Ammii V r-w- A Mount J I WOMENS Ml- Albert Jin sent lothoRod Croofl Flannel Surgical jflootH3TiwolH Bandages ia pairs of distributed to dr boys who from Miss Margaret with friends in Sharon Miss ferry ami Vpui spent Hie Willi Mr Terry Mr Frank Ram a ay spent day with his friend at Matchwas de cided success It is to ho held next Thursday The Ladles Aid met at the home of Mrs Hum a ay my Merle Shropshire and friend spent Sunday with her par ents at homo Mrs Stanley ana Master Jim spent at Tohp in Newmarket Dont forget Hie held in lie hall on DOC Miss Clara Talc spent couple of days in Toronto Miss A Melon spout Hie week end her mini Mrs dims Watson Misses Muriel and the week-mid- with their sister Mrs Dr Lewis of To ronto Mr Gardiner and family spent Sunday with friends in the I a go Mi Alan is down on jury Miss Milne of spent Sunday with Miss Laura Watson Miss Brown of Aurora spent Sunday with Mr Thos Brown Mr spent Sunday with Miss of Wonder how Tom likes lemons Guess Lin was happy Sunday Miss Clara Tate spent Sunday with her sister Mrs Good win Wonder if Mabel will he con tented now Look out for Iho big Concert off the of Decem ber There will also be a quilt sold by auction Wonder if Stewart was disap pointed Sunday night Has anyone seen Mr Black lately Report says he has a Brown look We wish our music students all success possible Lawrence says he has a for happiness BlueEyed lions are mode for- Hie Sunday School which takes place about the of this The Ladies Aid inel at tin- home of Mis Ham Bey en Thursday after noon of last week Mr Allen Shaw on Tuesday to a term on Jury lo Toronto Mrs Alii Wilson anil Miss Marion spent a few lays in he last week Mr ami Sirs 1 M spent I 1 arc Municipal affairs arc exciting Wo three aspirants ship are la Lane find flout Mr has been Ahiurman for years Is rightly entitle to office of and your vole ami will bd appreciated by Jolih fIaln 1 1 i Word received on Tuesday that who is III Mrs arc In the eily Mr Is iaaklng extensive repairs to recent ly by Wo under stand be Intends opening up a Hard ware store about Years The Tan Hark industry la still booming Mr Arlt Is loading six ears this week Mr It Is oh- the Jury week the Ses sions i Messrs tjhas West and Wight lire attending the Sessions A Tiloril Sale is to be Lloyds Hail Saturday There be for ssle articles suitable for gifts sod Ice will ho serveil also Kyory- ami jiave a good lime The Ladles- Aid of the Church Is making a great effort to make their Christmas Talent Sale a big success It will he held in Lloyds Hall on Saturday Dee afternoon and evening the inan will make suitable gifts there will be re fresh men ami lee ore am come and help Hero a are on hi Mr Ibis town are again number around list of spout a few flays town paying his friends tt visit Our superfine clerk Max took a lilp to Toronto this week bargain again The Prayer Meeting on Tuesday night was by Hey I nek Sleeping beauty KESWICK r 4 Many peoplo arc anxiously wailing to hear J Simpson of Toronto at Meth odist Anniversary Services next Sunday morning at If oclock Rev Atkinson of is l6 preach in the evening at The lecture on Thursday Ing is Applegalh of Eaton Memorial Church Toronto sure will be good Misses Laurel and Helen wore homo from To ronto for weekend accom panied by a friend Miss Lloyd Mr Colo lias sold his grocery business to Mr Win of Township and is moving Toronto this week Mrs it Que Sunday SI North Mr and Mrs Norman Kay of spent Tuesday at Mr Win Halls Miss Merle Shropshire of Toronto spent Sunday under the parental roof Mrs Robert Lloyd mid little son Bryan spent a couple of days last week in the city visiting friends Children Cry MR FLETCHERS CATTLE STRAYED From lot Con J Scott about June 2 lil about one and onehalf years old Pig rings Inbutt of each ear one with white leading to their recovery wilt bo suitably rewardeil DAVIS Mount Albert UNION STREET Mrs Young still re mains ill It is now about three weeks since she took lo her bed The many friends of family arc hoping she wilt soon recover as she is receiving ev ery care and attention Mr Clark is visiting in the neighborhood after coming from his homo in Saskatoon at the time of his mothers death Preparations are still going on for the Entertainment to bo given in the church on of Dec This is to be one of the good oldfashioned kind con sisting of dialogues recitations drills choruses motion songs etc with a tree at one side to please the children Miss Best spent the weekend in Toronto She has changed her boarding place and is now at home of Mr Giles Mr Fred Evans is having a well dug on the West farm Several young people still suf fering from bad colds tOO now PUGG Announces mat bo flow has the tot of cutters that ever came lo Ml Albert He sure and see thorn How as for a stove J have any style sale you want Thai be beat for heal and comfort The Supremo Is the king of all coot stoves a Gasoline Engine then Is ho man can