Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , December 1, 1916, p. 6

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flk4S OS mm Asm Mi I dinner Missionary Auxiliary will hold Anntial Hot Dinner in Mho half of Thpakers Store oh- rfav to All Invited Goo Hodges Van wounded bo his death took flVpftly afterwards en listing- he or Mr iliompHon of lib was founded in the loft left leg and head I i members of the Library planning for with Mr El I wood Elocu tionist Toronto oh entertainer proceeds will bo need for now books and magazines for the Pub lic Library Plan of seats a Theakers Store Hoe bills for the particulars A Miss Moore spent tho weekend at homo here Pie Leslie Woodcock of spent Sunday- with his mother Miss Idllie of Toronto visited her father Mr I dy last Sunday Mrs 1 Paisley is visiting lift sister in Mr Fred Franklin and Mrs It Williamson gone to New market to work in the Specialty Several of our citizens arc laid up with boils these days Shaw has taken a turn for the worse and vat present is very low Mrs Sloan ami Mrs were delegates to Hie Womens Institute Convention in Toronto lust week Where oh where wok our choir on this Mr Andrews for entertain- Mr StlcJiyVood a Jersey Robert safe for sum of and twenty five Our organist Ms taking In Clio winter at Hope dont miss Sundays mint It didnt in if wo wore going to hat Hie but it Is again now r Too Late for Lust Week Mr Tate and Mr of Toronto at their here it few daya with friends at Button week Mr Herbert Ujrpshlra spent a lay In the City The A of lumen Church at the home of Mrs Mr I WAirNKWK following letter received recently by Mrs Win Hear from Mr John Tanton I A a former Principal of our Continuation will probably interest his many friend and old pupils in this vicinity Moore Barracks Hospital Since I left Mount Albert I bad a varied experience Final ly attended a course of instruc tion at Lon don wrote some Militia Council Exams and got a certificate of qualification as Captain of In fantry There were a great many ahead of me waiting for appoint moots to some overseas battalion I joined the battalion as private stretcher bearer The percentage of casualties among stretcher bearers is higher than among infantry so my critics couldnt say thai I was seeking a Safely Eirst job and I was convinced I would be useful with this than any other branch Of service On Jan the of he stretcher bear ers section was given a job us Lieut Instructor in first aid and J was made Sergt During the winter I had splendid hospital ex perience I filled the medical prescriptions sewed up the first intention wounds helped to use stomach pumps observed some operations for appendicitis and hernia in one of the city hos pitals and assisted by my Cor poral and a squad of four men and sixteen stretcher bear ers I nursed the sick men of the battalion I wrote some St Johns Ambulance exams and am among the successful candidates but the certificate has not yet arrived Towards the end of April an in significant cut in the right hand became infected and blood pois oning set in spent days in bed in St Josephs Hospital While was in Hospital the Hall left for overseas Many of these brave men have been kill ed in J ranee On June I trans ferred to No to Stationary Hos pital as a Private We crossed on the Olympic and arrived at in Ken The last of August I was attached to Moore Barracks Hospital accommodat ing 000 For instructions they have me working in the linen stores at present There many castles and other places of historic interest hero I may be ordered away at any lime Remember me in my friends In Albert John Tanton All South Wales Coal Mines have been oyer by the Government AJinhdl Neatly is now in command of sea forces with Admiral as pint of the Ad miralty lo Dale We are sorry loreporl Mr Charles Watson the Kirk Hat Mr irove of the weekend with his Sir mack of Toronto spent Sunday under the parental roof The Monthly Mission Circle met at home of Miss Florence Hall last Wednesday afternoon A number of young people gave Mr Merlon Shaw and bride a serenade on Saturday evening Look out for the to he held In the Town Hall on Dec particulars later j A special meeting of the Womens Institute will he held the home of Mrs on Thursday Dec at he ladles are request ed lo bring their thimbles A tea will he served oclock In aid of Field Comforts for the hoys All ladles interested arc wel come On Monday evening Nov the neighbors and friends of Mr Bond gathered at his home to hid farewell before departing lo After a very enjoyable evening was Hie following address was read by Mr ceo and the was made by Miss Flanagan To Mr Robert Bond Dear Friend We your friends neighbor have assembled here this evening to hid yon and yours a last fat lo show you in some of our com- I 1 c Helen hi place died on Sunday at the home of lib sister Mrs Howard of Undertaker IhermnalnH up on Tues day by motor anil the funeral scrvieeh were held op Wednesday In Hie Ernie was a nice hoy and leaves many friends his father sinters I brothers and a halfbrother Pie linear of the halt Is a There Was a at the bmiie of Mrs Smith on Tuesday pay their last respects The Misses Ruth Wehnrdson and Marlon Flossie Lewis ami wll wend their way on Sat urday to the Toronto University lo try their respective Plaint We wish lb em all iint of success as it takes lots of