Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 20 Apr 1917, p. 4

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KSRfln i sweno YOU feci almost like shaking hands with a man when he cornea to his telephone the moment the bell rings If he answers by saying once Mr Blank speaking instcal of using the Hello or Well you pleased have saved valuable time and perhaps avoided a whole of unnecessary questions To always promptly and to announce once instead of say ing Hello Yes or Well will go far toward keeping up the quality of your telephone service The Bell Telephone Co of Canada I ft J jot udJ Women at Ai held by in Ontario granting of woman franchise In recently- played important part nil only a of color but thoy brought with also a keen anno ani good advice topics Con ference dealt with various ariaing from the war the question of returned and inevitable difficulties coming in the reconstruction period Mr Harrison of Hamilton was of Con ference and Mrs Lindsay of Toronto was one of speakers following tho dinner In addition to taking part in the Conferences women also a separate to- discuss their own problems of organizing and meeting responsibilities new privileges del egates Including both and women came from extending from tho Niagara border to the County of Oxford Hon George Graham and Newton Howell were the chief speakers at the banquet both of thorn discussing war Mr Gra ham dealing with the inadequate measures taken by Hie Government and Mr Howell em phasizing the seriousness of the need of reinforcements for the Canadian Army at front and also the essential importance of increased food production Hartley M Bowman Pardee J of Ottawa and George Gibbons Pros of the Liberal Club Federation of Ontario were among other speakers and iiowman Chief Liberal and his friend Nelson Par liament member for Prince Ed ward County have evidently been reading recently and doing some mathematics At the Hamilton dinner Mr How- man who shared credit with Mr Parliament brought forth a brand new story on Government House and one which probably aroused more interest than- any other individual incident at the banquet Its outlines were as uovml It- I Hod and Gun for is on the lowsstands add its table of contents reveals much of interest to tho devotee of rod and gun The cover printed in colorsis certainly most attractive Provide for Winter as immediate Neel Tito The Daylight Saving scheme now before people again ana taken by various Hoards of Trade to urge upon the Government to make a Federal enactment apply to all Canada There would bo no diffi culty in carrying out proposi tion to set all clocks forward one hour ha third Sunday in April and third Sunday in September If once introduced In this way lh people would al ways continued BOOc Towit Council lingular meeting last Monday evening Members all present except Councillor Doyle Following bills passed fileo Co trans formers ref 37900 Hamilton Engine Packing Go Cranston Novelty Co lags i Northern Co to ref C A Tin or NfcwivinriKfcir i- To Every Lover of HOMEMADE TRY Favorite and Five Rose Flour a account linger account If charity to Finance Com Can Co Pay Sheet No i Application for water 3b service 2 I I it Prices GOOD Right OLIVER ANTHRACITE Give Us a COAL Call DIKE cagh Phono fl2 1 I I t Majcstlo Electric Heater Is the Most Efficient Heater on the Market CONSUMES ONLY WATTS I COST OF PER HOUR 1c WO The Is Guaranteed ASK A Gleaner to Rent per day ALFRED i Mtisda Guaranteed for 1O0O hours R- STARR Electrical Contractor mm u In the tteslytis for Spring Wear you will find our stock complete Brown are getting scarce but are still a favorite color We have secured a splendid range for this season AN EAttLY CALL WILL GIVE YOU YOUR CHOICE WILLIS Main J Total cost of Government House At what time would a man have had to begin Betting aside the sum of yearly without interest to reach this total a Would it have been at the time of Hie of Water loo Before that When discover ed America Before that When King Alfred burnt the cakes Before that Pbc beginning of the Christian era Before that It would have been At this period in his tory it was twenty years be fore the opening of the Car thaginian Wars In Greek History it was shortly after the death of Alexander the Great In Egyptian History it was the age of Ptolemy II 230 years before Cleopatra of Not for years has so much work been done by the legislature in a seven weeks period as was ac complished in the session recent ly brought to a close There were also more night sessions than usual and taken generally the members stuck closely to busi ness Both the government and Opposition seem well pleased with the results The former says they arc glad to see Woman frage on the statute books and they point to the greatly increas ed taxation of the nickel com- the generally buoyant condition of the provinces The Opposition on the other band claims that the principal measures of the year were Liberal policies and that the province more and more is being governed by the Opposition The laws passed this session which they claim are theirs in clude Womens Franchise In creased Nickel Taxation First Aid in Workmens Compensation Loans for