Oilly Wives Si la great pleasure that J tell you of wonderful hvo received from inking Frull-a- For ycrja I ft dreadful from Constipation and find I miserable every way to help mo Thou I finally tried and ttjiii After tAkinjf box I feel perron to have relief from sickening Headaches trial 2oo At dealers or cent by Limited Ottawa Top I I Building hols and Apply lo vyiddlfiotd pen in finish bight Fur- etc Terms arranged if Apply BOX Aurora Out von That house and Sharon known as Mansion House Tor particulars apply Mrs Hew lett Sharon or to her solicitor Newmarket BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Ay Aurora Police Court Police Magistrate sentenced to two Imprison ment for desertion Grif fith wan in Toronto at Urnrequest of County Police Death cuiiio wljh tlie homo of Mr and J mi Sunday taking their earold ami youngest Irene The girl was in good health until lhursduy when who suddenly ill Dales and pronounced the trouble appendicitis and advised her immediate removal to the Hospital for Sick Children Whore she was operated on every thing possible done to nave her life but to no avail The body was brought homo on Monday and buried in Cemetery on Tuesday afternoon The sympathy of whole community goes out to the bereaved family Tribune years po have compiled staU bad t up wAs thai prove thai cam oukt not and The I had of I cotifdect who does not In it ww fiaina to me I almost Riven up I thought I never be any better and traa to and rather than of mo of Dr and I decided to them My mo of Favorite Fro- had riot taken it long until felt In di than out of bed and in than I have ever fiiricb ull married andhavo children They have ukdit healthy fo their children I am cure it all on account my bavins the medicine Ink hfia never ad vertised right The failure to produce result Is not chargeable against but against the manner in it is done is the modern positive and potent a force that has produced two blades of but one grown before ft is the flowering of industrial It is the married unfair of right dealing the of the mail is frankness Canadian I keep all of Dr rocdieincq hi Have lion Golden Medical Discovery and anything prepared by Dr Pierce In I a copy Common Medical Adviser I have 20 it bra very to J War 232 Ontario St fiaroia you a if your daughter mother need help Dr I j business man sidling in Agricultural riientn Dairy or Farm Darn wanted to handle and Install modern filling and equipment of inanu- Ann in Ontario Write for particulars to iTumu a Adelaide Toronto IrtlUIT PLANTS We have established a betting reputation for fair and square dealing dud art- now prepared existing conditions by offering our high grade trees ami plants direct to ROCK BOTTOM delay planting frail trees ami plants as there Is nothing pays hotter Semi for our Illustrated of Hardy varieties which you can order direct and get benefit of com- Our prices will be sure to Interest Tim CO LTD I Colborno Representative Wanted at once for Newmarket and District for CANADAS Spring 19 1 Planting List now ready Splendid of Hardy Canadian Grown Fruit and Ornamental slock including ST i And Many Other Leaders llluetrutcd on now time Liberal Proposition Stone Wellington The Mailed too I ale for Last Week woodbecs and wed dings our village will bo a busy place for the next few weeks to report Miss Mary Drown on sick list The Red Cross Conceit in the Town last Wednesday night was a great success young people who took part deserve very great Little Verna held the lucky number for tin quilt The young people of the village gave a Concert at Holt on Tues day evening in aid of the lied Cross Miss Myrtle Lapp of Ml Albert was the guest of Miss Ada Crone last Week Mr French of Michigan visited at Mr J Kileloys a couple of days last week Miss Merle Shropshire and brother of Toronto spent Sunday under the parental roof Miss Clara Tale is spending a few days with friends at Holland Landing Miss Wells of Grand Mich was the guest of Mrs It Shaw last week Our Band boys played at Aurora Mink last Thursday night The Monthly Mission Circle met at the home of Mrs Alan Shaw last Thursday afternoon A very pretty wedding took place at the home of the bride on Wednesday afternoon when Miss Ida Weddel daughter of the late became united in the bonds of matrimony to Mr Nor limn Eves son of the late Alex lives of Kemp of Queensville per formed the ceremony in the pres ence of some iu Among hose from a distance were Mr Wedded and daughter from The bride was the recipient