Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 29 Jun 1917, p. 6

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s as fiE HA rf AGENTy MOUNT ALBERT I fi II Mount Alberts The Mount Albert hold Holland Schools their annual to mans Lake thin year on July Bee posters for OP THANKS Mr ami de ad re to thank many friends neighbors for their kind sym pathy and in connec tion with the illness and death if their daughter A i I The following candidates pass ed the examination from 1st to 2nd Form in the Continuation School M L Oldham Cain Stiver Wager JLunaM the maximum Mr John Stephenson was for the week- Mr homo for a week or more Mr Wight was homo for a days Mr J Brown was town on Sunday Mr Smith and lady friend arc paying Mr and Mrs a visit Sorry to hear J Moffatt the Station Agent of Grand Trunk Is to leave for The Holland Landing- Public School a largo sum to the Comforts Orchard Beach Miss Fisher has returned from UNION On Sunday July 1st the and Methodist congiXga- will bold a Union Service in tin Church Ml Albert at pm Addresses will bo delivered by Rev A and Rev T Lcggott Splen did music by the Choir will he given to Cross Mr and Mrs Robert Sibley by Mr and Mrs of Ml Albert left hero Monday morning lor a trip to A few from the oar evidently ran off an embankment as all four cupants were found unconscious by Sir Sam Hughes Mr and Mrs Thompson returned homo on Tuesday and beyond a hud shak ing up are none the worse for their The Song Service at Meth odist Church last Sunday was well attended and much Tho members of tho I under leadership of Mr J Rowland deserve much Credit for the excellent rendering their splendid program We only hope hat this is just a ginning of several similar treats which may bo store for us Rev read the pas toral letter from the President of the Conference JJIUKKLCTS to member the Presbyterian Garden Parly on Wednesday ev ening July The pupils of the public school rare writing their promotion this week Plenty of showers bring plenty of weeds and our local gardeners are kept busy hoeing fbe ice social on Tues- evening was well attended and much enjoyed by those pros The Public School at Lake on Saturday wawell attended from this vi cinity hut rain spoiled most of the pleasure candidates wrote at the Exams week a gay widow thai on yon bill As J sing of charms kcot your tongue still now I sco by tho way she Shes after a man Ill bet you a pound And ftiiell get one of them Im doubly sure shes got lots of stamps and hot a mite poor- And its plain to me as the on your faco Shell overhand one after a rat tling long chase 0 when weddingbells ring all just right along And Ill give you a- yard of this wonderful song Theres a round half- the Western Hospital Toronto dozen widows hereabouts whom greatly Improved in health of Royal Flying Corps loft for Camp den on Monday having spent weekend homo The shore road was lively on Sunday with buggies and pedestrians actual count passed in half an hour In the afternoon There are only a few cottages that arc not open now Flowers are adorning the front lawns in profusion and are looking lino During the forenoon of most mornings this week airplanes were seen passing over Lake They mad quite a sensation last Monday morning by returning twice over the lo cality People all along the Lake Front watched thorn flying overhead with much interest The Post Office Is now open for the summer this resort much to of the tourists and occupants of sum mer homos The big boarding house is now running speed Nov gnosis are arriving daily It is expected the promises will be al most filled before tho end of an other week Fishing has not been resorted lb this summer to the of other years The weather has PERSONAL Mrs Davis McCarty of New market is visiting- at the home of her mother Mrs Terry Mrs M of Toronto and are in town for met Mr and Mrs Clcmence of are the home of her fath- Rev T Miss Leila Sloan has returned to homo in town John Moore was in last week as delegate to the Grand Lodge of the Miss of Toronto was guest of Miss week Miss of Newmarket is at home of her grandmother Mrs Terry tOOOt Canadian Headquarters in France June Sports held by army wiHi which the Canadi an corps is Connected resulted in Ihe rediscovery of Tom Long boat the Canadian Indian runner In a threerrlo cross country race Longboat romped home well in advance of some of most famous British and Canadian runners without even extending himself