Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 29 Jun 1917, p. 4

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A WR i wtm I I i l I I I I 1 A A book of preserving FREE if you send a red ball trademark cut from a til0 Sugar or carton granulation giving wfraonutAi a clear bright 7TW V L i fe Every day h from fioinif to in the And of the things they get a prize the Gum with Lasting the gluoe of food drjuk hi case of which often It tip vigour and vim A packet in the pocket lasts a long time If Si IFBQvmav ILzhsIIq Ed In COME TO For your also that and you vant Wo oarry full lino of tho IDEAL LINE of Iron and and OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT aleo keep Polish vhldli brightens up the old Furniture In Funeral Lloenco FRED SKINNER J That wo have now are Guaranteed In every way rjufc that will not fade MATERIALS Pure British Manufacture IP best PRICES t A CALL WILLIS Main Satisfaction Years of practical and an and modern plant equipment assure pa trons a service thai cannot be surpassed A telephone call No Will bring a man to take care of your wants Vbc Era 3ob In war question of food supply is engag ing the- attention of ourpubilo is it not a thing that nothing is said about tho enor mous waste in tobacco habit millions dollars oven in Canada go up In smoke every year while the land anJ la bor occupied In producing raw material if turned to food pro duction vyould help the nations lo requirements and reduce cost of living The Christian Guardian of last week has an article on this sub ject which wo commend to our readers It says We have heard intioM though not too much about the and food waslo involved in manufacture and consumption of liquor and slowly but sur6ly the truth of the contention that the use of good grain and sugar lo make had beer and whiskey is a stupendous folly and crime is coming home lo the people in times the foci that wo are guilty of other fol lies ami crimes in a similar is also dawning upon us Tor instance the enormous and everincreasing consumption of tobacco can scarcely he justi fied in the light of the need of the nations for food and the neces saries of life We are not sure that we would have had the Cour age lo speak of Ibis mallei had not Henry profes sor of economies in Yah Univer sity brought some rather start ling facts and figures to our no- lice relative to the amount of land and labor used in the cultivation of the tobacco crop of the United Slates This wellknown au thority informs us that in the United Slates about onethird of the amount of land devoted lo raising potatoes is devoted lo to bacco culture so that if there was no tobacco grown In the Republic this year there could easily be added lo the potato crop over one million bushels which figure was less than a third of last years crop As Canadas largest production of potatoes in any one year of her history has been eightyfive million bushels we can the easier form an idea of the loss in food products involv ed in growing of tobacco in the United States And of course it borne in mind that potatoes are a much cheap er and easier crop lo grow and handloUhan tobacco- It is staled thai numbers of lo- growers in the United Slates have had their consciences touched in this mailer and have changed their crop this year from tobacco lo some kind of grain or other food product And we know that there are some tobacco growers in Canada who have done the same And we give them credit for so doing for it is an evidence of both- good patriotism and good common sense So far from this Item of waste and loss through tobacco culture being a small one we are of the opinion that should the war con tinue still for a number of years the question will be taken up seri ously by food controllers and positive and drastic action he taken touching it And perhaps will slowly dawn upon our poor human stupidity that what folly and waste and crime in a time of war can scarcely be a wise and righteous thing at any other time The very mildest thing that can he said about tobacco growing and tobacco raising is that it is a wasteful and utterly foolish busi ness No one could say any less than that about it so that does not seem to have any very good justification in reason or in com mon sense Editorial Notes Sharon has been elevated lo the dignity of a Police Village by the York County Council The Children of Peace built their places of worship here about years ago They were called Cay Same Chatham Being a nurse had occasion to Dr A quite a lot J Sim recommend f fiiiliH to CI cod been o wonderful help it of them never knew of a it foiled I patient la and it fa I have it myself and got very beat I it but there In today for women who Mas Moore SO fit Chatham THAT WEAK BACK Accompanied by pain hero and there- extreme may- bo faint chills or all of distress for a woman fiho may bo growing from girlhood into womanhood pawing from womanhood to mother hood or later buffeting during life which leaves many wrecks of women At any or all Of of a a tonic nervine prescribed for just ruch by a physician of vat experience in from which women Buffer Or Pierces Favorite Prescription treated more casta in past than any other known remedy It can now he had in tablet form well as in tho liquid Bold by medicine or trial box by mail on receipt of cents in Pierce Hotel Dr would aayand make for the goose- cover the- gander too V Sir and hie friends had been there would bo no the matter properly being so much more