JS i I i i f J Main SI itf rfarn Farm I air ire to Wo party re alt its In out Cult nits 60 175 1560 liar 5176 irs and pes 10 iter r I 1 A DONE Toronto Office Hank Building- corner and fits ftiildor J Bon Building Mas V Rnno Will I Newmarket on Court and ale Frank COLLECTOn npHN DBNT18T Corner Main and Bis Newmarket 1 Re P North phono BJ Hamiltons IVIcUowon pjMHyAKBBANDJBWKLIiKIl Avenue Adjoi New losl Office Green AND PAPER Ave 2nd house from Queen St Newmarket Phone OUR a WOTVU 9klhmmm Tho regular monthly mooting of the Christian Union will bo hold on Tuesday 3rd of July in homo of Mrs Noil Morton on- Joseph St com mencing at 3pm A full attend ance is requested Press Bunt A number of Newmarket Ma sons wont to Aurora on Sunday afternoon to attend service held in Lodge Boom at which or were present ho service- being conducted by 1 A A Pas tor of the Presbyterian Church at Aurora Sunday morning Grand will lake charge of the service The subject of his ser mon will be Sin of Forget- In the evening there Will bo a Patriotic Platform Meet ing and addresses by prominent laymen Special patriotic mu sic by the Choir A very inter esting service may be anticipated PO 401 A Tucker of Piano and Vio lin Dealer in all kinds of Mu sical Instruments and Repairs Piano Tuning Agent for Columbia and Records Complete Sleek I Lyman Issuer of Marriage Licenses Ihd Era Offico Newmarket Office Private issued at private if desired Offjco to Too A petition signed nil the business of Newmarket has been forwarded lo Ottawa asking that the employees of the Post Office at Newmarket bo al lowed privilege of closing the office from one lo five oclock on Wednesday afternoons during July August September It will probably be in effect next week Mm NEWMAft LATEST DESIGNS IN and Head Stories Call before ordering elsewhere CUT building I Kept fa Slock and Made to W OXIDIZED On Short for Sale DAVIS of Bank of Toronto Newmarket YORK AND Schools close today for the long summer vocation Next Monday is a holiday In Canada Theres a riot in the wild flow er vales all sorts of things grow ore feeding little buds and blossoms beneath the suns warm glow Regular readers of the adver tising columns of the Era make heir subscriptions a doubly pay ing investment Aurora Orangemen have- de cided to celebrate the The frequent showers and bright sunshine have been very favorable to vegetation The crops of both grain and bay look well and the gardens arc doing well candidates wrote for en trance at Newmarket High School last week If you get tired hoeing your po tatoes or beans remember that you arc really fighting subma rines and lake heart Dont miss the Cross Oar- den Party on the King George School Grounds tonight Whitchurch Council meets at Vandorf next Wednesday Which Hi- totam ww ana took ell I get- would echo always tired I could not In end inmyitom I went to a must ffo on operation but did not go I tcw in paper about Vcgctnblo Com pound end told ray About It I know will help mo but I wilt try I found Improv ing from very firot end in two I v- to it down and cat a hearty breakfast with my which I cm now In tho beat of health end not tho operation Mrs John A Kosmo tho end tabic nothing ill do but many times doctors say thay after Jotter comes to Laboratory telling how and not at Com- nounawaa used end you want to fio Special lo the ONTARIO AFFAIRS A Woman Mrs Waller of has the honor of being the first woman in Ontario proposed as a candidate for the legislature At the Middlesex Convention her name was but Mrs in a speech de clined the honor who ever since We entry- tho legisla ture Sin self apublic spirited of most spokesmen for the farming community in the has boon speaking at in connection with the Annual Meeting of the Pro vincial Liberal Association of that Hiding Mr a work ing farmer himself emphasized the serious duly placed upon farmers in this of and the responsibility of produc ing for the Salvation not of this country but of coun tries overseas Vhat at ond lime might have been considered more or of a comrneroial proposition bad a ques tion of vital public interest and the formers of the country Some- limes called patriots theoret ically had actually found them selves now in that proud but dif ficult role Toronto Four dairymen were fined in the Police Court on Friday for selling milk that did not contain Ihc required percentage of butter fat Guess Ihc pump was too handy James Phillips was superin tending a casting operation on Friday when a if explosion occur red and he was badly burned that he died at the Hospital the same day Mr J P Henry who held an Important position with the Na tional Cash Register Company of Dayton Ohio has taken over his duties as factory manager of the new plant of Canada Cycle and Motor Company at Weston Leave is asked for the intro duction of a bylav to provide for the expropriation of that section of the Metropolitan Radial line on Yonge St within the limits of the city This is in accordance with the provisions of the legis lation passed at the last session of the Legislature and is the first A 1 As a hitler of fact under W 9l- law today women are j lines i within the city now held by All lst Designs In Monuments and Headstones AH Kinds of Cemetery Work IHOMPTIY ATTKNDKD TO sal tec us buying elsewhere of Building Cut lo Order JOHU of Foreign and Domestic AM MAHDLBS Box St Newmarket Easter Lilies Pilrdula Tulips lto for ay fop and fcnu I A Death of We clip the following from the Barrio Examiner passed away suddenly on Friday afternoon June the home of his sis ter Mrs whom he came lo visit weeks ago from de ceased had been in poor health for about a year from nervous trouble