Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 19 Jan 1917, p. 7

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gin 5ea Ills ST 1 i tfji- y A Jf I V PS3Wf r tn MM J Aft I 1 1 I Department In our Window you moo opening Ihfa year me to ho a Standard Help us by your presence each afternoon at Youll bo wel come Wo bo to on to any desiring them some books on- OrJed for Iho Every teacher and officer requested to bo present next something Pino Quality r so IT IS TO QUICK I of nnd arranging for a Newmarket Friday the In date is of Drugs Inmates Wages 8000 Kami Feed arid Seed Hired Labor The sudden death of Mrs Er nest Dawson on St about noon last Sunday was a groat shock to- tho Community was taken with a sbvoro coughing spell and being afflict with unable to got- and choked to death in her husbands arms had had soveral severe coughing spollH previously but this one proved fatal Word was soon circulated and the neighbors gave j every possible assistance She was a daughter of the late Was a vory active woman and greatly respected fu neral service on Tuesday after noon was conducted by Al fred Young of Newmarket and was largely attended Interment at Newmarket Cemetery I t I I THE HARNESS OF QUALITY to Order at A with All carry it Full Lino of and All fttao to KPAiEva In and Look Around I if wain at for Famous Victor I POS1 Also one flutter well as throe sots of Harness Apply to Robertson Notwithstanding the cold weather we had our line crowd on Everybody ap preciated excellent solo by and many kind wishes were expressed that ho come again- The date of an nual roll call has been fixed for 1st at which Jimo member of the church is request ed to he present pallor lias received a letter from Jef ferson how in Franco asking he remembered at roll call does the people at home good to know that our soldier boys in the midst of war have not forgotten their God and old church at home pastor wants twenty In bis Bible Mans next Sunday morn ing Dr willtake for his subject Ttfnplation of Christ and the benefit of temp tations why it to be templed At night his subject will be Joseph the novel story of the Those who read the Bible know this to bo one of the most entrancing stories ever recorded The nominating com- mitteo which met Inst Sunday planned to put every man the church in the harness and at his post The Church Hoard will consist of forty or fif ty men which will not only act as- Church but The Home Department of Sunday School composed of ladies studying Bible at homo now has 30 members Wo want eleven more Phone the pastors wife for a quarterly and it will bo sent you promptly Some of best talent will sing Sunday morning and ev ening Corn Total Average- of Inmates about Cost of each week Come on Tuesday to hear Mr J P address on Fifty Confedera tion which promises to bo loresting and wo hope to have a large number out Tho Skating Party held at the pond Jan was much enjoy ed also the games and refresh ments afterward The members of the- Associa tion are holding a Haaar after noon ml evening oh Feb There will bo a Japanese Tea House Khaki Needlework Booth Candy Booth Baking Booth Fish Pond and Trip Around he World Watch for further particulars next week- i J Thank you for the wishes ami for This great little pickmeup is full of vigour and vim for the jaded soldier Quenches thirst allays fatigue gives new life to enervated spirits Co to report that little interest was taken in the Annual fleeting of the Newmarket Cem etery Co lust Monday evening which was held at the Secretarys Office On motion of Mr- Donne seconded by Mr Cane the was occupied by Mr Jackson minutes of the last annu al meeting having been adopted report of the Treasurer Mr was read and adopted as follows i Caro of Lots Opening Interest Sale of Lots 42300 Perpetual Care from Sale of 05750 Cash from 1015 Extra Labor Wages Safe Ornamental Trees Hardware Telephone and Grave Lots Taken Over 4500 Pump Miscellaneous In the discussion previous- to adoption It was pointed out that although was a doorcase of compared with previous year for care of lots had been spent on permanent and there was still to the good in working ex penses There was alo an in- of in tho Endowment Fund over tho previous year The Endowment Fund now amounts to over 11000 Tho Secretarys Report states that the new caretaker Mr lias given entire satis faction Tho grounds have been kept in good sbnpo and the main roads are greatly improved The buildings have been painted and Dead House put in good re pair The distribution of watei for use in keeping gross and flowers In healthy condition dur ing dry weather is greatly appre ciated Fences have been re paired and considerable gravel and stone is on hand to repair roadways in the Spring During the past year have been interments making a total of 2802 Much satisfaction was express ed with the report and credit is due to Mr Chairman of the Grounds Committee for lie good condition of the Ceme tery as a whole persons purchased lots the past year On motion Elvfdgo the report was adopted All the Directors were then re elected for the ensuing year as follows Timothy Trivett A Thompson Eves Dr Scott Cane Frank Duncan J Stephens Mooting then adjourned rooms Friday Any one wishing to work at shirts for socks thai afternoon altera have from the following acknowledging parcel SgUMajor Jones Johnston A Hare ft Dixon Pie It Stewart Pto Crad- duck Harbor P Hill J Ptc Bingham Mitcholl P Mcintosh Gunner Clark Scout C Proctor Lewis Grantor Pto Har mon Hare I p Hoes- A E The following been re ceived from some of boys over seas by of the Field Society Deer Homo ilic parcel from Hie Field Comforts Society of Newmarket came to hand today and I cannot toll you Utile In It nOt seen the front I nan ell you that the field in ap proach In franco sufficiently to every article sent very useful I allowed Hie to a returned man and must know at lie it as the most complete outfit which he seen In Ids twenty months of active Kindly Society that the Newmarket hoys these meinhnincoH Not only are ar ticles serviceable hut the fact that they come from home makes them over ho much bettor than any article Issued makes our long marches and our wot clothes drier to know that we are all thought of Id our homo towns wo only trust that our ef forts here merit tin interest In us May the Societys hands be up held In Its noble efforts to relieve the necessary discomforts of this awful war Is the wish of one who Is glad to be