Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 27 Apr 1917, p. 7

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y I I China to the landi GARDEN HEADY I a full of Garden Seeds or Quality a nrf ff8cclnPulk30ob Scaled lb AM Varieties How In- tt from and Roll- Firms Tested English In Scaled Only and Vogotob ducod In this to paper Grand of Timothy has no In Qormlnntlon It sold as Ho 2 on Stylo Only Quality la and Very Clover Etc meeting on Thursday afternoon May 3rd Postponed Concert undor W in which Aloxandor fs to take part will take place in he own Hall on May lib particulars next Former Club A- meeting of Newmarket Farmers Club will bo hold In Wesleys on Saturday April at oclock J J son of United Farmers CoOperation Association will address lie meeting i Newmarket Killed flag on tho Town was flying this at halfmast for Pie Harris first of 127th Halt men from Newmarket dis trict to bo killed in action Ho is survived by his widow and one child Sweet Alfalfa jii of and Fancy China PHOTOS your Friends can buy any thing you can give them except your Photograph LET MAKE YOU J fUat Photographer Studio Door West of the New Post Office EVENING APPOINTMENT Endoayor attended mooting last Tuesday evening the topic being This was splendidly taken by Mrs lust a frw to thank you and parcel re ceived very useful you to keep up such a good work and am sure the war a groat deal of the Canada for In healing Huns Monty a couple of weeks ago also arid Jack Hartford They are all looking well and iirci all confident of being back In Newmarket before the out I remain Yours -gratefully- Hear Mrs The line has analogy in the granting free exchange ol wheat with United States This is a strateglo retreat on part of the Borden from ah position and the they will surely when thoy make in a general election All the good that wheal ruso indicates a general not later The story the Hob has been pressing for wheat for two years- back and that lately his voicehas been joined by that of so Field Comforts Society am pleased todayio receive parcel from your Society containing I Arthur who looked a many useful things over and reported lljat tofiow that West was irretrievably lost to parly tho government its faithful ser- a good to about wheat is the result is he last card at- that the Borden Gov ernment to play it It would like to stand in with the farmer but doesnt like to fall out with its old friends ho millers The upshot is that free wheat is announced Topic for Meeting Missionary Op portunities in Latin America Miss JJossic Mor ion in charge Furnace Work Plumbing Our Specialties See the Bathroom Outfit at Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS warn mi NEXT TO SMITHS J CREAM WANTED I Jin Jim to buy Cream for and table use Write for Prices The figures of may be too low tomorrow We lurnidi cans pay charges and give prompt service Ask shipper Toronto Creamery Co Ltd Church SI Toronto Mi A P A A Social will lie held this com ing Tuesday evening A splen did program is being arranged also a number of contests are be ing prepared There will he a Uplift Halting arid Candy table The proceeds will be spent on the re maining soldiers boxes come and spend an enjoyable evening with IW Angli can Young Peoples Association Com Court His Worship Police Magistrate held court here on Monday only two eases and both were dismissed The first was fine of Maatcr and Servant The latter had the former up for nonpayment of wages The former showed that the servant was paid by the month and that all arrears had been settled Asb she loft be fore the month was lhingwaa allowed In he oth er ease a soldier was charged with allowing a deserter to be set free from the Lock Up whonMic knew that an was to be made to do so without informing the police Good congregations and evening The subject of the morning sermon was Tho King ship of Jesus Anthem Like as the Hart which Mr Rogers sang the baritone solo in splendid voice and MissMcCar- rendered a soprano usual pleasing manner The subject of evening ser mon was Laying up Treasure in Heaven Anthem ATido with Me in which Mr Norman Wil liams sang the solo in The solo by Mr Manning was greatly appreciated The Pastor will preach at both services next Sunday Morning of God and evening Hocause ha majorityof people ore so mii6hforth6c6mfort of the boys put here and we know with the at homo wo will achlcvo viclpry passes The of wet has hern Very frying on all of usvlm of Hick very small tlio conditions We A Canadian Army here now hut could There few in dear old Cana da that have cold feel and ifthat is the case they as Well slay as hey would he over We are out to and we must have lie man with backbond to be suecess- W P Am vry pleased to socks knit Miss Carrie Dennis and Millard through vour So ciety Wishing you nil a Prosperous Sea- the also 1- remain Yours sincerely N linker Hear Mrs Davis Tin very welcome and parcel last- It was die more welcome as It my birthday As yet I not haYI enjoy the contents hut thank you very much for the trouble you have all taken to help make not only mo hut hoys more comfortable Please thank Mrs Nell Morton for her- nice socks which were In parcel have them on now anil Mrs Harrison On Street At present I not In need of especially for I have besides your parcel some more on the way The- war news Is much more reas suring of is It not We on front can get really a idea of stale of affairs than you con gel from the papers We know sometimes four days before hear the news Did you know thai the had ceased to have had our name changed from to ho 2nd Canadian Illy- Troops fop address unaltered save for The sprint is coming here very slowly The birds have been coming middle of February hut snowdrops have only just up frost has been long ime hut ho last few days we have a great deal of snow Last- evening as wag walking out wore the pussy and of he trees so you we arc not a- great deal earlier than you Yours truly NORTH YORK HARNESS SHOP i None Too Good these and here place gel THE do all kinds of with Power while you wait you going away