Agricultural Purposes and control by municipalities of the production as well as the dis tribution of electrical power un der the Hydro System Agricultural was effected by a government act which the government claims will increase the efficiency of the de partment by providing more Jlclats to take care of the- work The Opposition strenuously- op posed the government plan con tending that the multiplication of offices would lead to ineffective ness and claiming that what should be done was the appoint ment of one outstanding man as Agriculture and an other as deputy without the com plicated system as at present of a Minister or more Deputy Ministers a Commissioner and an Assistant- Commissioner hard ly any- of whom are able to give their whole time to work The Opposition claims that the governments increase in axes on the nickel company still entire ly inadequate They lliemselves would make the rules muehstif- for In regard to of nickel the Oppositions policy is to compel the refining in Ontario or rate wilhin the British Empire of all Ontario nickel The POvorijmenls bill merely provides that nickel taken from lands here after to bo shall refin ed in Ontario no cover of lh from L Hose Ave granted Coin from National Sanitarium Association referred to Com of Boiler inspector re quiring certain repairs to Com Messrs J Harvey and Jackson were heard in reference to cooperation of- the Council with the Board of Trade in the production campaign The Councillors and were appointed to act in this capacity Mr Jackson spoke of the necessity of a garbage collection in the most thickly populated part of the Town hut no action was taken The report of and Bridge Committee recommending re moval of trees was adopted The Finance Committee re commended a grant of to the National Sanitarium which pass ed the Council A bylaw introduced to ap point an Inspector and passed lie first reading The ByLaw Com was instruct to report a ByLaw at next meeting of Council provide for oiling streets on the frontage lax The Mayor and W Luhdy were appointed to enquire into the facts in regard to Water Course on Street crossing Tim othy and place IJie matterbefore he Town Solicitor to obtain a written opinion Council adjourned HE dairying How Worth of Cream Was Produced by Jersey Cows Mr Willis of Newmarket gives his experience and observ ations in the Canadian Country man as follows Although I have retired from the farm for some lime my two sons are carrying on as usual Our policy was and is to prac tise both summer and winter dairying that is wo had our Jer seys come in at different times during the year so we could sup ply our product fairly evenly all throughout the year We ship ped cream to Toronto and with the exception of June and July found that prices did not vary greatly Thus our income was fairly constant throughout the year We were never troubled with feed shortage Our silo safe guarded he feed supply I was the to build a silo and also to buy a separator in our dis trict I think every farmer should provide ample silo capaci ty as it will pay in any year It is my opinion that the dairy man can make larger profits by having his cows freshen at dif ferent times to ensure a fairly constant supply of milk through out the year By using a little common sense in conserving feed he will have no trouble in keep ing the milk flow up in every month Last year my son who bos ten cows filled contract to deliver cans per week during the year to a Toronto firm At the same time I sold upon our local market from 3 to gallons weekly Prom the milk from his cows he sold worth of cream besides what was used by the family- Resides this he a lot of help eat the milk besides a number of calves all he heifers and hulls from the best cows Moreover very little outside feed was bought During year lie fed ensilage mangels oats largely some peas and a ton of oilcake FOR FLETCHERS CABpAGR AND OTHER THINGS Good by Amateur and a Expenditure a JOHNSTON Vcirctablo Ontario of Toronto growing many for dmmedtato uco the backyard produce which can bo stored for con- sumption during winter of course do not to bo planted as early at the which described week Possibly a should from time the In planted before these bo I AND These include moat important of root vegetables They are usually grown for winter purposes though and relished by many In their earlier of growth AH demand practically same attention seeds should be sown In straight rows at a depth of about threequarters of an Inch When plants have reached a of two Inches they should be carefully thin- nod out so that stand beets and parsnips three to four inches apart carrots and salsify two or three inches apart It will bo found that tho parsnips very slow grow ers and for this reason la some times to plant a few seeds with- the parsnip soedB that they will servo as a marker young beet plants may be used as spring It Is necessary that soil bo cultivated at Intervals during summer months so that crops may grow Thoy do not as a general rule as heavy wa tering as some of other vegetable crops In fall should bo pulled up and tops twisted off closo to head not cut off with a knife as In case of carrots pars nips or salsify which