I f I i I r I I J Public Ac St to on good Farm Secur MCDONALD A BONE Solicitor Notaries Toronto Off loo tank Building corner WftonamlYongoBls JrCSu Toronto Building I ill Only ion days more to for tho let of May will bo advance i John Anderson of To- Hunk of D C6 Bone will Newmarket Saturday from am to Court flays and also Mr every frank Duncan Or I NT I ST 818 Main and Newmarket Or Evan Lowls Osteopath Church St Sinusoidal Cmrents IIioim- Dr firtijualo In Toronto Physicians rid mem- Em College assistant and Throat I Piano will be in sonio time In May Orders to no loft vith Mr Art Victoria Ave and Mrs Mason Or ganist and Choir Conductor of Methodist Church and of vocal piano and organ at residence on Park Ave 4wi0 Court Montgomery of Newmar ket arrested at Hill on Thursday afternoon of last week by County Constable Thompson on a charge of to cash a forged cheque for Hank at that place and laloi before Constable Phillips was on Saturday sentenced by Pollen Ma gistrate Drunton to six months at His moth er appeared in court and pleaded for leniency the magistrate in view of the circumstances im posed minimum sentence Grow Some and highly fitniDg of women them to terrors of Dcrvpua ftpprfhenwon which no can evtx appreciate peace of mind mental ftnd under dlnlcultioVf which Down the TOMATOES ALSO LINK v But All Danger of Frosts Should f 1 i A WW 1 I A IB AND Park Avenue Adjo New Post Office AND PAPER HANGER Ardcii Ave 2nd house from Queen St Newmarket PO BOX A New market of Piano Voice and Dealer in all kinds of Mu sical Instruments and Piano Tuning Agent for Columbia and Records I Prompt Service Lyman Jackson Issuer of Marriage Licenses lie Era Office Newmarket Office Private issued at private if desired NEWMARKET LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones- Call before ordering elsewhere CUT STONE BUILDING in Stock and Made to Order GEO W I i OXIDIZED WELDING On Short Notice I Machinery for Sale DAVIS Kast of Hank of Toronto Newmarket NORTH YORK MARBLE AND WOtlKG l and buying dfns in Headstones All Kinds of Cemetery Work PJIOMITLY TO elsewhere Building Order JOHN MOSS of It Hot Hi SI is the thief of ftedi- Keep yourself vell by the timely use and help of mm End of a Career After an illness of about two months Sir layman Jones passed peacefully away at Hospital Toronto at noon Sunday Everything was done la save his life even to bringing Dr Bruce hack from to perform two operations Dady Jones and her daughter Mrs Crawforl Drown had been in almost con stant attendance at the bedside until the end came Deceased wis a son of the late Jones farmer and of tho Township of Whitchurch of Welsh descent J After an education which was very like that of other hoys in tho Province thanks to lie entered the employ A Harris Son Co Dranlford and ave himself with a will to study of trading in agricul tural implements lie rose from post to post until he became a partner in He studied the implement manufacturing business as though it were to lie his and he made it his lifework Within a Very time lb at tention of was at tracted to lire young man who went about their business as though his own The in evitable Promotion was rapid and material During his service for company in Western Canada Mr Jones lain the foundation for much of his future success In conjunction with the development of his busi ness lie studied the conditions of the vast new country then in its and the rugged men who were the herculean task of development He formed that intimate accurate acquaint ance with tins new Canada which stood such splendid stead in later years and made him the valued counsellor of many a lie man confronted in statecraft with problems In the firm decided to fol low the erowd and established a branch in Winnipeg with Lyman Jones as Manager not only sold the binders and other tilings which the youthful coun try absorbed so well but be en tered civic ring with gusto In he became Alderman of bits business found an outlet in Chair manship of the Finance Commit tee in Then he became bead of the Winnipeg Board of Trade and was Mayor city in Then the very next year when Hon got the Premiership of Manitoba Mr Jones was made Provincial Treasurer For two years he was member for Shoal Lake and afterwards for Korlh Winnipeg holding the Provincial pursestrings and establishing for himself a reputation as a wise and progressive Minister He was a Liberal a strong Liberal inthose days when the Com pany was formed in through the amalgamation of several com