Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 6 Jul 1917, p. 2

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in Newmarket for Must bo warm and In repair Apply at once to Cane Newmarket- LOST I l a l In Newmarket last Saturday a Cold Watch Reward for Us return to llio Era Office or to Mm Daniel 2nd St East OARD OP I desire to thank many friends who were so kind to mo during my sisters sickness and death A Gray Holland Landing r CARD Mr and Mrs A ana family wish to their heartfelt hanks to heir friends and neighbors for the kindness shown during their recent be reavement Nelson Cooking Willi water connections and stove pipe Quick Meal Oil three burners and oven Also other articles of in condition J or tall DR Church St roll GALE i A Very Fine Toned May be Seen at Friends age FOR BALE That and at Sharon known as the Mansion House apply to Mrs George Sharon or to her Newmarket FARM FOR GALE acres mile west of Bond acres of bush hemlock elm pi no oak and baa wood Running creek through bush and pasture acres of summer fallow acres of good orchard and good garden of small fruit Good house and cellar with hard and soft water Barn with stone underneath and water in the stable Hog pen and imple ment house No better land In good state of cultivation Pos session given of JOHN BARRON P No novice Notice is hereby given hat all persons having claims against the of William Wright late of the of in the County of York Yeo man deceased who died on the day of April are to file the same properly proven with the undersigned solicitor for executor of the last will said William Wright de ceased on or before the day of July as immediately thereafter the said executor wU proceed to distribute tho assets amongst those entitled having regard only to those claims then filed Dated 28th June Solicitor iiw Newmarket Ont WRIGHT Executor QSiu llio Peace deferred election A Liberal had a majority of Conserva tive Not enough opposition in the House for good Government The July of and Gun in Canada is a good numberto tuck into grip of the eportsv maii or tourist on vacation bent A glance at the list of contents the following titles With the Maskinonge and The Shark Two Opening Days Trout Fish ing in Northern Ontario by Young Last Trip Ashore etc etc and- In addi tion well maintained departments devoted to Guns and Ammunition Fishing Konno and Trap- Shooting J Taylor Ltd Woodstock are of thle representative Cana dian sportsmans magazine A- a Our Toronto Letter For I qui to a space of- lime the Hydro power was off on Monday Holiday crowds were delayed especially on the Lake Shore Letter carriers of Toronto and Hamilton held a Field Day to gether last Monday Games wore indulged in and many valu able prizes awarded A banquet took place in the evening A Russian employed at the Steel and Radiation as a shell mover was fatally injured by a pile of shell falling upon him on Monday last Ho died at the Hospital There were about head of cattle at the stock yards on Sat urday but limited number were fit for slaughter- It is said people visit ed the Island last Monday beat ing all former records Murder charges have been laid against three men who assaulted resulting in his death There Is a woman in the case It is estimated that over automobiles passed through Oak- Villa on Dominion Day from To ronto and Hamilton Three women were arrested this week on charges of theft from counters of departmental stores K P counsel for the Christian Scientists ad dressed Mr Justice the medical commissioner on the Ontario law affecting his clients Section of the On tario Medical Act provides that only a registered practitioner may practise medi cine for reward As Mr Hell- muth viewed the Ontario cases a man professing to heal by sug gestion and mental inference was not practising medicine and under llio Ontario law as it stood today Christian Scientists could not be prosecuted legally under the Act Rev Dr General Super intendent of the Methodist Church of Canada who has been in England for past few weeks is actively engaged in vis iting the military and camps and conferring with Can adian officers relative to the treatment of soldiers overseas SOME DAY WE WILL MAKE YOUR Why Not Now Toronto Opticians 1 v Limited EAST Corner and of ik Keep Price of Bread Within ho Compass of Hid Common A I of rr arid- pojit the friends in Mr Dawson- St liar frflrn Mlss Met spending a week with her In the eicctrla fitonn passed over this vicinity Quite- of over this dnMoadyi Bight aljnceV which was hold la KeltebVIln on Friday waft grand Terry Held Hie lucky number for inmaUV Aid v IceCream aud Dairy Plant Main Street Wholesale and retail in any quantity at popular prices Milk Sweet Cream table and whipping by pint or quart Cheese extra mild in and Cheese and nut ter Call and take a Brick or Ice Cream In bulk containers home with you We also deliver Ice Cream in pails to your home in 2qt or over