TCWatson Jackson AssistaiitKdiiop ft A v- VM A HI SliJKl I a Our Toronto tetter In full appreciation of V wo our hearty to all Wow Year that abound usual prosperity and r- iVVV J a 1 nil THE NEWMARKET Wishing You a Hearty and Prosperous Year ESTABUWU I OF DIRECTORS Ilk VIKCEMI Hi it A Kill I I J SIR AEIiEUck WIUlAUSTAYLOa Cepital 16000000 Undivided Profile Total Oct Toronto dial fiplGlf lean no will must tut some wife of- Premier or fcchooloh tin- iinnnal concert was large lion Mr MoPhoPflOti K C Provincial In tin Ontario if a ycry In ho an Anglican Toronto reported to lie at Unit the A I Hen hail this fomer VciiozoIok opposed to that of King Constantino At Iho bounty Court a loaiOBtor Toronto Hallway Co for was Struck arid Injured by a street car In July last the Parsons Icelared she had scnilofficlally Informed that the output women Working Die same machines as men and under the same conditions than he output of men who had Wen working all their All female teachers the Public of lie over years of ajo Hunnlilg a new line of C lldoUKh a pulp Wood up may solve lie for lids of lnjeys the soldiers In Camp here were treated to it Inner on Day A of Aincrfefln nursey ar rived In Toronto last week on their way tins seal of war County Magistrate hud four charges entered last First a limine inedfcal authority 2nd a nu isance cruelty animals and feeding hi As a to Pie Toronto Hallway ihe last week thai would be log from the of Nov Premier Sir The or many Young Wen during year brought great sorrow upon but we hope that In i tl r bo over anil that the Allies will have won PEACE FOR ALL THE WORLD From MarriedAt Aurora by John Brown Mr of irt- to Miss Elizabeth John Brown Newmarket on the Mr John of Iteiliy of On the evening of the Hie residence of the Itrides mother Mr Andrew Yule to Mary Jane Watsonall of the of King P Wells Is in race of King v His address the electors appears In todays paper has sufficiently ered froin his as to lie able to- resume the practice of pro- feBslon again Heave Jen Reeve Wilson Shuttle- worth Councillors compose next Council In Cwillimbury Barker olid New- market Jewellers reasonably goods for these holiday W If w3 in asm NATIONAL SERVICE CANADA I lull J tfo lirtJ ix til ton 1 a city ton or 10 Much I iu kit lo Ittl f Of your J Of In total ryjlom In Urn whit ywr Vtt If j J 25 ma I art iwfrirfvj IB is yog ftf Vwt4 to thirst at l4 J J 4 IN IT K1 SAVINGS Deposits received from up on which interest is allowed 1 mead G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch INCORPORATE Pund money vHh you In la of Toronto or Letters of Credit are absolutely are a lose flra or from any of Dank of Toronto Kofi Travel I ll in Quebec and the Wool A M Manager i Not OK KINDS LATH SHINGLES ETC toOORS ALSO MOULDINGS la Our and Will U was in Court with of and 08OO his Mr he pleaded guilty and elected be tiled by jury A few locations in Ontario aw wet from Honor dealers but the Provincial is gelling after operators Mr of Prison Farm bus resigned For many lie was of Hie Central Prison Heavies I traffic known Union Many special irains and Jill crowded with passengers Seven cars packed wilh express for cbrisi- mas unable to be delivered Twenty seven Candidates were nom inated for Aldermen and a warm con test Is now on In soma of the Wards During the past week City coal dealers wired Sir Harry asking for immediate relief of coal conditions at the border or the appointment ofa to operate Ontario line On Friday Ian I an employee of the Milne Coal Co was caught In the cogwheel of an elevator and was al most instantly crushed to death He was forty years of age A mirthprovoking entertainment was given Hospital on Friday night fur the inmates of the institution Mr Wood Chairman of the Hoard of Governor presided played the part of Santa Claim A banquet was tendered to women munition workers in the Transportation at Exhibition Camp on evening last- Military Hands fur nished music Mayor Church received a third term by acclamation Seven candidates were proposed for Board of Control The Christmas mail from overseas this jir was the largest ever known During Friday night six carloads of British mail Toronto but be fore p m Saturday was all deliver ed In weight it was said bo over 100 tons A Street oar became by the driver ono nlghl last week and caused quite ment for a short lime but fortunately no one was hurt Lieut Crocker the sole survivors Of six men who fought through reached Toronto last week According to present modiition for wounded sol diers will be met by opening two more three Women viCie nappy oh of the Social nice Department theGotden played the part of U Every Man in anada will have a to Soon Service Week is near and the fact that the first week of Now Year boars that title is iii which everyone in Canada has an interest The men because it is obligatory upon each of them between the ages of and years to 111 out one of the cards which the Government is sending to them through Post