beat me hi sure and call ins up and have AAV with me e a Albert Winter Season Open Jan 2nd In CcUtolfi Toronto with Bovtn Urench Free en Shaw PMent Toronto a number from these parts at tended Quarterly Meeting at the Mennonlte was closed for the day Miss of Toronto was the guest of Mrs James over the weekend Afraid Mr A Watson will soon have to replenish his supply of oil consider ing the hour the lamp burns The Holt Mooting was well attended The church was pack ed Us utmost capacity Two ex cellent sermons were delivered by Elder J Mis Peter Pali burn was entertain- friends from Toronto last Sunday he at the eighth next Sunday at P Vera had a good time Sunday Mr Hoover Is in New market Lonely hour for someone Lawrence Is growing thin frothing worry Has got the license yet Sorry to hear Mr Is on the sick list Mrs Clark once of was away last A number of her old neighbors attended the funeral Mr Norman have recently settled In this Silly nsviiSe A patch for and been arranged by Mr on and rtfleii will be chanpo for soaiegypdftpbrlbl borne of lie celebrated in tho an Sunday There will evening service at oclock conducted by The young mena Class Proabytoriau Church tiro glad lo welcome the return of of Iho from lhcV Messrs Harold Albert and Atkinson attended Presbyterian mooting in on i of iiionsIHblo mot at IhO homo of on Saturday and with a noifd leather Bag the address was To Mr the and teacher of the Young Mens Wo Will Win Class of which you having learned thai are to be mar ried cotill not lot the opportuni ty pass of expressing to you our sincere appreciation of your faithfulness to your class know that you had to your own desires many limes in order to bo present but bles sing will he yours for it Is pleasure work for our Heaven ly Ill III or Wo hope that the pleasant and profitable limbs that wo have spent may continue and thai you will still be an active member in our class As a token of pur true regard and esteem wo ask you lo accept his small gift and may it serve to keep in remembrance each of Iho class You have our host wishes for your future happiness Signed on behalf of class Pros members then returned lo Manse where a pleasant time was spent and lunch served interest takon in the work of was on Nov when some it ladies attended the Sectional Convention at Richmond Kill and the reports given at the Auxiliary Meeting held al the Manse the following week that all had spent a pleasant and profitable day The annual meeting of the W will be held the Manse on Thursday afternoon at oclock for election of officers and the of the Annual Reports All members anil those interest ed are urged to bo present Presbyterian Sabbath School are busy practising for heir usual good time The Concert Will be held On Dec I9ih Reserve the dale Much is expressed at the death of Mrs Clark last week She was born at Newmar ket years ago and for some years after her marriage their home was at Ravens hoe It is five years since hey moved to Mrs Clark leaves two sons to mourn heir loss J of and of Saskatoon Tho funeral took place on Saturday last from residence lo the Methodist Church where ser vice was conducted by Rev Kemp and Rev W P Fletcher of Kes wick Christian Church and was largely attended Messrs John Henry Smith William anil Albert arrived home from trie West on Tuesday Our sick people are almost too numerous to mention Is kepi on go but we expect them all around soon A spooling match on stirring up Che old expert shots to win the turkey We are sorry to hour Mrs Young is very Mr Clark- is home from the West on- account of his mothers death Hoot crops are halve for winter Humor says Mr of corning back The Presbyterian Ladles are sparing pains he success of their bazaar Mrs ri Reports QUBttisvljjt Kveiyn Wil liams Morton Watson DnlHy George HUlKlmanond Jr Morton Mar Hill Hiintloyi Marlon Praiik Terry Primer Helen Flanagan Frank H J Mulr Tcaclicr of Ho Ulna for May Vora Waller Terry Heaoock Lewis David Elean or JYiibilly and Owens equal Laura Wood Robbie Lewis HI Dor othy Alice Aub rey Leigh Br Class Lewis Cook Walter Baldwin Pottage Ruth Walker Jr Class Reginald Main- Owens Woods Dorothy Evelyn Doano Marshall George Newton Keith I Class Gor don Beckett Douglas Beckett Primer Eleanor Hill Walker and Marjorie Jr Primer Hilda Manhard Vera Manhard Glass Leonard Mildred Walker Primer A Lloyd George Newton Beverley Lawrence Main Note Pupils whoso names are marked have been absent for one or more month J I Fletcher Teacher of on Tues day at Toronto fenerar Hospital for appendicitis Mrstirant home took ttiJukt a day or before complaining of s pain in the side A whs called removal to the medical aid was too rfave her On Saturday at Sutton a big crowd turned but stirring war film Prepared The film was shown under the of the York- County Battalion A stirring was given by it Pickup f He said The call has com you to do a great thing If you do not listen to this call you