considered one of Newmarkets Yours very sincerely Pie lluaman IT i -L- Ml i iili i7Y if- roost Important announce ment in about to buy ttie- reminder of caoVicmy of the as Mrs A J Davis Your parcel received and once have tho pleasure In expressing my thanks to those who have so In lime and material to supply he necessary needs of hose now on active servlco ami through the medium of you please express my thanks to Mrs Hunter for the pair of socks enclosed In parcel Yours sincerely Pie A Hare i I A i i Mi- A vvf J if i- A ii J it mm is- I pi FITTED COLD Dear Madam few lines to thank you for the parcel which I received a short time ao and was awfully to get something from home I have been moved from the north of down to Canadian Convalescent borne I am quite well again hut have a stiff ankle and it always will ho I mot George and Gladstone Gordon here In Kpon yesterday There Is quite a number of here Well I will close now you again for the parcel Yours sincerely Lewis Granger lJon Main Deal- I wish to express my to Field Comforts Society for the fine pared A received from them this Christmas also please express my thanks to he Girl Guides who sent a handkerchief and to Mrs Manning for a lovely pair of socks she enclosed Everything from home Is very much appreciated by the boys out hero in France and I am sure that your work is not in vain Socks handkerchiefs and eats are always acceptable to say nothing insect powder A person can generally find a use for this article too I have seen none of the Newmarket boys lately except Carman who is still In the Camp with I had a Idler from Hill McCaffrey a few days ago He Is lino with a cable seeUon He said that he had scon Carl and that lie is looking well Our Camp the Royal Engineers Ad- vanced Signal Base Is situated on the outskirts of a large town where good meals may he procured so it was my privilege to spend a very comfortable Christmas We are under canvass here as wo are well behind the lines and out of shell fire The weather is mild with lots of rain and frost We have only had one snow storm and hat didnt leave a white Covering on the ground 1 am expecting to be sent on up now pretty soon as it is my turn I will probably he with a cable section similar to that of UN McCaffreys Thanking you again for your kind remembrance of me I am Yours sincerely J P Hill Mrs A J Davis I received your parcel the day be fore Christmas Please accept my most hearty thanks flame as Ihc Articles it contained arc all useful out here the boys bore arc always glad to get from their friends at home hope by next Christmas that this terrible war Will he over and Ihose of us who are fortunate enough to escape the tolls of battle areback to our respective homes and settled down lo civilized life again trenches ere not one of the nicest places to spend Christmas but such was the luck of our battalion but most of the boys got parcels and those who didnt got their shares from those who did they made the best of It and tried to enjoy themselves Of course old would send over a gentle reminder to let us know that he had not forgotten us Christ mas Day We have had lot of rain lately the trenches are very wet and muddy We have had several months of very hard fighting and you would see by the papers that the Canadians were in the thick of it There are very few of the old Bat talion boys left We consider our selves vory lucky considering what wo have gone through You cant imagine what it is like to be in a charge The artillery opens up on old Fritz and when the time arrives the officers yell Up you go boys and the best of luck Every mans nerves aro at their highest tension and eager to make dash for the German Trench The British Tommies think a lot of the Canadians and like to fight beside us I might say that our Battalion has made a famous name for Itself and have a a fflffli Tuesday Wednesday Jan off FIVEPART Jill Grace and hi- fi Francis Ford iiliriidfte Mas Hi Saturday Evens lKdifin4air feature Every letter or parcel for your soldier friend should contain a few bars Appetite diges tion and spirits are the better for It Sold Everywhere Jr Co Ltd Toronto flavour A fc Jan My Dear Mrs Davis Wo to tho Newmarket Comforts So ciety for the splendid cheque of sent in to the Fund Will you convey our thanks to ladies of Queens villc Methodist Church for their share in the work also to the Guides of Newmarket have a splendid sponse to the appeal to date about and every day brining more We will Mi- total as soon possible and will see thai you get a copy of the Thanking you for and trusting that you will oontinue to help us mo Very cordially Thompson Act Con Dear Mrs I wish to thank the society of which you are secretary for Christmas box wliich received a few days ago Everything was cither very useful or a good treat I often wonder how you people know the articles we most need I received the parcel while in a dugout the line and had a few days ahead to put In In fact I am still here so you can realize how useful lowells socles and things like that are and the water Is deep enough in the trenches so we can wash every day but I am rather fortunate that way I usually have a good dug out headquarters to stay when not on duty so with my steel helmet as a wash and- parcels from Canada I always have a complete toilet outfit Thanking you and the other ladies of speicty for the kindness and Intercut shown to us I am respectfully Scout Proctor I must apologize Davis for the name of your society hut I know it Is either Red Cross op field Comfort I the address so I will ruye to use your aidrtw always gained its object and that is a lot Our Colonel Is known all along the lino and at the battle of on the 3rd of June he received Ihe US for gallantry He is now Brigadier and all the boys are hoping that he doesnt accept the promotion permanently as we would deeply regret losing him from the We have sure some country and hard life coming out here but is In good spirts as they realize that it Is a good cause and hope that When it Is all over the Prussian Militarism is smashed for all lime to and that peace will reign for alt lime Again thanking you and all the members of the society I will close wishing you all the best of success and happiness during the t year I am PRIONS REDUCED J WINTER GOODS HERE ARE A FEW SPECIALS Wool Underwear Reg for cadi Mens fop Heavy 1 A A Ladles for fcJ c J South Kins 1 ARCHIVES OF

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