Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 19 Jan 1917, p. 2

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Apply ficoit at 7 Mr 8 Dawson of desires lo express deep to llio neighbor and friends who such valuable assist ance and sympathy during hie recent in the death Of Ills beloved partner Application will be received by the Clerk of die Town of Newmarket up to Jan JO of INSPECTOR etc for the Munici pality Of Duties on plication to Clerk Stale salary required II Mayor Domestic Wanted Smart Young Woman for email family In Toronto If any and of Era -f- Intolllfjont wanted for In Light work In Fac tory Apply to CO Limited AgrldUlil PUBLIO I I Is hereby given Unit the ANNUAL MEETING Of the Society will bo held in the Hall On Saturday Jan 1617 At One M For the purpose of receiving the Annual Report Election of Officers for A General Attendance JOHN KEITH It- Photos Your Frlondo buy you can them your Photograph LET U8 MAKE THEM YOU urbrigg Phone Photographer Studio One Door West the New Post Office of EVENING SITTING BY APPOINTMENT the OF party finishes Us tour of York on Jan when the which consists of the men who reside in that district will take the rain from to Toronto to resume their training at- Exhibition Camp On Ian another party consisting of the men of North York will- take Iho Held at Mount Albert and visit every town and village possible According to ho assessment about wanted from North and- to the of the North Iho looks with poctanoy The of Coun ty rests In their bands up to date that the men of East York have been weighed In the scales of and found wanting Every eligible young- man is being found out and canvassed in the County Another opportunity is being offered them lo do the right thing both for their King and Country and also for flolvcs Hut if the call falls on deaf ears one shudders to think of Ills future when the war is won and peace declared The of Cain who slew bis brother Abel and Iho eligible man who loaves his brothers of the County to die for he lack of ro-fnforco- men Is in the what is tantamount to murder It will surely brand him as an outcast not only from goodwill and good osteon of his countrymen but also from the soft job and cosy fl reside bo Is now in his ut ter selfishness occupying War is stern but the aftermath of till war will be of a mould of stern ness hat beggars description How hard times will be then I How huge will bo Iho crowd of out-of- works no one has any conception of The only one thing which one can lie sure of is that both on the farm and in Man of Khaki will bo First and Foremost In the of the government and the country What welcome awaits the boys who have fought and bled for us when the war and victory won I So great will bo the sense of relief and freedom when he terrific shackles of war are thrown off so intense will be the brilliance of the sun of peace when the dark warclouds break land roll away that the whole world will go road with joy Then to whom will everyone turn bis eyes To the saviours of their country lo each bravo lad as ho lands on his native shore with the powder and scars of battle on his brow and grati tude will know no bounds No thing will bo too good then for be Heroes in Khaki 1 I near the Irene n wcdiii of or over half a ailing on la Town of incident i liis I- I Mr John Walsh of Toronto called on friends in town on Tuesday Mr John Armstrong P is moving to Newmarket this week where the children can attend the High School Mr H Coffey paid a busi ness trip lo Toronto Monday Mr Randall of called on friends in town on Wednesday Mr Skinner spent Saturday in Toronto Mr Gordon Brown spent a couple of days be latter pari of the week In the Queen Oily Miss spent Satur day in Toronto Dr a Graham attended the Ice in Toronto last week Mr is wearing a smile or a young soldier ar rived at bis homo on Saturday Mr of called on friends around town this week Mr has been ill with pneumonia at Mr Joe pultons passed away on Friday The funeral wtfe hold to Lloyd- town on Sunday Dr Kay was called to the side of his Hoy Dr who is sick with pleural at OttO For be today who sheds blood with Shall be my brother bo he so vile This day shall gentle bis condi tion And slackers now in Canada to day Shall think themselves aecursd they were not there And Hold tholr Manhood wbilsl any speaks Who fought with us and helped us beat the Hun I Apologies lo Shakespeare To the men of North York now our eyes turn The Cock of the North shall crow with all its pristine pride of patriotism over all Its