Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 6 Jul 1917, p. 6

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Mount Albeit lH Sharon ft PERSONAL Mia daughter Mrs KoihwoH of Man in low on few week with friends MUh of To ronto is viHlling friend MIhh MirtBOti Audrey and Woodcock of Toronto the holiday with friends in town Among who passed Hie Olive and and Mr Max Walker gradual of our Miss Mildred Thompson of To ronto is visiting at the homo of Mr- J Miss of Toron to is spending the summer With her sister Mrs W Robertson Messrs W Sleeper and W Sloan returned from a trip to Tails with a num ber Of trout Miss Mary Dike of Toronto is at her In town Mr and Mrs Macklom of To ronto arc visiting at the home of Mrs A Mrs Ed has returned homo undergoing an opera tion In Hospital Toronto Mr Albert Sloan of Toronto was at the home of his parents in town for ho holiday Roy Gray la the newly ap pointed Methodist Minister for this circuit He will occupy the pulpit next Sunday The picnic at MiiHselmaus Lake which was spoiled by the rain bo held on Saturday We understand the Sunday Schools will make another at tempt to hold a picnic for the children instead of the usual ex cursion to Lake Ayoung man and his lady friend while driving near hero recently were so interested in each other hat they did not no- lice an approaching and wore upset into the ditch Wo trust Hid injuries were not seri ous picnic was well at tended enough -people- left in the village to act anionic Guard A enjoyable Civic Holiday for everyone from work and swelled ranks he picnickers Dont forget the strawberry Kealf val on Wednesday July given by the Ladies Aid of the II will be on lite of Temple A guod promised plenty of small change for the pond Wonderful fish be caught Mrs and small son were around calling oil friends on Monday Mrs Anderson Is spending the weekend In Toronto Mr Watson and Mr spent the holiday in Toronto it is expected that Harvey will return to Canada before loiiif wounded arm for further service at the Front Mr Will has been under the weather for some time Monday ho had quite a faint spell while oat gard ening Mr and Mrs from Toronto and Miss Wickaon from Dennis vlslkd Willilons on Sunday Keswick Mr John A nose Is making- pre parations 16 visit In the West dining ho The people delighted to hear Unit Miss school in market has been engaged as for the next Mr and Mrs Bert and baby spent Monday with Mrs J also Mrs and son Jack Miss Clara Tate Is spending a few days at o see her Mr Thos Watson and Mr celebrated Hie 1st In Toronto Those who missed the on Tuesday the best time the summer will bring Sharon League will he giving a program In Methodist Church on Sunday evening Pa pars solos and reading Service at sharp The topic Is missionary o Holland handing The town li DECORATION DAY annual Decoration Day services of the Mount Albert Cemetery will be held on Sunday July at CM pm An ap propriate program is being ar ranged for PUBLIC SCHOOL To Jr Total requir ed to pass Rowland lion Ivan Woodcock Hon Florence Hon Helen Davidson Kathleen Ross Margaret Gabon Ella Stokes 552 Dike and Harrison absent but recom mended To required to pass Mary Mary Campbell Cora Willson 531 Ida Dike Esllor 523 Cora Charlie Morton Ml Evelyn Hansford 407 Mabel Winnie Little Bella Fisher absent hut recommended fin- M A Teacher Total GOO reriuired to pass 300 Frank Stokes Hon Emily Fisher Hon Rowland 429 Ruby Hayes 427 Dike 424 Morris Willie Woodruff Woodcock Hayes 384 Angus Harrison 384 Hilda Davidson Hazel John- eon 339 Forrest Toole To Jr Total 400 required to pass 200 Arthur Harrison Hon Stanley George Vera Metz- gar Basil Thompson recommended W W Willoughhy Teacher W Mr A and family of Keswlek desire to thank their many friends for their kindness anil assistance during the lengthy Ill ness and in connection with the fu neral of their beloved wife and mo- Enrolment No Approved J Reg in the Canadian Thorough Stud Book as No His Colts ace very sat isfactory to the breeders Not one of his Colts has died this year Being equal in size and strength ordinary Colts six weeks old This year insure you a living satisfactory Colt J SONS Prop Managers Phone During July our Mill will be open for Chopping only on Mon day- Wednesday and Friday of each week 3w2l A DIKE Sharon following spent the First ID Messrs jns and Duncan bill and families Percy Wilson Hills A Atlerell and clover of Toronto of Miss of Toronto Spent a few lays week with her sister Mrs and Mrs and of Winnipeg spent Monday last with friends In town Mrs Madiil from Saskatchewan Is visiting her mother Mrs Belli Messrs WmHweezle and spent Monday at Camp den Mr Jas and sister spent Monday at with Ihelr sis ter Mrs Cooper who is danger ously III Mrs and daughter are visiting In Toronto Mr and Mrs Barber of To ronto spent Wednesday and Thursday last Marker Mr and Mrs Scott of To