Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , December 29, 1916, p. 7

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I I 1 a i NEWS An urgent of been by llio Fri day the at pm- at the King If you nun I i it in Our of ltf fancy Useful and Ornamental china and wan any more Attractive in Design and lo our Customers In China wo fioyal Royal several oilier Famous LAMPS Our of Dinner Solo 13 up China Sots from Worthy of our Assortment of China is Have Look in Our Window It Will Vou n of and Photos For Christmas Groot your Christmas a Good whether bo at Homo but ftbOVO all Dont Forgot If You cant Day Tlmo at Night EVENING SITTING BY APPOINTMENT 163a Studio One Door of New Post Office the Union bo Tuesday 2nd of Jan- In the on Aye oornjiiciiclnff at p A full vcfiuCBled Field Ton Chriatmaa vcro out to needy The lucky for Iho flour ho kindly by Mr Shaw will bo Hod Cross oh Friday evening Wednesday Jan to hear on her wonderful work Particulars latt er flowing In New Year will bo held Friday Jan 1 Endeavor Young Peoples of ho Christian hold their last meeting of MHO on Tuesday A largo prcsont and much was put into he meeting every one present taking some purl lias boon a good year for Christian Endeavor in much good work having boon accomplished under the direction of a very efficient President and officers When ho now President and officers for lake hold of the work they Hope that nil will work lo the very best We will keep our motto over by that may grow A hearty invitation is extended everyone lo attend the Watch Night service on Sunday night at oclock Dr will speak and a very pleasant hour is in store for all who will I I on of Its tot A f I THE HARNESS OF QUALITY to at Prices A TvoYoar Guarantee Given All Wo also carry a Full Lino of Blankets WHIPS HUGS COMBS BRUSH EH and All TRUNKS SUIT AND CLUB SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO porno in and Look Around I P NOrriNOHAM Mala St for Famous Victor Vic torias Records and Needles I ITALY CALLS MORE MEN Home Dec The feeling of in the air has not affect ed En he slightest measure Italys military activity new Class those born has been lo report to tho colors Jan lit which will considerably contingents available for the front while factor ies are running day and out arms and munitions from the peaks of front no to shores of Hie Adriatic Christ passed in vigilant watching spots by sudden notwithstanding fearful conditions Snow in the mountains is feet deep THE given soldiers for wweeas service Has had casualties Mealhs Included as Insured soldiers each Paid death claims on soldiers munitions valued at as for war purposes of kinds 5000000 warJebt over Industrial Classes will open next Wednesday at closing at Any young peo intend to join should sign up with Secretary J Harvey at once and start others at the beginning Monday Millinery English Mechanical Or Tuesday UessAVaking Hook- Keeping Architectural Dr Wednesday- English Mathematics Thgrudny- DressMaking Eng lish Mathomalics Architectural Drawing Each student is to fake two lessons a week each subject undertaken English and Mathematics arc being taught in the same room by same teacher so that a student faking these subjects will lie able to se lect such evenings as he is free from other subjects lo take hern Time tabic subject to change if found advisable or necessary Christian Church No i invitation is extended to to flrpmon had a windup business meeting lost Thursday nlghii January will reopen next Tuesday- Vouiig mon you paid your Tho advantage of a waiting late been All our riicrchahtfl report a splondid Christmas trade Knitting Tea at Pauls School llbom next Tuesday after noon hold last Friday evening In was as usual a grand Tho program was ex ceptionally good and llio dooora- lions looked flno auditori um was extra scats be ing brought in flanta delighted all and distributed from the Tree in llio Prim ary Junior and Intermediate De partments was romomborcd by the School A full school is looked for next Sunday afternoon Lot at he and keep up our good on the day of lOlC The Cheer Class of Mrs Collins again sent Cheer lo some of the needy of the town this having been undertak en for the past six years A donation was also sent to the San Id Glaus Fund of Toronto from the young ladies of this Class of Mrs Or About two weeks ago Mr and Mrs John of Sask arrived in town to a visit with their son Mr J G It Station Agent They accompanied by their son Mr M of Cal gary They have been living out West for several years and she expressed a desire to back to Ontario for Christmas but after five days of illness she passed peacefully away on Wednesday morning in the year of her age i 1200 David jfl nuoVTunney Joel refund on Dog Aye refund on Grant refund