Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 12 Jan 1917, p. 2

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j SIS a Girl to assist with wages Write MraiMur- ray Admiral Toronto waoted general three in family good homo- Write to Mrs North Toronto from and VN w During Year lj I J Yltolion Maid for College Apply to FIRTH Pickering College Newmarket On during noon hour between corner f St and 2nd of King Howard for return to En Office onus Also one as well us three sets of Harness Apply to Now- market For Office Shorthand desirable hut not ab solutely necessary Apply to Superintendent at factory J SONS Aurora Out CUSTOM LOGO Farmers bring logs to and have them cut into limber to suit your own Dont wait till the ia gone A DAVIS WB0 Newmarket Thoyvotold mo the truth young CARD OF Mr it Boyd wlahoa to convey Ilia thanks to many kind friends and neighbors for the nets of kindness and words of sympathy concerning the death of his wife Mr Edward Owens desires to express his sincere thanks to the and friends for their assistance and sympathy during the illness and death of his be loved wife and also for the beau tiful flowers to adorn fellow my lad Youll never again OhObd the dreams- and the dreams And hopes In vain I For you pasecd in Iho night young follow my And you proved In- the cruel tost Of Urn screaming shell and the liml my boy was one of Ho youll live youll young follow my lad In the gleam of the evening star In the wood note wild and the laugh of the child In all sweet thin us that are And youll never die my wonder ful hoy While life Is noble and true For all our beauty and peace and Joy We will owe to our lads like you From Rhymes of a Hod Cross Carl Private JaoH IVm Harry Private Prod Aurora ie v 2 Wit Vnndorf Oak v Vivian 2 Valley 53 Wno Kottloby King Linton 2 to War tjtjit to the your chums j MP old TrsH to UOO 111 Unit r WITH llttD flic meeting of the Company will hold at the Temperance Hull on Monday Jfln at I Oclock of which will and govern accordingly WATSON Secretory Is that tho Of the above Society will be held in the Plro Hall On Saturday Jan 1G1V At One Oclock P For the purpose of receiving the Annual Report Flection of Officers for A Proa rihj mm j Annual Meeting of the will be held in the Secretarys Wovnnarket On Monday evening Jan at oclock for the election of Officers and transaction of business A full attendance of Lot Owners is requested Owners unable to attend the an nual meeting may obtain blanks for proxy voting by applying to the Secretary DR SCOTT K YORK COUNTY GO acres Whitchurch farm convenient to Village miles from Toronto Dwelling Bank Barn Drive House Piggery Spring Creek Orchard clear of encum brance Hundred Dollars We can arrange next seasons contracts to farm lands with modern ma chinery used JOHN CAdelaide Fast Toronto field of you are not love of country and pride achievement and that you are not more If peace wore declared Ho y I MCccifllVBUMlo are hern a California TheMaU of rtaya nwnestfiw Hie vacant miiater in that of Mr J- A- Hi r Mb of Hill Victoria Thornhill Maple Sir Allen was Minister of The position has since filled by appointment of a Representative once for Newmarket and District for ritiKAYfciSr Spring 1017 planting Usl now Splendid List of Hardy Canadian Grown Fruit and Ornamental slock including And Many Other Leaders OaUtoflu snt fcUlfiii At a meeting bold in Hall Toronto tho week before Sir Prime Minister of Canada spoke of hav ing bad him certain state ments of Viscount as to what Germany has done to help less Belgians in Belgium Those statements have not boon pub lished because thoy wore loo ter rible for publication Sir went on to say that any man with red blood Jr his veins if bo know of these things would bo com pelled by bis own senso of indig nation to lake the flold if ho woro at all able to do so in order to bring to justice those guilty of Ibis diabolical brutality Major Gordon belter in our Canadian homes as Ralph Connor has also some thing to say about men with red blood in their veins follow ing is from an interview with Ralph Connor who has just re turned from Iho front on short leave Major Gordon was asked what in his own- opinion would most stimulate re cruiting in Canada showed surprise Docs it need stimulat ing ho asked Is it possible lliat any young man in Canada fit to go and fight and who ought to go and fljhls la unwilling to do The spirit of our man is splendid The spirit of the whole people is splendid In fact that spirit is con- wonder of the war Nobody talks of peace until our task has been complet ed What we want in the next few months ho continued is such a demonstration of power on the part of the Al lies as will break Iho hearts of the German militarists It is very near breaking point now When the spring comes well we shall see This tells its own story When the spring comes what will bo feelings of the man who knows he ought to enlist and has not en listed only way lo be sure of an easy mind is to apply at once lo hose who recruit ing in this County and alter settled happy men are tho men in khaki Following is tho assessment made formen in North York Following is iho plan or the Tour Headquarters will lie established at tho larger centers mm recruiting offi cers will- ho billeted two by Iwo as many outlying points as possible Our Ball by send ing the names of those who willing to billet the soldiers lo Toronto as soon as or to the local Depot Lit Ian to West Hill- Holt Pino Vivian Jan 27lh lo 20th Virginia Vachell Sutton Jan and Feb 1st Baldwin Jacksons Point Keswick Feb lo Arrnitagc Pleasantville Holland Landing Sharon Aurora Feb to lb While Hose Oak King Feb to lottagoville Linton Hill Feb