Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 29 Jun 1917, p. 8

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2 Ac vJ Builds Up System who take for first aro often astonished at way it builds tip and makes better alt over They may ho taking for specific disease as Constipation Indigestion Chronic Headaches or Kidney or Trouble natIsmor Pain In Hack And flndwhobFruUalive9haa cured disease that they letter and stronger In every way This is duo to wonderful tonic properties of tablets from fruit juices Wo a bo for trial site At all dcaloraor postpaid by Fruit- olive Limited Ottawa j I r J y i ew onion On to Rooms Apply to Win ftox Newmarket That house end premises at Sharon known as Mansion For particulars apply Mrs George Hew lett or lo For Building Lois on Park and Avenues Apply to Newmarkets MB Mr Christian is p0iding a few With his 6r at Newmarket Owing lo the conduction work on lownllrie between Ring wood and traffic will bo prohibited from using tho road for days Mr and Mrs Reft Miller of spent with her and Mrs Mrs Miller la re maining for lime J Mortens has purchased the milk business formerly car- on by Mr and commenced his work this MrLewis was to quit business on account of The Annual Union Pic nic held at Mussclmans Lake on Saturday Juno villo furnished music The severe which visited town on Monday morn ing though it did hot do anv ser ious damage gave some close calls Mrs Grays house Mill HI had a hole made in the roof and several bricks- knocked from Mr house whore telephone wire entered The ground wire had not yet been put in Tribune ho Kind You Have borne the fijgnaturo of and has made under WarreonttlBUpmisIonfor over 30 yearo Alloy no one to deceive you lathi but xperiracnts is Castorla In a for Castor Oil Paregoric Drops and Soothing It la It contalaa rioltlicr Opium nor other age Is guarantee It Worms and For more than thirty yearsit has been in constant for relief of fitlpatioFlatuloncyWindCoHcjall Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea It a s Die Stem and Bowel OiJBimllatcBthe Food giving healthy and natural sleep Childrens Mothers Friend Kind Yon toys tho of On Wco front two of been all the not be by poor added hat we W ready to send men to the un til we rriado up our minds to sco who come home and Invalided for He desired a resolution was agreed by mover to together it That the present government have included wealth in consccipUon bill was the conten tion Ho also roundly Condemned the Bor den not Considered estimates for- the county wore taken up in the afternoon and showed thai he county must raise this year which is made up as follows rale industrial home deben lures W56 court house tiires patriotic and war 4t if for sugar that is the modem equipment and methods backed by yea SIdM IM it gto Our dent pr C0 all countries for will bo SCI Gt In Spend Summer Months J and Charles St Toronto vill pay you well Wo asked to nil positions In two months and 240 during two other months Write Enter now J ELLIOTT Prill good appetite good spirits mean no discord in the body To keep the organs in har monywhen there is need use mm W barrister Solicitor Notary Commis sioner for taking Affidavits Will be in Newmarket Office all iv Tuesday Wednesday Friday and and on Monday and Thurs day evenings from to Office Ground Floor New Block Opposite Post Office Phone No Residence Solicitor for Imperial Dunk of Canada J M Walton Co Aurora Private funds to loan on First Mortgage Probating wills and- work a specially attractive Trips To MAQrJETElVAfJ LAKE OF LAKES BAY Hound Trip Wow on from In On tario at very faroa with liberal GET YOUR Tioitirra IN AbVAHOE Berth reservations and full information at all Grand Trunk Ticket Offices or write HORNING District Passenger Agent IV System Toronto Out J G Depot J Phone Agent EXCURSIONS TUESDAY ALL RAIL by S STEAMER YtttrTutim In Kb rf QsriErtM Mod ft Pacific Howard Toronto Jul to May who was killed in ac tion in JVunco on April was a ward of ho Homo and 1ms been granted loiters probate by the To ronto Surrogate Court in order that the dead soldiers wishes may bo carried out I will ask one favor of you and that is to give what money I have in your bank my sister Muriel and the money I have in Iho Hank of Toronto in give it to my brother Leon ard roads a portion of a letter written lo Superintendent Owen of the Home by Vivian May who was then sta tioned with the Ball at Val- cartier in August In his letter Pie May tells how ho come to enlist I was work ing in Owen Hound When was walking up the street I saw a no tice saying that volunteers were wanted I thought tho least I could do for the country after giving me live years of good Jiving was lo enlist and I did so In conclusion he says I am only making these few requests for fear that I may go away and not come back In addition to the 98 bequeathed lo his sister Miss Muriel May Out and lo his brother Leonard May Pie May had a life insurance policy of IheC O which is shared equally among his brother and and another Mrs Doughty London Queensville Too Laic for The many friends of Mr and Mrs Kemp met at the Melhodist Church Wednesday evening and presented them with a handsome Umbrella and Club Bag A short program was given af ter which all enjoyed a social ev ening The following is the ad dress Hear Mr and Mrs Kemp The time is fast approach ing when you will sever your con nections with the people of On this occasion we the members of the Methodist Church and Mission and Sabbath School workers Jake the oppor tunity of wishing you the utmost prosperity in your new field of labor For two years you have labored in our midst inspiring