on 1 work Sharon v Sidewalk wood for Hall Prank Thompson building Joel- work at Brown- mi Hen Cook Clay for road John French on wire- fence COO bonus on Prodrlok bonus on rods gravel south gravel I soulh Prank WidHIleld culvert south J Cook rep A freight A learning John Wllhlnson worb con Grading Con nplDi Con Stiokwood cedar work John- Tate rep grader bridge bolls A of Hall King Township work on West I Albert Win Maries refund on dog salary for John salary for Haines salary for laic I- i -r- ft coo V I COO 70 Important K Sfvf -y- John A Cole Salary for was married in Perth Scotland years ago They came to Canada in set tled She leaves lo mourn their loss her aged husband three sons and one daughter J at Newmarket at Calgary Y at Winnipeg and Mrs at Bask The funeral service takes place at oclock this afternoon at the residence of Mr J Anion Ave and interment at Newmarket Cemetery Salary for The rent posit vault Clerk Contingent re bonds ioo refund Statute labor Council adjourned sine die King -P- yiv f f 4 v ii if Ml a I T ill mi- FITTED AND SOLD Beautiful Still left at where repairs arepromptly attended to at moderate charges a Just Man following tribute to Hie A I Smith formerly of late Sharon who died recently at Hil lings Montana Is copied from Gazette of that town Hundreds upon hundreds of sorrowing friends paid a last sad tribute to the memory of A J Smith for fourteen years assess or of Yellowstone Co whose fu neral was held from the Episcopal Church The services were con ducted by Rev J Philip and North of the Epis copal and Congregational Church respectively In attendance were delegations from the Odd Follows Yeomen and Woodmen of America with which organizations Mr Smith was affiliated Burial was in the Hillings Cemetery Albert P Smith was born in Sharon years ago For years be has a resident of Billings he has been identified with our cily from its beginning His family consists of bis companion who for years has stood by his side or walked the pathway of duty and service wilh him and three daughters C Hunt and Misses Marguerite and Bea trice For many months he has been a Sufferer but through it all he has been patient and hopeful For many years Mr Smith bos been in public life He has served his county for years as assessor That he was emi nently efficient is witnessed by the fact that for seven successive lerms ho was enthusiastic choice of the people forlhe of fice Ho was recognized as among the best appraisers in the State His sense of values was St Johns night was duly ob served by Tuscan Lodge No on Wednesday overling being favored with the presence Of T Smith Grand Scribe of Canada ac companied by Hen ry Grand Master of No ana several other visiting brethren From Toronto It was regretted that there were only about 30 present to hear the very lino address of the Grand Scribe on Masonry but he lias promis ed lo make the Lodge another visit and a special effort will be made to inform the members so that Ihey may the of hearing such an excellent speaker At- the close of the business refreshments were serv ed and the social hour greatly onjoyed the Lodge adjourning after midnight On the same evening of Newmarket Lodge visited Sharon Lodge at Hall and installed officers for being assisted by Bros J Hill and 11 of Newmarket Council Charon The Statutory meeting of Munici pal Council of the Township of East was held on above date and all the members present the in the Chair Minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed was instructed to issue bin ordor on the Treasurer for The above Council met at Suttons Hotel on Saturday Hoc 9th lino Members were all Minutes of last meeting real mid confirmed The following hills were presented and ordered paid George Vomer yds gravel 14- Henry plank and new bridge yds gravel Blackburn re pairs lo repairs to culvert and road I J Webster repairs to bridge Slack- roplrs to culvert Vhlltv repairs lo Cul vert I- Jenkins office Municipal World Supplies Richard Murray for putting in new cul vert new culvert 94121 Win Smith repairs to cul vert John yards of gravel II Courtney cul vert Wm Baldwin yards gravel and two posts 9450 John repairs to road and bridges The Cannon repairs to road and bridges Town ship re Town Mae account 1519 to culvert Pink 320 yards gravel Sheardown repairs to culvert James Bryan plow sheer Hiram Potter 203 yards Gravel Vaugliam Township re townllne acO Ralph Davis Bill Chas Duke hauling gravel P V 3223 cleaning P V 31150 Brown store bill P V 9030 buke Lyons repairs to road P V 3830 Elmer Stone- house street lighting P Ralph Davis bill Joseph opening ditch W new John repairs to cul vert Daniel McCarly repairs Kaake That the following persons be refunded the fund set their respective names