neighbors Reasons why the boys of North York will come up lo he scratch a I Noblesse oblige Their Groat deputation for patriotism in he past demands it and it must be kept up The War Auxiliaries and prominent men and women have been and in every way with the soldiers are bound lo be good with such promises So it i with a large hope that the Tour ing Parly will reach North York on the of January Young men the war cannot last much longer There are signs now that the Kaiser is weakening He wants peace badly This may be your Last Chance of taking part in the greatest war ono for liberty justice honor and civiliz ation that was ever fought and won If you dont put on khaki what share can you have in the victory when il is won Youll bide your head in shame arid maybe find that life in your pros homo and country loinjf er possible and voluntary exile if the only path open to you Quit LlkeWfin DELAY PUT ON KHfctiKU JOIN THE I J Word from Ottawa that Sir Wilfrid has Informed by Sir Cecil Spring- nice from the Throne be moved on WublUnstoo that lion- Dr Thursday the AIllelaHd Is about to be that A Waterloo farmer was fined this week for offering stale eggs for fresh ones on the Klt- Market The Ontario Legislature will on the of February mid the has been made that the House will adjourn or one day ul of for the memory of Hon J Duff and Hon J J have passed away since last The address reply from Hie TIII AnrlV0 BULWARK the line across France held by the doscrlhcd by ho London Tinws as the of England some scores of YMCA buildings tents dug outs etc making happiness in the lives of our soldiers by providing entertainment games leltorwriling facilities religious activities and innumerable personal services for the men Canadas army is served by over workers in Canada England and France Of these over arc Honorary Cap tains lit England and in France Iberearo each of whom has several assistants Over branches were opened in Iho area these plants running all the way from one equipment composed of canteen marquee hut for writing and a huge concert marquee accommo dating a couple of thousand at a single spot down to the tiny dugouts where not more ban four or can bo allowed in at one time One of the interesting plants is carried on in a cellar of a muchshelled city frequent ly referred to in our Canadian papers and strange lo say this YMCA handles more refresh ments than any of the other with the Canadians in Franco Thousands of Canadians every day are anxiously watching for letters from the boys at the Front and in training camp Wo won der if it Is known whore Ihey written but probably it is so many of Iho letters bear the Scarlet Triangle A Captain recently returned from Franco stales that were it not for this service thousands of letters could never bo written because Is impossible for Iho soldiers to keep draper dry and envelopes from sticking together This is only ono Item in the vast YMCA program that adds cheer to the mens lives and contributes the spirit referred to in despatches Other ac tivities are arranging concerts in camps supplying equipment and expert supervision for Football Baseball providing moving pictures in camp and at the front also conducting Lend ing Libraries supplying enter tainments by gramophones in many cases to isolated units distributing tons of magazines discharging innumerable person al commissions conducting sing songs bible groups and religious services There are instances where the YMCA front line can teen saved many lives by dis tributing free all provisions in slock because rations were tem porarily cut off during a drive There were Canadian CA branches in the sal ient and over 30 in the varying in size from a tiny dug out lo a large encampment where thousand men are dated Wherever our soldiers are in Canada on train on trans port in England at the Front or returning to Canada wounded the is engaged in making them happier and better men Over five hundred persons are employed in the service of whom in England and in France hold Iho rank of Honorary Cap- lain Soon three Honorary Captains will devote their whole time to accompanying our re turning wounded soldiers and by giving special attention to voca tional guidance and personal in terest that will follow them right to their destination assist these men to readjust themselves to civilian living again The trip will be made when pos sible on transports with troops a large and growing un dertaking requires considerable Special speakers are to present the story in a way that will lluv support