Will keep for hours Open fcfljj 1 Local Agent Wanted FOR t and TO SELL FOR Splendid List of Stock for Kail Planting -AND-r- lltotiuu Including Many New Varieties which Wo Control TORONTO for New Also Agents Proposition Hand some Free Outfit Exclusive Territory Liberal Com missions Search where you will you will find no highway in the whole world so romantic as the Grand Trunk Road of India A stately avenue of three roads in one the centre of hard metal the roads on each side ankledeep in silvery dust fringed by double rows of frees it runs for 1400 miles through the vast northern plain which skirts the Himalayas from Calcutta to far Peshawar which keeps sentinel at The gale of Afghanistan From horizon to horizon it- stretches like a Inroad while ribbon as straight as if traced by a gi gantic ruler And doited along entire length are hundreds of wayside restbouses each with arched and gateway 3000 years the Himalayas have looked down on this road and have seen it as they see it to day It was the worlds great est highway before Rome was cradled Alexander the led his Greeks along it to con quest of Northern India and Buddha- himself took his daily walks along it centuries before Christ was cradled It has seen generations of men come and go yet today it is to the eye ex actly the same as In the long- gone years when was a proud city and our own ancestors gnawed bones in caves Dundee July Wo have driven the great army of Ger many underground said Pre mier Lloyd George in a speech bore yeslorday- When a great army is driven to these tactics it is the beginning of end It means that wo are pounding a sense Of Inferiority into every of German military mind It is good for war is oven belter Tor after war So long as the Prussian have an idea of superiority in their minds Eu rope wiil not be a for people to live in peace It will be easier after this The Prussian said Mr Lloyd George has many virtues but a sense of humility has never been among them The Premier add ed that the Prussian is now being taught the virtue of humility with a fierce and relentless lash Mr Lloyd George said that if necessary the would resort to the exchequer in order that the price of bread should be within the of the bulk of the people No Privation Speaking of the sacrifices the people had been called on to make In Mr Lloyd George said there had been no privation in this country thus and that while there were privations in Germany and Au stria those countries were still fighting Men restricted in their luxuries should not give them selves the airs of men who are enduring tortures Complaints did not come from the men who were making the real sacrifices but the country was entitled to ask the Government that re strictions and limitations should have a genuine war purpose and heincluded In that the demobiliz ation after the war That rule ho had applied to every restric tion that had been made Drink Cannot bo Tho restriction of horserac ing the Premier said was en tirely a question of the extent to which it could bo permitted with out interfering with the work of the war Anything beyond that would be irritating and mis chievous anything short of it in adequate to meet the case If you apply those principles to llio question of drink he con tinued you will find that it will work out all right No man in his senses would sacrifice the food of the country for any drink however alluring it may be The second condition which the country was entitled to from the Government the Premier continued was that it should not permit the burdens of the coun try to bo increased by what was called profiteering distinct from profit Profiteering was unfair in peace in war It was an outrage That was why the Government had taken action to restrict profits and proposed to deal very drastically with unfair profiteering in food Will Keep Down The third condition which the people were entitled to expect MP Lloyd George went on was that food must be brought with in the roach of people prices were largely depend ent on prices over which Gov ernment had no control in Amer ica and elsewhere but steps such as were within its power had been taken by the Government to keep the prices of food within bounds The Government would even go 16 tho extent of resorting to the exchequer in order to see at any rate that he price of bread was within the of the bulk of the people The Premier said the people must not shirk under he burden of the struggle but lift their eyes to Great Britains purpose which was clearer than ever He continued We are fighting for the rights of men and women and we shall Rev Dr of Toronto viBltcd his in Town last Tues day Master Jack of spent Sunday with friends la Town he quilt The of Ting Christian John for TMlss brodlo left Wednesday for lliree weeks vacation MrOhas Thompson Jr look a mo lor load of the family to on Sunday Mrs Forbes formerly In Newmarket spent Sunday with Mrs lb Mr and