for Dog tax Fred Carver Archie Mitchell James Gillies Harry Graham 3 John Lynn Clinton Davis Jonathan Terry Garfield Thompson Mrs Win McCnbe That the follow ing named sheep valuators receive sums opposite their respective names Norman Hill P Rush t in ft f J Main J X fc s Fred J Dew Ed Merchant as follows Edgar MafnprUe refund on taxes- 1815 Harry Barker refund on axes 300 John teaming and Re pairing Culvert refund refund Dog tax A refund Dog tax J Crouton Building Side walk DIv Con Fred Wilson Statute Labor Dailies steel for Con 750 like an Instinct His jPetroba Bridge Co Steel for was sound and- Just He based HP Dee From Ark were killed iti a at South this afternoon- his conclusions upon the best of reasons mid everyone Iruled him as a painstaking conscien tious whpse purpose was fairness and to all Hut in addition lo that such an ex cellent public servant there were those qualities manhood no less his success and Printing Bowman A Connor Plans Specl- A Supervision for Con Albert Foster refund on dog 100 Albert 1200 If Dike A sooi Timber for Bridge side- v Con Win popularity The lute Mr Smith wW of Mrs McGinn Mra Jos j I the members of the Council receive the sum set opposite their names w J Wells Deputy Reeve A J KtfoakQ Camp bell Campbell Kaake the follow ing paid J p Jef ferson KakeTbat this Coun- confirm the the Aeeve in authorizing the Clerk to to on Tax no tice owing 19 error by the asses sor in which the Collector will bo a rebate of on Ms Roll Campbell McCutclieonThat Reeve and Treasurer be authorized to negotiate- with the Dominion Securities Corporation for the pale and purchase Of debentures Campbell he Treas urer be authorized lo receive for two pieces of Mantling ft long sold to Thai Al fred bj appointed Sheep Val uator in lieu of P for of year On motion Council adjourned to at on Wlh LAS- WAS AT MUSIC HALL ON SATURDAY DEC The following bills were presented and ordered paid W cement Hie 2430 Thos opening ditch 4371 bake Wilcox brick Co gravel repairs to bridge s Mount store bill 223 Campbell McCabe iiiat Frank Barber be paid the sum of 50 re services as Engineer re Graham Award KoaUCMcCutcheon That It J be paid the sum of for rent of Hall the same being for three meetings That the Col lectors Rutherford and Hoi- 1 Hogshead be each paid on salary the sum of for services for the current year McCutchcon hat Lennox be paid as Sol icitors fees to date account presented Campbell That treas ured be authorized to refund to Daniel Rawliogs the Tax on error In assessment and Dog Tax for the sum of That the following parlies be paid the sum op posite their respective names as wit ness fees and mileage In King vs Beam ish by order of Court of Appeal W J Wells 3630 A Campbell E J Kaake J A Watson Sain Davis Kaake Campbell That this Coun cil confirm the action of the Reeve In authorizing the Treasurer to Issue a cheque to Henry Graham for the sum of being estimate No re opening ditch as approved and recom mended by the Township Engineer Campbell That the Plan of SubDivision of west part of Lot Con as presented by Stephens Co be approved on the understand ing that the Township be not respon sible for the roadway until such limes as there Is sufficient Taxes being paid to keep roadway In good condition and that the seal of the corporation be hereto attached On motion Council adjourned to meet at Kettleby on Friday Deo to confjrm the minutes The following Is a statement of the contributions the British Red Cross Fund by Township of King by Polling SubDivisions P No No No 4 No No No No No Total it fflEATIl- BLOCK NEWMARKET situations ha romance and adventure all embodied In the sensational serial story which will appear shortly at the Patricia I the of this serial story and Is crowded with thrills amazing and breathless situations Yet running a golden thread through this stirring there Is most beautiful story you have over followed Dont Fail to See EDDIE POLO who did such work In tho Broken Coin serial Is seen at his best In this i Will appear at tlls Theatre on Tuesday next In a flverot Rod production IN ATTENDANCE PATRICIA THEATRE An and by trade a tailor just settled down little street in remote town in Yorkshire- Englishman put Up his signature thus above the door host in and the put bis up Mius in world fend PS I put bib up tailor street drive center meter cut bloc gravity fid llrte- via fioUbu txte twins At I The Car of Comfort The 1917 Gray is essentially a comfortable car- couforttble there is plenty of teat and leg room both and front comfortable Igo bettf of Us full which it cue of ail tiding Mia on the The within out been several torta from rue Ion ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO

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