Office author ities The women are interest ed because their cooperation is invited in seeing that their menfolk attend to this important duty The children are interest ed because their school teachers have explained lo them the mean ing of National Service and the way in which father and the big brothers at home have lo reply lo various Questions To write in Ihe answers and return lhe card promptly is a good New Year resolution for ev ery man throughout the Domin ion and the advantage of being easy of fulfilment It only means a few minutes careful thought The postman in the cities gets the hard work for lie has mot only to deliver the cards but is responsible also for their proper return Prompt mailing of the answers will mako the postmans work very much easier National Service means that we to gel into that frame of mind which will cause us to think of the needs of the country to realize that the interests of the Slate have a greater claim on us than our self-interest- This applies to everyone from the highest in the land to the lowest The Prince of Wales motto I serve may well be the motto of every citizen of the British Em pire this There arc many ways serv ing the nation besides going lo the front The man on the farm and the mechanic in a workshop may be serving the nation- as use fully as Iho man in the trenches Every man should be doing the work which represents- his most efficient service to his country The war is teaching us or it should teach us great lessons Terrible as are its effects those who have faith in Canadian man hood hope and believe that the nation will emerge from this ex perience a stronger and a bettor people If the moaning of Na tional Service is thoroughly grasped and properly understood if the Governments call for in formation is responded to in the right spirit Ihe coming year will be the banner year in Canadas history yYoiil Kyle Dec On the 3rd at Manse Sutton West by Moses of to Sarah It Taylor of At Aurora by J on the 18th Miller of Stouff- ville MIsKfciizabclh of Canon on the Mr Case to Miss 1 both of Kimr By St on Inst Mr Collins to Miss Mary fiorley all of eject Died In Fast on the 21st inst Brooks Howard Kaq In his year In Newmarket on Inst Mr John years market waswell attend- last Saturday and prices were ex cellent Turkey were seJIIhg readily y and brought and per dozen and roast and per lb by the quarter A ByLaw making a loan to the No velty Co is agitating electorate of the Town Special Services on Christmas Day In St Pauls Church A Christinas Tree and Sunday School entertainment Is tor nest Tuesday night Mr Isaac Hose is M of Albert A F A Mr Geo of Toronto was in Town on Monday Mr Martin is Christ- mas In Tdronlo Mrs Hoc left for London on Christmas Day The Mayor and Mrs Jackson gone to for the holidays Mr Andy grocer And baker announces oysters at els quart- Mr J K Hughes is away on a trip through the Southern Stales A let ter has been received from him at this office THE HEW 1017 1 r OF type was employed giving a lifting j to hrSi and driver TWO METHODS power of tons with on ordinary I 32c j learn With one hundred and twenty rtqbrs helpers For the stumps inches and over to the Labour pillpg A 18c time way to clear Ian Is let nature and live atook assist Wlieii Hi growth Is and tlo 0 Iho mM brush burned clean m ihr be made a profitable md small stones the tile of Ihe UwHW- f st clearing ran per The relative cos thCMfoii- stood stone and stumps were Is no object the best fiWniy m stumps to Labour f wltli a team and driver and two l an easy operation This process will rehire from to ten years clearing can be WM wwrwiw 330 hours work cleaning Nellie nged four was go log and piling intGiitlynt the visitor new burning net Well dear asked the lady at what do you think Oh replied the small observe At the Experimental Station Fred- where It was to bring the land Into cultivation at earliest possible moment of slump have been tried and The wine i l iC1 t9 The two wer ARCHIVES OF TORONTO Auolher New Year comes apace The Old Year weary of lis charge Glad to resign the worlds sad place And step upon Its waiting To leave the world behind Where Satan would the nations bind The New Year strong for righteous- ness With firm the world to rule Determined- all the world to bless And it to a happy goal To ban oh wrong the world to bring the sway mf Christ earth King I Times pendulum witfc Port ties its forward course each day unknown- will surely Like those that have long passed away While mortals in procession pass To gather near the sea of glass Their spirits Join the countless Increasing as the ages go Anil what they valued here the most Is left as worthless hero below Those things not seen by mortal rabV Become their Infinite delight So the they fly In war and peace as men A changeful crowd by Who the earth or scale values as youth fad a from I a that told ingttlf li warned by stowing W Wag you fancies ft cot- wfy Bij 9r1 ft happy fd s mm ammm t s IB j7y