panies Mr Lyman Jones return ed to Toronto to be General Man ager of the new concern and by he bad become President The growth of the company un der his energetic direction is a pari of the countrys business history Mr Jones as be then was soon branched into Other businesses and was connected with the directorates of the Ver ity Plough Company Canadian Cycle Motor Company Toronto Bain Wagon Company Woodstock and the Johnson Har vester Company Then be was an active member Of the Toronto Board of Trade a director of the Nova Scotia Steel Coal Company and of the Can adian Bank of Commerce lit was conspicuous in the groups of able men with which he was associated and no one ever questioned his personal or busi ness integrity He broke away from the Liberal parly on the National Policy issue He broke away from Lib eral party on the National Policy issue The Earl of ealled Mr Jones the Sonata in IGOl and the following year he with Mrs Jones and their only daughter were presented to he Prince and Princess off Wales now perfectly bo derangement in no remedy in the completely womnnly health wonderful Iayorito Prescription Invented by V Pierce Chatham A few ycara ago I a general breakdown and very and thin I was in an awful 1 very much discouraged and tit thought I would lows ray mind I knew of 1 got Favorite Prescription It gavo mo Immediate relief completely cured mo in n very short My sister uaed it with good results 1bo olio waa In a very delicalo conditio got to take it and two bottled cured her com pletely I take great pleasure in recommending Dr Pierces they are all thai a recommended of them Mrs Ave George and Queen Mary He was also at Westminster Abbey by invitation for the Coronation and during the summers in Eur ope lraveijel extensively In May was elected a Che valier of the Legion of Honor of France He was endowed with quickness of perception and correctness of Judgment qualities rarely com bined in any one person Bis Knighthood as one of the Coronation Honors of King George In 1872 lie married Miss Louise Irwin daughter of the late Mrs of Newmarket and sister of Mr P Irwin of this Town and is survived by his wi dow and one daughter and tod Work Tho Friends of Newmarket have quietly and unostentatious ly pursued the even tenor of their way Meetings have been held alternate weeks and faithfully attended by a considerable num ber of workers In addition to a large cash do nation sent direct to Treasurer at Toronto following articles have neon made and forwarded for use in Belgium and Franco Pairs Socks Pairs Stockings Ooz Hospital Caps Bandages 19 Ambulance Cloths Ambulance Rugs Handkerchiefs Suits Pyjamas fl Night Shirts Pairs Pants Vests Boys Suit Articles Of Dress Tender Crops Are Put the JOHNSTON VcelablV Ontario Department- Agriculture Toronto Homo of our vogotables tender and should not be planted until after all danger of frost laovcr It must bo remembered tbatnecauso tboooll is ready to receive plants It Is pot absolutely necessary grower should sot Potatoes planted out between May and even the flrst of June will give results may be sot out After of Juno and good ro turns expected as some sea sons n frost destroys many tomato plants as as Juno Vino such as cucumber squash may bo planted all dan ger of frbst Is over POTATOES- are ono crop may bo planted on land which Is considered tobe In a very rough condition Possibly Is no bettor crop to bo planted on land Which has been In cod for a number of years Mediumsized lubora of good quality should bo secured and they should bo cut so that aro at least two eyes in each piece or set ItIs a good plan in a small garden to tot soil proparcd fairly well cut seed and planting Furrows may bo made with about six Inches deep and two apart sets may be placed twelve Inches apart in bottom of the furrow and should bo covered with two Inches of soil This will young plant or loss in a trench As plants iirow soil will bo gradually drag- up and trench will be oiled It will be necessary to cultivate soil between rows so as to down weeds and at the same soil should ho gradually drawn up to tho tops In sufficient quantities so that the growing rooU will not bo exposed to the sunlight which will to turn green and bo of Inferior quality If an early variety has been planted and a vigorous growth has resulted it possible that some may bo fit to dig in August By removing some of soil from around a hill with hand one can tell whether they fit to dig If potatoes grown for winter they do not need