for a visit so you will want a NEW TRUNK OR GRIP have the Best Assortment In Town and Prices lilniit I are going stay home feu will want some Music Jokes to liven you up Red Cross Society The Regular Business Mooting of the Hod Society will bo held the Chamber Mon day May and discuss plans of work The following supplies were shipped to Headquarters on Wed nesday Pairs Socks Suits Pyjamas Pairs Slippers Do Personal Property Hags Quilts Splendid attendance at the Knitting Tea in the Presbyterian School Room On Tuesday Pro ceeds COMFORTS are Agents for the Hie only firstclass instrument Mays all disc records and at only 85 in Cabinet form a call and he convinced of superior qualities Vi P- ftoors South of Atkinsons Jewellery Store Newmarket We are Ladies are having another feuppor this Saturday Menu Cold Tongue Roast Beef Pork pie Cake all ice at popular sale of home- will he glad of They are as comfort to our urgently needed to pact this Friday and to help please he on Salads Pickles Cream prices Ladles are having made baking They contributions to this looking forward to every dollar means hoys funds are Ladles hope all ladles ahh hand early Letters received from overseas J Dunn Pie Corp J IE Lee Pie A Lovett Pie Leslie A J Corson Barber Sap Sap V Hugo Rowland A Baker Albert Ami- Sap A Sap John Hopper Sap J P Hill Sap Orion Pie Win Davis Sap Cooper Corp Victor Pridges J Sap A Sap R J RunnRandsinan Butt Pie A Procecda of Field Dear Madam Quite a Come to mc this afternoon in the nature of a parcel coming from the society and for which I am very thankful have very lucky In getting what I required from my friends in hut this Is dlie first had from I a stocking lady in Nova Scotia wharf was in Hospital through and New Years week after Which I went to bourne where I spent eight weeks and owing to having biy hack at the was not able to- walk much or even stand long so I busied learning i to mate basket bed etc that I could sit I got on so well at thai in a- short while I got charge of the shop under Miss Sylvester the You will be surprised to know that one ft Newmarket boys has receded from Princess Marie Louise of and of- which was recipient a copy of which will write out and send with this I do not feel I am writing to a stranger as yours was the last bouse I worked In when I was a civilian Kindly rcmomber me to Mr Andy Davis Howard Cane and can you gel word to Mr Charles and MI hint I am gelling along fairly well now and back to duly the Ordnance Shop passed filters course and when came back from he front I was Acting Armament Artificer You will see by this have at least tried to do my best and suc ceeded to soixic extent as you know I a carpenter for Mr limes at Richmond Hill I came hero last Mon day the after being disabled since the of October hut am now In category III to do not pect to see France for a weeks or someone I have bad for nearly a I will write more If you cares to answer this as no news from Newmarket year Copy Sergeant Dunn I am directed by the Princess Marie Louise to write and say that Her Highness Is very pleased with the cradle presented to Her Hospital by Miss Sylvester Samuel and which the Princess understands Is made by you Her thinks the cradle very well made and con gratulates you on ihe excellence of the workmanship it la with great regret that the Princess hears of your misfortune I mean the disastrous fire which has coat you your homo is very sad that this should have happened worse when you are so far away and unable to see the yourself The Princess sympathizes yam you very Yours truly as war measure It is no accepted as a permanent policy at least not the North west farmer is warranted in keep- his eye on it till he sees implemented by 6 special clause in the Tariff The North west fanner does not forgot that in he was beguiled into raising the biggest wheat crop on record and was then denied a market Never Again for Government will have to show The best guarantee of good faith will he an amendment the tariff Without this the farmer is justified in supposing that the Borden Government is trying to put another one over Hoodwinked once he will he as suspicious The is dress ed out with a good deal of bun combe to explain why a govern ment so adverse to truck or trade with the Yankees In should grab at it ho eagerly now reason put forward is that the United is now an therefore a litter country to trade with than when it was a mere neighbor five years ago This has the same old slithering sound we heard in the reciprocity campaign when the present supporters of the Worden Government wrapped their humbug in the old flag and jollied the electors into As a matter of fact they didnt have a leg to stand on All the arguments were on ho Liberal side but crowd pro fiteers waved the flag and heat the drum and spent enormous slash fund and so managed to preserve Canada for the interests In sackcloth and ashes the people of Canada have realized what it means lo put a government in power whose backers are the monopolist and the food fore stalled The of the Dor den Government began lo cash in right from Ihe slart The cost of living increased rapidly In August when the war broke out it hod cached i a mark that like the limit As it turned out It was only be ginning of higher arid higher prices iThe war was just the thing the doctor ordered for the Borden Governments It was a cold day when Ihoy didnt the unfortunate consumer another squeeze They would got away with lheordcn Government was their friend At the very outset the govern ment assumed power by means of the War Measures Act to regu- late prices or anything that needed regulating but they had no intention hurting their friends The War Measures Act was a rod in pickle and that was where kept it in pickle They had no idea of chastizing with it They simply took lite rod and put it away safely where no body also could gel it The the ory was that the people would look at the rod and say What a stern disciplinarian this Borden Government is I However you cant fool the people all time In the course