will be smaller men for of your lives Mills delivered a stirring The chair was occupied by of the War Auxiliary Hoi- born Bang Garage is now ready for business Tboy have a splendid shop out of old Bally buildings garage is in the old blacksmith shop and woodwork shop Is being filled up for a show room They also intend lo carry a full line of oils and gasoline MIbh M McLaughlin and Miss Vora wore in Toronto on Saturday Kerr a returned vete ran of the Princess Pats Is hero for a rest He has seen a lot of service being over two years in the trenches Mr J If- Dent is back again from the West where ho spent several months Tho war pictures Britain a full house on Sat urday night in the Town Hall Ev erybody reports immense Mr Tremaync was in city of days las week There is to he an At Home in Iown Hall tonight Proceeds in aid Red Cross News Depot is head quarters in for pres ents Call in and see what they have III- cards candy tobacco and smokers sundries to me woman In on the so The I In take the crops or there would bo a draught And- ao Ive Availed and waited to have niy wadding- taken You sec much to me had wet my on hav ing of me and my wedding Jim bad a little extra money come Ids way As we sat at ibq after supper laald to him May have my- wedding picture now and ho right away certainly pan Kllen- If you say so He the mohnyand hero I She looked at little photographer wistfully like I want Chat picture more than anything but Im afraid years I wont much The life we live will gel Into our farm and mine has been such a hard one up early- many limes lo bed late to keep things go- lug and- then the Borrow of losing my child She wiped away a tear There was Silence The broke It used lo have a pretty color my checks once but the winds tan brown one winters arc hard too I Know look like but perhaps picture these wont show She stopped hesitated then be gan Had I ought to have flowers In my hand Brides always do Jessie smiled You shall have she replied Sec hem I She pointed to a vase full of roses near by It happened be birth day and these were to me help celebrate It No you wont have lo pay anything down wall and see how you like them Now Im going lo be a friend as ivcll as a photo grapher and arrange your hair before pill on the dress You dont care The woman sighed No indeed if you can make me look better do It When the silling was over and the wedding dress carefully repacked in the square pasteboard box the man looked up Youve been kind she said gently Ill gel it Cant I bring you when I come again eggs butler or honey or some chickens maybe The Utile photographer smiled live with my mother nod she she replied You to me The ine woman took started out On K paused do you think i fthe mi dont Jessie Jessie you will e She opened floor Slav lre and hat I honey and She paused The breathlessly lures aie rtnlshed for you package woman look her hands T fell in o others a of a noble looking woman hair was In beautiful colls tin fare Tin roses in EL their harsh The had done her best The lines In fare were I lie eyes looked out lull Till had a there mere beauty gone It All How did woman studied once she lifted her head you do It she sild ssle looked good subject Is some I hi ng heller hi your fare the picture looks like at she a picking It has possibilities In it thai an the Madonna arlisls love Dont feel sorry lliat you j waited six years have it taken Is In- wo- so never thing a The woman was it wonder what Jim will say when be sees she looked up too the babies died she said They would have liked it She brushed away a quiet tar She looked at the photographer grave eyes You have done she said humbly Not many would taken the trouble for a plain wo man like me Im not a likely subject I von youve made meni It Continued on Page in HOPE Methodist are work- iard Cantata during the which is to he held on Friday the of December The road commissioners are making some dandy roads around here Mr Amos Millard is look ing after this end for them and is certainly making a creditable showing The Anglican Ladies Aid will hold its annual Bazaar and Tea at McLaughlins Store on Front St Sutton on Thursday Dec Kid Admission free lea now ready Laws tethfnt- My Isnt this lovely weather stand a lot of II few strangers out to Church on inlay Among them we noticed Sergeant It of Toronto Mrs Stick WO of Newmar ket kindly assisted the choir owing to the absence of the Organist Anyone thai missed the Chicken Pie Social at Mrs Hodges last Thursday evening missed a irenl The lea was all that could he desired The pro gram heal anything we have heard for Home lime Mr Tansley makes very good chairman He added quite a hit of amusement by culling on several unprepared people for a speech The best speech of the evening was a vol untary speech by Mr Mr be pan I gave several vocal selec tions fine be sang to music com posed by himself It was splendid Miss Sedore seemed to he belter than ever Her