r A Mount Alto I On Tuciday principal fea ture of was a There was a pro gram of music and a good Next week in nighl All cordially invito i 4 fcJKItVlCES Large congregations attended the Church Sun day Pastor preached an Easier ficrihon in morning and tho Choir rendered suitably llo The availing wholly gave a whorl history of several favorite hymn was in splen did form and was by Miss Mamie Love who rendered a beautiful solo Altogether it was a most delightful service The Pastor will continue his sermons on great War next Sunday evening his subject being franco is Fighting For The Mission Hand of the Meth odist hold a very pleas ant entertainment In the Church on Monday evening There was a good attendance and all excel- lent program was presented Proceeds about Mr J A Cody has finished cut ting his timber on tho Con of Wo believe the result of his winter operations was quite satisfactory see many farmers home new implements they are preparing to do all they Can lo increase the food supply Mr Last showed us an egg laid by a Minorca hen that measured inches by Next I V Xi USED SOFTENING WATER KG HARD AND SOFT SOAP FULL DIRECTIONS Wliil Mr and J P ard settled In their new home Miss Toronto vacation with hor Mr Sidney Motoring ami family moved to Toronto Inst week Mr Orders- family who have born on Urn arc belter Mr children arc a with fcraiidniothor An old oral respected resided pass ed away oil Monday In he person Mr Silas Travlss nicely and taking No doubt weeks later and after further training in went to the front in September of the same year He was wounded at the famous of on The action took place in the evening when the Canadians stormed look Gorman had to charge over open ground swept by everything that resource could bring to bear against them Mr was lilt by a shot in the left breast mis sile passing clear through his body passing out near the back several inches lower than whore it entered battle continued for a long lime and Mr lay whore be fell from the ev ening of the nth until the morn ing of nth ho was ros- and sent back to England as soon as conditions would permit After spending six months in hos pital he was able to return to Canada and while yet weak hopes soon lo be fully recovered y inches our if Mr John Graham one of residents passed away Wednesday after illness The Mr was a rgulai attendant at the Methodist Church and attended service on Sunday morning as us ual hut complained about not feeling well before he reached borne Medical aid was sum moned but he gradually sank until the end came on iiighl He was years of age and is survived by his widow who was Margaret McClintocfc of Lem- onville Deceased was born near Sharon ami when quite a young man commenced farming near Later he purchas ed a farm at on which he lived until he retired about years ago that time tie has lived in the home he pur chased on Main St Mount Albert He was a man of a retiring disposition and although life- long Conservative did not lake much part in public affairs The funeral was held in the Methodist Church on Friday afternoon and was well attended The pall bearers were Mosses Amos Lapp Geo Leek IJobt Hayes J French John Crone and John Smith He was laid to rest in Albert Cemetery PERSONAL Mr and Mrs re turned from a visit to their son Lome who is ill with pneumonia at Ottawa Latest re ports are that he is recovering slowly Jackson of the Era Newmarket Mr Brothers of Aurora were in town on urday Mrs Milton Mainprise has been suffering from blood poisoning ill her hand but is now recovering Mr Jerry of was in town on the funeral of his uncle the late Mr John Graham Mr Geo of Oxbridge moved into the Marr residence on Saturday We welcome Mr family lo our village Miss Blanche Keys of Toronto is spending her Faster holidays at the home hi her sister Mrs Miss Olive Hinsdale is spending a few days with friends in To ronto this week Messrs Robertson and Hamil ton of Newmarket are interview- prospective automobile cus tomers in Ibis locality Mr who has been sup plying the pulpit of the Presby terian Church is here now per manently for the summer Mr John Walton has been in poor health for a few days but is better again Mr has almost recov ered from his illness and hopes to resume bis duties shortly many friends will be pleased to see him in the Post Office again Mise Noble of Toronto vis iting at homo of Miss is spending Easter holidays with friends Toronto His many friends were sur prised and grieved at the com paratively sudden death Mr J Graham on Wednesday night of last week Though it was known that his recovery was impossible his death was not anticipated so soon He held the respect of all who knew him and great sympa thy is felt for his bereaved wife The funeral services took place on Friday afternoon at the Meth odist Church where he had been in attendance apparently in his usual health the preceding Sun day The children of the Mission Hand gave a very Con cert and Tea in the on Monday evening aud reflected great credit on their Sunt Mrs J Rowland Miss Row land was a most efficient leader on the organ Jul the marching music and from the Choir space for