lite silt tfOfiMMMmHRM N For two in family Apply to P 2wfl Family of two No cooking Apply to Mih Ave- becomes a in Province Ii If J j For alc at Homo Enquire of A ncW or General Servant and a Maid Good wagon Central Apply Allan Adams Jar- vim To fob r Ktvo Brood to farrow in Word cornea from Government decided to prohibit the from Canada until an other crop its grown Official cir cles are acting accordingly The despatch says seriousness of the situation suggests somo decided action April to lot Apply ot IK Armstrong Newmarket P I wo I F l 1 i ft FOB OR TO riKWTi 1 am to receive offers to purchase or North of Newmarket terms to soil Address SEAMAN Oven Hound Hemlock Lumber Sawdust Hard and Soft Wood Slabs fend Top Wood hi to suit purchasers This material is oil ho corner of the Town and ol King Orders deliv ered in required A Newmarket J 0 WANTED General Must be Good Plain Cook Good Wages paid to competent girl Apply to Mrs J vcy Ave AUCTION Farm Slock Cattle and Implements Etc the property of the Sisters of St Jo- will be sold Auc tion at Lot Con On Friday 161V TermsSeed Fowl and all sums of and under Cash over amount credit on Approved Joint Notes Sale at oclock J A press despatch from dated March states gi gantic development will take place in the Viking field six million feet of well wore encountered recently A com pany intends to sink twonty pro ducing wells the ultimate intention of supplying Edmonton and other northern cities and towns with natural gas for do mestic and power purposes Astonishing plot to make war oh United States Teutons urge Mexico to Join the Alliance and wrest New Mexico Texas and Arizona from the Union Documents to in hands of American Gov ernment broke with Now credence to reports of Sub Bases in Gulf of Mexico virtually an act of war against United Slates People are won dering why President keeping thin so q A motion introduced in the On tario Legislature this for civil service reform was the subject of an interesting dis cussion Mr fathered the motion which called for the appointment of a Civil Service Commission to take control of all appointments and banish the present patronage system Dur ing his speech Mr gave statistics showing how mar vellously the civil service had in creasedan increase not justified the labor involved but largely arising from party exigencies The motion was voted down usual Bo sure to ho there Bowing and knitting every Fri day afternoon everybody wel come AH returns from Concert are not in yet Full statement next week Not proceeds- consid erably over the 100 ladles the presented Miss with a beautiful and also entertained the Orchestra to supper Tho ladies are deeply indebted to all for tho splendid success of Concert friend Mary of fr weekcnl attended the Toronto I of Two hundred Fifty Dusliels Old Oats Dodge One hundred ftnd Fifty Bushel of new Oats Sheffield Standard For prices write or phone Newmarket Jut v IVIDDIFIELO Notary Commis sioner for Affidavits etc Will he In Office all day Tuesday Wednesday Friday and Saturday and on Monday and Thurs day evenings from to Office Ground Floor New McCaulcy Block Opposite Post Officii Office Phone No Solicitor for imperial Bank of Canada J M Walton Co Aurora Private funds to loan on First Mortgage Probating Wills and work a specially Limited amount of and Seed Potatoes for sale Ap ply to ANGUS CAMPBELL 3ml Vivian A number of Canadians dur ing past week received dfs- honors overseas for daring efforts Here is deep in- to telephone people The Mail and of Tuesday says Listening to telephone conver sations on party lines is going to be an unprofitable amusement in the future lion I Lucas in troduced in the Legislature yes terday amendments to be Ontario Telephone Act that will put a pen ally upon such offences The At torneyGeneral stated that for the present the would be placed upon those who listened to conversation not intended for them and repeated it Tho pro vision is also made to cover tel ephone operators who repeal heard over the line The bill introduced provides for an important arrangement between Dominion and province in respect telephone connections G Mr living near lose ten valuable sheep They were so badly in jured by dogs that it was neces sary to kill them loss is valued at 2750 for each sheep Paris March The torpedo des troyer Casein of the Mediterranean patrol service was torpedoed by a submarine on Feb According to Hie official announcement the vessel sank in two minutes the powder magazine having exploded and captain six other officers and of the perished President Wilson had one of the grandest opportunities ever offered to statesman He fail ed to seize it Ho has allowed all the best elements in tho great nation oyer whose fortunes he temporarily presides lo ho expos ed to thai for which no material gain can compensate a loss of selfrespect says the Spring field Republican A fine of was suggested William Meredith Instead of Imprisonment of P J Manager of To ronto Street Hallway Co for fail ing lo comply will the judgment of the court in January but judgment was Shortly after midnight fire broke out in Store ok Street and did consider able damage is of un known origin ft is estimated that he heavy snowfall the beginning of this week cost the to re move but it proved a help to the laboring classes At the last