Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , December 8, 1916, p. 8

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v fill HI living in- tor i i I 1 4 J f i MADAM Montreal April 4tli over two yearn I sick aud I from constant had of the J cut bo badly that I feared I would dlo scorned to lump my stomach and Constipation was dreadful I suffered from Pain in the Jack and Kidney Disease I treated bra physician for a year and a half and all I tried as a resort After using three 1 was greatly improved and twelve boxes made mo well Now I can work all day hero are no Headaches no Palpitation no Heart Trouble no Constipation no Paid or Kidney and I feel like it was Frultallvcs Unit gave mo back iny health Madam ARTHUR LA PLANTS a box for trial At all dealers or sent postpaid by atives Limited Ottawa S DIIOK HOUSE FOR SALE In Newmarket- West end Wood- wood finish Hath pur do Terms arranged If preferr ed Apply Box Aurora FOR SALE Building on Park and Avenues Apply to Newmarket An the Hank of Toronto lor Clubs flees and purposes with conveniences- Apply lo J WESLEY OF COMFORTABLE HOME TO THE Estate of Otloy The Executors of the will of the late William for sale his late residence on the South Side of Street Newmarket being com posed of Lot No on the South Hide of Bogle Street and Lot No on the North side of Andrew Street ac cording to registered Plan No Apply l J Main Street Newmarket Solicitor for Executors Dated 25th October 39 FOR SALE I Newmarket Garage A splendid Business cars in the vicinity Brick Building with ait necessary Tools Gaso line Tank ami Pump Air Com pressor etc EVERYTHING IN GOOD RUNNING ORDER for Selling III Health A THOMPSON Newmarket TO JERSEY BREEDER Brampton Worry- Prince J- I Hire Violas Bright Prince Darn Brampton Merry Daisy Record of Performance Test lbs milk fat Also Pure Bred Everything for sale and vis itors always welcome DAN McARTHUR Manager Black Thorn Heath Phone ring Newmarket lime returned to her Rome hero of Hipmen of the Monday slilngjmi I rwSf of the sides doing of are lip papers and for Hod Cross Monthly of Womens and Club at tho home of Miv Albert Miss Mary Morton la of this wepk having been awarded IQ0 for Co of I ho liigh ftohooiWae of more than usual the form of fatwell bus boon the staff fori years The scholars presented her wHhnn address and a gold pin set with pearls Miss loft town on Saturdayf go- Aurora to spend Hie week end with Mrs m of Supply- to Problem for Economical Per- limit to hoe cow pun provide but tho of rubber level an far a of tho part of the world J- concerned and pint pverftsa person to at part of Ihrifty man or woman will rubber this winter and bo two are of health and second becausv the j of wear and lh leather whone has because cow ean provide only ptbeh A cow hide almost an much now cow the war iust half much as did before ho war British Government cheap rubber why not be and at the time economical and wear rubbers EVEH8LEY FOR ALC Pacing Mare Colt I Big Driver years old Buggy for young man Extension Top Carriage You buy these at your own price Ford Dealer Newmarket I I Mr A Wells has bought the formerly owned by Mr A Hurst and has moved it to his corner farm remodelled ftov celebrated his birthday on Nov fol lowing Sabbath be preached in stone church with his usual vigor and spiritual power We are pleased to voice our appreci ation of Kings Grand Old Man Mrs Agnes Ferguson had quite an experience early one morning recently film was wak ened about by the frightened cries of a goose Thinking thai chicken thieves were visiting the hen house for choice fowl had been missing of late she hastily donned slippers and a heavy wrap and ran out But the cries from half across the East front Held where a grey goose and a mini were having a light royal Evidently the mink had dragged the goose from the flock on the pond hut not being able to carry so great a weight and lite making it hot for him mink was trying to lire her out When Mrs Ferguson came the scene the two were rolling over each other the mink trying to- Caleb the leg of the and the goose hitting at and the mink The mink fled and the goose was rescued lame hilt lively Banner dollars was the amount awarded Johnson by the jury empanelled lo decide the case between him and Wil liamson The case was a sequel to Hie one held here last June when Johnson brother Johnson won in a dispute concerning a horse trade Wil liamson is a Toronto horse deal er who does considerable busi ness in this locality Tile plug oyer which flic dispute arose in that ease was kept at Johnsons who now claimed pay for Its keep He considered a day fair amount lo charge for feeding a horse one and a half gallons of oats besides hay and water daily He bad kept the nag from March ill Juno 12 The