Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 29 Jun 1917, p. 2

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L 1 a Young Girl for Housework latest J it J UN ply to Mrs A A Very Toned l I J J v May bo Been at Friends Parson age A press from Ottawa last Monday that two vacancies Dominion have filled by the ap pointment Stratford of a formerrhcmber of I I il and A plant of fc Ah of church members bate tie was unveiled in the Memorial Hair of Church of the Good Shepherd Mount on Sun day evening Thoartlat Signed and executed roll was Mies former of The Ottawa has Word from stales that appointed Fred James of Toronto Churches of the City have been Thompson Viotorla and used during this for recruit- Thompson spent weekend with her sister in Toronto Mr of here this week on of his mothers death Mr Joseph of Tocohto anil three ladles gave Hie a- call on Wednesday vf- I Now open again for tills sea- con and meet your friends on July 1st Sunday and Monday Admission free I FOR ALE acres one mild west of Head 12 acres of rock elm pine oak and Running creek through bush and pasture acres of fallow acres o orchard and good garden or small fruit Good and Willi and water Barn with stone stable underneath and water in the stable Hog pen and imple ment house No better land In state of cultivation P08- given first of March JOHN BAIUION No 1 Notice hereby given that all persons having claims against of William Wright late of of in the County of York Yeo man deceased who died on the 10th day of April are to flic the same properly proven the undersigned solicitor for the executor of last will said William Wright de ceased on or before the at day of July 1017 as immediately thereafter the said executor will proceed to distribute the assets those entitled having regard only to those claims then filed Dated June 1917 G Solicitor for Newmarket About the of May be tween Newmarket and Jacksons Point by way of the Town Lino 4th of and the catering road a Ladys Wrist Watch Willi initials reward for return to Era Of- flee or Ave Toronto Dr J in Medicine of Toronto University also Licentiate of the College of and of the College of Surgeons of England Former clinical assistant In Moorcfields Hospital and Uni versity College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital London England Tested Glasses supplied Telephone 10 Hours W Evans of Winnipeg Commission on Salmon Fisheries of the Pacific Coast ibo Commission will decide on the number of fishing to be granted to tho tanneries debate on conscription lias brought out some points worth remembering Notably there was Barns that the pro fiteers frilled recruiting In country as long ago as New Years It was about that lime Premier Borden Issued his famous call for the last hundred thousand men and close on lis heels came organized alarm of great captains of Industry who feared that country would bo drained of men to the detriment of the vested Inloresls Bam said tho official chill was thrown into recruiting Just about that time and he offered to read confidential letters from Premier to prove it Premier refused the kind offer The exigencies of the ease have made Sir Bam a strong friend of conscription but he does not go back on his opinion that if re cruiting bad got a fair show would not have been ne cessary The Conservatives do not like this cajidor on Sir dams part They cry down his speech One of them said it was simply Bam turning in his grave But If it was that ho made a noise a motor boat IceCream and Dairy Plant South Wholesale and retail in any quantity at popular prices Buttermilk Milk Sweet Cream table and whipping by pint or quart Cheese extra mild in 1 and Cheese Cream Cheese and tor Call and take a Brick or Cream in bulk containers borne also deliver Cream in pails to your homo in over Will i keep for hours Open m j imiiiiOTH 0 London June An aero plane of a typo suited for carrying the war into the heart of Germany ready to execute the program which tbe British public demands and the military authorities of the allied countries have come to believe highly important is only necessary to intensify the production of this air has been developed tested proved Of this had practical demonstration yester day thanks to the courtesy of the British Admiralty which author ized mo to go as a passenger on the trial voyage of one of these mammoth craft it carries a load of tons this machine travels foster than any regularly employed during the first year of the Provided with two en gines of the power known to successful air engineering its wing spread is so that 18 fullsized men could Ho along the planes The has flown with persons aboard as Easily as with three -e-OOO- Red Cross Society Weather permitting Gar den Party oh the King George School Grounds this Friday ev ening will be one of the