Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 13 Jul 1917, p. 3

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1 flight ivorKs account of Ho- Church mooting will ho Parlor i bodies hold in the Monday which a full is requested at 10V Millinery own Wilson of iinotillod that his son previously Sow Had has bear Wilson who i missing killed In notion of about a Wilson years of ago an year jiccn I proration Day Make a il lhut Mm Da Newmarket to Vie oclock Im afternoon Hand will hi engaged for the oc casion is hoped that all plots will we put proper condition ho the Sunday July Pastor Alfred Young will at morning hud evening two sermons Worlds arc wolconio Scats froo I Tne worth hold at Lake on Wednesday after noon young people word preBorirb ffareweU to Mrs a Voiry pleasant lime was spent Womens Institute l regular of lire Newmarket I he Wo moils Institute will ha held at home of Mrs A Pros- ppot Ave July at I p ladles and enjoy a pleasant and profitable call for Sunday Dinners Ihoiregdlatriifb of next week all at the Mrs J gWoa paper on Birds Natures Choristers will ho 41 Hope a lalk on trip All ladies Many of Set I ii home for t V of At Miss Hal Shapes and linn lory he past quarter of a con- ami lias on extensive verandah at SI Johns It will be 22 ft on the side of the and on North side with glass porch Mr has the Postponed Christian Union Pic nic which was to been held last Wednesday 16 Lake lias been postponed bo hold next July the day plan be there ears at times advertised and the same rcducod fares Successful following in connection have their Diplomas Provincial S Normal wilh over HO per cent In marks Miss Sarah Miss Clark- and Miss Annie Meek following have passed trio 1st fear Standard in Miss Georgia Hewitt Mian Louisa Addison and Miss Mary rlothora There will a Picnic for mothers and kiddies on the fawn of Mrril Albert Queen St Thursday afternoon July Dear the Ininiiid and make an effort to bo present Quick Work Mr Isaac Hose and his staff made a record in placing he glass in the front of the Wesley Block last week three hours from the time lie glass Toronto four windows wore installed complete TIiIh six fronts Mr Hose lias Jfcwinarkct the past year Miss Florence was homo over lady friend from Vondorf at- Mr A Mrs is homo again Mr and Lehman entertain- ed a few friends on Sunday Mr and Mrs Win Bold vlslUja Mr ono day this week Mrs Hall had a quilling bee day last week Quite a number took in picnic Musschnans Lake bad a good Sorry to report thai Mr Nelson not Improving very Aid met at the home of Mrs M Duncan bad a good Mr Toole Is building a new brick- residence ltOUo3 Squares In All Linoleums end Oil GIolf8 in All Widths Window Shades and Bungalow usual so that we wft iPvtik for time a Wo Still Think It Is Bound to OH EVERY PAIR i rt- it r L toward the new Wesley Library Note Please do not seal your I Lot Mr I Hose closed the con tract- with Agricultural Sim on Wednesday for on Fair Grounds It is to be by fool and placed in lino as continuation of lie Hoibo Stables The present building will he moved farther Gordon Party East There will ho stalls on each side of the now building lilted in uptodate manner Fine Patriotic Service last Sunday and good attendance Tho School Wps well dec orated for the occasion with flags bunting and maple leaves Let there be a grand rally next Sabbath morning at oclock Willi every member present We expect our newPastor to bo with us Huron Bridie Work to progressing on he Huron Street hut of necessity it Is very slow Tho foundation work for Hie in the bod of Hie alrearnis very tedi ous important The bridge will he used in the I ho new and will removed in sections as work proceeds The now bridge will be a solid structure reinforced with made in three arches will have a graceful and sub stantial appearance i Sunday July A will the pulpit both evening It is hoped that all members and friends will turn out and give our new Pastor a hearty welcome A reception is being arranged to lake place at the Church this Friday evening oclock Mr work among our neighbors to the- south is very highly spoken of and we predict good things for the Church here Com Si Johns Church parishioners have decided lo hold a Garden Party on Separate School on evening July An attractive pro- grain is being prepared Several leading gentlemen arc invited to give addresses Special music will be rendered and a good sup per will bo provided A gener ous part of the proceeds will