plaintiff brought witnesses lo show that sixty dollars was a reasonable amount to charge for lltat lime while the defendant had witnesses to show hat from seven to nine dollars was a rea- liable charge for feeding a horse for a month Like the previous case the ev idence was very contradictory his address to the jury Judge Denton said he would not allow much for the horses keep The jury after some deliberation awarded fortylive dollars- Tribune that genteimm appear on the the thieves hurriedly going ftotith Jt Would he a Well for the keep an eyeOpen gents Messrs hiivo returned from spending three months out there to Mr and Mrs J Kuuke a daughter Mr Key hnsieturned Houghton after spending some lime his son Dig the dance lust Friday night CHRIS ME Tho Hospital for Sick Children COLLEGE ST Dour Mr Editor Thanks for the privilege of through your coIuoidh on of the Hospital lor the great Provincial Charily Our need of money Is measured the childrens need of help and you can judge how great that need must he when last ycur sick little ones were treated as as will bo seen from the figures patients were admitted from 242 placed outside Toronto Last year inpatients were treat ed for deformities club feet bowlegs knockknees Potts the spine lateral curvature of the spine dislocations Infantile paralysis tubercular disease of knee hip ankle Is the Hospital for Kick Children to take dollars out of your pocket or Is death to take babies out of their cradles That Is the Question One gift more In the Hospitals trea sury means ono coffin less in the WHITE The Hospital must be digging up help for little children from the soil of human kindness or sextons will be digging grave for little children In the soli of many a cemetery The Hospital for Children can only volunteer Its In to far as you friends of little children volunteer your money for service In the Hos pitals neverending battle for the Uvea of the little ones Let your money light in the trenches of some mothers trouble and rescue some little child from dugout of pain disease and death Can the Hospital leave children to die because the fathers of those chil dren have left home to fight for lib erty on the British battle line and can the Hospital help the children of Can adas soldiers with Its care unless you help the Hospital with your cash You have money enough to help every other war fund without keeping back a dollar from Hospitals war fund the fund that helps the Hospital save the lives of little children Includ ing the little children not let the little children pay In the loss of the Hospitals care the con tribution that should be given and must be given to the war funds Your money can send a message of cheer to some father In the trenches- yes send that message from cot where the Hospital nurses some little child back to life the child of the father who Is battle In the trenches Every dollar kept from the Hos pitals power to serve the little chil dren Is a weight added to the burdens and a grief added to the sorrows of this war You can bear to have your pocket emptied of a money easier than some mother can bear to have her home emptied of little child Will you send a dollar or If you can to Douglas Davidson Secre taryTreasurer or J ROSS Chairman of the Hoard of Trustees ArtftRiirlDlWflirV of Iowa in House of In HoUfic to pass the Intern late over Presi dents veto ris Ttln Speaker that In alt the oratory which has indulged all the insidious lit- evatiirH which been In nil- voluminous advertisements beep has ventured the saloon except evil too to This Is As a ril Institution irisW liability and no As a local enterprise- It Is all burden land no benefit The dram shop cannot be defended up on any principle which appeals- to the moral senHbliy the business community good government It dictates nominations purchases elec tions corrupts ballot and the return It smirches the legisla ture soils tiie and the Judiciary Ik foe of organized sooicly It overawes the pulpll Undermines the and sub sidizes the press It discredits the congress and derides courts It Is the destroyer of domestic happiness desolates the wif Ifhiiuches the son and -he- trays the It Ik without concern for truth without regard for without for vlrturo It has no tolerance for church no interest In srhoids mi consideration for no of Heaven no of Hell The patience of America Is exhausted and we shall temporize with the Infamy no longer All the manifold forces decency of respect for order of loyally to law of love for mankind are marshalling invincible phalanx to pulverize the rum power And they will eventually triumph because their righteous warfare Is sustained by fervent hopes of all good men and sanctified by the holy prayers of all good women I regret exceeding ly lo disagree