Mrs of Toronto spent the holiday with their son Mr Waller Mr Ceo Johnston re newing- in Town ami vicinity over the holiday Mr and Mrs John will leave next Tuesday for a trip to the Weal vlsll their son and Mies passed their Kin dergarten exams successfully Miss Dennis passed her I Irs I year University Exam She fa a pupil of Mrs Maurice Church met the homo of Mrs John Black on Thursday last field their annual the home of Mrs John Elliott on Thursday and all report a good time Tho tied Cross met at the homo of Mrs Wednesday of last week Mr Geo Blackburn and lady friend of Toronto spent the holiday at Mr Blackburns Mr and Mrs Ed Blackburn enter tained company from the city over the holiday Miss Mary Smith of Toronto spent over Sunday at the home of her mo ther Mrs Smith Misses and Velma Gordon of Toronto spent a few days at Mr Jos Wilsons Mr Nobles of London way the of Mr Leslie Wilson Sunday Dont forget tlie Bush Meeting and Garden Party on Sunday and Monday The have token prisoners the past ten days Barrio July This morning Chas proprietor of the Hotel was sentenced to six months In for a second offence against the Temperance Act A week ago he paid a line of for Illegally having liquor In his possession We a of this Coffee la the Purest can be all of th removed no Pure It put in tin i This tho Canned Fruit i- 5 Ihn rf IV6 both and Fresh Prulto Oilcan IGo tin 20o tin tin Mr and Mrs Verne Cane Mr and Mrs Atkinson motored around Lake on Hay Mrs left on Wed nesday for Pickering lo visit her sis ter Mrs Cornell for a month or six weeks Prloo has drop pod Quality remains a and bo convinced CONFECTIONERY It Quality That Is tho our Is Wo tf8 ine 1 it Mr motored Day and John young people to Owen Sound on Dominion took lea with Mr and Mrs Miss Eleanor Stanley of Balmy Beach is spending a few days with Miss Elizabeth Lewis on St Mr and Mrs Stuart Barker and son of Toronto spent the weekend at the home of his mother Mrs Barker tho Warm Weather we will carry a Lino of Lemon Cream Soda Etc get prompt attention trud Thompson of was in Town on Tuesday on his lo Longford for the summer lo his father on the farm way A DIPF- An instructor in a certain hoys school is noted among his pu pils for his difficult examination questions One of the youthful students after struggling over a particularly strenuous list of questions in geography carne upon the following query which slumped him Name twelve animals of the polar regions The youngster scratched his head lhought hard for many minutes and finally under the jisudden inspiration he wrote Six seals and six polar hears The professor was so pleased with he pupils cleverness that he marked his paper per cent to WW GROCERY PHONE Rlno it Quality that Counts I QUALITY OUR SPECIALTY ALSO AGENT FOR I always knew the strug gle would he a prolonged one and made plans oh that presumption hut with continuous persistence and unfaltering will wo shall win ftootrlno of Premier alluded lo the at titude which the Germans adopt ed in when Alsace and Lorraine French Provinces were dragged from France and continued f The doctrine of 1870 is the doctrine of today and it is the doctrine we are flghlimr So it Mr and Mrs Garrett and son left for their home at Davidson on Wednesday a very pleasant vJhII In Ontario Mr J was called to Toronto last Friday to examine pa pers and he employed for a couple of weeks Miss Bertha Itoblnson has ac cepted the position of teacher of Kes wick public school for the year com mencing of September Mr and Mrs of Burks Falls were the guests of Mr and family over the holiday also Miss Boinglon of Lillian Thompson daughter Of Mr Thompson sr was taken to Toronto on Wednesday for an operation for appendichlB Mr A A who lias been In Halifax for several months is in Town again for the summer Many old friends are pleased to see him again Mr and Mrs Ernest Brooks and daughter also Mrs and daughter attended a gathering of the Brooks family at Ml Albert last Sat urday Mr and Mrs oiler and Miss Anderson motored from Toronto on Saturday and spent part of the day With Mr and Mrs Fred Proctor on St Word was received last week from Gunner Carl He is In a Hospital In England with a scalp wound which Is not considered seri ous hut be will henceforth carry a mark with him Master Albert McCallum has been successful In passing his Junior Ex ams honors at the Academy of In Toronto Much credit Is due his teacher Mrs as well as himself as lie is only years of age Mr and A Toronto announce the engagement of Ihelr second daughter Etta Lillian to Mr Arthur VanNoslrand elder son of Mr and Mrs J A VanNos- Vandorf the marriage to take place very quietly in July THE Furniture and Undertaking House You can buy your Furniture Cheap for Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY attended toot It Phones and 26 THE Musical Instrument in World CHOCOLATES MAIN STREET Agent for and Photo Supplies NEWMARKET House Phono