Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 2 Feb 1917, p. 7

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4fTC itm s s- Ms Jaifea 355 fn St4a J ff HUMS Department In our Window you can Pino Quality Dinner Set IT TO MOVE J ft motet favorite will got off 4 WAR KB i trmmkm rff I v arid 1n6ipat next find Field Band at tonight lots yet for in their along before the snow Is all gone- I Work Homes l r i i OWE How Wf ft of QuoenHf vlllo rented Dr at llio End And intends go into the manufacture WolcctrlcUy a trade dono in Now- market Aurora and along the Lake Shore which will no doubt capture with a flrel- article mooting W the Town Cliuroli on fcverybody No for J ii Importer of 8taplo A Mr- J i TUB HARNESS OF QUALITC Ilado to Ordor A Given All llnrnbao Wo carry Lino of Blankets ttUQ3 EG and AH TRUNK8 QUIT QACUQ In and Around I P for Famous Victor Irolus Records and Needles I Arrested Bradford Bradford Witness says County Constable ar rested a couplo of in town on Friday who had taken a horse cutler and robes from livery stable of Riley on the previous night Their said to have been and they were allowed to return with ho property Hon I who i seldom you for nothing Till Smoker at the Town Hall on Friday 2nd la free and enjoy yourself At the request of sohie parties in Town to the Fund till the 1st of it la not closed yet and will likely reach tho Era reporter called on thoTroas foil owing large subscriptions boon paid Office Specialty 20000 Davis Employees J f J K Tio total cash paid in up to Wednesday was people Now market tho efforts that the M are putting forth for ho boys who on- listed for sorvicc for King and Country Gad sympathy of the communi ty goes out if Mr of formerly of this town youngest Mr Chas ttejr Charles HI in loss of his wife Deceased who mnr- stricken fipxvp If fol lowing an at Mr Dont lorjjot The A four There will Khaki vhich will ho a gift where you put your purchase in with your name on and whom you to send it and will send it for you a Needlework KoineMade Baking Table Candy Booth and Japanose Tea- Room also other amusements In there Wll Concert and of ten will be made from six oclock Everybody Proceeds in aid of Fund except from khaki Booth and that- will no spent in buying Gifts for Court Prospect No is buy ing initiation ceremony this Fri day evening and all members arc requested to attend yiv PHOTOS Your can buy thing you your LET MAKE FOB YOU Phone Junior A 0ur hockey team went lb and played Ihfi locale for championship but luck was tlicm and they by a score of to It onesided but re port says our boys wore hot onto then all the way through was very little roughness Jack Cain got his ankle bruised pretty badly were only two pen alties and both men were on the side Newmarket players were Goal Maw left defence Tra- viss right defence N Mc Caffrey right ving Cain left wing J Cain RefereeHarvey To- Wo have paid off mortgage against the parsonage and have some to good In behalf of the Church Pastor hereby his gratitude to the or lliclrliberal help in thiB hour utterly impossible for us lorcdebmtbis morlgago without help outsiders I moan our friends mortgage will bo burned Thursday night at nine oclock sharp BoWloea will be gin do nated to invited to lie present There are- too many for us to reach loiter hence IhmethddrXhe Pastor morning the pas tor will take forhis subject Tho Father and Children or Tiio flhepberd Al night ho will deliver his third noVQl stories of This novel story will be that of Jonah Al this ser- Miss Mr Fred will- sing a duet with Agister Feb Sweetie will have a farm sale on lots to Con North mile south of Keswick and minutes walk from Slop Metropolitan Credit till next Sale at J I man voivt f They got homo on the oclock train next morning Studio One Door Wept of the New Post Office EVENING SITTING WHAT THE OLD 1 Hie habit of looking at ryliiuu from best and most point of view of side and the pleasant ilf if tin world instead of only tin storm clouds and portents lunger Even the worst has bright and features and it is the part natural cheerfulness to point this and emphasize it in mo ments of melancholy gloom lie spirit of cheerfulness is real ly the spirit of faith as the mighty agency that operates the spiritual 4 the business world optimism faith are but terms for which all business agre I necessary- foundation of ilnanoial prosperity tfiKl the of disaster and panic is and mar of The world to you and in genera it seeing if if cry would a more of immense Influ ence ftooduotuA of eiiecrfulneas would GOO Club Although nearly four hundred members belonging to the Newmarket COO Club there were only about the meet ing called at the Town Hall last Monday evening The President