he president In the concluding hours of his adminis tration Upon all political Issues I am disposed acknowledge allegiance to the leader of my parly but upon a question as this I refuse to surrender my convictions to him to any other man Applause If at the famous Macdonald Institute All she will sen ha to do Is to bake one double loaf of bread and enter with iiiJC to in i I Hero the Splendid Prizes m loif bread h of Weit Flour The fotlowlntr are offered at each local Fair or oilier TO All persons having claim against the Estate of Hannah late of the township of Whitchurch in County of widow deceased who died on the day of October are hereby noUfied to file the same properly proven with the under signed solicitor for the of said on or before the Day of as Immediately thereafter the said will pro ceed to distribute the assets amongst those having regard to those claims then filed Dated at Newmarket this day of November ESQ Solicitor for I and Albert executors in Monday evening the Ladles Aid of the Methodist Church gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs glc and presented Mr Sampson with a purse of money and Mis Sampson with a sliver bread Mrs fellow read the address After luiictl was served Ihe of ev ening w3s spent Following is the address it Is with pleasure mingled sorrow that we the members of the Ladles Aid are gathered here t6 the highest tribute lo one of the most Home Oct of the stories of heroism and bravery that is on every ones lips is told of a modest young man years old who has been awarded the medal for valor With only three men ho captured an Austrian detachment of four officers and soldiers entrenched under a railroad bridge afterward ho entered and the in Italian flag over the pity The Open Window was Miss batch of letters since for the only time in many years she had left borne under orders lo seek rest and change She opened the up permost eagerly Dear I hope ev erything i beautiful and every body nice and you are having a good rest Johnny lias chicken- pox and Billy has sprained his thumb and currants wont wail so Ive got preserv ing tomorrow but I felt I must just send a line about the trunk- room window in your attic Its open I dont know who you left your with go I couldnt tell her and its worrying me In haste with love Mary Harding- If that isnt Mary all over he blessed old caretaker exclaimed Miss aloud She ex plained the remark lo Miss Fe licia Grant in the oilier ham- hock who had looked up inquir ingly and then she opened her second letter A moment later she laughed and read paragraph aloud you didnt mean to leave the trunkroom window open The heavy shower hat is likely to soak the floor and spoil the ceiling below I suppose its Chases af fair Us she has your keys but she hasnt shut it so I felt it m duty lo write glanced at the sky if the storm were going to have reaches too Im afraid thai warning cornea too late she said It wont do a mite of harm Miss assured her The way the oaves slope it does rain in that window left it open on SO the attic wouldnt gel loo hot and warp 1110 extra chairs of Grand ma Parsons mahogany set that I keep stored up there She rip ped open the third letter Weill herself this time She knows perfectly well I told her that window was meant to be open but everybody who went by Sunday slopped her- after church to tell he she ought to go oyer and shut it and shes bad two telephone calls and a noli and Mrs Simpson sent her hide boy lo theyve got her so nervous shes raced across after every sprinkle in vestigate Now she wants writ- lit I to tor year full from to cover every month suitable for people of ft In ViJuc year 2nd paidup to My Value exceed tea a ftrfxt will fce awarded mot to My the entries the the will Mb and of to The Utile Paper- a i little cation every month In Its arc and itorlt to Id story natureStudy bird life Important wilineff the fain automatic- ally become for the Provincial second half the sent to Ontario Agri cultural Collie by the hi special container provide I The by A of the of Tiiii the College Conditions of Contest livery itfrl miy compete I lie rural in district shvA yrui hat day occurs before occur before Nov I On Provincial Prizes lit Short Course fit ihe Jie the re which pay for few room fiShJ ll n rmaikft or her 17th birtbday One of bread baked in pan inches and intfati deep and into ttiin they be separatol at the The loaf he with Cream of the Hour will be at the fair The half Hill be lent o Ontario AnkullorBl Collcc to compete in at the air v ill be Provincial Con the rfrl actually theloaf entered In ivdl be at the time of the fair The is final Not more than one entry may be nude fay and more thin cue UI be ftwuded to the The Results at the fair will be n ieuiU3lwayaiinthecaieofaltheoHnrif