ronto are spending a few days at their summer residence here Mrs of Barrio is visiting her sister Mrs Ceo Thomp son Mr and Mrs Robinson and family also Miss Kirby were guests at Mrs Harry Hells over the holiday Mrs Dell and daughter motored Monday evening Miss passed her mu sical exam Willi honors Mr Wood was home for a days Mr Smith has returned home Mr was In town few- days for Mr i few Aril was calling on friend days 1 UNION The people on this street did best to he patriotic by way friends with their cele brating Dominion Pay Many Itll homes and spent the day pic nicking and visiting while others en tertained Friends and relatives from a dis tance spent the holiday with Mr and Mrs Hoy Mrs of Toronto visited at Mr Friends from Newmarket were at Mr Lewis Rollings Mrs Lintons parents and from Aurora spent day them Miss Ruth Curl returned to Toronto after spending a few vyecks with her mother Miss Mabel Curl will at home until her health Is properly re stored before resuming her duties In Toronto Do not miss the picnic to mawr Reach next Wednesday Make It a splendid days outing Prof Dales Is expected to preach In the Christian Church the coming Sun day BRADFORD low s Pure Bred Bull W Also Improved York shirs of These ufe from and Winter The Queens Jlolelwns struck by lightning during Sundays storm Not much damage was done The I attended divine service In the Methodist Church on Sunday evening Newmar ket Aurora and Sutton members were present and together with the local lodge about wero in the parade The Pastor Rev Black being himself an OddFel low preached an excellent ser mon The singing of Mies Mr Green and the Guotr was appreciated by the members of the Order Witness Dorothy Mhitche a Mace donian girl only four years In this who could not a word of JJngHsh when she came has come head of her class in School and hu knitted pairs of socks school year Mrs Win passed away at nh early hour last Sunday morning after a lengthy and painful home much deeply regreUed alio was daughter Of the late Inspector of a great musician and useful of society The funeral on Tues day was largely attended The M Garden parly on Wednesday night was a grand success Proceeds 9140 In addition to the orchestra there were solos anil a address by Mr fOOO-C- BALDWIN The Church Anniversary and Tea on Sunday Afoiidny evening was a successful and enjoyable affair The Sunday services were well attended Ten cars from a dis tance- passed through hero en route for the services Tho tea and were Mr Richard silvery toned voice added lo the musical program The Ladies Aid of Meth odist Church purpose holding the annual strawberry festival and on church premises on July This is always a pleasing event Come and judge for yourself The celebra tion of Dominion liny was quietly observed here Visitors were nu merous among whom we observ ed Owen Toronto He brought a motor transfer van- load of for our barber Bert Miss Stella Sweet Toronto was at her cousins Mrs Bertram Owens is just as sweet as when she was a resident of La Belie Baldwin Mr and Mrs Will and daughter and soninlaw and children motored up from To ronto took a merry round among friends and the summer resorts pulling up at Baldwin where they have many friends A very enjoyable time was spent and after tea al were sent on their way rejoicing as would say Mrs is a niece of the late Henry Leppard Her given name Nina is a rare and pleasing oho Mothers make a note of it Two of our local owners of fast nags Walter Goomcr and J A took in the sports Be aver ton in the farmers race horse took first money 111 halfmile heats horse ruled out If put in first class training these nags would show ft great advantage A little picnic party bade fare well to our Thurs day afternoon A goodbye re membrance in the form of a dainty jewel case was given by a few faithful followers She was nice young woman but met great difficulties in discip line I would approve of en gaging a male teacher who would nip in the bud those rebellious kids The idea of saying they will not take punishment for their wrongdoing They should get a wholesome lesson I never would stand by and see an innocent parly imposed upon and made the bearer of wrongs of which he was innocent That is why I had so much to say in reference lo the injury to Master foot It is almost end in a suit for damages Then it will be shown who is a fabricator of falsehoods Legal counsel has been taken Wait a before you score the Owl Those bosom friends and schoolmates Mrs Allan nee the Little Yankee Queen and Miss Avis Hunter of spent a portion of Dominion Day at Mrs Swamp To he sure I had to go over and see my friends Three royal good friends are those women for whom I have a sincere respect Miss Hunter is a most amazing handsome lit tle woman and just as nice as she looks allowing me lo be the judge I suppose youll say she bewitched me She took a