Ho had a reception from his montai comrades The ar competitions were won by a British Columbia Bait and Canadian heavy artillery with the English infantry and artillery teams in second place The British won artillery drive easily a Canadian battery taking second place During July our Mill will be pcn only on Mon- Wednesday and Friday of Caoh- 3v2l Sharon been against it good fish have been caught two lunge on Saturday Miss Kenny a teacher in Brad ford High School was visiting at Cottage this week Her parents reside at Athcrlcy Lake Simcoe Rev Dr Hyde will conduct the service in the Union Church next Sunday morning at oclock Mrs Yokes returned to the city on Tuesday to her son who is home from Camp on furlough for two or three days The event of the past week of most importance was the raising of the new barn for Mr George Hamilton on Ihe old McCordick Farm About people were present and the large lawn was more than half with autos Mr J of Keswick and Mr Cook were selected as load ers and there were nearly men on each side Some lively work was done free from accident and Mr Cooks side won out by a few minutes Mr J Hopkins everything went toge0icr in good order Tables spread on the lawn and the ladies had everything all ready at so the men lost no time in packing their grips be fore taking their departure Needless to say Ihe good things provided were greatly enjoyed the young ladies showing them selves very proficient in serving When completed the barn will bo Of the modern class stabling etc on ground floor Mrs got back from on Wednesday evening after a weeks absence and was accompanied by her daughter Miss Marion A new motor boat for the pleasure of Inglcwood people arrived on Monday evening and was successfully launched Monle Reno Park on the side of tho bay is now open for season crows have shown how de structive they can be in a corn patch Fall wheal is heading out Hay will be a pretty fair crop Cutting will be general next week Campers and visitors at Or chard Beach were very much out of sorts last Wednesday when Toronto morning papers failed to reach the Post Office Just who is to blame has not been found out Bask June The Liberals swept Saskatchewan al most clean in todays elections and will have more than of the scats in the Legislature a greater majority than ac corded the Scott Government in I fool assured would accept a good offer without undue pres sure or long hesitation The Mercury Period passed off on the Hail was here last week Now beware of heavy storms Master Johnnie is prac tically K Youth pure blood and skilful treatment were com bined to bring about such a de sirable state of affairs If you desire to have model kids keep them In at night If you let them run wild you must expect trouble Phis fact Is verified quite frequently We have a lot of good boys Theyre not cornerloafers Mrs A has what I call model boys They are young gentle men industrious good scholars at both public and Sabbath school and respectful to all There are others in more or less degree like thorn Three weeks ago our young folks had a down at the big duck pond It was of such an enjoyable character that they cried encore and Saturday a found them en route for Jack sons Point Arrived there Clerk of the Weather let loose his water works and our young belles and swells could do naught but huddle under the The enthusiasm was well soak ed out of them Im not much of an advocate of asking for help for those who are abundantly ablo to them selves It dwarfs and demoral izes spirit of manly j when such is exercised But to tho poor and needy a little aid in tho nick of time is a wise and humane deed that is acting Good Samaritan There is a chance for such a deed here in our midst One of my ministerial friends once remarked that it was a mighty nice thing to feel that there was a few stamps down in your pocket In fact it makes such an independent and com fortable feeling that he had actu ally at times borrowed to bring about this pleasant frame of mind Ill not reveal the identity I can from ex perience corroborate his ideas To a young man especially is it a most embarrassing thing to be out in company without a staff in his hand and script in his pocket for the journey There is al most sure to be some call for finances They might far better stay at home for social customs are expensive A horse and buggy without the financos isnt sufficient when out girling It so happened that one