the different selections was very accurate After the program all repaired lo the for lea where again girls displayed their training by waiting on the tables in an order ly manner Itev Daniel Norman M A win give an address In the Methodist Church here on Wed subject Japan Ally and What it Means in the War Mr Norman as nearly all has a Missionary in Japan for several years and can with full knowledge of conditions there This address should be heard by not only those interested in Missions but by all interested in the War Will anyone ho is not Come and bring one or more with you Lieul Frank left on Thursday after being at home for last leave Pies Stokes and Percy- Croulch returned on Mon day Corp McCordick was here on Thursday to say goodbye was expected four battalions were to leave on the so all were flUrprisedvlo see by dailies on Fri day that the order was cancelled Indefinitely Mrs continues seri ously ill but at time of writing shows some slight improvement Mrs Arnold who has spent winter in Grey Co returned on Saturday night STRICT NORTH Maple syrup making is engaging the attention of a of oar farmers in the surrounding district The flow of sap has been very far Mr and Mrs of Queens vl He spent Easier at Mr J Proctors Mrs Cowjeson staying for a few days Mr has rented his farm on the 2nd Con to Mr Reefer The roads arc drying up unto are Quito pumorous Pretty cold winds for and those of Mr Some have old goose selling too Maple syrup scarce Mrs Hellion and children who have living here this winter left on Wednesday for their home In Sin The Methodist filled on Monday hear the Cantata en titled lo by Sut ton Choral Society and seem ed to the hinging and give Mr great praise as a lead er All those ladles who have been sick and were very kindly remembered by dutiful Easier each have ask ed have their thankfulness reach the Ladles Aid and bible also others were remembered with a beautiful bouquet of luTlps Moving time Is hero all right as one can scarcely look out and not sec something on the move Mr Lawrence Poster bus bought the homo of lie late Mi- Mali Ion and Is moving In Mr Robert has al so bought he cottage on Maple Aye and Is moving there and Miss Scott who hits joined the wedded army Is moving to Newmarket Tip sale of the household effects of the late Mrs was very largely attended hi spile of the extreme weather that day and everything sold well Oh Sunday night lo Mr and Mrs Willie Hill was born a little daughter Congratulations to Mr and Mrs A MacKenzle and Mr and Mrs VV Hill on their firtil grandchild Our usual number of Raster visitors were here and mostly all of our young who are doing for themselves elsewhere spent the holidays with thefr parents here Our principal of the school Allen is taking bis holidays with Ids parents at Fergus Wonder Is going to live hi that big house with that widower Our girls and maids are getting few Mrs J Flanagan Is visiting her grandmother Mrs at IJiirks Falls Mr Henry Wright has been under the Hes care but is now able be Mrs daugh ter ore visiting at her fathers In speaking of the April Fool Jokes and daughter Map returned Saturday Mrs wim baa beep lime we- are pleased to siy4 recovering- Herman McDonald of Aurora spent Sunday at Mrs Mrs spent few days lost Week with Sirs J has been visilfng friends in the oily for the past weeks returned Saturday evening Mr and Mrs Bell of To- are visiting with Mr Hell v Mrs M Moffat and family Cloy ed to on Wednesday to early lerai Prober button West Memorial Service for Copied from- North Battle ford Paper 8 mm i f In we our Province farmers treated it In 1017 seed grain In and it Just as had The one of the worst outbreaks of Smut in loss baa been estimated at VOUR FOR SHUT rim usually adopted as follows Mix one China I or f Wonder where the fellow en the fourth got the Miss Vickie Robinson of Newmarket was guest of Miss Olive Terry over the weekend Mr Waller Junes of Toronto vfslled friends In this vicinity on Sunday Wonder went over lie 3rd Sunday evening Whoa Wimp I That you Flo Have a ride We are pleased to bear thai Kay in end Huntley is Improving Miss Blanche Cunningham iQuecqsylllc was the guest of Pearl Draper on Sunday Thosli two young fellows from the fourth must gone astray on Sun day afternoon Quite a large attendance at Church Faster Sunday Mr of Toronto occupied the pulpit Mr of Miss mentioned In last weeks items- we might say thai the said Clarllc and should have madejta Utile less of a Joke for some who were old en ough to know better received cards arc requested on Friday He sure and come to the Methodist worth League Social the League are holding in the basement of the Metho dist Church on Friday evening the 13th at oclock Everyone wel come Those who have and bugs for the social to bring them with them Clad to welcome are teachers home again Miss Jessie Wright spent Faster at her home here Mrs and daughter Muriel are spending the week with Mrs W There was a large attendance at League last Sunday night Topic giv en by Doris Stepbeng Miss addressed the meeting of windy weather those days and cold along with it Mr Win Johnson look a busi ness trip