view of His Owlship with her in order to preserve my beauty in a picture for her mother Our friend Miss much re sembles Miss Ella daughter of Mr so you can see she is somewhat handsome Now the finishing touches are put on you should see Mr Bert Owens rustic verandah John Miller did much of the work for which he has a rare genius But Mrs still holds the red ribbon for the most stylish one in rural North York J J Foster will probably re tire from and be an independent farmer He is about making a deal for a hand- lamb is but a wolf is not your children brats unless you are own is beyond suspicion Do not confide to others that you feel yours6If your neighbors It Is sure toleakouU- Wo wont no aristocratic or black- bloods in If you feel thai way why sell out and Abundance of Vain is quite sure Ibis month About August dry spell is likely to sctin Taylor is evidently satis fied Willi his fall wheat It is of remarkable vigor and height Pleasant Valley Farm is a won derful wheat grower It beats your clay farms Some lime ago at a Ladies Aid they had most amazing good bread for sandwiches I surmis ed and said It must be Keswick bakers output and compliment ed the baker man and he handed me a lonMvIth thats a little bel ter Now I cant In a few words properly convey an Idea Just how aood it was but I never ate better bakers loaf If I were to at tempt to describe goodness the baker in his ecstasy would either bake the cook or cook the baker Mrs Ghas Tornlinsons homemade bread heals you all Mr Willie was here last week bidding his friends good bye prior to leaving for France to navigate flying niaoliineft for the British Government Our Eras overdue This is rolling too common Mr Barker of Luther To was visiting his daughter Miss here a few days ago Dont talk unreasonable It is apt to plunge you headlong into a lawsuit Look thai solemn chap oyer there and lake warn ing The elaborateness of that summer outing suit of our Allan knocks the shine off most kill the gumswamp swells with envy V The St James Hullon Tuesday Was foil Proceeds were arid Mrs Kathleen and TownJey guests over the holiday Mrs and baby hoy of New York arc spending a few weeks with Mrs par ents Mr and Mrs A Miss Maud Watorworth spent the with Miss Vera Miss Turner of is the guest of Mrs John Hoove Greenwood returned from County Council on last Mr and Mrs Frank McDonald and family have gone on a motor I trip to SimCoer Miss Maud has re turned home for the slimmer Mr spent the week end with his family Mr and Mrs A Cuttle of Toronto were guests of Mrs- W holiday Mr and Mrs Bailey and guests of Mrs Bailey We are pleased to see Mrs Barnard around again after her recent illness Mr A has return ed from his trip West Miss is remaining a few weeks longer Mr Basil Cross was home over I holiday Mrs Williams is spending a few weeks In the city with her son Lanceley of to will preach at the Church Jacksons Point at 7 on Sunday evening next UwiJI receive a corload of highgrade Flour add about May consisting of Cream of the WoVvL 0Q Queen City Flour and Monarch Flour For bags FEEDS Cost CORN I riiDDLirjQO whole corn The above is to be sold at lowest prices obtainable is very scarce and hard to procure and I advise early buying Served Peed CHARLES Phono r3 IN store Dry Groceries Flour Feed Hardware ROWNHILL OIMT Poultry ftEgfla Taken in before the travellers a little lady la ft while gown Dear little motherbird cried John taking the small form Into his arms Why mother ald Helen em bracing her I didnt know you I never saw you in You dont think Its out of place do you Helen asked Mrs anxiously I felt father and Aggie wouldnt rhlnd and It seemed more cheerful so Im tremendously glad you put on while Interrupted John Makes you look like the who used to play with her baby boy pother flushed pleasure- but watched Helen- who replied Its all Toron- mother if you feel like it I did We And Queensville Soliliers of Soil meeting will he held In the Methodist Church on July at pm leen age boy should be producer of food -vOOO- BHOWMIILL Hello here we busy as ever Hoeing Is the order of the day Who Is the fellow that stole girl on Sunday evening Mr Percy Wood and Mr Anderson spent Dominion Day In the city We are having of rain this year and crops are looking fine around this burg Miss Ada Edwards and gentleman friend spent Dominion Day at Holland Landing Mr Percy Welsh of Toronto was the guest of a young on Sunday Wonder where these days Welsh Is in city this Mr stuff In this one way we Mr Poal Hoys Work tltrie of crisis This can help win the war M A Secretary for will he here and deliver the main address There will be also local speakers on the local outlook of production Hoys this Is your meet ing so have every teenage boy out Everybody Is urged to be present and encourage production- MOUNT PLEASANT The Bo What You Can Girls Mission Band of Pleas ant met in the