Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 2 Feb 1917, p. 3

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I- i I i i i I J I Friday solid rind your money I Town Hall rWay Wan you rlotlioro Hefting Will bo held Feb in llio home of Mrs- Albert I undy MO pm A M is requested Clio at tiro n and thor oughly by A crowd Kills The Christian bo held Tuob of Feb in homo of Mrs President A full attend of local artists for the bouts on hi Am exhibition ffainoyav I at Newmarket Hint on Thursday last wftrtfbulwsoiiwAbc loam Toronto and A boy he- visitors They got a look the score being jo They home on tho oclock Metropolitan car uo Cross There was a fair at ll Knitting Tea in the Methodist School onfucsdhy after noon Quite a lot of work was done and the uinounl- l The regular meeting llio will in Council next Mon day y30 It Imped hut will be a large as matters of will ho discussed- Sunday Feb 1 Worship Subject of 7 pm Peoples Popular vice Subject Of i86n for belief welcome It Sunday will bo as follows Moyjiing Overcoming Temp- I wofaini i On Friday night in IhoTown llal under the auspices the St Pauls Club will present his sparkling comedy by It abound in awkward and every part is a Your will help Cross encourage llio tin and tonic you could take yourfiolfii hearty week 1 Yv I Flayer Out Mr Ed met with a very afternoon of oclock fuUnJtcndanco is no of discussed Hook and section of the at a recent meeting elected following of- faplWinHCollinH IdfluLTrWcB 2nd Gib- son find ftichardsonj- and Norman I the address- did not put Iov no was by pi both sides fought be over again hero- -ft- looks hot shot was back Rrohiiqr Premier awdrlng for what had failed a had si net llio these of stating boldly of mission to ones flmlssibnPi told Oahijret young Jus bad onhifi ehouldore JioW Foster had roamed tlievorld drumfming up aftorthcwdr 7bow iid duty and how that had done bis hit and ovorywliorc had Worked horse In short All Saints Pay with He wound up this liiii by expatiating on volume of two billion dollars But he was oblige to admit that when business stops of WM IfUflj Incidentally jhoPririidrguVb about Jlaval Service 2cxi ii to o to the Patriots Con cert In Church on Wednesday- evening Fob The War hearty Invitation lb to enjoy a big prograni consisting of Moving Songs local id All free and friends Mr and Men of smQt over Sunday with Mrs Wesley Dove Sirs if Walton yii Mrs Mr pia6 ftjr and Wo to under IDrjgiAijire wild la Mr Wsaunl hpenl- Cooks returned ir- v IT Si iifow friends la Toronto Mr I Mini wild I I painful accident at lory on Iuefjday a pall when a knot in wood llio his haw linger Sol his loft hand ft but fortunately any It painful for a coupii of jvill lay him off work Hire I There was a good attendance foaguciast evening arip by Hon J- Davis worn appreciated of value of more thoroughly and the good likely to to the Province through the the QueliJiBon KhtonJlc dele gation to Toronto a weeks ago- Mr Davis promise to give League some lime in Feb The Mole Quartette a lino selection also a solo by Mrs Mason was very well received Next- Die bf lt fchWslifV Toronto friends from Mteridilflthe oh Saturday IiIkIiI K5i inchuvtfo the construo- Camp Borden lost I 1 ft won has the following wet ilif6ra of Const Defence Patrol and suchlllicliihdibated the Borden Government willynilly is giving nucleus of a Can adian navy In dwelling on the special industries had bunt up in Canada Premier gave on unconscious repeti tion of of Sir Hams old speeches on same subject mildniannered men chafes at men tion of his lack of firmness So when Sir Wilfrid spoke of Sir was flicked on the row Just to prove bow firm how ab solute bo When broke out I took it upon myself without consulting Par- own col leagues frTKay that Canada would stand by In this war As it out Promier Borden was right but the fact remains that for the re sponsible bead of a representative be look quite a lot upon of he died wtik the Gov ernments iiolicv-iiV- In ting wpslern farmers notes for million dollars of seed grainVwtiich a harvest thirljijfoiii Its There are number on thesick list iv I made the usual trip on Sunday It was a dandy day for rid ing There has considerable did v6nK ftoerA lias his red clover the last job of season Mr Cutting has pur chased a driver doing Glcnvlllc young people in tend holding a Skating and flasket at- Hall on Feb 5th Should it be a night not fit for skating there vjll bo other at the Hall Every body come and bring your baskets and enjoy yoiir8elves This viU be oho of the most Interesting seaBon and forget your skates and Norton made their usual trip to to report that lliis week but hope to hour of ber speedy recovery rcturngdfrom tile North one day last week 1 Society i NewmarjictpWHoiitedUie fare to family llbe Mil- promise The annuel I ho Society place in afternoon There was