best of the season Tho grounds will he specially electrically lighted and decorated will be provided for sale of refresh ments Pish Pond for the child ren seats for the ladies and spe cial features for gentlemen besides excellent program of music by the Aurora Citizens Band As the proceeds are for the noble work of caring for suffer ing soldiers on the battlefields and in the Hospitals as well as sending food to Newmarket pris oners in Germany Society looks for a most liberal response from the citizens of the town and the surrounding country But for their wellorganized work the losses in Ibis great war would be many times greater than they are The boys In the Firing Line arc making great sacrifices for us and considering the comforts and pleasures we enjoy at home it is as little as we can dp to care for them if they are wounded Let everybody go to the Garden Party with the idea of swelling the receipts and encouraging the ladies in their most laudable ef forts generous contribution of from the Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church is hereby acknowledged by the Pres ident It is a great pleasure to see that country districts are in this work of mercy May their numbers and influence increase If the should be un suitable for outdoors tbe Garden Parly will be held in the Town Hall regular Knitting Tea will take place in the Methodist next Tuesday afternoon July 3rd It is very important that there should be a large at tendance as part of lime will be taken to discuss a new busi ness proposition lug stations- of Wales at a luncheon given him hero on Saturday stated that Australia had lakon whole wheat produot under control At present country has 4500000 tons in excess of homo needs it will he shipped to as soon as transport problem Is solved Constable Hunter made arrest of four men at on Sat urday who wore in the early morning wreck when two stolen cars Into collision One car was owned in this city and other in Hamilton A cou ple of other arrests have sine taken place While to change seats in a canoe on the Lako at Park on Sunday one of the men was drowned Major V Napier Kiofer of this city being loo old for active ser vice has sent 100000 to the King of England to he dis tributed for benevolent and char itable purposes Ontario farmers have sold lbs of wool this season at cents per lb Tho passed a ByLaw this vcek favoring the expropriation of Railways coming into city No immediate ac tion will bo taken General praises Canadians overseas and sends a message to Toronto military au thorities for more men to fill up the ranks Toronto will ask the Ontario Government to take over the In dustrial Farms and recoup the city for what it has invested In them A meeting of discharged sol diers in the Central was decided to form a Brass Band for parade purposes According to a Judgment ren dered by Judges Ibis week civil servants must pay taxes on their incomes It is said the city will have to pay several thousand dollars with which Mr A Lobb absconded Builders and laborers at the new Union Station went out on strike this week There has been no settlement yet with the Street Hallway men Wage ques tion still open The Anglican Synod has urged the Government to bar im portation of luxuries llcv John a former pastor of Church who went overseas as Chaplain of the Hangers has returned to city after two months in Three more military secretaries have been appointed for overseas and will leave in July They are Norman MbKcbbin Toronto W J Montreal and James Elder of Toronto Stafford physical direct or of the westend branch of the has been appointed to lake charge of the social and re creational work of the returned soldiers at Whitby under the Military Hospitals Commission mm m Field Comforts The ladies are very grateful for the splendid gift of the Girl Guides of half a dozen pairs of Bocks 18 Shirts all the work of the girls and a cheque for The ladies are delighted with the help the and are giv ing for their country thank them for their gifts The Lucky No for the Yoke is No Will the winner please call at Hunters Store and bring the check The Yoke was the gift of Miss May Wright and will add 570 to the funds We are grateful to Miss Wright Miss Forsyth has wool and shirts for summer work Every one is urged to take some on her holidays so that we will be able to ship early in the fall Our Society has just received avory urgent and touching ap peal for help from the Friends of Franco Club They ask for help for the small French Hos pitals and refugees in the North of Franco of Hav- College Toronto whose home is in Little France knows personally of the need Mrs W Boeworth or Mrs Howard Cane will be pleased to receive contributions for this worthy cause of Money Socks Pyjamas Old Linen Sugar Cocoa Klim ftice or Prunes and gills large or