each and every one to the achievement of the success that has been ours and sacrificing on our behalf We have over found you earnest and faithful in anything that lo the benefit of the community You have shown steadfast and constant interest in every branch of work that you have undertaken thereby winning the love and admiration of all whom you have come in con tact As a slight token of our appre ciation of your services we ask you to accept this Club Bag and Umbrella as reminders of those who have grown lo love you while here Signed on behalf of the Meth odist Church Sabbath School and Mission Class workers tQOOi ATTRACTIVE DIM HO Probably nothing helps more to make railway journey really enjoyable than a visit to the Dining Gar especially if if be a Canadian Pacific Dining Car where tho passenger is assured of highest form of in the culinary art choicest provisions that market fords prepared on the scientific principle known as Dietetic Blending Your favorite dish as you like it may be enjoyed at reasonable cost amidst ideal surroundings while travelling on the Canadi an Pacific YOtlK COUNTY to Bradford Toll Acting upon a letter received A McLean deputy min ister of roads for Ontario sug gesting that lie County of York should purchase the toll road which connects Holland Landing with Iho County sys tem the York County Council on Thursday of last week passed a resolution authorising the pur chase the road from the Hol land Landing Jload Co but sub ject to the approval of Warden J Cornell and the county high ways commission Win Keith in moving the above resolution slated the company was anxious lo sell and had given the county a fifteenday option on the road at 5500 which he thought an excellent offer considering the condition of the highway He also told the council thai it would only have lo supply per cent of the- money as Ontario Government is giving flic balance Oilier members of Council urged that the road be taken over at once as was a vital part of the county road system and was also a necessity to the business of the community Over Three Miles This loll road is three and a quarter miles in length and was contructed in never re alized a profit until when he company cleared Tho company in their statement lo the county showed that they had steadily improved the road at a cost of and that now one of the most popular roads lo Camp Borden and northern summer resorts council also referred to the Co Highways Commission the bal ance of deputy minister communication which urged that three sections of highway be constructed lo link up wilh Iho system They include Iho two and a halfmile section connect ing the north of Maple with road the two and a half mile section connecting Ihc West on road and the Kingston road section wilh he Pickering town line in an easier- direction Village of Sharon The bylaw incorporating Sharon as a police village was read but will be finally dealt with today A deputation was on hand to urge the incorporation of his village which has a popula tion of To facilitate the collection of arrears in taxes by the selling of land the council passed a bylaw dividing the county into districts New Toronto was declared Dis trict No Tho Industrial Home Commis sioners wore authorized by by law to erect a around the home properly on Eagle Street in place of the present snake fence so that the road will have a uni form width of feet Friday Conscription formed subject of discussion morning session and acrimonious debate W ley of Richmond Hill his resolution approving the den Military Service Bill This was done on plea of that the resolution does not go far enough Mr Rams- den who has three sons- at the Iho chief at this after an Pugs- withdrew grants Ontario war tax highways main tenance good roads debentures These amounts were passed as well as the bylaws apportioning the amount of revenue each of the towns villages and townships in Hie lo raise George a returned member of the Princess Pals and a veteran of the Boor War was appointed caretaker of the York County Building at East Ade laide St 000 per- annum The Council also allowed him free fire light anil apartments Many recommendations for bridge improvements included in the report of the county commis sion were passed Cold Creek Bridge No was deemed by the Council not in need of rebuilding but Baldwin Bridge Markharn Bridge Ways Bridge and Mercer Creek Bridge were all ordered to be repaired and some rebuilt and painted A concrete breakwater abutment for the Bridge was authorized to be con structed at a cost not exceeding Old Mill Bridge The dispute over the cost of the in the arch of the old mill bridge on the in volving was ventilated It was staled the arbitration committee somehow could not satisfactorily come together and the council ordered that Hicks be still retained as the councils representative on the committee lo strike a settlement with the contractor As the lamps on this bridge were not satisfactory Home Smith wrote Ihe council that he would help lo defray the if they were changed which offer was accepted bylaw ordering the pay ment of lo the depart ment of education as the countys share in the educational levy made by the government was passed Good management was report ed in the industrial home report submitted lo the council by Ihe committee in charge of that In stitution At Iho present time Ihere are inmates men and 18 women and during year died Lightning Hods- When the item the lightning rods at a cost of 05 for the Home cropped up ftobt Fleming of called it a farce to waste money on such fire pre venters He thought more in surance was most economical policy to