Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 19 Jan 1917, p. 6

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0 v v- A big concert and Moving turn program Friday Man and wiUiugnOHH win war Mr and Mrs flru to Uiuuklbo tunny friends for their and during the illness and death of his lnotlior Mis Piper concert feivvjn hi tha WoHbyiflPian Church ion evening lust wan moat success ful wan an l school the children showing of very the prospneo of Knox added materially to success of evenings entertainment of There was I largo Donald son of Mr w writes lojbo Wo mens Institute follows friends lo thank ynuuljvery much for your kind in Bonding me ho nice a box for indeed very lyoughtnil you and I assure you of my lioarlfoH appreciation df your kindness I I like my work over here very much and am thankful lb all lho oilier over here We are trying to do our bit for King Country and Homo Kami Donald Shields RNAS at p Inbn Moore and Amos Lapp wont to Toronto oh Ihbir last to the A Mr and Mrs A Ward Milne Markham were recent visitors at home of her parents Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs and Him Hubert of were visitors at the home her aunt Mrs Mr and Mrs pont Sunday at be borne of Mr Mrs Dr Hums who has been visiting her sister Mrs Eugene Rowan for nasi few- weeks lias returned In her home in Hamilton of the Presbyterian Church intend hold ing Cross Social Notice the placerat Mr oh hill on- Thursday the when Hod Quilt be sold Pe- will bo and a who come Win Thompson of Modi- is paying to relatives around here after an absence of four teen years The annual meeting was hold week io menl for of and for the Sunday All wore reelected MrBJoff Peter man of Bask paying a visit Mr IM and other relatives The anniversary of will lie held some in February Roy is to preach and an program is prepared for a concert Dont Mission Band next afternoon Mr Win Wright of who la fin years old and and hearty and line looking is visiting his brothers sister hero A splendid is reported by all who attended the Ladies Aid Molding Mrs A Thursday Over seventy were present and throe jolly good sleighloads will wail for another invitation A Red Social will be bold at the homo of Mr A next Thursday evening Wo can look for a time Come Messrs Dan Moore Grant Roy Jack Meyers all of Toronto spent last Sun day at their homos bore coal question this steady cold almost from car stove QUO few days In yad paying friends a visit spending a Mr Jan- this dtfrg on iiday fir Cuiiia i It a and than VIM 1 round here Mr HoHf is fev days town paying Ills liaivnlH cotlBandmaHila arc- the order of the day around these- parts Hope It will soon bo forgot In the here A M ami days HP whilo fHe Z10N lack halt been ninkolng his out Intro snapidnK ililH I MrA spent the weekend her brother Mr Wilkinson of Vivian Mr and and Mr and Mrs spent at Keswick with Just returned from franco Wo hack to our midst Wo hear that of our taken upon a groat week Mr JaineaJJoag will soon to invest In eoaloll Miss Watson and friend Sunday with Mr John Hopkins on the Mrs 1 Kirk of a few Hong Silly Sally Of The of an old rcslHvnt of Holland- W has ftt tic reHldcnpe of Wr was in Toronto ind ft ft Coady former oily- treasurer was a brother Mrs fhorno wasa of Or Senior Follow of Dublin University and Archbishop of of lho late of Ireland and of of Nowfound- tf I After again hols of a an holiday wi Hist as over In around this lung However mi covering Heres something worth all the holiday rush are going to have a eoneerl As usual His expectn to be worth Tito program will composed play A of Suspension also dialogues ngfl and got rusty Come and ho again early as have hart a houseful to Is IidIiIIdk 1 Ff I HOSE WHO FROM FUNDS yoooK years we scripture at Dry Mr meetings wish him Sutton West I A I a former of the Presbyterian Church here but late died in Hospital Toronto on Tuesday Jan after a short illness from septic poisoning For some time bis health bad been failing and ho was compelled to resign his Dun- barton charge During the seven years bo was pastor of the Pres byterian Church bore be was very popular with all of the community and was a power for good There pro many who ill remember bis powerful and scholarly sermons His wife died a few years ago and he is sur vived by son by his first wife and a daughter who was born in Mount Albert He was in bis year Canadian troops penetrated trenches on Wednes day inflicting heavy losses and capturing men machine guns and a trench mortar Can adian casualties small PUBLIC Us that the Ail UAL Of the Above