Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , December 1, 1916, p. 1

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OVER THESE i Ihoro a A a- Mm J i S3 11 I RANGES AW HEATERS Electric and Oil Heaters Mechanics Tools Roofing Pipes and Hightirade Paints Varnishes and Stains Automobile Accessories mi a THE Phone A IN STORE NEWMARKET iri k keep bread ijiurji Canaila than ft in England thousand miles nearer At Is it rtounilH lb averugc -sceptic- fact of the the argument is all against to fttaiultin luetics arc the as ukuuI iliey wrap th high of jiving up In ho old flag It On llio war ami ho of in to ilio people and not thitlr the have ill the people There Ih nothing now about that lip people are llio ones loKac- rillee iluty got into power oil BOARD OF SIR VINCENT I Aim C En- ti CspUl up Rett Undivided Profit loud 3 Saving Department It of upward received at highest current rates Saving Department account given special G Manager Newmarket Branch mm SOUTH END LUMBER YARD 1E- J of Boys who ft for hid wan the fourth son that very idea in i waving the of ol who old flag violently while to received word on October distract attention from that son was killed in action guilty ptirpoio and they have act on lie wan on it ever No sooner years of age had they seated than they pro- berg High School and also at- to hand country over tended bus I as college to the food exploiters who were to In August 101 ft he enlisted mainly instrumental in putting with the and went them in The tariff wan boosted overseas in March 1 cross- in juinps to forty cent jug in June where he Northwest farmer was transferred to the 2nd j gagged and to the brothers ore in khaki Pies milling trust and tho British Vincent who went over- preference was considerably ex- seas with the Ball and was One way and another sent to France last- August and the home market was sewed up Stanley of the good and tight for the middle man Five years ago the majority of Western Battalion Max who was killed 1st and Pte were chums and went overseas in the bat talion but later were separated USE WITH CARE All the Order From Carters People May Get Some W PEARSON- Phono EG John Special to the Era THE SUBJECT OF NICKEL More light he shod on the nickel and more and more the government shoSv up unfavorably Among the public men who have discussed the question with in the last ten days are the lit Hon Kir Wilfrid Mr Howell K Mr Hart ley Hon A Kemp and Hon Arthur hen The last two were on the defensive for the but were laboring under trc- difficulties and failed completely shift the burden of responsibility Sir Wilfrid at Ottawa was most emphatic I hat in view of the statements that the Till v- The Famous War Film Authorized by Iho British War Permission of King and the Auspices of the YORK BATTALION 1 Film Takes Two and OnoHalf Hours to Cover All Fields of British Activity the people of Canada with the old flag being waved in their eyes were unable to see bow a limit ed interchange of- table products aide the consumer to pay less for his food and the Can adian producer at the same time to gel Time lias taught the lesson pretty well and its a low brow that cant understand now where the middleman got his work in War prices prevailing the farmer gets twelve cents now for hogs on the hoof and thai leacli- him what competition will do Mr mm Hut live years couldnt see it wouldnt com prehend the fact that he would get a butter price for his hogs with sets of packers bidding Irian one He knows now The consumer suffered from a similar oblnseness but he probably un derstands now having learned through his pocket that thirty- seven cent bacon might listen to reason United Slates bacon were allowed to give it an o right down to cases the gap between ten cent hogs which was the BUTTON ISLINGTON AURORA HILL ADMISSION Saturday DEC Monday DEO DEO HALL TOWN HALL METHODIST CHUHCH METHODIST CHURCH DEO MECHANICS HALL Thursday DEO HALL Friday DEO TOWN HALL Saturday DEC ADUL78 CHILDREN IB Cts Doors at PM Film Shown at PM Sharp I t 1 on her second trip In normally was again car- price and thirtyseven ceiit ha- rying Canadian nicked l whole indictment thorough assurances than had the high cost of living Prepared- records the facts in pictures that the censorship refused to reveal in words It shows what Britain is do ing arid seeing is more convincing than any written cable despatch es These pictures furnish their own proof Britain is performing a stupendous task