Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 9 Feb 1917, p. 1

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Si A- I Editor and Proprietor Quality Our aim is give you llioheal values courteous prompt service Paints Varnishes and Stains Varnishes and Stains lYIELLEYOHE AND Flat Wall AND BUILDERS HARDWARE IRON PIPE VALVES AND FITTINGS ROOFING MATERIAL All grafts ELECTRICAL Bulbs PIPE In OJazcd Tile In and In Tho Compound In and bblo for Gravity Washing Machine RANGES and AUTO mont Patches Olio Gasoline and THE PAIN Phone lust Sunday obtain when lorneyflcneriil iylr STORE NEWMARKET fflicflil ESTABLISHED OP DIRECTORS YIHCEHT I I Bait C 1 B CimuIUUi lUeJtiU Em 1 i i A Mil ILD A D iG Kelt A SAVINGS ACCOUNT may he opened at branch of the Hank of Montreal end upwards received on which interest allowed G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch SOUTH END LUMBER YARD he morning duautity of coal ai- from Hock oh Sun day with authority given Mayor delivered coal to in need all day long high wind on caused one or the the to collapse with a tremendous crash Mr Arthur of on Thursday of laslweQk waH found in his garage in a collapsed con dition from from which ho did not recovor It that nearly thousand Americans are among the enlisted Canadians now doing duty overseas along with the allies Several went froiu IhJB city and are now wear- the Canadian khaki Pish In torolito Market last Friday and Saturday were plen tiful brought Me pet dozen It is announced that Hon Mr Hearst as Minister of making plans for a to encourage people of Ontario to to vegetable gar dening during the approaching summer Special evangelical services were commenced in Presbyterian Church on Sunday evening Inst Attendance largo and devout- Hack yard gardening is sure to prove a success On Monday evening the largest class on rec ord was liold in the Central Tech nical School when the first of several lessons was given by Mr Sydney Johnson of the Depart ment of Agriculture A branch of Associated Kin among soldiers was successfully launched on Monday evening A paper stales that butler over fifty cents per pound makes prohibitive and are ex pected to reach per hundred weight months In order to meet the high price of coal tin city will ask the to allow them to spend about on municipal enterprise The Mayor says the high prices are due to combines in food without re gard to the relative value of the various products has been a na tural result of the increasing of the necessaries of life Department of Agriculture dying In meet the situation THE STREAM AND THE FOOL opened case flip of iuiirlr IWStr and Arthur die War dangerous the country They of from aruy Who were dor in i1k1s The prlfloner lie iiDlnled mil a i riiluj a of and bo an expert matters bitli Mr Ileiuloriton kilted by means ofpolKoa in sent from South to liarliy handed Mrs agent employed military and who had Into her Tile the alleged was in vials and eaiinptised hydro slryrh- nine and an railed IureHS Bald lobe used It proposed to use the pa darts which were to be at Ihe Walton declared It Is at Walton Heath Uiatfthe Premier plays golf Died In on the Inst Mrs Jane of Tate aged 79 years month She was tinonjc the flrst settlers of this J part of country having ar- rived here Her husband was one of the Loyalists Robert Simpson was one of the largest advertisers of the Era at- this period The Town Council Is for Tenders for ringing bo Town- Hell three times a am oclock noon and pm i- A Concert is announced to take Three Who Did Their Duty In too place in the Mechanics Hall on The above was sent to Mr Queen SI New- Tuesday evening next to be given- market by son who occupies the centre position The one on the left is Gladstone Gordon a former employee at iC a as Kilty Gordon The one on I Mr Baker at the field House is also making a fine display of jewellery etc THULV oniGINAL A leachoj of several experience has preserved an amiising collection of the odd tho coming two is iwt PEARSON Off loo Phone Order From Carter Bishop John I Fund A en era I Hanking business Toronto years of cesalul with Isra vl5cly to Moli Hanking Service in Ontario Quebec tad tie P AM LISTER Manager i OK ALL KINDS LATH SHINOLES POSTS ETC ALSO DOORS SASH MOULDINGS AND TRIM Inside Trim Is Through Our and Will Not Shrink After n J One a merry shram from i- laughter and sung ran by a stagnant pool said Hie pool why you in Me- day Ob said Hie rill have a Utile water here I am going to carry down to tin sea but you should be careful and not give your water away loo freely for WC are going to have a very hot and you need drop of it for yourself Ho yon lliink so ald I ream If that Is true I must hurry along and do good with On little I have while it lusts And with a merry laugh the brook ran away as fast as It could Hut the pool stood still for fear it might lose a few drops of its precious water The rill ran on blessing everything it touched So sweet was Is music that several other streams were by lis song and rang and Join ed it Trees grew on its banks and their Thirsty Utile rootlets drank greedily of its moisture keeping the leaves of the trees fresh and green all summer long The miller spilled and praised it for his wheel was tinned and the grist ground by Its power It made the farmers pastures preen as flowed through lie meadows and the birds dipped their bills in its cooling water then soared Into the sky and sang their sweetest songs In its praise- The herds of cattle stood it ankledeep and the swifefooled timid deer of the mountains found In it a friend as they drank and cooled their healed blood giving them fresh strength to fly from the huntsman and his dogs Tims it