Society will he at the Public Library Room On Saturday January 20th At One Oclock M For the purpose of receiving the Annual Hop or Election of Of Accra for etc A General GEO Tres J KAY HOPE Plenty snow for sleighing Sunday was very last Sunday Wo hope fur more like it Mrs and spent Tuesday of last week at Mr Wilfrid Mrs spent Sunday at Mrs Mark Halls Mrs Wilfrid spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs pred Clad to sec her out again That was puff the Sunday Wall deserve Our of tin- Convention last They fine for a start Mrs Hall Mis Mr on Mr Dyke of tin- North W been visiting ids brother Mr Dyke our Training Class has plenty of We want some graduates at Hope Tuts of fun on the pond Monday night County Council meets next Tuesday choir got it- their re- Sunday were at Wednesday est has One registered filly rising old Driving old Apply to J- FKAY years Mr and Mrs fioag wish to convey their sincere thanks to the many kind friends and neigh bors for the acts of kindness words of sympathy cm of their beloved son P Owing to the sharp advance in the price of Leather Har ness Mountings which will lake- place in the spring wo will lake orders from now until April the let for a Good Team Harness made of No OakTanned Leath er for 30 a set each set guar anteed for years also Single Harness made in any style and with of Mountings rc- handmade I Wo kinds of Horse we an and the host of FOR In The West Half of Con con taining acres metre or loss This place is well fenced ond there is a spring creek running one corner thereof which wakes it an excellent pasture farm There is some Umber thereon terms condi tions of sale apply to Robert or to WIUDIPIKTJV His lion is given to J lie now has the lot of Unit to inautf- as or a I tyJe you wiut ifiut From SorthWosl of Lot during last wQckMnOceehbep ft Anyone giving such information will lead lo bo suitably a the Era The Ural returned soldier to teach Keswick arrived on Satur day evening in the person of Mr Wesley brother of Mrs Jus Colo of this village Mr went overseas wilh one of the earlier contingents Ho spent about a year in the trenches and was wounded in the back receiving quite a serious spine injury also ono of bis jaw hones was broken Both his injuries were caused by shrapnel About fifty of lho residents of Keswick met the car on Saturday overling They a large easy chair in delivery in which they placed Wesley and then willing hands pulled and pushed sleigh up to the homo of Mr Jus Cole they Pie Rye snorl speech ice harvest lias started in here this week Mr A Morton bus tilled bis house also Mr Win Marrill has his in Mr Junius Colo who has large ice bouse so as lo be able to supply the summer cottagers is busy tilling his house so as to be ready to all demands dur ing the hot weather Jim is a bustler alright P Fletcher is away for two weeks attending Conven tions in different parts of the Province Prof Dales supplied his pulpits Sunday There are several empty bous es in the village now owing to families having moved lo Toron to and different places Warifner and family were last lo leave for Toronto but they ex pect lo return in the spring Some two or three houses are f6v The question which is interesting the villagers just now is who is going lo bo able to make sale Sam Keswick is lo have a Garage A Mr who lives near Jack sons Point purchased a lot from Marrilt south of Cooks Bak ery last fall and is preparing lo build a residence and garage combined Ho has the foundation dug pari of lho gravel drawn ready for early spring Tho building is to be solid con crete walls We wish Mr Scott every success Mr Arthur at Orchard Beach has Just bad complete outUt of electric lights and now- or installed in his barn and house Keswick will have to wake up and try for lights at least Your correspondent would suggest that wo have our village formed Into a police vil lage for this and other needed improvements Perhaps Or chard Beach could be included There is a good deal of Keswick just now Win i ill has been confined to Abe ho a weak with la grip of a house to Uncle Travelogue Tho Postponed Travelogue by Alfred Young of Newmarket under the auspices of lho Hod Cross will be given in the Town Hall Sutton West on Tuesday Evening of next week He will show Beautiful Pictures of England and the War Zone in terspersed with Personal Experi ences and Anecdotes Miss Miss J Trcloar and others have kindly consented to assist on- he program Chair to ho taken at oclock sharp It is hoped thai the place will be crowded as the cause is worthy of hearty