to bo dug until quite late in fall The tops will down at the first frost but It la not necessary that they bo dug Immediately They should how ever bo dug before Is any severe frost TOMATOKB tomato Is of the moat popular vegetables either fresh or In a preserved con dition It may bo grown in tho The hotter practice tomatoes Is to plants ready for transplanting rather than attempting to grow these plants If has not had In handling a hotbed Plants having a largo root system are host and stock In any case should at least bo the sire of lead pencil The soil MA I J Orip man narno on request S3 for miles Is record that few If any other makes of car W equalled ft AHfc a if j mm mm J I At- f It demonstrates of owning and driving a Ford can average miles moro travel on caving I i town OAR SEDAN I Ford K ROBERTSON Ford Dealer Newmarket OVER 700 FORD IN CANADA f i- CAVED Constantinople would not be in Turkeys possession were it not for Zeppelins After lie allied fleet bail pulverized several Turkish and after troops were landed on the he whole world expected the rail of within a few weeks If not days Turkey was spend ing every shell she possessed to her position Germany had promised Turkey sup port so the Interests tried lo send powder and ammunition to Tur key via Rumania however placed an embargo on the shipment of war supplies through her territory so Germany shipped powder in beer kegs shells In cement blocks For some did not dis cover the German tricks and it was not until a keg of powder on a supposed beer train exploded in Rumanian freight yards that Rumania discovered What was going on That put a slop to the shipment of war supplies through Rumania Hut the allies were still attacking the Dardanelles and Turkey needed Immediate assistance so the Zep pelins were mobilized Ammunition factories In Germany were taken apart and the machinery was carried to Con stantinople from Hungary by The machinery was -v- There is nothing that more appreciated as a gift than Fur niture It is a practical and serviceable gift that is certain to the recipient Hear this in mind in selecting gifts for shipped to from and should bo thoroughly prepared bo- 1 Magdeburg and carried through the fore planting time possibly a crop of lo Turkey Powder was carried in WEDDINGS OR ANNIVERSARIES Have a Lino to Choose From I In Furniture Funeral Director Undortalca moro I FRED SKINNER Newmarket Did Well the Treasurer of the Muskoka Hospital for Consumptives desires gratefully to acknowledge the following contributions re ceived from Newmarket through the Field Secretary of the Nation Sanitarium Association Davis Leather Co I 200 200 100 100 00 Father Wedlock A Cornell Hunter Wright J Osborne Miss Morton Miss J P Clarke A M Rogers Leu shy Miss Stewart Cane Sons 1000 W Lyons 200 Dr Wilkinson 200 A J 100 If Eves Miss Taylor A Duncan Some Name 1 00 Miss J McPJierson Dike A P Addison J The Jos i00 Willis Miss Miss Miss Adams Miss Stark 50 In addition lo tins tin- Council gave a grant of VIRGIIiln GIRL Gained Found By Taking Vino Va buffered from had no appetite and very thin Nothing took io help rue until one day a friend told ino I taken bottles and have gained have a good and eat anything mat- j ih a remedy with formula on every bottle ft ertaUft appetite aids blood- Try It on Ovr guarantee J Patterson Druggist Newmarket also at Iho best Druggist in all Ontario towns lettuce or radish may bo taken from but It Is always advisable to have plenty of manure incorpor ated In the soil A shallow hole may be made with the common boo to in sert the roots of tomato plant roots should bo thoroughly watered so that soil will cling close to the roots when they aro set out In tho garden plant should be set fairly deep and earth should bo firmed around tho roots If the season is dry and hot water may bo poured around the plant In order to facilitate growth These plants may bo set two feet apart if are to bo trained on stakes and kept from covering a largo space in garden These stakes should be preferably six feet long two Inches wide and one Inch thick They may bo driven Into the soil a few days after plant has been set out and the plants tied up to the stick with a piece of twine or cotton In such a manner that the tie wilt be directly under leaf As the plant de veloped In size In front of each leaf a slender growth called a side shoot will appear These must be removed by pressing them out with the thumb when small Four or five will be necessary to support the plant As a result