lp Toronto week Mr Howard of is spending a few days with his parents here Our leading merchant Charles received a carload of high grade flour and feeds from Toronto on Monday Get your supply now as higher prices are expected Our Herbert is back again fiWn Toronto but he is on the ill list Messrs Johnson load ed hunch of live stock this week for Toronto comprising cars The Salaried bore in the Free Methodist Hall on Sunday morning and will continue every Sunday a pi of to oclock Preaching Don miss it The preaching on Sunday morn ing was well attended about being present and a good collec tion of over SO was taken up Sleeping Beauty A very impressive memorial service was held at St Pauls Church North on Sunday last lo commemorate mo death of Lieut o J 0 who recently fell on the battlefield In France The large num ber the service together with the fervour and solemnity attending the service throughout gave lolling testimony to respect In which de- held and showed that the of Battle ford fully elated the nature of the sacrifice made by our gallant- soldier at Front The local Masonic Lodge of which Lieut was member turned in a body wearing the of the order The members of the Governor Laird Chapter of the D were also represented as a body The service conducted by the Rev Langfeldt was of a most impressive character Suitable hymns Including a favorite of deceased hero were chos en and heartily Joined in by con gregation Just previous lo the ser mon Post was sounded which brought Into the service suggestion of military honors This was more forcibly manifested by presence of a large number of officers and men in khaki who were present to pay respect to his memory The preached a most elo quent and appropriate sermon clearly showing that the value of life was lo be measured by the to human ity being rendered by he Individual He raised the question which has been the problem of all ages past and present is life worth living claiming thai could be replied lo in the affirmative only when the Individ ual had a strong christian hope for the future and an ambition to make his life useful to his fellow men He claimed that a life even though cut off In its prime and in the full strength of manhood was better spent if it had accomplished a definite purpose ban the life that- lingered for many years but which was selfish and purpose less He sounded a clarion call to the young men to take the place of our fallen heroes and determine that their service shall not be made In vain The lime Is coming he said when some of these men will come back to us and shame even some of the men who arc prominent in our churches Men whose morals possibly we did not lipid in high esteem bill who when Urn time of test came acquitted themselves like men and are now facing the terrors of hell to be to their sense of diiiy Lieut was wellknown in the neighborhood of with gallon of water or pall of water grain to be treated In a heap on clean canvass or floor Sprinkle solution over then shovel this until formalin In solution Is sufficient to sprinkle thirty or forty grain smaller amounts in proportion Immersing tin- grain sometimes practiced and Is equally effective Those requiring further Information apply to by the solution then covor with Backing or four hours At the end of this time spread the grain shovelling It over three or four times will hasten the drying Cody a coed pure today a in bushel a Sill Minister of Agriculture Toronto J Newmarkets DEL- VILLAGE FARM has been developed by the same company 1 Cranking Lighting and Ignition for aiitoiqomhllrs the world At last it thoroughly practical efficient and plant for Suburban and country homes it combines in one engine and dynamo for generating and this with designed highly efficient batteries constitutes the entire HclcorLIght has a capacity of 10 to tights and will for small machines such as churn washing machine vacuum il sewing machine and so forth It Is so simple hat child can operate it starts switch and stops automatically when batteries are trouble proof it h run of I ready to run Is nearest nail way Station WHITE ran PR0DU0Y8 on Albert P also her in We would advise all farmers who have Harness to be repaired to bring It as soon as possible Never before have we been so busy at ibis time of the year Collars faced with real deer hair made as good as new Harness made to order- Finest workmanship and classy In appearance J The Reliable Queensville The April meeting of the M Society wilt be held at the home of Mrs If Huntley on Thursday after noon at P Mi promises to be a particularly Interesting meeling as there will be a remnant shower of flannelette gingham or serge suitable to make garments for the boys and girls in the School and Home at Tiieim Manitoba The program will be Ihc Watch Tower and Mrs Wright will give a- paper on Missionary Work at borne Solo by Miss Edith At kinson All ladies made welcome The Sutton Choral Society gave the Sacred Cantata Olivet to Calvary In the Methodist Church on Monday even ing There was a large attendance and the program was very much appreciat ed Mr ladies and the class arc lo be congratulated