of every precious minute of his time To him the Ford car is a real neces sity Indeed sortie farmers tell us that it is doubtful if they could carry on their farm- work under present conditions if it wasnt for the time the Ford saves them No farmer need be without a Ford In fact the average farmer could afford one if it were double the price It is as easy r lo drive as a horse three limes as fast and costs less per mile to run Why not order one today Ford Dealer F FORD ONTARIO ROBERTSON FORD STATIONS IN CANADA ES3EN Paris man can prove with her first lot of strawberries that the cost of sugar is surprisingly small Turning back the flics of pa pers publishing market prices wo find that in and up to the outbreak of war the average price of granulated sugar was cents a pound Today the best granulated Sifgar retails at cents This is an average July I a pound for whole a work but at every calling where her quick perceiving spirit saw lowly in spirit requiring en couragement Wo know that while Rev and Mrs Belfry go from among us their spiritual in spirations will long not only hang on memorys wall in practical living by the but be aeroplanes made a scries of raids Friday night far into Germany in reprisal for German attacks on open French towns Sixtyseven thousand pounds of bombs were droppod at many points of military importance Only two machines failed to re turn The principal centres visited were Troves and Eleven aeroplanes raided Treves dropping over pounds of bombs Seven Arcs out one of which was in the Central Station Six other machines at tacked destroying among other things the aniline factory At least one wont as far as Kssen where he shelled the factory The raid was intended lo cover Ger man inland towns used as bases for the distribution of war ma terial and French towns of small population which have been more or less fortified by the Germans since their occupation Amsterdam hears thai five per sons were killed and several houses destroyed at Essen also that considerable damage was done at the works but Ihe reports add that estimates of the attackers vary from- to Berlin says no military damage was done by the raids Italian aviators dropped two and a half tons of explosives on the military mercury extracting works at York July Emma Goldman and Alexander anarchists were found guilty of to obstruct operations COST OK of selective draft law by a jury in Ihe federal Court here tonight Judge Mayer imposed the maximum penally of two in the Federal penitentiary and a fine of upon each of the prisoners loo via KENDALLS Cure ItitheLadicf fiud for S r proved ryjgioi Al lilt 1 1 A fc ijf of JNUJi I l war a for ic book i to Save Prult Present Price of Sugar Adds Only cents to Cost of Putting up Quart Jar of Preserves Last summer many women did not put up their regular of preserves and bit terly they regretted it They be came scared at what they called the high price of sugar When sugar reached cents a pound they let the strawberries and the cherries go by When sugar sold at cents and cents they permitted the luscious peaches pears plums and apples to rot on the ground But never again This sum mer will see a genuine revival in homemade Preserving because the of Canada re alize what a foolish it was to do without Preserves especially when the increased cost of putting up is As a matter fact of the country A quart jar of preserved ber ries or fruit requires but half a pound of sugar so that the increased cost of preserving due to the increased cost of sugar is only I J a quart compar ed with the cost of preserving be fore the war when sugar was un usually cheap Now is the lime for the women of Canada to come gallantly lo the aid country and help to conserve our food supplies The fruit crop this year promises to be a record one both in quality and quantity Foreign markets being closed because of the shortage in transportation- il rests almost entirely with our as to whether this crop worth millions is to he a source of profit or a complete loss With the home pantries filled with delicious jams preserves and jellies with these delicacies served for dessert instead of pies and cakes enormous quantities of wheal will be released for the troops in France and for the starving children in Belgium A careful consideration the above facts will show to the Can adian housewife that sugar is not too high for preserving profitably that increased cost of sugar has not materially increas ed the cost of homemade pre serves and that preserving is both an economy and a patriotic action U irmauttTiua IV AH ujy ft London Juy Since the be ginning oflhe war the British have captured prisoners of natives taken pris oner in the African campaigns many of whom have been releas ed said MajorGeneral Maurice director of military op erations at the War Office to day British have lost to the enemy men including In dian and native troops These figures take in all theatres of war The British have captured 739 guns during the war and Of the guns lost 37 wore recap tured and of the remaining In enemy hands were lost by tho British on the west front early in the war The British have not lost a single gun on the wed- front since April The total number of Germans killed from the hegfhnfngof the war lo March Is not loss than to estimate itched by dan From to 18 Years of Age with High or Collegiate Education business opportunity for bright In office of large Toronto Packing engaged In producing food for Can adians at homo and overseas GOOD WAGES AND PERMANENT POSITION Faro paid to Toronto and comfortable lodgings secured if ongagod When applying stale age school training and name of school principal to Era Office Newmarket i i wo have now are Guaranteed In way that will not fade Pure Worsteds of British l Manufacture WORKnlANH IP best A CALL SOLICITED WILLIS 9 MERCHANT Phono Maid Satfotactfon Years of practical knowledge jnd an extensive and modem plant equipment assure pa- Irons a service that cannot surpassed A telephone call No 12 will bring a man to toko of your wants I v fii i J Vi v fefeM tixmm Jfir