bard trying patience A Jolly crowd of about 0 gathered at the home of Mr Waller on Tuesday evening lo present Miss Hilly as we call her with a granite shower on the approach of her marriage Hilly be longs to the young ladles Hound lo Win Class of the Sunday School and the man Mr Mill also lielonns the We will Win young mens of Hie Presbyterian Sunday S0I106I They have won the fine granlle ware which Is enough to make old married women Jealous and I wouldnt wonder a bit Isnt need to he some more bought kudu uff said The Presbyterian Sunday School have decided to hold a Christmas entertainment late In owing lo sickness In the congrega tion the sacrament of the Lords Sup per will lie celebrated In the Pres byterian Church on Dee Instead of on Dec 3rd The special services at Ml Pleasant have closed and the Communion S Mar winter work him volt wherever he may gov Ho Is of our No young follows as most young chops but nothing lohurt Humor along re and says she Owl thats what our bids cull me well brought up- your friends are loyal lo thee TiioyroadBroVcs failh- and as some read the Bible sup pose they include Andy J W A Sam Al bert and scores of Others I know you ull and women 1 fain would bear from theeyes all at once do to me The correspondence is too onesided to suit me yes can full in line- with the above How are you Mrs Thp really has something In to our friend Hughes an old Hand hoy Yes be could most sweet angolvoicoK are Yes David like David Hie harper of old- had few espe cially in sacred But lake him in business bo was extremely upright the slightest sign of dishonorable dealing and it is a grand thing to have said of ones- self 1 can say the same of Bald wins from- personal observation and hearsay George Crittenden is home from Toronto suffering from a broken clavicle I have to quit before lime is lip dont suit me r- Vlce will be held oclock on Sunday Dee 3rd ewell and way love and esteem for you as one unity You among have lived for many years US and you have by your and kindly disposition won Hie love and restod of this You have always and under all been a true neighbor lo all have always laken a deep interest in all thai tended toward the betterment of the We hope yon will accept this watch and chain as a token of our friendship to May this be a reminder as yon look at its face to find the time of flay of the many dear friends you have here We sincerely hope that the dark loud which has overshadowed your life so suddenly and so severely will have hi the future its silver lining Again we bid you farewell and should we not- meet again on this earth may we one and all meet hi Great Home where there no sorrow or broken friendship Signed on behalf of you and neighbors Mr Bond then and thanked for the beautiful gold watch chain Afterwards about fifty look of a very generous lunch Is friends and Kate Mr Dan Mrs Sydney Mrs J BALDWIN BU15E2KS We feel regret lo see lov er leave us His honest as the day is long A pleasant man lo deal with so accommodating you know observed one of our local dames and a gonial pood friend I myself much esteem Airs Glover and her wee lassies is one of seven lovable young women in one of the best brought up families fou Drapers in tho neighborhood Mr Aschel Draper is failing rapidly with lung trouble Spring will Jbe a trying time En his case It will be When the autumn leaves were falling And the days were cold hard lo hear old calling ho was so weak and old But now the orange On I be sandy shore An dc summer days arc never calls no more I trees are The Hound To win girls class of Hie Methodist Sunday School and the We Will Win hoys class of the Pres byterian Sunday School spent a very pleasant evening lit the home of Mr and Mrs Waller when Miss Myrtle Pickering and Mr Hob were presented with a Kitchen Shower The evening was spent in games and music bunch was served after which the follow ing address was read by Miss Frankie Milne To Rob Dear Friends Having that you are soon We are alt this Hoe leather Hope it keeps up the OiirisUnas Jersey Public AH Glad to hear Mr fccline belter We do not boar any more about that- wedding IhiUs to come off Pleased to such a crowd at Quarterly Meeting Real arid Why docs Hoy lake such a long drive Woiidor has got any trace of person who stole his sheep Times- are too hard to ho losing like lhat 180c Willie bus his ploughing and all other work cornploted The next we will hear will be a big wedding I eupposo Will be glad to see Mrs Ter ry home from the Hospital Quito a crowd the market and good prices paid Mr Kings baby getting to be a dandy so Grandpa says Hope have for I see Miss Ada lias returned home after spending the summer with Mr Brown in Toronto Would have been pleased to see Mr Brown up also Heal good meetings at Mount Pleasant Would be pleased to have more I Sunny Jim 05 The Methodist Church has been undergoing considerable repairs during the past few weeks The roof has been anil the interior papered and varnished etc On Dec and the Anni versary held On Sunday the I it Simpson of the Carlton SI Methodist Church Toronto former pastor of the circuit will preach 1 1- oclock Mr Atkinson of Presby- Church will preach at pm On Tuesday evening the ftev the Baton Memorial Church Toronto will give an illustrated lecture on Mr is an able lecturer and II r Sutton West CARDOSO Sutton West YORK