sa cred than lifo when anything ia to bo sacrificed for the cause the Empire But hulnan nature is perverse If wealthy is con scripted will wealth remain true lo Borden Government Or will a general tendency among the rich to put the rat in plutocrat These arc serious problems Meanwhile the is throwing out lifesavers Mr Macgralh has been appoint ed fuel controller the fuel ques tion being some months off with the probability of a general elec tion in between Mr a pleasant gentleman of At the last session of the Que bec Legislature an Act was passed and which came into force June prohibits hotels and res taurants from selling lo soldiers in khaki on pain penalty Hon George Graham declar ed his determination to support Conscription Hill at Ottawa and Mr Buchanan will also vote therefor A press despatch likewise slates that Mr will support its principle A recent cablegram from over seas says Our gunboats pro ceeded up the river and began lo throw shells into the Garden of Eden Commenting thereon the Wilson Y says These vojJs are a statement of fact a true record of Ibis war al though they have appeared in any official communique In the very first months of the war the British army advanced to the point where the Tigris and Eu phrates Rivers join and there where the Garden of Eden is sup posed lo have been they shelled the town of and captured It Since then no part of the Holy Lands lias been free from the turmoil of war The British army is smashing forward up the Way of the Land of the Philis tines and has reached Canaan The cedars of Lebanon have wav ed their branches over a Turkish army Ml is an armed camp and the Temple of Solomon has become a hospital base The names which we learned in Sun day School figure in the reports of a minor theatre of war It OTTAWA Some of our American exchang es are calling attention to the fact that the Lehigh Valley Coal Company has declared a dividend of CO per cent on the output of the past year Well consider ing they are holding coal at per Ion at he mines no won- I I papers slate that the city authorities are endeavoring to have the department of public works at Ottawa do such dredging at Port Dover out- port on Lake Erie as would al low coal boats lo come from Erie Pa and thus relieve the railway car shortage which proved such as to seriously hamper local in dustry during the year looks like a reasonable solution of the coal problem for thai place The Montreal Conserva tive remarks Canada is stern ly confronted with three alterna tives she can go on with the war she can agree to an armistice for the summer which would be Ihe practical meaning of a referendum or she can sign a peace with Ger many which would be the prac tical meaning of finally rejecting conscription Shall Canada pre sent to wavering the ex ample of a British nation taking either one course or the other This is Die real issue in plain language which is now before Parliament Ottawa June George Gra hams resolution to conscript wealth and other material re sources so as lo make conscrip tion a balanced affair has cer tainly thrown the apple of dis cord into the Conservative camp They held a caucus the other day a twohour caucus from which low moans of pain proceeded The only thing the caucus cheer ed for was conscription of man power When conscription of wealth was broached the caucus breath came in short sharp sobs You know how a dog sobs when a can is lied to his tail The moans and sobs came from various quarters Some came from the millionaires in the cab inet who have not laid their bonds on the altar of their country and who have no son- to send instead although they dont object to sending the sons of one hundred thousand other men who are not in Ihe cabinet Others came from the protected manufacturers in the ranks of the parly They wanted lo know definitely what wealth meant so that it could as sume another disguise when the taxes came along As far away as the office of the Imperial Mu nitions Board on Street came a sound of wailing mighty influential wailing at that where Sir Joseph wailed to hear the worst The Govern ment has so arranged that the worst is yet to happen In fact it may never happen at all The time has not come yet to hurt Sir Joseph and he other powerful friends of the Government The policy is wait and see meanwhile talking rapidly to take the peo ples off their troubles Formerly there used lo be a great deal of suffering among the poor Since conscription of wealth was mentioned Ihe suffer ing has been chiefly among the rich When Premier Borden came hack from England he had such high ideals about conscript ing manpower thai he hoped the people would forgot con scripting wealth Unfortunately for him the people could not for get There a few million clear thinkers in Canada and tho question they asked was Why not make first first con scription of wealth first conscrip tion of men afterwards At least charming manners who plucked victory from defeat when Buchan an trimmed him in the election of by copping out a Govern ment Job at si year which lie has filled charmingly ever since Charm is Mr McGraths long suit- He is so charming thai whenever a job falls vacant his name is mentioned Up to the present Mr McGralhs study of the fuel question has been a little pleasant musing over a grate fire after a good dinner Nothing helps though like the dusky glow of a grate fire But you mustnt poke the fire or you will disturb the dusky glow What ever mission Mr McGrath under