Church on the af ternoon of Wednesday June After devotional exorcises it was decided that the quill blocks would be called in at next meet ing which is to he on Wednes day July at the home of llie Misses and Pearl Stiles The Mission Band are planning to have an ice cream social in the course of two or three weeks Full particulars of this will be given later The Ladies Aid met on Friday June 29th at the home of Mrs J Hamilton There was a very good attendance considering the unfavorable ladies decided toehold a strawberry fes tival next Tuesday July on I he lawn of Mrs J Evening service will be held in the Church Sunday at oclock Mrs George Fairbarn spent the holiday wilh relatives in Au rora Mrs Steele and Miss Audrey wero the guests of Mrs Steeles sister Mrs Robert Stiles over the holiday Miss Lillian Johnston of To ronto visited her brother Mr J Johnston over the holiday tfOPE Our Church was beautifully decorated on Sunday with bunt ing flowers flags and maple leaves Miss Nellie is borne for two weeks holidays Mies and Miss Ellis spent the holiday with Miss Our young people seem to en joy the League at Sharon We think it a splendid way to spend Sunday evening The Fifth School was well attended last Thursday af ternoon Races and other amusements also plenty of ice cream made an enjoyable time The Fourth and Sharon Schools were not favored with quite as helping his brother Mr Sam Jr Is taking the good of Ids Maxwell car Wedding bells are ringing Listen for them in the near future Wonder why that black horse and covered buggy go to the so often Stumpy c Mr of Toronto was here over Sunday under the parental roof Oh yes and accompanied by a couple of damsels Mrs Rose and Miss Pearl spent the 1st in town visiting old neighbors A few of our sports are setting off for the big Camp Meeting Some left here on Tuesday for the whole weeks term Hope they enjoy the luxuries We to see Howard and Herbert Crittenden In town again for a few days Mr A loaded a car of scrap Iron this week for Toronto Sleeping tOOOt The Metamorphosis Of Mother HI good weather on Friday Heros fine chance for a firstclass Strike while blacksmith iron hot I very much fear the Good Shepherd ban been feeding his Baldwin Iambs too liberally From the cantankerous conduct a Iamb be suffering from or- perhaps the of a few minor Mrs sister spent llin holiday her Miss has been confined to her bed for a week but Is getting better Miss Lottie spent a days with her sister In To ronto last week John see the parlor Is lighted exclaimed Helen Lane What can be the matter Mother never used the parlor except- Except for funerals Helen answered John as he helped his sister up the snowy slippery brick walk to the old house How surprised mother will be to see us I Helen exclaimed And I hope she will go home with us Now that dear Aggie has been gone Iwo years must realize her I see what she finds to do Mother will find plenty to do re turned John You dont her before she was the family nurse Before father had that fall that made him helpless for years she was the lite of the house She was only eighteen when I was born and she was an older sister to me she was quick In the housekeeping and made frolic of helping In the hay field and she had time to cheer up the neigh bors and go to the sewing circles and other festivities and lu the choir She was a great warbler In those days I never heard her sing said Helen She was always quiet Ah I sighed John After fathers fall he or a ray of light Fifteen years mother nursed him in that and tried lo keep us children Then after to father you were and I away and Aggie cam home from college theft WIS her and mother five yean more Poor mother I nut I up her old But too Mother must have company John knocking v musk ceased there Hood not know you cared What changes you have made I she continued look ing about the parlor wilh pink roses creamy paper pink-rib- j white curlaina open piano hookladen table and a great pink flowering Dont you like It dear asked Mrs This room seemed gloomy with the haircloth furniture and I thought Id like to sit here and see people passing You children are so generous I could afford the expense though It did seem almost extrava gant to tear off that old chocolate- colored paper without a scar or- a scratch We never used this room except Its a great scheme Interrupted John You are a decorator mother Come to Chicago- and youll make a fortune One who can make this room cheerful Hut have you a visitor he glancing at the books an Italian dictionary and Prornessi There Is no one but Mrs replied the mother She doesnt read Italian but she Is good company and Its a pleasure lo see her turn to in the kitchen shes a born cook and shes never had much do with before and she dotes on cooking up nice things for sick neigh bors Youll see what a tasty little supper shell get up for you The visitors