Mr If Chopping look the chair and explained several matters that the Club had to do with The Secretary Mr Harry then gave a synopsis of the re ceipts and payments since organ ization last March showing that over had been paid in al though over members had not contributed anything The Club had purchased an Auto Truck for both the and Baits advanced over for care of- a returned soldier who had been gassed and wounded and was without funds sent over to Newmarket men who arc overseas for a- Christmas box spent quite a sum on entertainment of local soldiers and and has still a balance of over in bands of the Treasurer Mr J A Committee was appointed to look after the returned soldier who Is not a Newmarket man but came bore because his brother lived here procure affidavits of his Inability to do anything and lay the matter before the Domin ion Pension Commission A committee on publicity was also appointed and other matters considered It was urged that those in arrears should be noti fied to pay up as there would be a great as soon as any fcdino homo on the sick or wundfed list The President Secretary and Mr were appointed to attend to billot when 111 fry arrive In Yoik their tour -The- Newmarket vvere o of Club In ivarjiurpsfg that p may Id lie itifvvitb- any I l oGr the who pay fit a for the benefit of let boldiers fci IVcdntcday Hamilton Ing York Council urged upon members the of further aid along financial lints and suggest ed In with the ment of aviation fund the pur chase of an aeroplane at- an estimated cost of Trie reserve training squadrons would require 300 ma chines Reeve Cornell stated that a special committee would bo named to deal with the matter No very outstanding other matters were dealt with except the appoint ment of members to the Canadian National Hoard- Robert and 10ed Miller- and fact that definite action was taken In providing quarters for Magistrate court County Prank Barber will be notified to vacate his present chamber in the county to provide the necessary accommodation for the magistrate The county report which contained several llons for the new commissioners was read The new bridge cost in all all but of which will be paid by the county Mr Keith asked if any effort had been made by the commissioners to recover all or a pari of the money invested in the bridge by the county and was in formed by a commissioner that on ad vice of the solicitor no such effort had been made The report of Mr P of the Childrens Aid Society was read by Mr Henry P P Thirty children were committed to the care of the Society In and only 3 of them are yet a charge on the Society At present there Is no institution within the county where feebleminded child ren can bo sent and the shelter is much needed as at present the city shelter has to be used Last year the York County Council raoled and the Inspector pointed out the need of a similar grant this year County Clerk announced that he had I a communica tion from Mr Brown stating that Mr Brown knows of a number of men In Toronto who or witling to work for farmers in the county dur ing coming season on the under standing that their wages sludl go to the Patriotic Fund exchange says A com pany of young were try ing find words that could be spoiled the same either for ward or backward and somebody mentioned reviver madam and level then finally vas remarked that there is a whole sentence that could bo read back wards The company laughed at tho idea but the speaker this sentence Bnug dud wae I saw war and una and you will it reads Just the Experimental Farm of crushing or Oats for horses is in have for years that grinding draft- docs not pay and if the meal made too dusty it may bo injurious However the practice of rolling dt crushing has largely replaced grinding in many districts Many largo city companies- are crushed grain and report fa vourably as to its economy Ad vocates of oat crushing claim great therefrom such as Increasing percentage of oats for horses oh hard work and having little time for feeding 2 Greedy feeders are to cat more slowly Horses with bad teeth are assisted to digest the grain pro- perly That twenty- five per cent of grain fed whole is not digested and is lost in rnanuro unless crushing is adopted Proper crushing- leaves the grain free from dust- and fine Crushing exposes the grain more fully to digestive juices thus aiding digestion 7 That crushing even at a considerable cost is profitable in that grain is saved and that Un horses and other arguments arc used by advocates of crushing oats for horses Considering the high cost of grain also of crushing it has been considered advisable to conduct an experi ment along this line re sults of this trial given