support and there is a call for increased effort through out the Dominion The purpose holding their annual Dance on Friday the of Feb Look out for bills later Admiral Dewey of Manila fame died on Tuesday In Brampton School was burnt to the early Tuesday morning Loss Small insurance The Germans have sunk ships captured two in the South Atlantic between Dec and Jan WHAT FOUND On a crowded San Francisco Street Car one wet miserable night nol long ago a coin was heard to drop As nearby pas sengers craned their necks an old man slopped and picked it up Anybody lost a fivedollar piece he asked anxiously Nino passengers hurriedly searched their pockets and shout ed I have Well found a nenny to wards it said old man Our Toronto Letter ftootrnr PUBLIC hereby givontiint Annu al Meeting of above will be hold at km PJt Mmkiifcui fiU At the tytoprt tot eWvv iktee sure im no ii liU03pif the Officers for A attawde of Finns who with his family is living Ju Toronto Ibis winter j in lho vlllbgo recently The League held Us social Mr HiKlors week There Mil famine hero just how dealer ie having to burn viUago the family of are now fully aettlodVfn by C Cole is and is a hoar that the I paying biff this tsouie of of going over of IN SUMS OF OR ANY THEREOF I Principal 1st October 1919 April and 1st by choquo any chartered spank Canada at rato of cent annum from tho date purchase of this slock will have of surrondorinfl par and accrued interest of cash In of any under any war In Canada than an Issue of Treasury Bills like short date security this for purposes only A commission of onequarter of bo allowed to recognized bond and stock on allotments made In respect for this stock For application form3 apply to Deputy Minister of Finance Ottawa OF FINANCE OTTAWA vr In oup IT fox In So many motor card urn now in use all over the country that the Government are considering plans for taking over lending roads all over Ontario Legisla tion may be proposed next of IheOnlnrio Legislature At the byeelection to the On tario occasioned by Hon Mr accepting office Mr J Cane was proposed as bis Liberal opponent on Monday next A young officer is under arrest named Lieut Oil charge of forgery He was pay master of the Halt Without any formality the ci vic car line extension on Lans- Ave was opened Tuesday afternoon It is a stub line run ning from St Clair Ave to the P tracks A sixminute service will be provided by two cars and passengers will be given transfers lo enable lo travel over the St Clair Ave line thieves have been operating in the neighborhood of Street On Monday Con stable linker found five Is land in possession of McClenry which belonged to man and arrested him The Churches of Toronto re port last year lo be a prosperous one in membership and money despite he war and lislmenls TliCAVasto paper department of Cross Association is to have a- mascot Miss Jones has been llie lucky young girl chosen to drive the grey pony and red cart which is augured lo bring phenomenal success lo the fund In lho past month the amount realized from the more than doubled The Police have been request ed lo locale Eleanor who has missing since lho of this month a well known resident of flew market has been appointed agent for of letter received by Mr Win Kes- Tbe first great musical event scheduled for the season in To ronto and perhaps lho most im portant is the Annual Con cert by the National Chorus un der the direction of Dr Albert Ham in Massey Hall on Jan 25th Founded a time when the spirit of Imperial ism bad hardly begun lo perme ate the great body of the Can adian public National Chor us has steadily endeavored to in a vogue for he works of British composers and perhaps the present status of Toronto as lho imperialistic center of Dominion may be dire in some degree to Dr Hams efforts Since he beginning of the war he Chorus been very active in patriotic work having given two special concerts in conjunction Empire Club and do nated the proceeds of its regular concert to Canadian Red Cross A munitions plant for the Imperii Munitions Hoard is lo bo on the new in dustrial site in Bay The Toronto Harbor Commission bavo completed the arrangements and construction work H com- monco forth stated that the plant will Anally occupy sixty acres of the reclaimed land Mr Stanley who labor ed for seven years in Africa among -the- tribes of Northern Ni geria gave an address Hail Ave last Monday night and told how those heathen tribes hud been told lho Gospel story Hon at the annual meetlngof Ontario League last Monday nigM bat Would introduce