of many tokens of regard and the happy couple have the well wishes of many friends The groom has the Farm mile north of Quecnsvillo where they will commence housekeeping t0 School Reports Second Flora Williams Bruce Morton Evelyn Young Ross Watson Daisy Geo mil Jr Second Morton Mary Hill Flossy Wright First Class Elsie Huntley Marion Willie Dollar Hoy Bain Primer Mabel Helen Flanagan Frank Bain Terry Ella Young Frank Watson Jr Primer- Violet Horner Joe Morton Harry Martin Lambert to limed or form from any dealer today Than Dr Pierce Hotel liufffllo N and get confidential rdvico entirely free A moat valuable book In any homo Dr Common Medical Adviser A volume engravings and colored A copy will bo cent to anyone sending fifty cento in to pny coot of wrap ping and mailing only to Dr Pierces Pleasant original liver Cat put For the Kra OMDEO Write or iuund phono J It- i I Toronto c8vD2 flohool For the Month of February V Class Marks Possible Lena Lu lu 1050 Fox Fox Fife Dove J Davis Class Marks Possible Fox Dove 1 P Campbell Class Marks Possible The suit brought by Mrs Jo seph against the Great North West Telegraph Co for damages for the death of her husband lias been settled for 2600 The Indemnity Co will contribute to the amount agreed upon Mr was a Telegraph lineman and was killed last fall in by com ing in contact an electric current while at work to litj well and bowels regular by the timely aid of J J 182 Jr Lewis ft2t Mount 010 Class Marks Possible son A Fox Gladys Hur ling Dove D Wood Mount Burling 720 J Davis Tattoo Hunt 483 Hunt 433 T Hurling Class Marks Possible fl Gertie Hurling I Class Marks Possible 700 D Oil Mount T Tattoo 305 Hurling 310 Warren Primer No of stars Hunt A Hurling Rain WJiain Those whose names are follow ed by an have been absent sev eral days in the month F Teacher Waller of lied liis leg lbs ladder lie idinildng flHp- caused him to fall to Family A number of friends met at the home of Mr John Cherry King on Monday evening to bid goodbye and members Of his estimable family prior to their removal to the West where they have decided to make their borne During the evening the following address was read To Mr John Cherry and Family Dear It is wilh pro found regret that wo have learned of your early departure from midst for the far North West You have all spent your lives in Ibis community and your many amiable qualities have won for you Hie respect and esteem of a wide circle of friends as ii evi denced by the large number as sembled here this evening In limes of rouble we have always found you sympathetic neighbors and not only sympathetic but al ways willing to do your fair share in the alleviation of suffering Your many kindnesses shown to us will not soon fade from our memories On the eve of your departure Iho people of this com munity felt that they could not allow this opportunity to of spending a few social hours in your hospitable borne We re alize that is not easy for you to sever your connection from the community in which you have liv ed for so many years We can assure you bat it is not easy for us say goodbye However we wish you to understand that in every home represented here to night bat you will the hanging outside when ever any of you return to pay a visit in our midst We have fell that we would be neglecting our duty tonight should we fall lo remember you in some tangible way We there fore bog of you Mr Cherry to accept this chair as a slight to ken of our esteem And we trust that during the long evenings as you rest yourself in this chair that your thoughts may be turn eastward your former home We ask Mrs Lome Ellison and Miss Cherry to accept these pieces of cut glass it is tilting at this juncture extend our best wishes to the bride and groom of the hour We are glad know that Mrs Ellison will Still con tinue to be among us We wish you both much joy on the voyage over be sea of matrimony We are not divulging a secret when we extend our good will to Miss as she too enters the realm of matrimonial bliss We congratulate tun young man who has been so fortunate to win hand of another of fair ladies In conclusion wish you and your family all the blessings that this world can afford and may yon long be spared is the earnest wish of all assembled here Signed on behalf of the com munity Samuel A Davis Forest William Smith John of line An Ontario Minister the other day borrowed from Military Hospitals Commission a sot lantern Thoso slides show what goes on at the hospitals and