He was the eldest son of the late Mr and Mrs James of this town and was born in Lincolnshire in the year When young bo came to Canada with his parents settled in where nil his boyhood days were spent and where lie received bis education and afterwards learned his trade as printer in office of The Spirit of the Age Later on he was connected with newspapers in Toronto Owen Bound and Newmarket While in he latter place be married Miss Annie lingshcad who predeceased him many years ago Although of a quiet retiring disposition he was a man of great intellectual ability having been quite a writer in his younger many of his poems and other writings were published Deceased one brother Albert of Owen Sound and sister Mrs W of Ibis town The funeral look place on Sun day afternoon lo Union Cem etery from the residence of his sister and was largely attended Deceased was Foreman of the Office for some or 12 years Miss Annie whom he married was a cousin of the Editor of the and she died during his residence in New market daughter JSSl was fit si wultr VUOOi- Thos Sutton of hap pened with an unfortunate acci dent on Monday evening of this week being kicked in face by horse from which he was re moving the harness Hie left eye was injured jawbone and nose broken and his cheek con siderably lacerated A THOUGHT The chief thing to be done for those who are in trouble Is to en able them to stand upon their own feet to be brave and strong to see the sun shining through the clouds and thus to receive the education which such experiences are able lo give True friend ship in calamity will spare no pains and leave no means untried lo further these results Ontai not allowed lo sit as members of the legislature Mr Howell at the last session of the legislature had a bill which if passed would given women the right to sit in the legislature as well as lo vote for candidates for that body The government however reject ed bill Mr Howell in pro posing it showed that in all the Western Provinces of Canada Australia and in the Slates of the Union where there woman suf frage the right of women lo sit in legislature goes with it The women do not need lo use that right if they do not care lo nor do the people have to elect women if they do run but at any rate Mr Howell contended it was mere justice now that women had vote that they should have the right lo sit in the legislature as well Why on this point should there be discrimination in law between men and women Mrs P Kioly and Mrs Mar garet have been two of the women speakers at Liberal meet ings recently At Wellington meet ing in Drayton Mrs who is of the Ontario Womens Liberal Association said that even before receiving the vote women perhaps more than they themselves realized had been educators of public opinion Through their influ ence upon their children and in their homes they had provided that strong driving force behind the law which alone could make legislation effective This measure of Woman Suffrage continued Mrs Kiely which one hears so frequently referred lo as our right is in reality a duty which we owe lo our newly ac quired citizenship and in dis charge of which we must not al low ourselves lo be intimidated by those torrents of criticism which will emanate from that class of individuals to whom atl innovations are abhorrent At Mrs said if it was Premier Hearsts Govern ment which technically did give Prohibition and Voles for Wo men yet it was with the thorough cooperation of the Opposition and further that it wag Mr How ell and the Liberals who had done pioneer work for both these reforms and had supported and urged it for years in spite of the opposition of government It was the insistence of the Liberals thai caused the government fin ally lo Views Bart of organizer and commanding officer of Bait of the units up in England has been nominated by East Mid dlesex Provincial Liberals for the legislature Col llobson before war was connected for thirty years with the Regiment He is a farmer Cleaver recently nom inated by the provincial Liberals of for legislature in bis speech of acceptance declar ed himself for economy for more adequate taxation of corporation and for a farmer as head of the Department of Agriculture Dr Thompson of Creek has received the Liberal nomination for the provincial constituency or South In his speech he also felt it was a most regrettable fact that at hi- of all times the most im portant portfolio the cabinet that of Agriculture should be represented not by a farmer but by a lawyer ml J of the the Ford saves a busy farmer 11 in hauling milk to the cheese factory tables butter eggs and poultry to market fruit to the railway station One fruit grower last season made four trips a day to the railway station a totul of miles and carried as high us crates of quarts each on a trip He couldnt have made more than one 30mile trip a day with a team by vale corporations The bylaw must be passed before July in order to become effective The question of the amount to he paid for the line will be determined later If Ihc city and com pany cannot agree on an amount it will have to he fixed by a board of arbitrators Miss Mabel a gradu ate of the Presbyterian Deacon ess Homo who bos been serving as a missionary in Formosa for the past seven years arrived here last week A hell boy named was arrested last week on a charge of theft from guests of the Caledonia Club When ar rested were found in his possession An effort is being made lo raise for a Club House for returned veterans of tho war In consideration of impend ing food crisis the National Club of Toronto has announced one meatless day a week The club also stales in