meeting of City Council grants to the amount of were voted for military and other purposes A man and wife had a quarrel on Monday when wife threw a leacup which hit her husband in the throat and so bad ly that he had lo bo taken to the Hospital Tour persons two from Toron to Were badly hurt and passengers sustained slight cuts and bruises Tuesday after noon when the last four coaches of the J P 11 leaving Toronto at noon wero derailed near Trenton and turned turtle over a 25foot bhnkmcnl rolling Into a gravel pit Mr Spenee the great Temperance worker died on Wednesday John ftluir first secretary of the Toronto and York Patriotic Fund passed away on Tuesday member for East York in the and Secretary of the Good Heads Association it is reported will be appointed Min ister of Agriculture for this Province The question of Church Union which was to have been taken up on Tuesday last by the Toronto Presbytery has been post poned till the April meeting Chambers Jail Governor is pensioned but the Opposition whacked the Government for do ing so The Council also kicked 215000 will be the Hoard of Education pay roll for the cur rent year Toronto and York General Ses sions opened on Tuesday Judge Coalsworlh presided and made charge to Grand Jury There cases on lho docket for trial canoes rowboats and mixed craft were totally destroyed a fire which wiped out the entire stock and on the west shore of the between the highway bridge and the railroad bridge early Wed nesday morning The fire jump ed across to Tiros boat- house and damaged thai build ing and its stock of over boats to the extent of Presbytery iu Toronto this also the Temperance Convention Mr and of Toronto were weekend guests at- Mr Allan A P Addison and are to at a Sunday School in Tuesday Mra underwent a success ful opcraUon at Toronto on Wednesday for appendicitis and Is do- J nfccly Mrs Dr and son of Toronto arc visiting her mother Mrs J Wlddffleldrwho Is improving yMr Hugh who has been spending the winter at Khnlra was the guest of Miss couple of days this week on his way home to Co in the Liberal He was reeve of Georgetown from to ahdwas Appointed Warden of Helton in Victims for the week ending March 4 numbered ships Of the vessels sunk by or mine cull- mated loss is under thirlyflvo sand tons or an average of five thousand tons per day Twelve vessels successfully fought off the enemy During the week about five thousand vessels of alt nationalities arrived at or tailed from British porta p I mm v This for specialising and Flour is one of the needed necessities of life that require the closest attention Wehavo wo some of the best brands that can procured in Flour Our is one that will give you satisfaction Good Luck is a blended Flour tbtit is suitable cither for Pastry or Bread a general Family Flour These manufactured by Collingwood Milling Co We have also old brand for Bread only which cannot bo beaten any of you will IB K J J WE World Mr relumed last week frem a visit with Newmarket and Toronto friends He expects to leave for his Home In foremost about the middle of the month Mrs Nichols of Kincardine has been spending the past three weeks with friends lit Town and vi cinity She formerly resided on Hie of and her maid en name was Miss Stephens Mrs Skinner and three children are here from Mitchell on account of her fathers We are pleased lo say thai Mr K Cane appears to he Improving though very slowly Bert Cane Is mi hero from London Furniture Undertaking House You can buy your Furniture Cheap for Cash EMBALMING A SPECIALTY We carry a largo line of Canned Fresh and Smoked lidi we will have through the Lenten Season PK If Now is the lime to make your Marmalade We you with all the essentials for it For Good Oranges lo can furniah j to at Phoriea and This is a Department that is growing in favor every day Once you get a lasle our Candy you will want more DEW Ding Iff Richmond lin Mr and Mrs of Newmarket spent Sunday with Mr Mrs Mc- Mr w VVIloy a few hours here on his way to visit his wife who has been III in a rest in Toronto The 57lh Anniversary of the Wed ding of Mr and Mrs Eves of Queen Street Past took place 0 Sunday and had a num ber of the at home The day they were married in Newmarket the roads were dry and dusty Inspector MacKuy of Toronto was to make an official visit to the Industrial School last night The at tendance is keeping up remarkably well and- the pupils are delimited Willi their work There Is every pos sibility that there will he a larger class next season Gradlo At Ave Bedford Park to Corporal and Mrs W T Jasper No formerly of the a son William Ol iver both doing well Newmarket on March 2nd Mr and Mrs J a son Altar On Feb at Olen Grove North Toronto by the Back Thelma Link eldest daughter of Mr las Link of Bel haven to Ross son of Mr John Folk- of Newmarket At the borne of the bride on Feb by the Kemp Mr Eves son of the iato of Bast to MIssXda daugh ter of the late David of Sharon a PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes 1 Mirsn MAIN STREET for and Photo Weekly OFFICE House Phono No Store Phone No i Aurora Banner Mrs A Fair- child a a Newmarket will preside at the piano in the Methodist Church next Sunday evening By request she will render two sacred piano mention of which are made below Both of the numbers arc difficult in the