of our young chaps got trapped thus and Dame Rumor says he and his mash promenaded while the others were having lots of fun in the cooler eating ice cream Why didnt his churns loan him dimes eh Ive known of sweethearts coming to their best fellows aid in such an emergency and helping him out by a loan Id call such a girl a jewel Elder Fletchers Iambs greeted with a hearty wel come Sunday evening He had a fine mental spread for them the sincere milk of the word His hearers didnt forget it Some times they do His sermons are not dry as a rule Murdock Chapman is in the bee about as large as any in North York He has some hives The bees havent done extra well so far Every hour hasnt been a sunshiny one Goo an oldtimer made broad in his wallet and a staff in his he a slow but sure pilgrimage Women shouldnt around so as to remind Ibc pubficofo hull in a china shop possess their spirits in humility Squire John Vales re siding at Pleasant Valley farm near Baldwin Were glad to see him Ben has a- handsome shire colt sired by J B Clarks line horse Win Taylor has a span of handsome Clyde- Colts Theyre something rare good pays A local dome declares there are most wonderful bargains at Will you walk into my parlor the spider to a fly Tis ho prclllcsl little parlor that ever you did spy Our schooimaam is agoing to leave us Now dont you be sorry darling though Im going far away for I might return some day to hear what you may say A wagonloud of news still on hand An rovoir I NOTICE i I will receive a carload of highgrade Flour and about May consisting of Cream of the West Flour Queen City Flour The AllPurpose Flour and Monarch Flour ForPastry of In bags Loss Than Co MILL FEEDS I I I cracked I whole conn Clean to handle Sold by oil and General Stores everybody la getting one Mrs Dunham arid her two sons spent Sunday with her niece Mrs Henry Edwards Mr and Mrs Jr spent Sunday at Holt at Mr W Glad to report Mr Kings colt is doing line without its mother Well I wonderwhere tho car goes that comes from Baldwin so often Cheer up I write more often and shorter Young Joe The Ladies Aid of the Bethel Methodist Church will hold a I Strawberry Festival at the borne of Mr Wrn on Friday July ORUGIIBD Etc The above is to bo sold at lowest prices obtainable is very scarce and hard to procure and I advise early buying First I Phono DEALER IN Genera Dry Qoodo Groceries ft Flour ft llardwars pi ONtT Taken HO PP Queenville Special Patriotic Service will bo held in the Methodist S next Sunday al oclock and Sharon Union S Picnic will go to Bond Park on Tuesday July 3rd cars will starl from Boags Crossing to leave at am returning leave the Park pm Everybody wel come to come and have a good lime with lite boys and girls Leave your aulos borne and patronize the picnio cars and thus help the along in their good work Our junior exams arc now on and about pupils including surrounding schools and of our school wrote their here week and certainly had a hard arithmetic paper for young sters Miss of is vis iting at her brothers Mr James and Mrs Cranns Mrs Clark of is visit ing her brother Mr Thos Wil liams Mrs James OBrien Miss Jen nie Williams and little Jean are Laving a visit at her home here Our village is almost full of We have over a Bull AlSO Improved York shire- of both These from BtO Wluter riA WM MARBiTT Kefewiek Enrolment Approved norm Reg Canadian Thorough Book as IBs Colts are very sat isfactory to the breeders Not one of his Colts has died this year equal in and strength to ordinary Colls weeks old This year will insure you a living satisfactory Coll J SONS Prop Managers he 1300 a heap of pin money in the days of 50 and The public had he false impression that he put his bees to sleep in winter TIrs J Clark of is spending a few days at her old home Mill View Farm trying to regain strength after a spell of illness The clever Utile maid Marian Is hero too Shed make the of Venus smile al her comical remarks The grave old Owl sat on an oak And smiled at joke after joke Shes a wonderfully sweet las sie and wonderfully fond of sweets r cheerful face was seen in Baldwin on his re turn trip from Conference at Lit tle Britain He hailed JohnniV with Heres your Old Pilgrim Well Elder was driving a harum- scarum colt that made it danger ous to be safe Hes too old a to life tothfl tender such a beast Butler far to provide himself with some serial his pocket some now dozen Messrs Slrasler have Russell