followed their mother Into the room where for twenty years an invalid had lived in darkness and suffering Shades of Aladdin and his I I cried John The room hushed and shaded a3 long as Helen could remember was full of brightness with its crimson carpet and walls and its window- garden of ferns and flowering geran iums and the cage which a golden canary thrilled merrily a rosyflamed wood fire hummed Its pleasant hearthsong and threw flick ering lights on the white-damask-cov- table laid for tea with oldfashion- rosebud china arid a quaint chubby silver creamer and wink ing and blinking in the twinkling fire light Well I gasped Helen Motherbird said John what a are I My Margaret must take lessons of you before we begin our new nest I am glad you like the old nest I thought father and Aggie glad to have it cheery for me and for neighbors they come here real sociably the old folks by the fire and talk over old times and the young folk chatter and play and sing Was It one of them singing when we came In asked Helen No dear it wasjust I I had so much I had Aggies piano tuned so I could pick out hymns on it and Annie Alger thought it would be nice forme to take lessons from her sing ing teacher And he gave me some Italian songs so I had to get the pro nunciation and I joined the Italian class Thats the Italian books are here And you dont know how pleasant I find It to be learning some thing new fFlne plan 1 said John Ill send you one of those phonographs with an Italian record You seem to be well occupied said Helen 1 feared time would hang on your hands O no the mother and Helen Mr says my voice still true perhaps- because Ive almost whispered these years and he wants me to sing a piece at his indi cate In the town hall You dont think It out of place No answered Helen if you feel like hinging In Mrs not In public Helen Its only to our own here JfJo and sing cried John You will be the prima donna of the musical could hear you You can The concert Is Tonight Helen Yea dear but I send word I am not coming It will be an excuse that you atv here That said John is an excellent reason why you should tia are fortunate in arriving nick of time hear yon brought a little gift th your style of beauty John did not say that he been bought for his Margaret fastened his amethyst Willi clear violet depth tat rounded by a glimmering tiny brilliants That beautiful thing Claimed Mrs IJosolffl color and stones And I said Helen hive a little frock thai will do for concert She did not explain the was bought for her own dainty wear but when she shook shimmering folds of the wilh creamy lace at saw her molhera beaming feet was glad that she had slipped new gown into her suitcase A few hour- later a Willi ill falling fully about her ami a glimmer ef dripping with dew at her stood before an audience of every face showed affection and rue the soft pun VDheKal- the melodious Italian song it the end the singers sought and daughter over clapping crowd between see their smiles of pride tad Didnt I If you uiernouKrtifri was a warbler asked John And Helen Sighed To little I knew my mother I To of her singing that way ill tea yearn of silence And i house cheery when It was so forlorn I And loving pretty colors w1i had nothing but and gray shall have a tiny babyblue govs a rosepink anil a rainbow color If she wants it and shell Just dear a little mother if she some dull old gray thin A rainbow relumed John is i pleasant thing full of hope And that Interrupted a turning from the seat before tin precisely what your mother our people here and Is our dearly loved bow of hope and cheer John looked at his Yea will not he driven lo- cheer old age Nor expect to take her home me replied little while when the will spare her to of hope and cheer C Wont 40 A A great man can die well his reputation is J can write my life across said 11 in his dj- hour I have nothing hide John affirmed w be bad never written a which be would not be willing to have read before the wbee world To these two utterances we would add words of Sir Walter Scott have been the js voluminous author of the and it is a comfort to me loJUa that I have tried to mans faith lo corrupt BOM principles and that I nothing winch on my bed I should wish oat These arc almost the last jw of the man who novel and made it not only channel of great blessing world but an ornament in civilized home our I a parttot Floral The white bo other IVE IMP 8VAtU0a Lord Enrolment Approved Form I by Mr of King for Will travel througli d W season J B THOMPSON LOW TO U you ere taae of the low fiion Fates offered by J Northern to every For literature apply to nts city LAV inMc p to Nothing better on the by the on THAT HEM UP for Vour Mill THE The the is the THE do Are Net Wo ha Tow If you We I that pi sella at its- sup also A and he P Do OF TORONTO

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