That is they show something of our injured sol diers are being restored to health and to power for selfsupport may be The minister exhibited the slides at three country churches under bis charge In turning the sot he writes My recording steward who is also the postmaster and chairman of the local recruiting league says they should bo shown in ev ery community They meet the unrest in many families who feared that the maimed who re turn will be forced to sell lead pencils or such like What should have done was ask for them for a longer period and put them on in every available church in this district A man with a well prepared lec ture and a few local slides could render a valuable service to the country both in allaying the un rest above referred lo and in re moving Hie prejudice in some families from which recruits ma ho secured The slides explanatory notes may be borrowed by minis ters and other responsible per sons free of charge Applica tion should be made to the Mili tary Hospitals Commission Vitloria Street Ottawa 0 nova Somewhere in France Feb 3rd Dear Editor and Headers We the undersigned now take the pleasure of letting you know how the Transport or rather Mule Drivers are get- ling on which belong to the old Hungry Dozen Wo living in dugouts and I must say have lots of com pany such us rats and grey- backs Nearly every morning wc get out the whistling Willies are busy near us which makes us hike for our dugouts vVe have been issued with sled helmets which we have lo wear for protection re bursting shells and we also use them for washing in when get a chance lo wash P just told me he had not washed for 10 days but be is clean compared with and more of us Some of us young fellows at a young age look like men about by our whiskers as we have not had a shave for about weeks When A M went lo put on bis boot this morning there was a big rat sitting in it eating hit iron rations which it had stolen out of his haversack There is a small town close by badly shelled where wo some- limes meet some of our old friends from No Construction hut I am sorry lo say there isnt much hard here only the rum we get issued We have ft bit of hard times once in a while but we are always happy as if we were at home I will close letter for now as F E It has gone for the lyHeef and HardTack and J is gelling the coffee ready so wo will have our lunch before we j go lo bed Heres wishing you all I health wealth and happiness From your sincere Newmarket boys Sapper IL J Sapper P Sapper A Sapper J Sapper it sO Tim lost four valuable cat tle last week Part of a straw- stack fell on them and they were smothered J mm iUib I SUE Oil1 La lo if dot Viced Itiiui I tit of made m grade danger cluing no A in original or Re frith Swzstcn it J So i3 when you buy Sugarllagiiung Co Limited Montreal At Sell lame Q PRIZES Free at Free Poultry Courccs Ontario Agriculture College Cook Books end Over prizes in all will be offered in breadmaking contests which will be held this fall at over rural school fairs taking place in Ontario It will be a great event at the fairs and will stimulate interest in breadmaking among young girls between the ages of and years it in the contest at the fair according to the conditions I more fully tod the folder we will send you on request The loaf must be bated with Here is a wonderful Opportunity for your daughter lo win for herself a Free Course in Domestic Science at the famous Institute Guelph All hag to do to bake one double loaf of bread and enter the hard wheat flour guaranteed for bread This is a splendid flour which makes the biggest bulging loaves whitest lightest and bread you ever baked Is this not a splendid opportunity to your daughters Here arc the Splendid Prizes ff most wholesome in jlib Cram the West Hour- tech Provincial Prizes lit If iK I lie u Is full article for yMnj full from cover to titty month In VftlucJ2OT per year for I year My to of all per year Prize fl to My VfJuc 125 When exceed tea ft prize will he lo of MtriM twenty the judges at the fair wDI cation f and flth to The Utile Tills is a wonderful little iucd every month in Jfagbcd Hi t with Information and etc nil The winner of at the tub ccmptlitorft for the The doable leaf to the in container provided Hie done by A of the of Flow Ylc winter of attach local fair compete for Provincial piurt The first and aecond or third fourth ill not be in one county lit Short Science Icitttutt Gudplr The dot cot tccept under the if the winner a certificate