takes for the Government he can be depended on not to poke the fire Humor has it that Govern ment intends lo take the wind out of Mr Grahams sails by agree ing to motion to conscript wealth and let it go at that They may ask the Opposition to define wealth and to give concrete pro posals to which it is likely that the Opposition will reply You are the Government and Ihe pro posals are up to you What we do is simply lo indicate the prin ciple There is a widespread opinion that the duty of a gov ernment is lo govern is the Government that has the power lo do things and if the Government does not do them it is the peoples duly to put another Government in hat will It seems hardly possible to delude the public by saying We agree to the principle of conscripting wealth but we must conscript man first The things should go together Judging by past performance the national service bluff for ex ample the Borden Government is liable to forget secondary pur poses Any- talk of income lax which has appeared in the news papers so far goes to show that the income lax will not come into force until next year Another reprieve for the profiteers Meanwhile Mr a Nationalist member of the cabin et has resigned This looks like an election Mr resignation to be for advertising purposes The Government hopes to carry a few scats in Quebec that way Pre sumably Mr still be lieves as he did and professed in with the connivance of Pre mier Borden and his English- speaking supporters thai Cana da should take no part in the Empires wars and that she should have no truck or trade with the Yankees That Mr should walk out be cause Canada is now taking part in the Empires wars and is not only trucking and trading but fighting shoulder lo shoulder with the Yankees is a guarantee to the Nationalists that their prin ciples are still in existence though not extensively practised by Na tionalist members of the Cabinet Mr on the other hand slicks by the Government of the day and the viclrolas He can not say with Paul Larnarche who refused to linger on with a Par liament that had overrun its mandate from the people I left the House but I also left the fur niture Mr remains true to his job and lets his prin ciples take care of themselves What could be fairer fitiice Dont go Outing In seedy old clothes vhon you to LOOK BEST youll moot tho girl you hunting for It a to a swell Outing Suit from lis will you hundrodo of patterns to select from carefully you and will mako you a suit so you will bo beau of Dan Come In and lot show you our outing materials and styles w havo and lata for Outing too SUITS only Blue Serge Suits guaranteed colors Made in a PinchBack vIth belt going Hi around absolutely Newest Stylo out 9 only Newest Suits With around waist which can be In or outside cost la Drown and patterns These aro laUsl out In Single 2button coats See our New Palm Beach Suits In Qroy and Tan Shades Those Suits can bo laundered Soli only weighs ounces Just the thing for Hot Days gas While drilling for water on the farm of Morton Lot Con last Friday J struck a flow of pas at feet The flow seemed about the same as that struck on the farm of Thos Jack Con four years ago Since that lime Mr Jack has been using the gas for lighting his house taking the flow direct from the pipe without tanking it Examiner lit- With LOCAL APpTIcATJONS as they cannot reach Ihe seat of the disease Catarrh Is a local disease greatly in fluenced by consUtuUonal conditions and in order to cure it you must an internal remedy Haifa Cure la taken internally and thru the blood on the surfaces of the system Catarrh Cure was prescribed by one of the best physi cians In this country for year It Is composed of some of the best tonics known combined with some of the beat blood purifier The perfect combination of the Ingredients in Halls Catarrh Cure is what produces auch results la catarrhal Send for testimonials J CHENEY A CO Props Toledo All iftc Haifa Family for A large range of and Mens mens Young Mens Suits In and Oroya Pinch Back and Plain Sacks TROUSERS and to Duck with Stripe now at Palm In 3 shades Just the sort for SHIRTS Sport Shirts in Plain j White Cream and and Mauve Silk Collars and Cuffs 100 lo Shirts with reversible collar In and Van 5100 lo A Large Range of French Crepe Shirts And Front In makes Arrow Brand 160 to TIES A swell ranrjo of Celebrated Cheney Silk Ties In the Colors Co A Large and Colors Assortment of Patterns in Wash Ties at 35 and SO Cents How Sport Ties wo are showing to bo villh and Collar Shirts In a Largo tango of Colors at SHOES A Range of White Shoes With hcol and without for Bowling at A Range of White Shoes and Boots With Leather and ttubher Soles at to A Large Range of Tennis and Bowling Shoes from to See our New Oxfords In Leather Gun with Solo and and Tan with Hubber and Heel to 000 HATS AND CAPS A Swell of Spilt Sailors In the Newest Shape to A Straw Hat In Fedora and Shapes A flange of Panamas In Fedora and Telescope with Palm Bands at 400 and Ma Mens Outfitter SOUTH END ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR Leader front Old PASTRY FLOURS A SPECIAL ALL GRASS A HOWARD i T imperii I Quec Fletcher and fid Dank of of Mr Bon every pm J by appoint AUCTION Dr I Corner Mi i 8 WATCH M Adjoin PAINTER Arden Quec Phone 281 Teacher Deal I Agent Complete I At la Call he CUT Kept In GEO OX East Latest All Klo all and All kinds and mm I 1 of- Mm ac ARCHIVES OF TORONTO

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