follow However the money was voted after a good deal of discussion in which most of the insurance men on Ihe council figured The council re fused lo act on Iho request of the grocery and meat contractors that they be allowed more money lo make up for he increased prices Most of the members thought that the contract price should be adhered to but if at the end of year the contractors felt they were losing loo much it was suggested that they should then make their complaints The demand for an art and mu sic teacher was Ihe feature of the report of the North York schools which was read to the council by the clerk The report also call ed for manual training and do mestic science classes so as lo effectively deal with falling away of many pupils Saturday York County Council concluded the business of the summer ses- on Saturday morning and to TO WHEN a TICKET A Canadian Pacific Hallway ticket docs not represent merely a means of transportation be tween given points in dilionprovidea the traveller with every comfort and convenience developed by modern railway sci ence Safely First with equipment unexcelled dining service palatial sleeping cars in a word everything that a railway can provide for the comfortable transportation of its passengers Including courtesy to go to Country DM Out The romainiog clauses- of the bill creating Sharon a police village were passed and the new order will go into effect on December The mailer of a high level bridge or other provision for crossing the river at Locust Hill in Tp was brought up by Heave Padgett who asked for a grant of lo that muni cipality to help defray the cosl of improvements to take the form of culling down the grade and straightening the road in ap proach to the present bridge The warmly discussed and before a decision was reached ayes and nays were called for the volo resulting in favor of the grant by 16 to The motion in connection conscription as redrawn by Pugsley and was carried unanimously and read as follows That this Council re grets that it has been found ne cessary lo resort lo conscription secure the force necessary to reinforce our men now serving at the front but realizes that if position SO gallantly taken and held by the Canadian soldiers is to be maintained that the legisla tion now before Parliament is the only plan available and we en dorse he same and we arc also of the opinion lhat accompany ing or Immediately succeeding the said legislation another bill should he introduced levying heavy loll upon all profits accru ing from war business that a fund may be provided lo adequate provision for care of soldiers who return crippled or broken in health and for depend- cuts of those who have fallen in battle and lhat a copy of this I resolution he sent to Sir Borden f0 O About four oclock on Tues day afternoon while a barn rais ing was in progress on the farm of Mr William Hawkins north half of lot 5 in the Con of a sill on which a num ber of men were standing broke and a dozen or more were pre cipitated lo the basement four of whom were injured John Blake had his shoulder dislocated and his face cut Alex Hales sustain ed severe injuries English received some cuts but his in juries are not serious Geo Wes ton of was badly injured Let us make you In a CARRIAGE OR Prompt Service Charges A BOYD night Calls on Phono Promptly Attended to The I HURON NEWMARKET I phone To Every Lover of HOMEMADE BAKING TRY Favorite and Five Rose Flour GOOD ANTHRACITE COAL Prices Right OLIVER IkHIViU Give Us a Call DIKE Total J Ban tore and com mult Dorr Savi C CG lLOW RETURN FARES TO CANADA ONCE WEEK Convenient Service Modem Electric Lighted Equipment Standard and Sleeping and Coefcei Top Ticket Reservations Literature and Information Y RADIAL NEWMARKET Or King St washing and after filling IL i thine with boiling water Order I June 22 The bid daughter of Mr and Mrs Leonard Bell who are employed lo something else new fey Reeve Todd died in aged two and a half the Hospital last night out he machine plug ttWflj from scalding received on scalding water pour over Gay morning Mrs Bell was sister playing on the floor rail firm by Spa vin Cuic for Spavins Curb KpUnl Bony pud other It A ft a you aid hi Sold by a for toe top of out book adjourned to meet again on Nov 26th On the recommendation of tho Finance Committee the pay of regular constables on patrol duty in he county was raised from to per week and the high constable was allowed a sal ary of per year for acting as clerk to the Police Commission The recommendation of a similar amount as salary for the chair man of tho Police Commission was changed to allow for the pay ment of for each meeting Councillors Miller and Pearson were appointed to attend the Union of Municipalities of On tario Convention in August The Council deputed their so licitor and treasurer to collect ar rears of taxes of the town Leo- side amounting to A raise of wages for special constables was asked for by present rate of pay for these men is per day without any allowance for meals and on the motion of Reeve Wallace was decided to the amount to at the approval of the high constable Skilled Workmen Women Office Help Good positions for men and women desiring steady employment in various departments manufacturing wood and steel office furniture and paper filing system supplies Pleasant surroundings modern machinery good Apply at Home Office any day but Saturday Write if impossible to call Also work for young men and women desiring to learn good trades Come where there Is steady work and a good place to live Or mi Br mmmm a ARCHIVES OF ONTARi

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