a formal notice sent lo member that only cold suppers will be served after pm during the summer months and that veal and spring lamb will have no place on Ladies succeed splendidly in se curing recruits when they go about it Miss Sylvia is Torontos latest recruiter and was successful one day last week in securing men Mrs Warren has been ap pointed a Lady of Grace in the Order of St John of Jerusalem by His Majesty the King and on every hand the honor is being both by the press and by the thousands whom the many patriotic works of the recipient are known The city will likely appeal against the finding of the arbi trator awarding W Woods for the land taken for the new registry offiee the assess ment on the properly was only Returned soldiers were ap pointed Superintendent of the jail farm foreman of the jail farm and caretaker of the county muni cipal buildings Some twenty or more boiler- makers employed in the Grand Trunk shops went out on strike as a protest against proposal lo introduce a of piece work men regarded it as an at tempt to reduce wages pres ent they are receiving cents per hour and a bonus of per cent provided they complete their allotted work within a given peri od Urn Away to Sea of a In Inr and back in three months rescued from a vessel torpedoed by an Austrian sub marine in Mediterranean Sea and toured across France and England is the experience of yearold Rex Reginald of Toronto who now admits lo being thoroughly fedup with running away from home This boy was horn in with his parents Mr and Mrs mov ed to Toronto some ago Although then only years of age Rex was seized with a sud den desire to seethe world and in November last disappeared from homo leaving absolutely no trace of ho had gone Me answered an advertisement for The Ford soon pays for itself in the time it saves the farmer Willi help so scarce every farmer needs to make use of every precious minute of his time To him the Ford car is a real neces sity Indeed some farmers lell us that it is doubtful if they could curry on their farm work under present labor conditions if it wasnt for the time the Ford saves them No farmer need be without a Ford In fact the average farmer could afford one if it were double the price It is as easy to drive as a horse three times as fast and costs less mile to run Why not order- one today F FORD ONTARIO ROBERTSON Ford Dealer FORD IN I men to travel with a transport carrying horses and sailing from Montreal lo receiving 35 for trip over and Si a day coming back So on Nov Hex left Mont real aboard the St Ursula tons of the British Gov ernment loaded with 750 mules for the eastern theatre of war and a crow of men The ves sel reached Gibraltar on Novem ber but as she attempted to steam by the fortress without en tering a shot from the fort whizzed across her bow warning the captain his presence was re quested After these precau tions the voyage lo was resumed Her cargo delivered the steam er St Ursula left on De cember and about ten oclock in the morning of the she was torpedoed without warning miles southwest of the island of Malta Four men were killed by the explosion The vessel immediately commenced lo list heavily and the crew was order ed to the boats many of them with scant attire I was sleeping at the time said Hex when telling the story after his return lo Canada and climbed into the captains boat with hut few of my clothes Soon after a submarine appeared on the surface the which I later learned was an Austrian boat and commenced to circle round us The commander of the boat slop ped his craft and in very good inquired if any had been killed He was informed by the captain that four men had been killed by the explosion Wo were then told to get away from the vessel and the five lifeboats carrying men got safely away from vessel When 100 yds away the submarine fired anoth er torpedo striking her amidships and the St Ursula disappeared in a little over a minute We drifted all day in a rolling sea continued the lad Even man in the boats was sick and didnt care whether we were sav ed or sank but at pm we sighted a vessel and wore picked up by the light auxiliary cruiser Century miles from Malta Many of men as well as myself wore completely ex hausted owing to the exposure and lack of clothes but we were given every assistance on he Century She at once sailed for Malta but was forced to sail around the island all night ow ing the condition of the har bor because of mines In the morning we were landed and sent to the town of Valletta hut later to where wo were bought clothes and other requirements by steamship company Ho now wears a suit with Malta as the manufacturers address Ho visited Paris and Liverpool and finally reached Canada Hex says he lias seen enough of the world but that ho had started out with he intention of yering California and the South Slates He is now back at his old job oo o Tic summer hotel at Rig Hay Point has been bought by the Government and will be converted into a convalescent home for re turned soldiers The home of Mr at Woburn was broken into on Sun day and 100 and a gold watch stolen feS Fours I 9 I Simplified Driving MODEL is a great family car because it is so easy to handle All electric controls are on the steering column within natural reach The wheel is large and easy to steer with The shifting lever and emergency brake can be readied without changing your position So it is just as easy for your wife daughter to drive this Overland Eighty- Five Four as it is for And as you know that cannot be said of all cars Step in today for a demonstration J Overland Mod EightyFive Tour 112Lch VtCUJU tid Cc to clinic wltht t Phone v