i toftneui be announce after the conduiioo f the Rural flefaool L if he MM the other regular at your by bread be will be as a marts Appearance of a of Tecturc a tiliucM 3 a Odor Do Not Miss this Great Opportunity years compete a ipen4id way to Hit upinaeaia f f bailee mark marks marks Itfleiejtiiibreadpiatingl Get theTVesVlr at your deairrj and it as to the Chance of If your cannot iel ii to to the Hour Milts Co ud promptly you the nearest place to get it Each mut be by the part of the flour the face of lh Old Miller and an form must be by I be or date of birth PO pivin name of dealer from whom Cream of Flour purclad The form will No Competitions in Counties Below The competition i open to oil parts of province where held except tke of ni Thunder Bay TheM are the only put Of the where are by the Departing which competition will not be a feature There are no of the Department of Agriculture lC Perth no rural are held by the Department of regret tliercforr the competition these Counties If you cannot get Cream of West Flour In your neighborhood write for Campbell Flour Mills Co Limited West Toronto 115 of tio West Plour Is by It Evoa Newmarket Hamilton Bros J H Aurora j R J Aurora J Sutton A J LovIck Son Sutton J East lowland J Cook Woodbridge Bros Unlonvlllo A Mr Jos Coats and A Morton A Hamilton Hamilton Sut ton -t- neighborly your empty house t0 oven to I LOUD TALKING Mark Twain is authority for the following statement proves nothing often a hen which has merely aid an egg i cackles as if fic bad laid an as teroid Philip Brooks says The noisy j waves are failures hut the great tide is a success The most potent forces in na ture are forces lion sunlight and magnetism do their work without any ado They arc so powerful that they can afj ford lo be quiet The thunder does nothing hut roar while the lightning makes heavens aflame with splendor aud emits power enough to turn the ma chinery of the world Steam drives the piston of the engine without any fuss until it is al lowed to escape This is a les son many of us need to learn Young people are often noisy Boys frequently give expression to their feelings by yelling like hyenas In argument voices arc often raised with a view to in creasing effectiveness The op posite result usually follows- Any one who is the right side and is confident of his ground need not advocate his claims by vociferous appeals ft is a se cret of strength to surround our selves with a zone of silence The talkative person is frequently shallow Quietness in disposi tion is in the majority of cases indicative of reserve power The soft passages in music are what appeal to tho heart 3D to go to Country on PHONE Let us make you In a COVERED BUGGY CARRIAGE OR AUTO Prompt Service Charges A BOYD Prop Night Calls on Phono 172 Promptly Attended io HTM fe fUJHH ft ENTER A TIME Fall Term Opens Wednesday 13th J High Starr respected ami loving office of our Church We have not failed to appreciate your true worth In the capacity you have JS nor can- wu think of you for your help In the vlces of the sanctuary but we would ask you io accept this as a lri- iblc evidence of our esteem and for you also our very best wishes that God may continue to and prosper you and yours lifes journey- and your services only In Gods Kingdom Signed behalf of Ladles Aid Mrs Goodfellow Mrs Mrs Snider Two men on a motor appeared In Town about A oclock and visited Mr I away an tube some tools a live also vWtftd Mr premises but LOCAL APPLICATIONS s they cannot tia It y must take- Cure la taken lnter- and acta directly on blood And mucous Halls Cure is medicuie one elans In cvotey for Is regular It j of tito tonics tci wIUi the blood act ing of- two vlat la for J CHENEY A Co Toledo by Take Hal ten instructions so her in I Rather too of a good thing suggested Felicia with the neighbors as observant to cure no J Miss sudden wave- of homesick loyalty do no tice things dear people I but it is most always to sympathize and over so often to Thats beauty of a town every body cares Felicia remembered dusty dreary flat he constantly chaog- tenants below lady with a French poodle above sulky shirking Janitor the thousand houses full of strangers between it and her nearest friend Youre right she admitted Its funny mayho but there is line too in having the All truth is culm Itefugt- nod rook and more of truth tho more of calm Its calmness is its power I1U I 111 MM and Day Boys and Girls Over Belgian work men have already been deported and are being starved In German Camp in an attempt to them sign work contracts for Preparatory Course Leading lo Collegiate Address -v- saa or cob SI I C Ilea C It Dt Caplt Rot Ate a loan SUtei I I il It Order li A I Wo in

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