only a rtUentiariVii to the weather TJii Hi on hand of 01 member added to Sev- Peral wero passed and the following officers for President Ml Donne Vice Mr 2nd Vice Mr Thornton Bales Secretary Mr Dennis WJ Silos Millard Hall Starr Geo Oliver Win Watson Colo Auditor chanics Hall on Friday the iatVitiie of W TbcQoncert was very bad a good sum of money Was for comforts for the 1he League owe their heartiest for fflg8ld also to the members of Aurora Dramatic Club fbr during evening to the orchestra for their music and to Miss Verna Bryan for well iUM I- The Year This week the Era enters upon its year of continuous pub lication and during all that time it never missed a weekly issue It has always advocated what it considered to be in the best In terest of the Town of Newmar ket and the people of North York generally and has enjoyed the liberal support and confidence of the citizens As a is indispensable to the home and the renewal of hun dreds of subscriptions at this lime of the year for which we ape very grateful is substantial proof that its efforts are appre ciated We hope to continue to present one of the host local pa- ij in the Dominion of Canada and wo ask for your continued support For Men Only A Hot Smoker has been ar ranged to be held in the Town Hall this Friday evening for men only Doors will be open at and the roof comes off at sharp Men arc expected to lake their own smokes and rest of the entertainment is to bo served up free in great big bunch es The men of Newmarket and surrounding country have given freely for Patriotic purposes and now they are have an evening for themselves There will be boxing wrestling bouts slump speeches recitations mov ing pictures etc assisted by Mr Harvey Lloyd one of Torontos favorite comedians Boys under sixteen not allowed Big lime peeXed by the men omitted to mention that Newmarket Orchestra will be in attendance and furnish music at intervals now A Pffl Christian Sunday School Our attendance still increases showing an advance over January of last yea no present last Sunday Lei us made it next week Lust service was of a missionary character We were favored by a reading from Mis a duet by Misses llutb and Irene Kelly De cision Day will be observed next Sabbath afternoon Our school is aiming towards the I- root Lino Standard ranks and the executive meetings of Council will be held the Sunday of each month at the close of he usual service Wo are planning to do some definite Home Mission work this year Sunday we expect to w i banner won by the North York Sabbath Schools ffom toe Ontario find it Com Its that all tho while Of you own that kind sure to do work with Vou put your money Into a hotter fountain Ien than a Water man t6n a lon that never leaks elofltt never re fuses to write hen you want It to- IK YOU money right This act ilhcfarmers pay Hut it didnt the railway deal TliCWhirligigof tinnrhas a and his J years ago having ovary intention of boli ling a war time election passed a which rises up and bits thorn in the an election at all Proriljer roliashiiiK Of arguments which lie the be ginning of the warwlfeiithe first shock of the casualty lists made people recoil at the thought of any election raised a Sir Robert grew I not intend be said be humorous But lie was Since the Soldiers Votes Act was passed Premier parly friends in British Columbia and Manitoba have bad war time elec tions and defeated in both places Moreover in taking the votes of he soldiers tho front in the provincial election the Conservative Government of Brit ish Columbia conceded the very principle which Premier Borden is now fighting Premier Borden prejudiced against an election in which he risks his own governments neck It is Just as hard to take the soldiers vote at the front now as it was two years ago perhaps harder The soldiers arc scat tered all over the map from Egypt to Flanders and everywhere the shells are flying and the ballot boxes in danger But this danger is just the same as when the Bor den Government was scared off the nest in and again in on which Hon Bob Rogers was heard lo slate that the people of Canada were demanding a wartime election in tones of thunder Premier Borden now dwells on the horror of it the horror of asking soldier in perilous moment of defending his country under fire of the enemy to pause for a while and fulfill his next highest duty as a good citizen the exercise of his franchise Premier Borden doesnt like look of II now though two years ago be sent Mr Daly over to Lon don with the are now stacked up in High Com missioners office in London in preparation for just such No the horror Premier Borden and bis fool at the prospect of a general elec tion is horror of the fate that will overtake them when the pie get a chance to express IhoU opinion Another reason the Borden Government has for dreading the soldier