on their excellent renderings of the different parls The Maple Syrup is ready and the pancakes as everyone knows Ike Ladles Aid In the Presby terian Church can make will be ready to serve on Tuesday evening et oclock when tea will be served and a social lime spent in the S Hall Come all and have a pan cake liVOl re- liu almost two ftt is much weeks rest Mr b He the From Hie premises of the under lot Con a Cordon Seller bitch withbUok tips to hair Reward tor her Lauding following spent Easter in Town Messrs Joe and West of Toronto Mr of and Mrs ProsBer and sons and of Toronto Miss who has her sister I the city fitoaV- I yowibos 1-Mr- is a few the city with father Mo ape vis- the city this Orchard Beach Some of the Toronto people were up on Good Friday see how their eotlages had wintered Among those who remained until Sunday were Mr Hunt and the two Bradford boys and Harold Wilson one of Mr Yates tenants was here on Sunday The channel at the Point Is open but the ice still has possession of the bay However there arc signs of the Ice breaking up soon Mr Arthur Cilroy and family are out again after being for five or six weeks with scarlet fever Mr Hamilton who purchased Ihe McCordick farm is making prepara tions to erect a new bam Rev Addison Is the first sum mer cottager lo arrive this season He came on Wednesday and is painting the cottage people had their first glimpse of an aeroplane from Camp when one of ho big bird machines came as far as the west end of the town and was in sight for about fifteen minutes A dozen or more of these machines are now in operation at Camp Borden and it is expected that we will have many glimpses of I hem across Lake Simcoe during the six months School Reports Mount Pleasant School No 15 N Q Report for March IV Not graded Ruth zlc York Harris Wight Joe Johnston 260 Cora Marshall Tom Stevens Everett West Jack Stiles not graded Marshall Jean Hamilton Delia Hopkins Warren Sedore 225 Thompson 172 Wight not graded Jr Stephens Clif ford Allan York Nora Mahoney Lulha Thompson 170 I Irene McMillan Wilfred Wight Verua Pearson 317 Fred Blizzard Ada Blizzard Lome Mahoney Mildred Abbs Jr Fred Everett King Lloyd Stephen Delia Mas Stiles VeUna Bos- worth Alice Annie Copp er Freeman Promotion I to Jr Irene MoMUUo honours Wilfred Wight hop Fred Mildred Abba Lome and Ada recommended The pupils of the Sohool sent a box to Stephens Mitt of their to he To Be Repeated Tho Cood Friday sacred concert giv en by the Sutton Choral Society was a distinct success the Town Hall being well filled in spite of the disagreeable evening that deterred many people very one seems to have been pleased with the concert As a number of our friends who bad bought tickets were unable lo attend also many others who were not present now wish to hear the concert the committee have decided to repeat the program on Wed nesday evening April in the Town Hall at Sutton All unused tick ets of the previous concert will be honored on April 18 Dont miss it This is biggest thing in the musical line thai has been given in Sutton The proceeds go to the Bed Cross work Mr Will Percy left for Sask on Wednesday last after a few weeks visit his home Miss Maude and Miss Flossie McLaughlin are spending their Easter vacation home Mrs Carl Morton and baby are spending a few weeks with Mrs Mortons parents Dr and Mrs Mr Stodgill our grocer is the latest victim of the automobile fad He has a beautiful new Ford Miss Edna Clarke and Miss Labracio were the guests of the Misses over Easter Mr Jul and Mr Simpson of Toronto spent over the holiday at Jacksons Point Listen Think Before You Leap The Bargain I how offer viz Soldiers Boots all repaired in K condition for you farmers and tradesmen I just rrrtj a shipment last week They are going out like hot cakes for a pair I also have numerous other grades of Cheap Also ii I now tin Peas and Corn 2 Tins for Choice Cooking Pigs lbs for26o Eddys pliant Parlor Matches Reg Co Now Be Col Clour Bran Middlings Oats Whole and Cracked Corn kept in stock when it can possibly be procured expect a of above on April 1st bo come along and be supplied DONT DELAY WORM I Butter Eggs and Fowl In I Prices I I Phono General Store HILL Mr Oliver former manager of the Hank of Nova Scotia spent Easter in Town Mr and Mr- J Aylmer Lake and little Hose Una were the guests of Mrs Sturtridge over Messrs Jas Bailey Harry and Basil Cross spent Easter In Town Mi Miss Maude Friday at her home On Sunday April 1Mb be held at St Georges Shore at 11 a raid la U church Sutton at c- Moxon of will officiate I our I LIz- 181 IS WHO FROM TIME TO TIME I AVE REQUIRING INVESTMENT MAY PURCHASE multiple 3 I Ay lit April lit by of In Ij5 of ftv annum front each J- el of li3 iii J I It eft- r of than mi lues or Vrt U of ar for only A f of to and took on id of for Ml on- am Mam Red of den t I Your Frit thing except LET Phone the liUErJiriG i it l Into 3rd to i Toronto I Our ftec THE TO Sol doner for Will be in Tuesday Balurday and pay evenings Groin Office Phono for J J Private funds I nan to I lowing poll tinaaaml of Pull inform literature I DjP it J It hone At a i from the Up mil a