COUNTY COUNCIL I Mrs Peter Grant was taken to The York County Council held Inaugural meeling of t the Hospital oh Monday where an on Monday afternoon operation was lo be performed Knovyles presided but ho took place during the night ii Mrs Albert Lee of Toronto was home a few days this week The Anniversary services of Knox Church on Sunday were fairly well attended and two good addresses were given on China by Dr of China The music by the Choir was of a special nature The Concert in Hall on Mon day night was good and Mr Genoa was repeatedly en cored He was assisted by a so loist from Toronto and our own soprano soloist Miss Lena Tre- who neve ii we community elMliis the feel lo depart from fAoUDK people of lhat we cannot opportunity pass wilhViul showing you in a small our love for you Both of you have been among for a number of and in thai time have made many friends who now sincerely regret your departure The Church en will also lose two faithful members In the Hound lo Win and the We Will win Sunday School Classes will be two vacant places which will be bard to fill for in the work and social part you have ever been willing lo lend a helping hand However we know that our loss will be someone elses and the best of friends must sometimes part Now dear friends we ask you to accept tins Kitchen Shower a token of regard and when you return from your honeymoon and have settled in your new home we hope when you these utensils you will think kind ly and lovingly of the friends who you happiness and prosperity Signed on behalf of the Classes by Sandy fei in Toronto for Last Week Moore Is visiting his sister Thompson in Toronto Stephens and family are over the weekend We Were pleased to have Sydney Thompson and Mr Robert Knights of Toronto former of the choir to assist nlvisreary Services on Wo are to Mrs Mo hi on are sorry not so well again Several of our boys have from the West members us in the lust returned Mrs liQQ Announces lie now has lot of putters that ever came to lie sure and see them How as for a stove I have any stylo for site you want That cant be beat for beat and comfort The Supreme la the King of fill cook stoves For a Engine is can beat mo In price Be and call me up end a talk with me returned last week after a lengthy in Hamilton her daughter Mrs Telfer Mr Cecil Foster of Toronto spent over Sunday with his parents here by the Misses Cole of To- 1 Mrs J Harrison nee Mist Marion White was visiting with Miss Williams over the weekend We ore very sorry to bear that Mr Michael Cain who was taken to the hospital last week la bad- and little or no are of him Mrs Edward died on Tuesday night short UlnoBs of less than a week Deceased has been in yoor for several years but did her weeks sad last week She was taken on Thursday with a bad attack of seeming but gradually tank hi spite of Graham and Webb The funeral will be held on Saturday at 2 in at the Church We are also called to loss of one of our hi of Watson the Win Watson I Mason I I used lo see the farmers of North teaming their grain to market at Newmarket in those days was- early impress ed with he lhat on Ihc whole they were a tine lot of men I havent got over that opinion yet Some of a little saucy in their homeward trip for New market was a mighty wet spot those clays The rising genera tion has some fine young men as well 1 have met a couple re cently who immediately found great in my eyes Fine manly fellows strapping big and strong as Glorying in their strength- and yet gentle as a lamb They are Marritt and Curl Morion of my friends John Marritt and Frank Morton Their parents have much reason tobe proud of them They are tho kind the country needs Another evidence cf a Christian I was with of our lady friends in ref erence to the late Mrs Oldham They that never once murmured at hqr lot but bowed in Resigna tion tbthe will of Providence Not will but Thine be done flhftbrouKht up her family well know from personal observa tion No sauceboxes there this ftek r sang better The attendancMf was small but the of the to weather unfavorable of Toronto spent over Sunday here al the of W Mrs las W spent over weekend wilb friends in To Miss over the weekend in Toronto t Miss Webb of Toronto spent over weekend with friends here Mr Winter who was re jected for army service has again been installed as agent at the ful person ton of Parks On Monday- I lav pro perly on Tuesday and From lot i Scott about June fe about one and onehalf years old Pig lo butt of each one White to theirrecovery ROBERT DAVIS Albert Angus bin Weddel Milne and I aura Thompson Mrs P of Toronto spent a couple of days here on the farm Mr Wilson motored to To- this week Mr Merchant If as been under the care this week A few people around this burg look in the quarterly meeting On Sunday at the north Mr Pickerel I spent a few days In Toronto last week Mr Pickering loaded out a can of turnips here this week for Toronto Mr Hose arrived home lust week after spending the summer months iu the North West Ho says Its Ihe place Mr Hose spent over Sunday with relatives in town The bold north wind doth blow and we shall have snow and the have left the empty hive Sleeping Beauty The District Quarterly Meet ing which was held in haven Free Methodist Church from the to of Nov was a grand There six very preachers present which proclaimed the truth