legislation- to provincial road This instead of an nual touel the Laymens sion of the rents and Mrs of were can arch of ev inter on of- copy Marrilt from son Harry of wick So me who re In Franco Doc i91o Dear Folks at wind is whistling among lho trees and at Intervals tin rain comes boating down as if would like to go right through person This place is noted for the winds A place not far away in called The Four Winds It certainly has kept up to lis reputation since we have been here as has been a wind most of the lime I received your letter written on of Nov also tint hunch of papers and the parcel with the candles and Ho not bend any more until I lot you know We have quite a supply on hand It s only at limes that have the fac ilities for making drinks When we have wo certainly make good use of it I do not think I Ms any use Send ing honestly believe that quite a bit has been wasted or else the hoys carrying ft a round in their kit bass Very few parcels come with out two or three boxes of in them When anybody opening parcels anil comes to box or boxes of everybody a tar la laughing I the people must advertise how good their products for sol diers t the front We often notice advertisements in the papers of dif ferent stuff that people recommend lo to the in Some people never think else but business The parcels have slackened up some now i the seniee was good has about and they are ail and he hasnt any left for Day but it matter we not able to stuff Well arc In action again it fa like a home from Our Company was lucky there were only two tUa one lulled one wound Quite a few have I en for their good work arc Military Id our seoUon and one Crow he Our received medals any in dc He I The TO MAKE THE for growing of Cucumbers He desires anyone who can grow to communicate him parsonally or by Ho has contracts ready for It may not he generally known but thero Is A Good Deal of Money In growing of Cucumbers when scientifically taken up and it will pay Farmers and others to look Into this Apply to I POST OFFldE BOX NEWMARKET very littl Unit stew for at home I lid the runs lie ha lo do what he likes The Office shifts are each on a third of the time and of the we are practically our own boss es Hick and Milliard both Victoria College Joined our Company a few days ago Tin have been at the base for a couple of months lien Summers and were down to see them last night at the horse lines Are any of the over In France If so what Malls were they drafted Into i Will you please send me a fairly de cent fountain pin I will stop writ ing for tonight Probably I will write some more later us I am en closing lids in a green envelope with a few more letters that I intend to Write in the near future Dee Well Christmas Day has passed off very quietly us The only thing out of the ordinary was some mutton dinner anilphun for I thought of our dear often during the day and I that you ll had a remain as Ever Harry ask you send him a fountain loo Hade vli else I end TOUJ A I Hi Si Irolas Also a well a Apply to market Isaac told me I to I acres Wbilchurch farm convenient lo Village 28 miles from Toronto Brick Dwelling Hank Barn Drive House Piggery Spring Creek Orchard clear of encum brance Fortyfive Dollars We can arrange next season contracts lo have farm lands un derdrained with modern ma chinery used JOHN FISHERY CO Adelaide East Toronto HOW TO THE HIGH COSY Por SO days we following to Boys Girls and GUI Id ions and Shoes at less Ihuu half price they were before the war Ladies Trimmed Hey for Misses Rubbers to Hats for Feathers Plumes Flowers and Shapes at As we going out of Millinery will be No Re served They go Shakers Hog for yd At from to Prints while they last yd Overalls Smocks per Girls Corsets As We pulling in an entirely new stock of Wall Paper we are sailing lho present stock at to make Paints Reg for Mens per garment All Wool Undershirts Hon Hoys and Girls Tenuis Boys Hookey Caps Mdna Caps Oo tuoli Stock Food for Mens Khaki Flannel Shirts Fancy Hat Pins Gold Rings brooches Stick Ping and tun Buttons A I Slock at Cost Thread at spool Large Onions lbs for Lemons Oranges 35c dor Corn Flakes Crumbles il for for Figs 3 lbs for Comfort Soap for Seedless Raisins 10o a- VeKelable Discovery for Greens Reg for Lung Balsam Reg for Cough for18o Consumption Cure Reg Oil Beg Si Pulmonio Syrup Reg- i Beans nog foj Celery Hills Rev d Im f Pile He- S for 38o il to make for ho bars So Mens Neckties Reg for Ae6 in M wo for our at Wrdwiw I or over ARCHIVES Of UN

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