readings were fine Mr Will got left that night His horse thought would go home and go it lid The horse went up Mr Tom Morris lane and around house twice between two buildings Just room for the buggy and then went home Hot much damage done The op WHS broken a little Pretty for a young horse sure good next time Will Her Wedding Picture Miss Jessie photographer sat in her studio bright morning conscious of an usual feeling of exhilaration To gin with It was her birthday and ami one you good ft -i-O- no next Tuesday A good selection of useful end articles as as home mode baking wilt he for sale mid lunch served i2iumu sink I London German murines visited the Island of Ma deira on Sunday bombarded capital of the is land Fifty shells wore 34 persons being killed The re mainder of the population fled and when the sub marine departed under intense from the fortress the shore fo hours esneclnlly tbo build but sunk and 34 of Ihe crew perished A few were also till ed aboard steamers Kangaroo and which were torpedoed IfJ FLORIDA MISSISSIPPI 0 The Canadian Pacific Railway offers particularly good service to Detroit where direct connection is made for Florida via Cincin nati and Atlanta Jackson ville i reached second morning after leaving Detroit Canadian Michigan Central be found the ideal line to Chicago where direct connection is for South ern States New Orleans is reach ed morning after leaving Toronto The Dining Parte- and Sleeping Car service between Detroit and Chicago is uptodate in every particular Connecting lines also operate through sleeping and dining cars contemplating a trip of any nature will receive full informa tion from any Canadian or Howard Passenger Agent Toronto ftftt iWi there are good reasons for Not long ago sys a gentleman was by a beggar on Ihe street who pitifully for som money gentleman looked at him keenly for a moment then ssld gee here are the man who struck me for a dime three days ago Yes said the beggar do me best i keep me expenses any than and a third cents day A warrant is out for Hugh Dav id Lyon late accountant of Department Winni peg charged with the- theft of of funds ler many struggles her pictures were a success Artist to her fingertips they had a charm and all her own and Ihe public was beginning to realize it inly a few moments before Mrs Crawford Wells had called her up over ihe telephone arrange for a sitting and Mrs Crawford Wells was a great social leader Her picture meant orders for many others The little photographer smiled I can afford to do things she thought happily Even Europe Is not very far off She- sat looking very thin and slender in her white shirt waist and plain skirl She looked up as the door opened A woman tall and gaunl with tired lines in her face came in She earned a square pasteboard box Is this inhere they lake pictures she add ed The little photographer nodded brightly Yes she answered take pictures She put the box down carefully tad straightened up Her dress was shabby the hat resting on beautiful coils of fastgraying hair was dingy her hands were brown and toil hardened I came to have my picture lobem she said simply In my wedding dress As if In answer lo the surprised look that Jessie gave her she went on Im not a bride Ive been married six yean and in the little ceme tery where I live are two little graves I lost both my babies I live on a claim fifteen miles fromheie went there the day alb was mar ried I meant to have my picture tat- en but II seeined as though needed other things more After that I never had any mone She Into the bright face gor ing at hers and went on guess you dont know much about what life fa on claim she added Simply tee If into question not of what you are going to have but of what you can do with out This Is the way it has been with me Jim iiiy husband Is good but hes had bad luck Just when think there was 9 Utile ahead a A A I blade In Canada The Touring Car Ontario We sell Cars in the winter lime just like any other season in Hie year because Ihe is not afraid of snow ice or rough slip pery roads when you need it While the bigger heavier ears are all safely housed waiting for spring lie Ford Tour ing Cur gives full months of service in Hie year This is an advantage you overlook when yon are bavin Make your models selection now from our new K ROBERTSON Dealer Newmarket mm If you are trying to keep house without you not taking advantage of modern methods Get some system into work but let do all hard of the task All you need to do to direct it There are millions women in Canada today who wouldnt give up the use Buss lor anything those women all iOUt t I J X For fto4 you to buy a of Call today Mud the happy housewives the GOLD DUST TWINS thtr who mm as china at was Pleasing China I I and- I Our Chine I 1 Our China it Have Will Pit root I If Day 11 J Owl of Lea of kinds weeks in Hut wo wi Hie A We lo P Agent Iroi Wit 1 on and and fierm Hi j fihid A hi TORONTO