of our High Mr calling Friday Hollerith Is the Hospital Toronto the firing very Peart took with her aupt Mrs A Mrs P McCarthy and Utile Franklin of Indian Head Sank arc visiting Mn I Millard Ave Mrs J Alder and also her the West were railing on Mrs Hazard Ontario St oh Mon day and other friends Mr John Stevens of wan in Town yesterday and renewed for the Bra fur the lime pro bably our oldest Mrs Forester of Grantlhll Mali of Mrs J Is threemonths with her daughter and friends In Ontario WOT J Mulr also Duncan of Tuscan Lodge New market attended the funeral of the I In Toronto last wMlns May Toronto who has suffering from neuritis fur over four months was removed to Aurora on Tuesday to he under the care of her slater las Brothers Mr William Torrance Allan the Conservative Candidate elected In West on Monday by a majority of Is a Newmarket boy a son of the James Allan mid broth er law Mrs of Toronto writes us regarding the death of Mrs Rev whloh was noted in the Bra a couple of weeks ago that la grippe was the cause of her death after only four days of Illness She passed peacefully away as If in a deep sleep Although nearly years of age her mind was clear arid she read every thing that came to her home up lo the of her illness s Mrs Grace writing from says Our district had a very light crop last year Two- thirds of the wheat graded feed The remainder three to five Oats and fair As most of the grain was sold when prices were good the re turns have not been too had we had three weeks of very cold weather For a week now It lias been very pleasant Today Is above Not enough snow to make good sleighing or more wrriy2fed 16 at the King George Monday deeply Impresse0 with too noble and- heroic Work the is doing for the troops the- His address an hour friiUbe War Zone great doing in keeping the men on the firing line tbo blues and Jorou line from getting inspiring them with courage for the future necessity for the work of the ladies in providing socks and other comforts fortho men was fully demonstrated and the assurance that not a Of oven castoff clothing is wast ed as the French people eagerly use everything discarded by the army The work of YMCA has assumed such large proportions that organization is compell ed to ask people of Canada for rnuchnccdcd financial assist ance on behalf of the men who defending the Empire So Impressed with the value of the work undertaken were the men present that an organization was effected to give substantial aid with the following officers President Mr W Hunter Secretary Mr A J Davis Treasurer Mr JHY lon Executive Mayor Eves Pearson and Councillor Fred Doyle representing the three Wards of the Town The Clergy are to of the matter in their several of Allan lie Is practicing pulpits next Sunday and a Whirl- In I wind Campaign is lo be conduct ed on Monday for subscriptions It is expected that Newmarket will contribute at least every dollar will be spent in cheering Hie boys at the front and the sacrifices they arc making demand some sacrifice on our part Will you do your shore He ready when called up on boon largest wo hava aL We I wo curt end at wiy time ttiat It and I mafeo While to than wo over handled OF In Our at flo and or- euro to you IP nothing hotter W bo had than the wo saii- alb If you would to call for your order wo will bo to as flood If you hero yourself you want of Candy or come sweet it hero that you jot them a GROCERY PHONE Ring 2 PHONE 35 You use jfeefacfi Mounts THE Furniture and Undertaking House UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY to at a PURITY AND QUALITY ih rftril day The londP 1 Mr Leo arm the s on lip A cis stani Til Jan Past- in on llio in el They ii pedal Attention All Physician and Family Recipes NEWMARKET MAIN STREET Agent for Cameras and Photo Supplies Weekly TELEGRAPH House Phono No Store Phone No Phones and 26 Toronto In Mount Albert on Fri day January lo Mr and Mrs Ira Morton a son ion McDonald In Newmarket on Jan to Mr and Alex a on Town Hall Newmarket to heart Pearson tell about the boys In the trenches Everybody go Newmarket IOOt- On Wednesday evening Jan Samuel Wright and staff from Toronto visited Newmarket Encampment No for Hie purpose of installing the Officers for ensuing term The following are the new SCI Wilson GP Barker Draper J Hose Scribe Brim on Trees j Booth Guide A Skinner 1st Watch York 2nd Watch Geo 3rd Watch Watch It Pollard Inside Sentinel A Outside Sentinel J Weir of A Richardson 2nd of T After- the installation the pa triarchs repaired to a banquet where