be donated to Patriotic Funds small bills and posters Union Services During uly and August the union services between the Melli- and Presbyterian Churches will he continued the same as past I luce years For balance of July the eerviet be in the Methodist Church at it oclock on Sunday morning and in the Presbyterian Church at on Sunday evening If I Thomas will be the The Presbyterian Choir will lead the singing During August Rev J Wood Hie preacher and Choir will lead the singing Morning service in the Presbyterian Church and Service in the Methodist ilin A very cordial reception was accorded Wood wife and I daughters at the Meth odist Parsonage on Thursday ev ening of last week under the auspices of the Ladies Aid Tea was served on their arrival about being present and mem bers of the congregation called during the evening and made themselves acquainted A very social evening was spent arid the new pastor and family were made to fool at home They arc Wanted Good roads are more or less of a luxury but they are essential and i discourage work on them on the ground hat il should be diverted lo spheres of greater ur gency is serious mistake The condition r the roads has a close with agricultural and greater must be placed on the high ways for unit or transportation which make up in part for the inadequacy of railroad facilities W he present enormous de mands mile of good road enables farmer to his operations and to make greater profits A certain amount of road building shtouldi therefore become farm work itself The prices of materials have risen Hi- labor situation presents problems but instead the construction of good roads jeiog suspended should bo pursed consistently throughout period of adjustment lo war conditions Death of an Old Mrs Simpson who has been in failing health for a year and a half passed away at the residence of her daughter Mrs J I Marrow at Penelang last morning She hail been about a year with her where she was very tenderly cared for was born in ler England in and came with her parents the late Mr and Mrs Jas Townley to Newmarket when hut a Her husband the laic Simpson died in leaving a family of one son and five daughters On his death she was granted a Diploma by College of Pharmacy lo continue Iho drug business thus being one of the first women druggists in Canada Mrs Simpson was a lifelong member of the Church of England and a very earnest worker In early years she was associated with every church enterprise The remains were brought lo Newmarket the funeral service taking place in St Pauls Church last Saturday afternoon and in terment at Newmarket Cemetery w Christie Pastor A of ana the new Pastor of the fistian Church in Newmarket with his wife four children and sisterinlaw Mrs Donovan wived In town quite evening and Possession of Parsonage l vftry with was born was educated in the County About Our Cut in Southern Ohio in the County Wools also Ihe North Western Jftjd at the Christian University Ohio It University He taught school for five been eight ye in tho mm- tSt a ton and d li llpee paper fsn of a n town a arld Wfl cordial welcome There are many nice things that we ought to say about It In the first place it came from a factory that turns out a highgrade product and nothing else You v too that signs that we show are de cidedly novel and our Cut Glass the heaviest there and the most skilfully and rate I cut We arent going to tell you that this Cut Glass Is cheap because It cannot be priced low tor if Quality now have a nice select showing of Cut this Is our to you to loo over Hut We Atkinson Co A Missionary Automobile I Daniel Norman I I who has represented lhe Methodist Young People of Bradford in Japan for years and who is about to return from fur- lough to resume his missionary activities is lo lie presented with an automobile to assist him in lis work if the plans now under way meet with success The work of the Foreign Mis sionary in Japan how is almost all in the nature of extension work The charge of the organ ized churches is being taken by native Japanese Pastors leaving the Foreign Missionary free for the other service of reaching out and organizing new Churches For the past number of years Dr Norman has been an- by the Japanese Ministers themselves position Chairman of District This is unusual and shows Ihe high leem in which he is held by the Japanese themselves It also means that he has a great deal of travelling lo do in the overseeing of the work