will ste- TnljEy received A hi need one SOME DAY WE WILL YOUn Why Not Now Toronto Opticians Limited Corner TORONTO DEVASTATION HAIL Mario Juno A terrific which caused thousands of dollars worth of damage to the crops in the townships of Koran and Tar struck this of the country between six and seven o clock this morning taking a course north by northwest and veering in its final stages south ward The sweep of the storm was about half a mile wide and swept the country to a depth of about eight miles carrying dev astation in its wake Just on outskirts of the city the storm struck the House of Refuge breaking every pane of glass in the windows destroyed a field of more than four thousand cabbage plants five hundred tomato plants and killed a number of fowl On neighboring farms the wore beaten down into- the ground and all garden produce for miles around is a total loss which will bo keenly felt greater part of the hailstones measured two inches in circum ference Pie Prank and Mies Gladys of Bedford Park spent Saturday Willi Mies Lulu Collins- Mm Ferguson of Somya Is visiting her sinter Mrs Rogers of Penrose of Thorn- bury Is a few days with old friends in Town and vicinity Mr and Mrs J Patterson and two children of Toronto visited Mr and Mrs J over Sunday Mr Mrs- Henry Wright of Queensville spent last Sunday with Mr and Mrs Fred Proctor St Mr Hugh Mgnroe Is over from Howling Green Missouri for two weeks on a visit mother and fclster Mrs Haskell and daughter Muriel of Ottawa are visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Miss Jennie of Toronto Is spending part of her vacation at the home of her grandmother Mrs Marker Mr and Mrs Owen Wilson and baby of Toronto were the guests of Mr and Mrs for the past two weeks A brother of Mr Mustard who works In Adams barber shop was reported seriously wounded In the Casualty last Friday Mrs Albert and daugh ter Dorothy of Winnipeg Man are visiting her aunt Mrs Lewis Niagara St Mrs Archie of Maple ant Miss Mollride of Toronto spent last Wednesday with their cousin Mrs Freeman Lloyd Queen St Mrs Jas Williams of Toronto Is spending a few days with Mrs J Davison Mrs Williams Is a daughter of the late Mrs Geo W P of Keswick was In Town on Tuesday on his way to to give four days In Northern to Provincial Sunday School work Mrs of Siolalula Sask writes have been without the Era lunger I bah I ever was before but feel I cannot keep tab on my old home without it Mr Cane who has been seriously 111 since the beginning of las winter has sufficiently recovered leave yesterday for his summer cot tage at Orchard J Wood the new Pastor Of the Methodist Church expects to be In Newmarket on Thursday even ing of next week and to preach for the first time hereon Sunday July the like big About Saturday morning another one descended on the marsh about up the river lighting a bog he was unable to fly out so ma chine had- got on a scow and brought down Id the toll gat bridge was loaded onto a motor and taken back to Gamp Borden This man bad encountered a dense fog and running outof gasoline he had to come down The apparently not to bo inspected before it was al lowed to go up Witness- V r v WW win CTPHYn occurred on June 15 in Reach where she was visiting of Jane Smith relict of Henry Profit in her year Mrs Profit had resided at Zephyr and Ihd funoral place from there on Monday In your Canned Fruit Supply IVo both tho Canned and Lombard sotting lev I tin 1Bo tin tin tin 2Bo tin Prison PHUITS Pino Apples and Fiiifiiture House You can buy your Furniture Cheap for Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY toct riio U I General of lime will take effect on the C P Uie of Juno Particulars from Pacific Ticket Agents or District Passenger Aurora Banner Miss Pearl Miss Leila Miss Minnie and Miss Jean are the Newmarket Club at a concert given by the Red Cross Girls at on June Miss Clemens Allan a student of piano and vocal at the Toronto Con servatory of Music has succeeded in passing her vocal examination with honors Much credit Is due her hav ing taken a years work in six months Mr J Hay Inspector for the Workmens Compensation Board made an official visit to the Era office on Thursday of last week and compli mented the proprietor on the excellent equipment especially the absence of gasoline Mrs Richard- of Toledo Ohio says she could not get along without the Era as she gets all the news from where she spent her girl hood Her father the late Alfred passed away a year ago this month Joseph Cook of St Pauls accompanied by his daughter were the guests of Mr C J Smith a couple of days this week Mr Cook is a son of the late John Cook and was in business In Newmar ket nearly forty years ago It IS years since his last visit here and he sees lots of Mrs Charles Smith of Orlllia Is also here this week BRADFORD Lever