speeches wore given by the visiting patriarchs which concluded a very enjoyable even ing campaign to lojio place- though comes earlier than tins notion the of pa completed gab Great Britain and era about to favnthge to release all hi both countries who are yean POTTAOKVILLE vv- Mr Jotmpy the eralof In Toronto on p -r- Mrs Wesley Dove a fid are vLltJn Toronto- Harry of Ketlleby called on Mr Cook recently Mrs Wilson called on J Cutting on Wpdnegfly A number from here fittendvii on S8titlsy are sorry to report Miss the care ope for ft fippcrty A ftw fiom hero i at Kctljoby on Sunday night of Mr On Friday morning of last week Mr Win for more than 20 years caretaker of the York Buildings on Ade laide Street Toronto passed away after an illness of several weeks His death removes a well- known figure from the municipal life of the county A native of Bradford SImcoo Co the late Mr received his education at the Barrio common school and Collegiate Institutes He was for some years engaged in mer cantile life In King City and later was in Hie insurance business in Newmarket About years ago he was appointed lo the office oc cupied by him at the time of bis death The late Mr was years of age and is survived by his widow three sons Donald William and Angus of Toronto and two daughters Jane at home and Annie in Portland Ore A number of brothers and sisters survive one brother Andrew in Winnipeg He a past master of Tuscan Lodge of New market with which he had been actively identified for many The funeral at Iho of bis son William to and he was buried with Masonic honors In Aurora on Saturday Jan Gib to Dr and Mrs Scrivener a son At on Monday Jan 1017 to Mr and Mrs Cameron a son On near New market to Mr and Mrs Walter Mil- gate a son Altar At St Johns Church on Jan 15th by Rev rather Wedlock Mr Andrew to Miss Florence McTague all of Newmarket At the home of the grooms brother Kenllworth Ave Toronto by Rev It Mrs Rose and Gordon Stevens both of Pine Orchard By his residence Prospect Ave Newmarket on Jan Mr Lawrence of to Miss J Nelson of Aurora The Tomb PIPER In Mount Albert on Thursday January at the home of her son Fred Mrs Sarah Piper aged years and months Funeral Saturday to Mount Albert Cemetery On St East on Sunday Jan Mary beloved wife of Ernest S Dawson- in her year At his residence Adelaide Street east Toronto on Friday morning Jan William Duncan formerly of New market aged years East on Jan Ross beloved son of Mr and Mrs months and days aged HART On Friday Jan William Hart of Aurora year in his John Methodist Missionary died t Calgary on Monday At his late residence King Township on Thursday George his year At Newmarket on Wednesday Jon Mar guerite Evelyn daughter of Mr and Mrs Win McOlvmont aged J months and The funeral took place yesterday afternoon Service at the residence Huron Street and interment at King City Cemetery At industrial Home on Jan- 1917 Mary i Is now dlrootly Canadas Oldest THE PIAHO AND COMPANY LIMITED Makers of And Solo for the WorldFamous ALSO NEW The with tho wealthier classes brings them in exchange for Players and Grands large numbers of Pianos many of them wellknown Canadian and American makes As the or is the ultimate choice of practically every musician and of many of the cultured homes it is frequently necessary to law in exchange for these instruments excellent pianos other makes so thai the Company are in a position to offer at all limes remarkable bargains in used instruments So if you have a preference for any particular make it will be lo your interest to get our list before deoiding For Catalogue of and Players Pianos or a list of Used or Catalogue of wonderful Address IS GEORGE AND TORONTO CO LTD A J Careful Attention AURORA parcels each a number of useful articles were provided and despatched last week to Aurora boys at the front by Red Cross Society have been many vio lations of bylaw prohibiting Aurora people from placing on the streets that the authorities Intend prosecuting offthders un less discontinued total in Aurora and district omunts lo and of these cards wore delivered and J been returned LOOS Farmers bring them cut into tu to your own ih giyyft To bo Tli Prosj scan was Miss Ihum fresh rap ill Tin day a a room of Re ever of re and It is will I Court Tin court Room ilig Org a I VC Chi J It Aft Maw Chief of bi ro si Chief Drain and ii Ave seas I kind i si Til social Chun J res si Oiler lo a i sen to which 11 fciven York bo no our there ward iug Pre So Sup am fids

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