at all the appoint ments in- the district as well as Ian looking after the extension work above referred to Several of lhe Missionaries working in Japan under American Churches have automobiles and find the effectiveness of their work almost doubled Dr Norman is certain that the extra work he could accomplish With a car would be equal to that done by an additional missionary To double the work of a tried and experienced Missionary such as Dr Norman would seem to be a very wise course and it can be done at a cost considerably less than il would lake to send out a new man The plan is to gel a Ford Car and trailer The Ford Motoy Company is giving a generous discount on account of lhe pur pose for which it is being pur chased The total cost landed in Japan will be This ex pense to be borne by the Brad ford and Allistoh Districts The Newmarket Methodist Church is tho strongest on the District and naturally is looked to to lend in this as in ail good things The Missionary Committees of the different organizations met and pledged support to the move ment The Sunday School is tak ing a collection for this fund next Sunday in addition lo the regular collection The League will canvass their membership and there will be canvas made by the Church Mis sionary Committee of older members of the Church These are days of many calls but when days of adversity come lb Christian Church cannot af ford to neglect the great purpose for which she exists but must bend afresh every effort to spread to every creature and so hasten day when wars shall cease motored to Toron to on Monday taking Miss Hard- grave who is seriously HI lo the Hospital Mrs Lyons and daughter on Tuesday to spend two weeks wiljiher sister Mrs A Nickel London Mr and Mrs Brown and family are spending their vacation at the formers parental home at Mi A Browns Mr Brown has been with overseas forces in England and is home on a- leave Mrs Allan and children of King City spent Tuesday Mrs Quintan Mr A Creyke spent Monday In City The Union Picnic to Bond Lake on Friday last was a great success both in a large crowd good weather and good time Mrs Robins of Aurora made a business trip to our town on Tuesday Mr and Mrs Herb of spent Monday and Tuesday with Mr Coulter Miss Clara of Toronto is spending Ibis week at her aunts Mrs Jos Browns Several of the members of the Womens Institute motored to Tuesday to visit the Institute Mr and Mrs Sweet and family of Bradford visited the formers mother Mrs John on Sunday Miss Sweet who lias spent the nasi three with her mother Mrs left on Monday for Quebec Miss Irene Lloyd of Toronto the weekend with Miss Clarice Mrs If spent the weekend woo Miss who has been spending week at her home returned to the city Mrs I of Toronto Is visit ing at Mr Sim Poplar Misses It and Tils on of Island are visiting at Mr J Messrs I son and West spent the weekend at their homes Mr Hunter spent Sunday at Mr Watsons We think the water clerk must have forgotten to turn off the tap 1 NEWMARKET J Some of the crops in these parts- have become tired of standing and have laid down to rest Grove Reeling of Christian Church was well attended on Sunday although Hie weather was not flni I III I S VANDOHF Off No room to complain these days of not enough rain Have been getting our full share late ly It does no damage only makes the farmer more hoeing which is the order of the day at present Mrs Merlons returned lo her borne in Toronto last week after spending a few days at Mr A Mrs Preston who has been ailing for several months past has been able lo take a drive to to stay a few days Mrs Pallenden Mrs Arthur Welsh returned home with the after church on Sunday lo spend the afternoon Glad to report Miss Mabel Hooper is recovering from the operation she underwent a couple of weeks ago in Toronto Hope to see her home the beginning of next week Mr Geo Hacking motored from Buffalo last week to visit his mother Miss Thompson of also spent the weekend with Mrs Hacking Mr Geo Prestons lake is get ting to be a very popular spot for picnics also some good flsh have been caught there this sea son Last week several people from Toronto came to camp dur ing the hot summer weather So far the hot weather has been scarce but no doubt it will soon arrive Mr and Mrs Bart of St Catharines motored fromlbeir home lo Lake Joseph Musk and then lo Vandorf to visit hie uncle Mr Snider arriving there Friday night and leaving for their homo Saturday afternoon Lest Thursday