herewith appear to answer conclusively most of tho above slated claims of Experiment teams of horses wore so- for this experiment and these were fed experimentally for eight in October object of this trial was of the sarno quantity by weight of whole and crushed oats One horse from each team was started on crush ed and the mate on whole oats thus insuring a fair comparison as loworkporformcd on each feed end of each month fcld8were reversed in learn Careful record and weight kept as to the feeds consum ed All horses received usual supply of hay water and salt wore weighed each week As experiments and prac tical trials have proven the value of somo bran in a grain ration the following mixture oats parts bran part was adopted for both the whole and crushed oata The first week of each month transition period dis regarded in compiling results following observations were made i The gains and losses in tho weights of the horses were close ly related to general health and vigour 2 No horses became fat but all remained in good condition in Kit J ilV i v a- r L rS s ft at 1 srjE The robot Important announce ment In thlo to a era about to buy Id of economy of tho best I fl in I A-v- i innqf iHM mm 1 hi J BSH AND SOLD ii Don Main Crrtf J r- aww PlCOlU Thy friend who is continually telling you that you must not work too hard probably means well but it is a question whether ho is doing you a real service Overwork defeats its own ends and undermines efficiency in stead of promoting it There fore the line must be drawn this side of overwork But only just this side remember Successful Willi i Oil Tuesday Evening spring and early summer and regular work in winter During tho whole trial the gains or losses in weight were ap proximately the same for both whole and crushed grain The slight difference- in weights was in favour of crushed grain but amounted to only lbs gain for horses fed half time on crushed grain during the eight months This is i5 lb per horse per day At the average charge of 200 per ton for crushing such slight gains would cost and per pound However no differ ence wars apparent in health or general condition When bran- was mixed with the whole oals the horses could not eat too rapidly owing to the dry flaky character of the bran When horses were properly watered and hot fed loo much hay whole grain was found in but very when al all in manure Both from weights and appearance of the horses and the condition of the manure crush ing did not appreciably increase the digestibility of oats Whether fed crushed or whole grain horses must have a sufficient rest after meals to start digestion at least If limo is short feed less rather than al low too rapid eating of reg ular feed In conclusion it seemed to be definitely shown that to horses fed in the proper manner the crushing of oats had little if any advantage and was unprofitable In other words the cost of crush ing is wasted HE GOT IHTCfiVItilV The quick wit of a travelling sales man was severely tested one day He sent in bis the manager of a large whose Inner office was separated from the waiting room by a When the boy headed hie card to the manager the salesman saw him im patiently tear the card in two end throw In the waste basket When the youngster returned with the message that would not tee him the talesman told the boy to go back and get bis caid boy returned with a nickel end the that the card was torn up Giving him another the roan coolly Go back tell your that tell two cards for five ccotB bis Interview ft ability The desultory worker who thinks more of not overtax ing his strength than of getting things done is not the man who is heard from Underworking is a more serious danger than over working cO O I KEEP IT TMB PEOPLE Keep it before the people That drink Is a curse and snare beyond control it binds the soul And drags it down to despair must not be sold For silver or gold But you and me my brother God gives the decree This nation to free To one as well as another Then on with the battle for truth and right Till our banner oer land and fiea Shall bathe its folds in the glorious light Of the year of jubilee Selected On Wednesday Evening 94 A Drama of the Great White IN FIVE PARTS IFJ Admission Ten Cents PATRICIA THEATRE i J l J IJHOSE WHO FROM TO TIME HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT MAY PURCHASE AT PAR fc A in sums or on aijy multiple thereof He tot October 1I April and by of tthus at e rata of par cent annum from or j Holders of Ms clock Hi rrivikjo of turartdrlnfl equivalent of In of sHotmnl war In than an of Bills or other data for A of will to wiJ of fit tic- y Ii- id on Vet I tilt ARCHIVES OF

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