vole is that the soldiers will probably vole theitf Paper shoes shoddy Jackets rotten rifles t x Jan the flies of aWali brokerage house congressional inquisitors today brought light private aria confidential telegrams re garded in some quarters indicating was a leak oh ProsldcntWIIsons cent peace note jThe moat sensational telegram containing a brief but remarkab ly accurate forecast of the con tents of the note sent by Button Co one long est brokerage bouses in the street ItB private wires to scores of other brokers with whom it did business throughout the country oh afternoon of Dec 20 more than three hours before the first copies of the note were handed to newspapermen by Secretary of State Lansing While describing the nervous stale of the financial district shortly prior lo the issuance of the presidents note owing to the topheavy accounts the public Button gave Hie cornrnitlee a shock by casually announcing that his Arms outstanding loans against margined accounts aggregated Jan men wore lost in the sinking of the auxiliary cruiser many of thorn having killed by the explosion of the mine that sent the former steamer to the bottom last Thursday ifO of workmen ftt a BlighllyIovicr rate previouslyaccbrding to inrOrlnaUoVifrdm llmtihc mm I NEWMARKET 98bs i r Cotton For Worth ToDay for In 7c Pino Torchon Calo Bo yd Pino end Heavy Twill Gale to Sup y Victor i few friends at diimiiroij deportations frOrtlBrussels are l j- i thciate6f vir- about daily itisallegedraronot Idters- Hue- skilled workmen who Wc soy f spent the wedk ad with Ada i PiiftoiV sWiathocken of- tallied WiupiwlaVjvdnlrtBUio 7 K l Miss wiUvMrsH idlers bet- skilled Workmen who Homo part of llielrtirne in- their Scotia r aoliJ riciitcn the coal and gas supplies whole Province of wMgHolalein is becoming scarce The largest including Kiel have lo the public lo save loitliduimost possible and to before is expected that street lighting will be completely suspended In a number of towns- in February OP CANADA CAttTAL UHD WHOYLAHD hbapICKi BANK BY MAIL pepoiltftcpount ygybapptoedoa mail if more conveaKaJjfo yqu Ladled Aid a quJilinondtea Inrlufl Of church The of fichoinherfe School lit Id on afternoon and evening the Red Cross Hooois A crowd attended the first musical carnival of the Reason on Thursday evening last Aurora hand furnishing the music Mrs gave a miscellaneous shower for Miss Ada Coffey on Wed evening The of Sunday School spent Saturday afternoon the rink returning home for lunch and a concert In their schoolroom marriage of- Mr Ernest poi son Miss Mary both of King Township look place la the Methodist Parsonage at on Wednesday afternoon Jan The young people will reside at vllle extend to both best wishes MILLIONS AVIATION PLANTS HERE One Camp Cordon Ottawa Jon 30 The military authorities have given the Gamp Borden for aviation in struction in connection with the new plan for the development of aviation in Canada by the Im perial authorities The plan as now being worked out 0 very large one and will involve the ex penditure of many millions in the constructions aviation plants in various parts of the country The business of constructing and equipping these plants as- an nounced some time ago is in the hands of Imperial Munitions Board The imperial authorities are providing for the establishment of twenty reserve in Canada as a branch of tho Royal Flying Corps will be or ganized as rapidly as possible the beginning of the second follow ing immediately upon the com pletion of the Ural and so on The announcement was made bore last night by Col Bob Low that contract had just been signed for lie con struction of the aviation plant at Camp and for an outlay of- the work to com- mencsut once i incut was to effect that to aviation plant for machines by April and lo have everything in has returned front was made of val uable watch arid purse wont one hundred and fifty of his neighbors on Saturday night at his fathers home Campbell made reply and an enjoyable evening was spent oou Markets Highest prices paid In Toronto this week are as follows Choice Weighty Steers Choice Butcher Heifers Choice Butcher Cattle and Feeders Milch Cows Choice Veal Calves Medium Veai Calves Choice Spring Cult Lambs Light Heavies ami Hogs Off PK0LtaK8 I I J J- i HE 10000 1100 Great scarcity of veal calves t i Kofi TO Ui lULL AT ANY OH ANY MONEY POST fi I J Newmarket Markets Feb 1st per bush 1 1 Oats per bush 0 per hush lt Peas per hush Bran per ten Shorts per ton Hay Timothy lr ton 00 it op per dot nutter per J per bucks market fill growing of Ho l who can grow to or by leltof A Deal of Money Toronto Mai Wheat per bush per Hay per ton ultri HI Wo divvied OOviOSt it will Into Apply to ILL I air J student ARCHIVES OF a known rcsldsnt of has appointed agent for ILimiH PAKE

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