of staking fruits of a superior quality ripen earlier than those grown on the ground CELERY Celery may be grown in many garden soils if they have been heavily dressed with manure For the backyard gardener it bo much better it the plants are se cured ready for out about tho 24th of May All the plants should be set on the level from U to eight apart In the row and from two feet to thirty Inches be tween the rows It will be found necessary to water celery more than any other crop the garden and the foil between rows should be stirred constantly In the fall when the celery has reached sufficient height it will be found necessary to blanch it Possibly the best me thod being to stand twelve Inch boards against the rows of plants them In position with stakes at each end in from ten days to two weeks the celery plants will have grown considerably and owing to the exclusion of light will have become fairly well whitened which improves the quality The plants should be used as coon as pos sible after bleaching Other methods of bleaching celery aro the drawing of earth up around the plant grad ually commencing when the head of the plants aro four Inches above the ground Brown paper Is sometimes tied around each Indi vidual head the same manner- Within a few weeks German ammunition factories were running in Turkey and the big shells which the Turks needed for defending the Dardanelles Were being as fast as needed them The crisis was passed The Zeppelins had saved the Dardanelles and At one time Zeppelins had gone from to Bagdad and near the Germans were build ing a Zeppelin base for an attack on Suez Canal The success of the operations in the Mesopotamia have of coursCy put an end lo those aspirations Zeppelin construction has developed a great deal during the war The largest arc the socalled I the next are the regular Zeppelins and the third are the marine airships The new ScheutteLanz ships arc over feet long and have a carrying capacity equal to seven normal freight cars All are equipped wilh wireless tele graphy and the second officer Is usually the wireless operator These are the machines which Germany plans to use in reestablishing her com merce wilh the United States Under normal air condition- flying at an at titude of one thousand feet the Zep pelins would be able to fly from Ham burg to New York in less than two days SOUTH END AND fc i 100 readers of this paper will he pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all its stages and that is catarrh Catarrh being greatly influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken internally and acts thru the blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System thereby de stroying the foundation of the disease giving patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work The proprietors have so much faith in the curative powers of Halls Catarrh Cure that the offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It fails to cure Send for list of testimonials Address J Toledo Ohio Sold ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR j Leader for Broad Made from Old Wheat PASTRY FLOURS A SPECIALTY AND ALL OF FEED FOR FOWL Special Feed For Dairy and Hogs CALL AND LEAVE YOUR ORDER ALL KINDS OF SEEDS Prompt Phone GO A HOWARD ALL KINDS OF CARTING AND WORK ATTENDED TO CO by all druggists Many dogs are useless but the dog a carries around always seems more useless than of tin others Heporisays hat some of the Canadians in taking Vimy subsisted on iron rations for live days and had practically no water for three days But they never thought of turning back for food or drink until their task was completed They swung along of tho trenches with the dogtired but gait men returning from ft successful days FAIR The Philadelphia Public Ledger says that a lanky youth persisted In stick ing Ids head out of the window of a railway The who was pacing through the coach him in this dangerous position and touched the youth on the back keep your head inside the window advised the brake man I kin look out of the winder want to answered the youth I Knew you can Hut if you damage any of the Ironwork on the bridges to toy cant through another season that greasy old fiat Come in and get a new Bonnet Then you wont feel ashamed when you meet someone you know By your looks are you first Judged Our Hat and Furnishing Goods Depart ments are a pride us We get the Styles which are up to the last tick of the clock and Plump when you pass us over Your Money Its t ARCHIVES OF tE VfT