should tops cut about onehalf Inch from roots preparatory to storing for winter use CORN In planting com holes about two or three inches deep bo mado a hoe or six kernels should bo drop ped in this and covered with soil should bo gently firmed by tramping on It When the shoots era about thrco inches high all ex cepting sturdiest should be pulled out should be drawn up around the sialics as they grow- to give thm support When the kernels tho cob appear full of milk to It Is also a good practice to cultivate coll often around corn for ex pert growers claim that the crops corn and cabbage faster and better of cultivation is given Cabbage is the moat widely grown vegetables The cabbage plant requires- a supply of and yet if the cab bage soil Is too wet plant will bo Injured Cabbage does particu larly well on now land and some growers claim that the cabbage without an abundant supply of manure In the soil better than many other vegetables It Is considered a good practice for backyard garden ers to purchase plants which have been grown In hotbeds or hothouses and transplant them directly into the permanent bed This saves consid erable trouble It is when retting cabbage plants to set them fairly deep so that they will not be whipped about by the wind They may be sot eighteen Inches apart and there should bo quite a good deal of soil around the roots When they are ready to be set out a hole may be made a dibber or a sharpen ed stick The roots may be watered after they have been set One of the most important features of growing cabbage consists In the attention given to cultivation of the soil There may be some occasions when the head will split this may be stopped or prevented If the head Is taken in the hands and turned forcibly from to another The cauliflower Is treated in much the same way as cabbage plants being grown and sot out In the same manner outside They are treated practically the same as cabbage until it is noticed that a white flower has commenced to grow The dry leaves of the plant should bo brought together at tho top and tied with a piece of so theso little flowers are pro tected from the rays of the sun and the rain All cauliflower heads be treated In this manner when they are about two inches in diameter SPROUTS Brussels sprouts are perhaps the hardy of the family If It Im possible to secure sprouts plants a few seeds may he planted about at a depth of about one inch These should be transplanted to permanent bed about 15th of June They should bo set eighteen Inches In the row and two feet be tween the rows It Is well to teep the patch clean end the surface soil should be stirred frequently It unnecessary to trim off leaves as the plants grow In the garden SWISS CHARD Swiss chard can be grown easily from seed in rows twelve Inches apart the young plants being thinned to six or eight inches apart The advantage of this plant Is that the leaves may bo pulled off to the root and new leaves shoot up which may be consumed during the season The roots are used for and the stem of the as asparagus A few plants be for a email l a High Cash Prices FURS J Fletcher and Bank of J of every ptv a by appoint As toothsome as the name AUCTION lasting The third the Wrigley trio of refreshing confections Good for teeth breath appe tite digestion Chiron Violet Ray Three of kind Keep them In mind SEaew M MADE IN CANADA ON SALE WHEREVER CONFECTIONS SOLD Wild Lsomdm Church I Graduate University Royal Colleg hers of lift of in verity Hoik Office IMS lltf to to tho Country call up I PHONE GO Lot uo you In a BUGGY OR Prompt Service A Prop Calls on Phone 172 Promptly Attended to WATCH Mi A Quee Phone The plow is our hope declared Right Hon David Lloyd George the Prime Minister of Great Britain The tremendous significance of these words in the face of a world shortage of food must be a matter of concern to all It points out the path of duty to men and boys unable to enlist in the army but capable of helping to increase production Teacher Ha for Grcnhoi Complete is At the El NEW Call CUT Kept in St I Machinery I East NORTH AtJD I I he increase At this supreme hour when ample food production is one of indispensable means of victory the country faces a serious shortage of men and boys oA the farms Ibe Department of Agriculture emphasizes the urgency of every man and boy taking to heart this splendid opportunity for patriotic Service now to help in the war If you are the of and IS and have good term you secure promotion at school by for farm service April and May Parents arc urged to encourage their boys to for ana service The physical and moral of your hoy advanced by a Spent to Nature an will be awakened in an industry of the country that will be a to him fa his whole future Men oil I Latest Desli All Kinds and All of I 001 Ii HAN IT Phone St appeals to farmers to Iodine occupation retired to business men can sjMrcat least portion of their time to alt arrange their us to help some fanucr wau in vital to tulUt or service Confer with your District Representative the Department or it Ontario iluicau Queens Park TO K the timely i t Ontario Department of Agriculture TORONTO

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