flowed Von through meadow and pUIri bringing Joy and happiness to all and one day It was lost In the sea But ft never ran dry for water wan drawn up from the ocean by he sun condensed In the atmosphere carried by clouds to the mountain tops where fell in showers of rain and fed the rill all summer long Hut became of the puol which was so much afraid of giving away a drop of its water The hut days and became and filthy mail beast Attempt on Reginald In tin trial yesterday of I he btte charged with to Lloyd George the said that the first government agent introduced another man in Iwo men continued called upon oil Jan but she announced that the- which Was be turned over them was not Mrs frequently execrat ed the leading statesmen of past and made deroga tory references to King When was ask ed continued Sir Frederick boy mod one vial contained when last saw It she answered enough to kill five hundred Asked as to the best way of poison- lug the Premier Mrs said bad spent 300 Mo poison Lloyd George thai an had al so been made Reginald former Chancellor of Exchequer MORE STEAMERS DOWN other British lie- Isle of and woj have been submarined ami a sailing ship the darnel Rail is believed have been sunk rive fatalities resulted from the torpedoing the Hurst Wood which is said to have been done wllhoul warning The steamer Lars with a cargo of wheat for Belgian Coin mission has gone to near the having been torpedoed or striking a mine CAPTURED sent that beautiful valentine and all the time her heart is beat ing time to his name Those special days are alright gffijg made lo lie Is She Is very popular their Iribulos are many mo fir was of am 1 lias also a choice from her how easily you can of felfi has I the chi IdroJ in school to U tempi simple original verse by way of affording variety to their work in composition and natur- 0 sweetheart I ally they make use of their new This was said of a matron who had day arrives No one could lhcinos the author of the following women in our country seat Hhe was couplet of plagiarism or of un- tact willingness to prove his youth- friendliness It was her rule to be devotion especially gracious to poor customers My deer keener I wont wbiss buyer Rachel could ad- Per if give me a kiss v KftS S wns best for wearing quahUes Tim- J Another boys was girls wishing select wedding out- evidently an older lad with fits always waited for Rachel ideas concerning masculine mend or No as she was called supremacy outside of school if built up a good not in it propounded a ques tion but not exactly one herself as she was besides her usual boss you be business for the usual lary I She never laughed- at country folks but youre behind their backs nor called them IUibes of Hayseeds I recall a my valen- village merchant whose manners wen repelling He would see a woman customer in the country mud J and He her horse She evidently compel by he force Vlllll of example to follow the fashion tfarr ft of her mates yet rebellious clearly expressed a Im yours to not mine So how can tine An unsentimental A successful General morning north Beaumont The blow was struck by loops early on Sunday of near line to Ihe east of was forward five hundred yards on a front of about threequarters of a mile Over a hundred prisoners and three machine guns were captured Twice during Sunday the Hermans counterattack ed bat were repulsed with toss- llritlsh casualties were slight hi rue hurried away as they and its breath and refused lo drink a drop of the water and before summer was hall over slowly dried up and everybody was glad sot of such an unpleasant neighbor The only way to be of value la lo liberal what we haw- iisnwtas war for fust fiscal equalled the in the national debt each Chris aged a farm er who lived in Medonle near was found frozen to death on Sunday He was an ex perienced fox hunter and Satur day morning left home with his rifle and two dogs As he did not return search was instituted and his body was found in bush with a fox near by that he had evidently shot One of the dogs was found keeping watch over the dead body of his master Saturday afternoon he weather became bitterly cold and stormy and is supposed he became ex hausted and perished He was highly leaves a wife a son and two daughters also a brother and sister in To ronto ir0000 fire In Quebec City on Sunday morning iWe used to buy pounds of rfugar for a dollar get It Fifty used to buy us three eggs it buys one now Two dollars used to buy us a cord of wood buys little over a half now Our splendid butter maker iftod to us two pounds of the best in for forty rents she leaves one pound now at And yet with some who are enjoying these prices as producers is something violently in suggestion that their local paper can ho longer be sent twelve months for dollar- as It has been for forty years If there was any thing like proportionate Increase ac corded best local publisher pen- pie would be paying two dollars a year for their local- jspr The by no proportiunalt at RuiitiviUe forester stale of mind I do not like to write in rimes Willi capitals and lines I do not like to write to you And tell you things that are not true do not like to write at all Hut if I must this is my scrawl I do not like this verse of mine But please be my valentine Another child evolved a simple but ingenious variation of a fa miliar verse The rose is red the violets blue Thats one line and this is two I love you much I love you more That was three and Ibis is four Less facility but more senii- is displayed in this pas sionate declaration of a budding poet m I love you more than other folks More than twelve times twelve more The multiplication table doesnt