night about young people gathered at the home of Greenwood in honor of the newly married couple- During the evening games and music were enjoyed by all present The Ice bream was best possible also good lib eral dishes and large pieces of cake were served Now are waiting and looking forward to such another good time given by some other young couples The fee Strawberry Social given by the two ft Classes last Wednesday night on the lawn of- Mr was a decided success The selec tions given by Mr Winchester and his daughter of wars very much appreciated also pieces given by our Koch realised sum ftl The marriage look place in Collier St Methodist Church Bar rio of Irene Gladys laugh ter of Mr Thus to Stanley Gordon eldest son of Mr and Mrs Frederick Underwood Aurora Moocc concluded ceremony in the of immediate friends only The bride who was unattended wore a dark navy blue taffeta travelling suit Immediately after the ceremony and groom left for Toronto on route lo Banff and Victoria On- their return Mr and Mrs will refde in Barrio KING CITY A quiet wedding look place at he homo of Mr and Mrs J T Burns of King when their daugh ter Mary Georgina and Mr Hart ley Duncan of were married Rev of Strange conducted the ceremony The bride wore her traveling suit of pearl grey gabardine with Milan hat and white fox furs She was attended by her Miss Kate Burns gowned in while voille with real lace trim mings The best man was Mr Gordon Duncan brother of the groom Miss Eileen Kirns A T CM of Little Current played lhe wedding and Mr Burns After the core- money a reception was held and later Mr and Mrs Duncan left for a trip on the Upper Lakes On their return they will reside in Todmorden EFty and and yd- yd Marquis ottos to Sale Price yd Fancy White ground with Col- Strips In wide Reg BO for 32c yd Weight Corsets Reg for Ladles Fine Hose Black and White All Sizes Sale Price ESTABLISHED OF CANADA CAPITAL PAID UP70O0O0DfAESEW i HEAD OPFICE SAVE your money SECURE your future ex J SERVE couaby Interest at at M SMYTH Manager j I NEWMARKET BRANCH Now is the Time to Buy Your When anxious to soil as wo for room are only mentioning p few COME The AND SEE FOR Great Values We m mm YOURSELF are Giving A THOSE TO Excursions lo Western Canada at attractive fares each Tuesday until October 3ist via Canadian Pacific the pioneer the West Par ticulars from any P Agent or Howard District Pas senger Agent Toronto Ont Live Stock Markets Sat on Highest prices paid in Toronto thU week ore as follows Choice Steers Sli90 Good Butcher Cattle Good Cows Good Milkers 060 Feeders 1000 Choice Veal Calves Medium Calves 1100 Light Sheep Spring Lambs Hogs off card Markets mil 1917 Wheat bush 235 iAO Hay per ton 14 0016 00 Butter per lb 38 Egg per 38 Potatoes per bag 3 3 Spring Chickens Fowl Newmarket Markets Ladles White Hog Sat on Sale for Ladles Patent Leather Low one or tw straps F8T388 Saturday for 10 Ladles Patent Leather per pair Patent Loattier Rag to for Dark Drown Solos and Jo v for Lions Patent Leather Boots Hog to for Harvest Boots Tan r 2on A Stock of Running Shoeo White Tan or Blue to bo sold at Reasonable Ladles Covers Reg Saturday on at 16o Ladle3 House Drosses Reg for Goodyear Waterproof Raincoat Reg to for Sorgo Suits or Worsteds Reg to for 90 A Large Quantity of Millinery to be Sold Below Cost Kans 8erge Panto 360 to for Middles for Ladles Sport and Middles 135 Ladles White Stockings Ida Ladles Silk SatuiJay Ladles or llue Gorge Skirts to and Saturday for I Couth Of J J profit to brio Wheat 0 Oats per bush 74 Barley per SO I Peas per bush- per too 38 per ton per ten 00 Butter per lb- 33 0 Bars per dot CO I A stem The services on Sun day at were well attended but the disagreeable day prolonged a great many people of their at camp AH expenses were up easily and above No I preaching by Rev of A and Our wiisjdeara have arrived weary to well Miss Mary of lias been few Hush it P Ms be once more for visit Beuiy The Annual Strawberry val at will Church Grounds on Thursday July 19th and a most delightful lime may be anticipated Abun dant provision will be made by ladies for the tables and a program of unusual interest been provided consisting of Readfnga Solos Duetts and In strumental by outside tat ont admission is only Everybody Flight A of Hamilton was by the over Borden Monday evening and probably instantly killed by trying to K toe big machine w ARCHIVES OF TORONTO J- iiS

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