of a year or two the people got wise to the fact that the last thing the Borden Government wanted to do was lo use the War Meas ures Act against their friends who were treating Canada as thein oyster Naturally enough the people noticed that the half dozen or so com missions reported as tardily as possible and that when they did report nothing was ever done Nor did they fail to observe that on one of their economic commission was posted one of the biggest if not the biggest food profiteers in Canada whoso cue was of course to see things com ing and then head them off The final evidence of bad faith on the part of the Borden Government which handed Canada over to the looters and said Get rich while you can was when the Minister of Labor Mr broached a plan 16 Investigate cost of living in such a way that there were four chances to one against the results ever reaching Ottawa Free wheat a war measure a favor extended to hot as an election trick Bob Rogers and Arthur Mefghens has a queer You may lake it for that the good of the people Is concern than the relief it is expected to afford the Borden Government IIP life And It will continue of your earthly existence Suppose you look- the let a moneysaving soft finished tweeds In grey and brown mixtures They arc handsome and Norfolk models wllh belts sewn at waist patch pockets and peakshaped lapels They are all well lined throughout and bloomers are fitting having two side and one hip- pocket holt loops and knee fastener prices range at and Mens and Boys Odd Pants We an large assortment of tweed anil worsted pants to offer you at remarkable low prices MEM tirey and Drown Tweed Suits of and TO Stylish pinch hack model whfch Is very much worn by young men These dqlts are made from medium light- grey and blue gTfiy tweeds very cornlng shades Coats are single breasted style with Ihrce patch pock ets Tbc back Is neatly pleated The vest has five buttons and four pockets Trousers have belt loops and cuff bottom Prlco I Mens Suits of Exception Value Willi sharp advances in woollen market and the future showing no sign of a let up Ills Utile short of a wonder that we are able to offer you these suits at such low prices We anticipated conditions many months ago and bought freely Therein lies the secret why you can buy these suits at a figure within reach of every purse At and We can give you suits carefully selected for Spring anil Summer wear and are guaranteed to give satisfactory The style is suitable for men of all These suits are tailored in the seasons most approved lines The are well woven in tweeds worsteds and blue serges that will wear well and keep good appearance Stylish Raincoats IDEA VERY DRESSY The Is he latest style in raincoats for men This line comes in Brown and Grey Tweed mixtures The collar is convertible May be worn opened or buttoned close 16 neck A very dressy coat that might be worn for a Spring weight overcoat or waterproof Prices QBO and MENS AND MENS TOP Light Grey Tweed Spring Light Coats made single breasted but- toned through belt across the back and cuff on sleeves DARK Men with an eye to economy will appreciate the value of Ibis Spring dart Cheviot has durable body lining is well tailored through out VERY DRESSY GREY OVERCOAT style Ibis coat Is very neat and dressy In quality it is value at the price quoted Made In single breasted buttoned through style pookcts Has twill Italian body lining NEWMARKET A A A A A A A This high tariff government which had cheerfully jumped the tariff in two raises has nob been suddenly converted to freer trade It simply wants an election cry that will alienate the smallest group of rich frionds lhis group no doubt happens to he the millers The Borden Government hopes to lose them only for a short lime that free wheat is a war measure i course this move of the Government admits the whole case for reciprocity the fatuity of the arguments about and West haul our wheat Us identity and so the Borden about consist ency when it is in the last ditch for the Borden Government this country has a good memory is a sadder and wiser Canada than it was six years ago when the Borden Gov ernment turned profiteers loose It was bad enough heav en knows in the piping times of peace but war was the profiteers moneymoon When the Borden Government goes out as it will in the near future it leaves Canada looking like a sucked orange but it wont get back lo the food foresUillers who put it In office and who keep it there As for the Western Farmer shrewd student of public ques tions he will laugh at this eleventh hour If the Bor den Government really believes in freer trade it would have remov ed that handicap on wheat six years ago Ten cents a bushes on exportable surplus of western That these fruits of repentance wheat foots up many millions on the Borden Governments part of dollars in six years are shadow pictures is shown by the fact that the tariff is still maintained at its present height This ring fence is high enough lo enable the middleman to shear both producer and con sumer and at the same time pre- can figure it out for themselves Whatever it amounts to it is that much western farmer has to forgive a safe bet that he wont do it He will reckon that a government as badly spotted with war scan- vent cheap food from climbing dais and chronic misdeeds as the over The Borden Government Borden Government has too many may sacrifice the millers tern- spots lo change in a hurry The First Impression Lasts First sight of the Gray will impress you The smart new conveniences and the com fortable substantial atmos phere of the car carry great conviction en get down to brass tacks Look under the hood under Learn for yourself 3k the absolute honesty and servicegiving sturdiness every working part Ride in the car put it to every test Find out how It performs under every condition of ser vice Your first impression of quality will be verified See the Gray better car than ever J A Allan Ageiit Newmarket Wtlnghous3 Starting and lighting 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