with great liberty The collections of the Sabbath amounted lo forget the meeting North Church every Sunday after noon 330 Children dry I A will lie a treat in store for tho people of Keswick and vicinity I Mr and Mrs Isaac Morion of A monster picture show is lo be are spending a week visit- in relatives in and around Kee- V wick Mr Morion is just 0lb Bait the pictures are from a recent attack P billed as Prepared Dont fail Mrs ofMount is spending a couple of weeks A her many friends in Norlh WoLaughlliCs Store on Wonder- accompanied by Mr also the paid a flying visit to his fathers home last Saturday and Sunday Miss I aura has copied a position in Toronto She left last week Mr Cole has sold his busi ness lo Mr Win who has taken the business over this week Mr Colo and family are moving lo Toronto Mr Win is on sick list this week The Dr says he a close call of having an attack of pneumonia Mr James Cole has purchased stating rink lot and is tear ing the old building down pre paratory lo building a large ice house so as lo be able lo supply ice lo cottagers and others next summer Jims a hustler alright Mr Section on the York ft has up for days owing lo a large chunk of frozen gravel falling on bis legs while cars a gravel pit Cooks Bakery Wagon has a new driver this week one of Pressors sons of If he is only as good a hand at the job as his Uncle Wayman has been he will bo all right Sleighs and cutters were out considerable numbers on Sun day and Monday The ploughs are on the go again this week and wj hear that Undo Amos on the Con Is gelling in his turnips are being offered A tea will be given from to The Methodists are working on Anniversary which is be on Sunday Dec 1st An en tertainment will also be held on Years night Chief has handed lo he of the Patriotic League hero the sum of which waffi collected on the Island Till money has been turned headquarters Sec what News has in Hie line of before looking elsewhere goods roatterg for discussion and it does not look as if any contentious sub are likely to be introduced in this the closing of the year Ordinarily the November session is given up lo Jockeying for positions at the January term for the coveted office of warden and the subordinate positions on the county and other sions and the present is not like ly to prove an exception Communications read by Clerk included a resolution pass by the Council of the combined counties of Storm on I Glengarry asking for the of laws ordering the lion of intensity of automobile lights A letter from the Ontario Motor League complimented the Council on their decision lo eliminate the fee system of re muneration of officials concern ed iu the regulation of motor Iraf lie The report of the Jury was read and lle condition of public institutions in the shown to in nearly every case The presentment of the grand jury a lengthy document recom mended an increase in the pay of jurors from lo a day and this was further supplement by a communication from A advising that the board of control was prepared to support the application On suggestion of Reeve it was decided that the Council accept Ihe invitation of Mr Smith to luncheon and visit the new bridge at Bloor Street over the where a cor ner stone is to be laid the dale reed on being Wednesday On Friday night Warden Knowlcs will be banqueted by fellowmembers of the council and on Saturday Ihe session will probably close It is not likely that any action will be taken rela tive to an increased grant for Hie and Patriotic Fund as it is fell that mailers of finance ought to he left to the incoming council LANDING Tho ladies of the A in tend holding a talent sale and tea In the Lloyd on Satur day Dec Dont forget the date Come and buy your gifts and help us with our Among the weekend visitors Mr J Stephenson and Mr McCnrnan Mr Mr Douglas and Mr Al bert Morning Pie and son Mrs had the pleas ure of having some friends call on her on Thursday evening who wore on their way to California Master Hen bad the mis fortune of having his leg broken on Monday morning last Mr Harry Bell of Meaford spout Sunday at his home Mrs Arthur Saint of Bradford pent Tuesday with her sifter Mrs Hairy Bell Miss George of Zephyr was the guest of Miss Jean An na mi over the weekend Pleading guilty to a charge having raised a cheque Freeman told the Judge he would enlist if allowed his freedom request was granted London Nov The Ameri can steamer Chemung has been sunk in Mediterranean of f the const of Spain by a German sab- marine The crew was landed Kighl other vessels two each fly ing the British French and Norwegian flags have been sunk either by mines or torpe does- The Ford Touring Car Ford Ontario We sell Cars in winter lime just like any other season in your because Ihe Ford is not afraid of snow ice or rough slip pery roads when you need it While the bigger heavier cars are all safely housed up waiting for spring Ihe Ford i our Ihg Oar gives the full months of service days In the year an advantage cant overlook when buying now front Chjpa Poidor Qua a too rapl Homo forgot If Day Phone Studio the THE Owing of of manu kinds wi weeks in price Hut wo will The A Heavy Wo 1 J of 1 also Blanl Re Before to see Si Agent f trolas SI Red The be for your Hie Young of and vac a oris I wmuda f noMO IT TORONTO I

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