and may a little proud but Mel gels there K Did you see Russell surveying muddy roads on Sunday morning to ward Bradford Quite a number from here have laker a motor trip to Camp Bor den and report it a fine trip The address of Mrs at the Institute Meeting Fri day was appreciated by all pres ent ladies are making hos pital quilts just now Mr Jas Milne got back on Fri day from where he spent a few days fishing Mrs J J Terry is visiting in St Thomas this week Mrs is up at the Lake Shore with friends for a few days Mrs Byron and Miss the weekend here Mr and Mrs John Mr and Mrs Ross Ardill and daugh ter visited Mr Huntley and other relatives on Sunday Glad to hear Mr Albert Milne is home and getting stronger since having his left arm ampu tated just the elbow He has been home two weeks and is able to walk as far as the barn and back Mr Huntley motored to the city on Monday to take Mrs Arthur Milne to the Hospital who we are sorry to say is very miser able Mr Elmer and fam ily of Newmarket visited at Mrs brothers Mr T Huntleys on Sunday When is the wedding coming off we have been bearing about Maybe its all hearsay Remember Ihe dale the of July for the Annual Garden Par ly and Strawberry Festival in connection with the Presbyteri an congregation on Mrs Cranns lawn See bills for program A good time is assured There will be special Jubilee Service in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning at oclock to celebrate the An niversary of Confederation The printed program of service will be followed A splendid Patri otic Service for nil scholars and their- parents is being 1 ranged All children and par ents invited Hero we are again after a long sleep We sure having a good this year A wet June makes a farmer a Mr Sam Jr has got a Cafe him every They are petting Dont forget the date of the Strawberry Harden Par ty July to be held on the lawn of Mr S Morion A good program is being provided The local talent will be assisted by a large Toronto Orchestra al so Mr McNab will give his ex perience in the work at the front Mr McNab spent six months with the Canadian boys at the front Miss Helen has re turned to Ihe city spending a few weeks with her parents Miss Myrtle Lloyd spent Sun day in the burg returning to the city in the evening A very large crowd attended the Memorial Service on Sunday morning in Christian Church Things are looking lively around Cedar Glen and Elm Croft these days Gladstone Marritt spent Sun day with his parents Keswick merchants report that there is more doing on shore these days Boys the twelfth of July is dale set- apart for your meeting Help win the war by being a pro ducer of food stuff Mr Pool one of the national Sec retaries will tell you how you can more effectively help Corno and hear him Mr and Mrs Eves of Newmar ket arrived in the village for the summer on Wednesday of this week Mr Pollocks house Is looking a lot bettor now and will feel so next winter we judge Miss Robinson of Newmarket spent the weekend with Miss Terry The Red Cross pur pose having a Garden Parly on grounds of St James Hall on Wednesday July Tea served from to oclock A musical program will be given in the evening The members of the Masonic Lodge marched from Iheir Hail to Knox Church on Sunday morn ing where a service was con- dueled by the Pastor A Hamilton The Ladies Aid of St Janus Church Intend holding their An nual Garden Party at The on Wednesday Tea served from to oclock A program of will he pro vided In evening Rev and Mrs are at- jtendinK the meetings of the THE JUBILEE T The Ladies Aid was well at tended We were pleased to see quite a few from Holland Landing among them was an old friend Mrs The ladies packed boxes for our boys at front Proceeds Glad to report Mrs Cunningham able to he up again Stewart is slightly indisposed Mr Wilfrid Pcgg had the rnisj fortune to lose a fine promising young driver last week It jumped a wire fence and caught its foot in the wire breaking its leg The School on the Fifth in tend holding a Picnic at Mr barns Thursday afternoon it be ing the close of school The School are holding their picnic on Friday afternoon The Childrens Day Service was simply grand There was a large crowd out those who did the decorating deserve praise as it was well done Next Sunday is Patriotic Day and will receive special lion Special music is being prepared The Government has asked that It be a day of special prayer for our Country A