extreme bill under the skilled touch of Mrs they will he found a real treat rarely afforded an Aurora audience It is with great pleasure that we learn of the success of our young friend Dr Hoy son of Mr Hurry of Newmarket Since graduating at Medical College he lias been employed at the General Hospital In Toronto but a few days ago he left for the Yukon to lake the practice for a time of Dr Thompson M P at Dawson City In addition to this Dr Glance lias receiv ed the appointment of Physician for the Cold Mining Co as well as Medical Health Officer of the Yukon Territory We Dr upon his good fortune and wish him every success He has climbed the ladder in of many difficulties and we hope now that he may be well rewarded iuoii 4 ttiral Ik if VIA Will NEWMARKET Prom 10dt to pm Urn A I MOiklMO In Hall at IXvciybcdy Invited I Bad I Will now until told Ilvo hot ton tCa dollvciid killed ItitLY if- YOU FILLED The following letter is from Pie Ernest Johnston of King who with tho 3rd Rat Regiment to go Overseas Ho is a nephew of Mrs Albert Rogers on St Newmarket on Sea Essex My Dear Mother I am quite well and am hav ing my pass now I am spending it near London and slaying with some friends to whom one of my officers sent me last year have been enquiring round for Father but am not quite sure where ho is now We are having a rather hard lime of it at the front but I am bettor off than most as lam in the Transport Wo arc pretty well fed as wo gel Bread and Tea for Breakfast Stew for Dinner and Cheese Butter Bread am and Tea for Supper arn much fatter than when you last saw me I have earned a good conduct wont lake it as I am afraid it might lead my being made a Corporal and hat would mean leaving the Transport All the boys get on well together and we able lo spend our evenings at A room where wo have singing games etc It makes all the dif ference having places to go to We have great times killing rats some of which arc as big as kittens In some places there are such a lot of them running across the road Hint they quite startle the horses I am to Canada again soon when Peace is declared and I shant be in a hurry lo leave it With dearest love to yourself and brothers and sisters from Your faying son Johnston IMS NAME BLR Cor CITY Will Scon Washington Mar Jerusa lem the ancient capital of Pales- line may soon be in the hands of Hie British as well as Bagdad according lo despatches received here today These reports say tho advance guards of the British troops advancing through Pales- line from are within forty miles of the One despatch had them at III Chain which is in the mountains of southern Pal estine and about twenty nitres from Jerusalem allied troops are now invading Asia Minor from three sides one Brit ish force advancing into Palestine from another operating in the Tigris Valley While the Rus sians arc fighting on the Persian front is believed here that if the British succeed in taking the American refugees there numbering over a thou sand will choose to remain In stead of attempting to proceed to Beirut to secure transportation to they had planned The British capture of city would also open a now route out of Turkey for the Americans who wished to return to the United in any event iy fid i lor of who control the guests la bis liwii On Feb J Sarah Ann Pearl daughter of Mr- John Cherry of to Ed ward son of Mr Ellison of On Pel at the Par- Aurora by Rev Thomas Scott Miss of King City to Mr Edward of King Township On Thursday March I by Rev A I assisted by Rev Or Gray uncle of the bride at the resi dence of the brides mother Dawes road Toronto Susie daughter of the late and Mrs Elliott to J William of King At the Manse on March by Rev If Thomas Leslie Rose of North to Miss Alma daugh ter or Mr and Hugh Milne of Aurora formerly of Newmarket on March 2nd ion beloved wife of Mr J Cane In her year On March at the residence of her sister Mrs Jane Toronto Miss Ann in her year interred at Aurora Cemetery on Tuesday At Toronto General Hospi tal Sadie A dearly beloved wife of Ken neth A Maclver and daugh ter of Mr late of King In her year for for OvcrallOa Aesorlcd and Ladled for In and Volvcti for 27 i of Ladies Lcdlcs to foi Icrfolk to foi U ill ULlii Couth of to jo to Country At the family residence near on March 3rd Frederick OBrien eldest son of the late Hugh OBrien in year Intel red on Saturday at King City Cemetery In on Sun day March 1017 Kathleen infant daughter of Mr ami Mra aged month- Lot you tablo In a on liOivlCtj A on Phono lromptly lo r I J J A In loving memory of our dear Mother Jennie Maria who departed tills life March 1916 Father and Family Gone dear Mother gone forever How we your smiling face But you left us to remember None on earth can fill your place Oil home we once enjoyed How pWcft the memory But death has left a world i nil A- J J w- y AtUuti Quality Car In full Oar that i 03 loy of PPM 1 of vculth fr of with Uiij fcj The Oyster flargal and a Wi proof J High purity High in the week to ftxplici platen How The floo lwoy he son the string again payini gee or or V j OH I J Oi MHAWA in sin Doyle ficore end had i ice this Tin to the sent to fcnein sen la r Ken Orel Carl 1 I if I HI Field On Ihe I Field I that lo I- inter Pro I by II the I and qui It They choir ily than was boll led III nhari was mam HI To had than In ii