to Victoria IVoodbrldao Feb to Nashville Purplevillo Elder Mills Feb lo Mount Dennis Emery t Islington Feb lo Mimico Beach New Toronto Bay Lome Park Swansea r would Bland against you for that the York a rtdlnff was held accusations fltatctl above atijembeioltheCaIlne hoard on the In ovepy particular years Mulook wob the office search tho recesses la vacant loday uccessor soul to discover if thbro any Justification for your present in remaining most momentous struggle in tho defence of liberty justice freedom and rights of smaller nations for which the Al lies stand Compel yourself to meet this question fairly If by not enlist ing or by not offering sorvlces to nation in form of national service do I not sanction thereby all the Indescribable horrors Huns have committed upon children all the murders land and sea massacres of Belgians Serbians and Arnonians and all tho sacri fices my own kith and kin have made in dofonoo of thoir country and tho Ideals for which they died If by not enlisting do not prove thereby that it is a matter of indifference to mo who rules this country bo ho Hun or Briton it is all the to The thing is I am more anxious to live and let live than I to cido whether a cause is right or wrong- If our young men will put the matter themselves square ly in this light as slated above we have this faith in thorn that will assert and prove their manhood by enlisting in the ranks of the and re store in the of their fellow- men tho good opinions held of them but now so far remote from ExpressHerald o been than with results of jo since moving Our hcan wo had must ho a for It I Wb that io k great factor In Wo want you to that much ilvaye handled we now in to our meat trade and puttlnn In RofrlgoratoPi that wo will have a varfttv At locate than wo handled WHAT- THAW OF OH t 8pcolallzo In Our at SO and Bo flP euro to you Cor Toronto 0HTinip IVOil DIG Ontario apples have again showed their to all olhers three of Mcintosh grown In Simeon Just won the prize at the Rochester growers from any part of the continent The winning were grown on the farm of of one of the experts of the fruit branch of the Department of Agriculture nothing bettor to bo had than Coffee alb If you would 1 1 ho uo to call for your order wo will bahAMi to fllvo It flood attention you here yourself When you want a nice of Candy or It la hero that you got JulCy dept phone 3 mm TownBbfp of forlaw i v Virginia P of North Sutton Jacksons Point j A Keswick IJoidwin Dont The Battalion start this month an active campaign lo se cure recruits It the intention to cover the whole County of York in a big effort to recruit to full strength They will cover whole Go of York during January and February That in llio County there many eligible young men who could join the is a selfevi dent most casual ob server That they have not long since themselves with some branch of the army service is a matter- of amazement That there sound reasons why they should not en list improbable and that now after two and a half years Of war without any signs of the insistent call for men touching a responsive chord in their hearts make their indifference all the more That so no day in the pars to this act that when Jig for thorn Id assert their manhood in thoyweVo ihis regret lejr nothing canoraso We have our young manhood hero in wo have even though to day they appear on our street in civilian dress is lying that love and prions in country hat fleeda to kindle it into a glowing This spark the men of may touch in through York IaiiJfy town should Hoi I IfrVuh Mrs Dr returned from Montreal on Sunday evening A P Addison preached In King Township last Sunday lev P Thomas attended Presbytery In Toronto on Tuesday Miss Jones left for Toronto on Monday to resume her studies Miss Lizzie Davison of Toronto week with her mother on Mil lard Ave Miss Shield of spent the holidays with of Mr- Mrs Jacob of visited their son here for the weekend Keith attended a of the Highway In To ronto yesterday Mr Prank Baker of Winnipeg writes Please remember us to all our Newmarket friends Mr and Mrs Geo Draper after visiting at Mr Hamiltons left on Tuesday for Point Mr of another man to renew for the Era last Saturday for the lime Mrs of Toronto who wag vielllng relatives and friends In Town for over a week returned home on Tuesday Mrs John W of Newmar ket passed her birthday on Wed nesday Her son and daughter were home to tea Mr and Mr3 Jarnes Peters also Mr Miss Myrtle and Muster Peters the weekend at Mr Hamiltons Mrs Garrett of formerly of Bradford has returned home after spending two months with friends In Ontario In renewing for the Bra Mr Don- old Morrison of adds We are all well which is good news to many friends In Newmarket Mr and Mrs and of Davidson formerly of Newmarket spent New Year holidays with friends in Mr writes ub from New York that the sentiment of all with whom he comes In contact seems to he with the Allies Mrs Andrew of Glenhursl Is here on a visit with old friends She expects to in On tario foe couple of months Miss Peters of North has successfully passed her probation and Is now in full nurses uniform at Parry Sound Hospital Mr and Mrs Clark of Toronto spent New Year holidays at Mr have returned home also Mr Milter of Toronto Mrs Miller and little boy expect to return next week Mr Price new Manager of the Hell Telephone Office has secured the residence on St now- occupied by A A Smith and will move bis family here when Mrs Smith moves In the Spring Miss Lehman wlio Is on teaching staff at Pickering College returned from Philadelphia last Thurs day after spending the Christmas vaca tion with her In that city who also accompanied her on a visit to City