No Store Phone No to Ural cooiCEniLL In Newmarket on July 2nd to Mr and Mrs Arthur a Altar On 27th of June at All Saints Church King City Miss Maud Wilson was in marriage to Mr Crawford Wells both of King Rev P Rloh- The church was decorated with and peonies On the in St James Church Stouffville by Rev J Mutch Mr Mitchell of Toronto lo Miss Mabel daughter of Mrs Ella Stewart of Stouffville On Juno at Parkdale Presbyterian Church by Rev A Logan Catharine Minnelta Davis to Anthony Garlleld McCallum both or the of King Tomb DUNCAN At Stouffville on July Robert Bruce Duncan in his year Interred yesterday at Melville IP SO AN OF SUBMITTING A PRICE OUR IVOHK ALWAYS SATISFACTION I A CARRIED IN STOCK Should bo pleased to them and give In Phone fMEWMARKET fits ythlll The new Parliament at Ottawa U replace the one destroyed by Are was formally dedicated on Monday by His he iic Robert Borden and Wilfrid also is with Italy who wants to live with those of her people and so also with tho Poles who want to resume the thread of lheirna- lipnal independence It is our will that they shall And so It is with Mesopotamia and Pales tine These men are not to bo dumb driven cattle that are to be transferred it the will of the Emperor That is what wo are fighting London July Prisoners ex ceeding and the capture of the village of Kontuchy and strongly fortified positions south west of are the first fruits of the new offensive move ment of the Russian forces to Eastern We regret to learn that Mr C Walker left Town this week to ac cept a position In Preston Mr Walk er lias been head clerk In the China Hall Grocery for the past six years and has made many friends in New market Besides being an adept in the grocery line his genial affability as well as his among the young people of St Pauls Church made him a general favorite and he will be greatly missed by them Mr J Davidson A p the new Principal for Newmar ket High School cornea very highly recommended He taught public school for years then 3 years as Mathematical Master Id School where he resigned with unqualified regret He was Principal of Aurora High School for then at end here from Oxbridge where he has given the greatest satisfaction passing more pupils then three other in the combined With the fctiofi of parents and pupils there Is no why Rich School be best In Hi on J At July 2nd Willie A Interred at Newmarket- Cemetery yesterday morning Rev Thomas conducting the burial service De ceased was pastor of the Presbyter- Ian Church In Newmarket In 1883 and J during lime two children were buried In Newmarket Cemetery J Furniture Under taking St North Newmarket TWO CANADIANS PROM QUHIfAN CAMP London July 3 Two Canadi an soldiers at least were in right spirit to appreciate Do minion Day here Those were of Man and J OBrien of Moose Jaw who had jUst arrived in London after es caping from a German prison camp where for the past year they were held who enlisted in tho First Mounted Winnipeg was captured in June of last year after being wounded in tho knee and eyes by shrapnel but recovered from injuries OBrien belong ing lo the was buried for two hours in a crater but was taken out unhurt both being sent to Camp Wretched treatment from the officers com bined bad healthy surroundings made them THORN HEATH Large English Registered and a Terms DAN McAlirUlR Phone ring XeftIIlirle CLAD HOUSE III Tenders will be the 10th day of July Wh to the All Careful Attention On I Machinery for Bale fe Bast of Bank desirable rooms food and to kitchen and woods will pay mine from the outset lo bis purchase pr ice fi of tender four attempts and OBrien and sufficient if possible McDonald of tender be and OBrien and sufficient to failure was punish- thereof in make then Auto Mr a auto Albert onThui it i Mcni A- Aspf Lodge Monday full T citor for the I Dobii Estate for I he pur the brick kitchen and wood half acre of laud side of Queen Street Just north of Clark This is a house of some two failure was punish- thereof in by periods of bread and waterier Balance may in dark underground cells with mortgage with boards Finally they man- cent per annum to slip away while engaged The highest or any i working party Just how necessarily w eannot be explained They still For cannot be retained their identity on and Mrs A wrists which proved their story p Dutch authorities who The I of passed Ihein to and The on Sum age A spent go into year ha in the Bond these d for one month last Sal to Service come a be pros Heme are spend scholar Monday tickets have a pure stuff II Method Small by Rev In niversai meeting Cane were Vis and Chi veiled Worn on The I Women School noon son on in with during assisted lor Mis ton of ice present tho Of Be v market Next the t is Piooic Schools Unit And lb firing a si in here water an Booth norls nd short Rood Jfowds there Cars op at retu Hrlntf ONTARIO TORONTO

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