visited with New market friends over Sunday If automobile drivers exceed a speed of miles an hour on Bradford streets or if they do not keep to right it is going to be five and costs A Convention of of West will be held In the Methodist Church Bradford on July aa arranged at a meeting held in Church on Tuesday night Mr Win Gowieson of Queensvillc while au tomobile in Toronto last week struck a boy who received injuries to bis arms and head The boy had stand ing behind a hydro pole and sud denly stopped from the sidewalk before the driver had lime to pull up On Thursday airplane cir cled over the as if looking for a place to light and the pop ulation watching to see where he would come down Sud denly when about over Mr I Stoddarts farm be took a long and soon the automobile made a mad rush for but vas a or- dropped but Quality remains the a and bo convinced CONFECTIONERY f It Quality that couhto That la tho our Candy in Is both and Candy I Phonos and 20 During tho Warm vo will carry a Lino of DniflU Coda Etc it get prompt dew Cradle At Hospital Toron to on Friday 22nd of June to Mr and Mrs If Gordon Ken- yon of Avenue Toronto formerly of Sharon a daughter At St To ronto on June to Mr and Mrs formerly of Newmarket a son in Newmarket on of June to Mr and Mrs a daughter SMITH In Newmarket on June to Mr and Mrs John Smith a son Second St Newmarket June4th to Mr and Mrs Fred machinist a son Altar At the home of the brides parents on June 1917 by ftev A Mr Quasi of Hanover to Miss Nora Mabel daughter of Mr and Mrs of New market On 27th June at Aurora by the Rev Scott Miss Mary Ann daughter of Mr and Mrs of lo Mr Frank Greenwood of Whitchurch HILLCLARK On June Mr Hill of Newmarket to Miss Una Jean daughter of Hugh Clark of Yho Tomb PARK At her sisters residence Toronto on June 24 Alice Maud Spencer beloved wife of Mr Jos Park of Bradford At on June 21 1917 Maggie Snoddon beloved wife of Mr Gordon in her year Funeral last Saturday at Hart Cemetery Wilfrid At Toronto on Sun day June Amelia dearly beloved wife of Mr formerly of Vivian in her year Interred at Prospect Cemetery To ronto on Wednesday At the Base Hospital To ronto on June formerly of in his year HAY At Holland Landing on June Catharine Gray aged years Funeral at 230 on loQEE In Newmarket on June Lucy widow of John year fOOO in her dear III In sad but loving mem ory of our dear mother Charlotte Thompson who died at or June at the residence of her daughter Mrs Sweet A bitter grief and shook severe To with her we loved It Is not ours to complain Rut Oust in God to meet again Tig hard to part with those we iove Though days will come lei us hope to meet above For this our home Done wtih lifes sorrows and Angela pro guarding her teat The of earth forgotten Safe In the home of Mea St AH Recti va mm It la Quality that Counts I QUALITY OUR SPECIALTY ALSO AGENT FOR THE PATH PHONE Instrument in World CHOCOLATES MAIN STREET for Cameras and Photo Supplies NEWMARKET House Phono No 15J store Phone No km if so An of submitting a I t OAI1I2IED IN STOCK bo pleased to thorn and To PhohG Large English Berkshire Hog Registered and a Prize Winner Terms DAN Phone ring 23 Tenders will be received up to tbe 1Cih day of July ad dressed to the undersigned Soli citor for the Executors of Rose Estate for the purchase of Hose brick clad house kitchen and woodshed and one- half acre of land on west side of Queen Street just north of Ed Clarks proper ly This la a desirable dwelling house of some rooms in addi tion to kitchen and woodshed Purchaser will pay per cent of his purchase price upon no tification of tender being accept ed and sufficient to make thereof in days thereaf ter Balance may remain on 1st mortgage with interest at per cent per annum The highest or any tender not necessarily For particulars apply to Mr and Mrs A Henry Keswick or to for WORK WANTED Mrs Sarah Arnold would 1 pleased lo do Washing or Cleaning She resides on SI in Mr Harford a North of Hamiltons store Mrs Wilson Money also work She lives Jos rows bouse also of Store Agent FOR Newmarket and District TO SELL FOR- Tills OLD HiiLIABLE FOIiriHLL HUH Splendid List of Stock For Fall Planting AND Spring Including Many New which We Alone foffiiw Proposition some I Territory Liberal Com missions Stone Welling Lui flardw be a No out wo will pi next Every of nij to got able On market will Ik Craig ground fllted JCoswiC Larg to lake a fine Ibing I owners boats etc as on Christ i clock the clu arc ha and in to be been c will be mem be asked I and an when next Next filling lo be your v the Farm By i or vhen I money roortgfl his v self an is not right i of the daugbt may CO cash a A la Mr an with and a lions son we end slecin the years ftefn a ast rm reason Mori I when a I Pianist lo ion T

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