number of our young people took part in the League at Shar on Sunday evening f r YOU will surely want to know much about the and history of Confederation national celebration A As a good Canadian as a citizen as desir ing to be wellinformed about mailers of deep concern and interest you have your desire and need of knowledge supplied in of Magazine air for JULY This magazine gives you the finest and survey of Confederation you will in any periodical will find there dag You of the Fathers of Con federation the statesmen who launched Canada on her career of brilliant destiny The Story Confederation why it was necessary and how it came about The taking over of the North- West Territories from the Hud sons I Jay Company a stirring story told by Agnes The Story of the P by Mackintosh a man who knew intimately the men who initiated bull and developed the Canadian Pacific Hallway cord of Confederation The Industrial and Business De velopment of the past years by A Craick A wonder ful story of progress Conditions Before Confederation Contrasted With Those of To day by Frank Yelgh An en joyable study of contrasts Statements from Premiers of Canadas Provinces the meaning of Confederals and defining the outlook re gard to their respective pro vinces A story The Draft by A C dealing with the Dial certain courageous venturesome Canadians loot la the American Civil War Jnsl Confederation A Frontispiece A Dramatic by Jeffreys Canadian Artist scene is depicted when Sir Jm A Mac dona Id and the stood in the House on one side the other a other side of a centre lie tene was the feeling the two men and the they represented A Fine Cover symbolic Confederation in three specially drawn for July MAC- LEANS by J KH these special Confederation features of Ihe July MACLEANS will be the customary provision Of fine short stories and the departments which make MACLEANS MAGAZINE so enjoyable ami valuable to good Canadians everywhere Got the July KANS double sir AT ie Summer School held in Toronto this week Miss Parker is the guest of her sister Miss K Greenwood The following is a letter re ceived by the Scoy of the Red Cross Society in acknowledgment of a box of supplies sent lo Headquarters in Toronto on the Of June King St East Toronto June 25th Dear Mrs Cuttle I beg lo acknowledge with many thanks the safe arrival of a shipment of hospital supplies from your Society and have much pleasure in enclosing here with official receipt for same I am pleased to report that this consignment has opened up very satisfactorily and am requested to convey to you the thanks of the Executive Committee for this very generous contribution which is indeed very much ap preciated Yours very truly Hon Miss left on Monday to attend the Summer School in Ihe oily A meeting for boys of the teen age to 19 inclusive is to ho held in the Town Hall on Satur day July at oclock PM help win the war by being of soil and help produce foodstuffs The world at the present is short of food and will be short for a of years to come Roys Work Secretary Na tional Council would like to meet everybody from Sut ton and surrounding country Roys this is your meeting so try to have every teen age boy out to hear Mr Poole Just arrived a car of Shingles Have also a limited quantity of Ontario Shingles let and 2nd Class Manufacturer of- Doors Sash Frame and Moulding of all kinds Planing promptly done PLANING MILL Harmon Dike Phono hid IMP Lord So Approved Form I and travelled by Mr Legge Reeve of King for Will travel through East and Whitchurch the season J SONS Prep WALTER THOMPSON LOW TO WE6TERJI If you are solos West of the low Fares offered by Ihe Northern Railway every Monday For literature and all apply to WW City Sale Register Saturday June 30 Auction household hotel lumber etc at the de late Geo Ilowlell Shu Sale at one oclock Smith t Our stop Price arc two other I white body WE 1 to at LI Fa Your thing LET Phono He 1uarilfJQ I PlUI Gave Our See Outfit THE LEA I TO it 8TRAY upon liiTpfemis undersigned Lot Con about June 1st Yearly and 2yearold Colt can have same by proving and paying expenses HIM THAT THAT PAYS- NORTH The Best Farmers la the HIE Wo do all hi Are you have Town and If you ore will wa J We ore Agoi Ihe only a at only jive ua a Agent find to AbM4 White Leghorns Ire J I Nothing better on by the flatlioif for Incubator j P NO Ho era Jew JOHft JOHN A- WRIGHT ltfc

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