her to lake the course the the of rouse pay foe and The moot at Hall while course She fa DneUic Science at Prize- fihert Course In Poultry at Girls taking do rot live at the good houses be for Ihetn in Value of payt la feci are foe lh Short Course weeks in Poultry a ting the Ontario CoUeje to Tie by Fan nit latent There ere 2117 etc much i 1 J of the Contest may compete t tje rural he not the attend provi that try 1ay occurs before doe lint occur before Nov I loaf of must be in pan about and Inches deep divided twin that they he the fair The mutt be with Cream of lie One will I- at the fair- The half Cm loaf Agricultural College Guelph to compete hi the Proviiil Content The content at the fair be conducted under the rolci al the other regular contests at your fain The will be judged will be ai of a Color tit Texture of cms of loaf Tcilure of Crumb Color 3- a Taste lb it I ark marts marks Smirks marls that actually baled entered la The forms will be provided at the of the fair The of the final Not more than one may be made by ana cot more than one l be awarded to the family a the at the fair will he made in tbeualwayaInlhecjLieofftllUiecihefieIa contests The Provincial rejlli Kill be the of the Rural Fairs in the Do Not Great Opporlunity gjg 3 years ftbould compete a splendid way intdet In Get a supply of Cream of the Weil Flour at dealers and it as often as to the cliaree of your cannot it to Krite to the Campbell Hills Co Ltd aad they promptly you the pJce to it Each loaf must acoJipanid by the part of the bag the face of the Old important and an entry win must be Limned by llie girl and parents or date of birth PO address- name of dealer from of the West Flour was purchased The form will No Cpuipelitiouf Counties Named Below The is open to parts of proirce where School Fairs ore held except the districts Thunder Bay of the ichXf faL re he in this sull is open School Fairs ore held except the district of Rainy River Thee districts are only parts by the of not be a enure- There no of the Department of in the Counts of Huron or Lincoln and no rural held lhe by the Agriculture We regret therefore ifcal the cannot include Counties If you cannot get Cream the West Flour la write for Campbell Flour Mills Co Limited West Toronto 1 of by IV Hamilton ton iMitji Fill MMnl We fct- MM Wo must not make the mistake of supposing that tho war is over yet The evidence all goes prove that have a very great deal lo do before the end that will stability comes not for conquest Jmt in order to establish the principles of justice fidelity lo promises For this end we need to secure ail undoubted decision in the Held Our leaders thought over the whole situation find are clear Ibal we ob tain lasUnK peace without vic tory For victory we need men and if Canada is to do her full arc bis County must lake part Tin men the at a great strain and en dangers We arc poking to those who am left in Canada come to support and sea through must not of the Motherland we must not leave a great like ours to fail at Jack of support Irian face duty of A movement is on foot to settle in Saskatchewan and Al berta Scandinavians part ly from Illinois Iowa the arid Minnesota and after the war from Sweden and Norway Edmonton March Nearly a million acres of Government land were settled on in the Province of Alberta last year according to the annual report of the Department of Agriculture tabled in the House shows that prosperity in Can ada has awakened great interest jn the United States and many enquiries arc coming from there daily Five thousand and seven tyfour homesteads patents in the province last year were issued There are at Camp over workmen preparing the grounds for the Royal Flying Corps More workmen are be ing taken up daily By April Hying will start The great area between rifle ranges and the ceremonial area is being clear ed of every stump and is being levelled and seeded Preparations for the flying corps are tre mendous and transformation of the area of the old 198th Bat talion lines and the largo area beyond the stadium is going on with prodigious speed lixlUInu war conditions that you of attention of high germination power will Influencing the If you not your Ontario Department of Agriculture Help You i for J to this varlotUa Farmers liavlun Seed Grain ofPotatoos for also to comniunloMo with office tatlng end ind will to put them In farmers tcd for Wills to of J J f Ass mm 11 AC ii- HI r i6i DUO AUTO Re W an ev mi in I Order 1 m boo jVi1 MJVvs vB