go As far as I you adore now agon Dont you remember when you got your really valentine How well I remember mine I One of my big brothers brought in the letter from the the rais ed flowers on the envelope pro claimed aloud the nature of the contents I look it amid the jok ing of the folks in the room and fled to the kitchen I stood on a chair by the Kitchen cupboard so as get nearer the lamp and with eagerness out the anil of the and drew out the gay pretty valentine and Lizzie and I together admired it It one of the accordionpleated kind all paper lace with a wreath of pink roses a heartshaped opening in the centre therein was a rosy wellnourished cupid dressed fit for it February day in the tropins Ihe back was this verse which I memory and have never forgotten As streams that side by do flow At last united run So may our hearts true affection glide Together soon In one but I thought Hint a lovely verse so poetical I But who sent the valentine That was the big question and bow many a slick of candy He did not open the door for her for he was loo busy smoking Ills cob pipe He was too un- and never learned better as he chose lo be unmannerly I recall a hardware man in my native town whose heart was kind but Id- tone of voice gruff He did not talk pleasantly of the weather He let the weather lake care of Itself When a person entered his store he would say What do you want After a purchase hed say Want any more things hie of our family re marked in a jocular tone thai Mr had evidently some of Thomas sentiments for he be lieved that Silence is Golden Now about telephone manners often they are shocking People blurt out Who are you We would not ad dress a stranger face to face with such crude speech Persons often amuse one another as have heard 1 laughed as I heard two farmers spal ting on phone On threatened to knock off his neighbors nose He hardly do that were they do meet on sidewalk Telephones are for business and not as first aid to My husband tells of a relative in business who never lluiiked a cus tomer for patronage as he paid him From Era Feb At the Methodist Newmarket by Rev J on the of Jan Mr Smith to Miss Isabella Eves both of Whitchurch On he 3rd by Rev in Newmarket Mr Albert to Miss Cecelia both of Fast On the of Jan by Rev Wilson Frank Slight to Miss Frances McGibbon all of Toronto Death In on the 1st of Feb Mrs Eliza Allen wi dow of the late Elijah Allan in her year In Town oil the 30th of Janu ary Mr George Simpson aged years Mr Win Ramsay of Toronto was in Newmarket on Friday last Mr J M Belfry left for Boston on Monday to accept a situation Mr Geo Parson of Brampton is the guest of Mr Geo Green- sides this week Mr Johnson is how Oiling Mr position as book keeper at the tannery Mr John Gibson lias been ill but is now improving Mr Win Mulock is announced to speak at on Tuesday and at following evening Mrs Vanzant daughter of Mr I Peregrine left last week for Colorado Mr J- Rogers Of Toronto and also his daughter were over Sunday Mr Chas Tray again able to be out after his re- cent severe illness liter were of Holt Is Ihe crisp of green banks lie said I never thank a person for it to me sounds cringing and humiliating People like caliber do not deserve prosper Kilty Ottawa Feb The of Hague Saskatchewan have forwarded for patriotic purpose a contribution as a mark of their appreciation of peace and quietness guaranteed to them by Government There are in all SO German ves sels In the ports of the Hulled States and the overseas possessions of the They range In Size from the gigantic Vatertand of tons one of the greatest if not the very greatest of the worlds ships now ly ing the Hudson at to the tiny Neptune of tons at San Francisco If war comes they will course be at once seized and utilized by the lioveiiuiienl for military are stilt at a loss under stand why the A lowed continue as Insurance Not long ago a policy was paid ally this order fur 1000 ln- which man carried IS years and his received magnificent sum of To us this appeals to run lo the margin of a man gets up in young girlish will Rud a risk he Is politely Of I pushed out or red to pay self thing ha bad wildly as on Urn Feb- she exclaims lo in the World have HOW BIBLE SAVED 80LDJEIL One has often heard of Bibles in the pockets saving the lives of soldiers but very few people seen actual of such a thing Recently there was sent home from the front a Bible bearing evidence of thi manner in winch it slopped a bul let from a lodging place in Pte Jack Prince one of the many lino young fellows who have gone Overseas from this village Prince is a son of Mr and Mrs James Prince and went overseas with the Halt He is nineteen years of age Before he left his Sunday School teacher presented with a Bible when he went into battle on Sept he bad it on his person a very fortun ate thing for him as the Bible came between him and a Hun bill- lei which although Its force was much spent by passing through book had enough vim left lo a bad wound j When he- last wrote was in a convalescent home in England but expected to be in the trench es in Ihe spring Cor of Alia Feb The Mor mon meeting bouse- was totally de stroyed by fire here yesterday after noon while about a thousand people were in conference No one was In- John an Irishman aged about was found dd in bed at his hoarding house on Wednesday It is alleged that- al coholic Ids death and that sibee Provincial prohibition into force he bail been drinking substitutes of a more or less poison ous character fie was a ship by trade and bad lived ight years It is thought be- liul re latives living near Halifax to ARCHIVES OP

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