Mr Martin here from the West Friday lo spend two months with old Mends Ills wire arrived here two weeks ago Mr lives about miles from Kevins and his farm escaped the which swept a path miles down to the Boundary His wheal crop averaged about the acre Mr ruiK Hairy of THIS Furniture and Undertaking can buy your Furniture Cheap for UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY to HiaitiJi Phonos 17 and St -PURITY- AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes ID 13d- NEWMARKET MAIN STREET Agent for Cameras and Photo Supplies Fresh Huylers Weekly Q OFFICE House Phono No Store Phone No In Toronto on Jon to Mr and Mrs Clarence formerly of a daughter FAQQAU In Newmarket on Dec 29th to Mr and Mrs Fred erick a daughter Tho Altar At the residence of the brides father St Aurora on Tuesday Dec 2Gth by Spencer Miss Clara Viola Stephens to Mr Percy If Hugh of Aurora At St Johns Church Newmarket by Rev Father Wedlock on Jan Miss Barbara daughter of Mr and Mrs George of King to Mr Herbert of tomb In Whitchurch on Sun day Jan after a long Illness Walter Sheffer fanner and carpenter aged years Deceased was born In the of where some of members of his family reside In Mount Albert on William Wye Smith formerly of Newmarket in year In Newmarket very sud denly Louise beloved daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Watson died Thursday Jon aged 5 years Laid at rest in Newmarket Cemetery on Saturday afternoon In Newmarket on Dec 28th1916 Arthur Martin aged years Mount Albert on Fri day January 5th Sylvia be loved wife of John In her year Funeral Sunday to Pine Orchard fie me lory In Newmarket on Jan Evelyn infant daughter of Herbert Boyd ipuuuv a LP THE CHEAPEST PHAGE IN TOWN Nuts Fine Oranges Grapes Choice Fresh Pure Olive Oil Good Italian 1 Call and and Candy of AH Kinds Guaranteed Macaroni Calendar for All Our i SAM main I j tluiy arc With in Iho Butt They are hod hut the n lo prove their To young wen of 1 moil we Mass- wrltrf The is a let ter from uiUier bettor letter tor it news the do La Having beta erihtr for ua I would I In but loving of my dear mother Keetch who ell ankep In Jesus Jan at Bellmen Oft I think of dear mother And my heart la with pain earth would be like heaven Could I hear your again Just years asd you loft us miss your loving But you left us to None on fill your place things must be The men In the trenches and the wives and mothers of these men are the real heroes of the war and it la foolish to pretend that any other work however arduous can rank with theirs But those of us who are not privileged to serve in great things must hot suppose that we are relieved from doing our There Is a temptation to such as cannot make great sacrifices to sink Into apathy and make no sacrifice at all Such an attitude should be strictly guarded against When great things are re- 1 quired of us we must be faithful in great things and when small are required of us we In small things A small thing now Is being- asked of every in Canada belwojn the Ages of and It is only to give conscientiously and carefully certain information required by National Service Board in order that the resources of the country may be so organized as to be used most effec tively in prosecution of- the war Toe service is so simple that some may be tempted through carelessness or thoughtlessness to it But though the service be small its proper performance is Important but essential if we ace going to give our most effective aid In helping to win war If we are to win war the efforts of the whole British peo ple must be concentrated and this cannot be done unless this Information is accurately given It is not given to all of us to inspiring but all of us can laie care leave not write as you must remember A J Order I- this you me it leaves mo loving FIFTH ft llt of wo J her brother Vie Geo West who is a prisoner of war in Germany Nov I Dear Sister The mhil has just been out and I several from you one from mother ftON lis and Ted Vale Also a com of Bed Cross Cards stating aro sending metheir weekly parcel Where did you gel the you can only write one page a time I have received with live and six pages and sow of the other fellows get more that I suppose you And quite sufficient as you often There is never a goes by that I do not get a Wg from you and I certainly loo forward for mail day cm around No doubt you thin often as I migM we are allowed four cards and IjwJJ a month and I wnte least twice a month J got lonUve mo his address wo he wrotVso if you will I will write to bun You money but since I have been ga ting my parcels I Will get my the near luro and you gelling ho must bo brier third parcel meal and from Bert today and however humble thai duly may ieL i you all duty In question Is a duty which we should all cheerfully perform On tario on whole has responded to every appeal This appeal like the is suppoMed by leading men of this Province of both political parties Lei us see to it Ontario makes a patriotic lo a appeal I- it is the New a Ml for air lro3perl will be RiQl smith AucUoneer in at for sab Bread f ficd The take Hall mint ladies sal be work I Girl Q The taken are iho eol By So far any collect Quid Church clock lend v Keeper will bo urus Rally Sunday he the t gage Mi lion seriptio save lii annual Church mind The HI At John pastor solemn Mr am Ketllcb fully and red most Irude grooms of Pete travel I seal trans pa and pin wore a furs an At the money number brides the after couple train terboro in every On j Andrew Go to cord wo but was suspend would cord wot was doli comber Audi charged father with Was not aocmi thin was air to with A numb

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