and engaged with all her might The work of raising equipping and training Kitcheners army was not done in a day These pictures show in all its details in an hour and leave no room for doubt as tp intentions She means to win I his war Four million men are in training or at the front The pictures show how I he- A raw recruit is transformed hundreds of thousands of them into an efficient modern soldier shows the great transformation Lloyd George has evoked in munition fac tories where thousands of women are helping tornake shells and equipment Rill is by the Grand Fleet or the High Seas that the greatest work of Britain has been done that vast machine which has po liced world for a century and which is even now blockading Eu rope In behalf of the Allies and slowly liul surely choking Germanys insane ambition break the barriers and defy all laws human and Divine In the lust for power and world dominance The pictures of the fleet moving pictures as clear as though the were himself on a war vessel in the North Sea show what heretofore has been left to faith and imagination the aweinspiring might of Britain Willi the assistance and cooperation of the Admiralty the pictures which the York Battalion is showing were taken to supply a lilting answer to the query Is Britain Prepared Me Mr It Lewis of Toronto was the entertainer before Mechanics Institute hi the Mechanics Hall last Friday night A good attendance and an entertaining literary program rendered Another HeUnion is announced for next week The Georgian Hay Canal en gaged the attention of County Council recently A handsome dressing case was presented to Miss Beckett by the citizens of Holland Landing about to return to her home in INCORPORATED 1855 The BANK Paidup Capital Reserve Fund Business Accounts middleman is getting all lie pays the producer the least and charges the consumer the most he can and thus works both ends for the middleman The Borden is his par- friend Under its spice- he becomes bold and does of nickel anything In likes in Canada con- Some critics have urged that J Bank of Toronto tike Huafuess Met Its exten sive coaneotlous facilities as sure custom of the of Toronto a ttrvlc Branches in Oalrio Quoteo the BRANCH A LISTER f OF ALL KINDS LUMBER LATH ALSO AND TRIM Trim Is and Will Mr Itowell at Ihe annual meet ing of the General Reform Asso ciation as well as in showed how the Ontario Govern ment had in the mat- ten on two fundamental points iMlfst hey had voted down Oppositions proposal that production and sale should under government irof and secondly they had voted what this country heeds down the Oppositions resolution greed and more common honesty that Ihe International Nickel where is it to begin What Company should be taxed in ac- happens if the people look to the with law and not Government Tor ah exam- lowed lo escape with a paltry Us shellmaking friends sum soaking the country for anything Mr created a to nine hundred per cent pro- lion by reading letters which he HI I Paper shoo spavined said showed that the chargers fuse scandals Colonel Nickel Company oil their own John Wesley Allison cried up by admission in a letter written by Sir Sam Hughes as a man of their General Manager of Sales more honor than the Auditor Gen- staled that handling all Tom Kelly stealing a mU- export business of metallic dollars presumably for the nickel through their London Conservative campaign fund and agents and Mr showed gelling two and a half years- in that this agentcoippany had been for being a goal dealing with the enemy quoting a these prodigal auspices judgment of the Admiralty Prize la it any wonder that Court in proof of his statement business leaching to go out and pick pockets And what happens to the eggs happens to many other articles of use and comfort which this man whom the Borden Government de lights honor succeeds in cor nering Not a cow nor a pig urn- a hen nor a turkey nor an Resident of Barrie Killed on Crossing yesterday afternoon G passenger automobile driven by I About northbound train hit an Era Kyle Nov Married at the home of the bride Mr Mil ton Leavens lo Miss Alice Pike both of In Aurora on Nov Peter Addison at The home of the brides cousin Mr Joseph Lotti May eldest daughter of Mr Case of pine Orchard to John Washing ton eldest son of Mr Lewis of At Nov by Rev J Ileal Mr Mc- Connacbie Miss N both of By Elder Percy on the 1811 Mr Gen to Miss Stel la of Kellleby Died In King on the aged years Miss Addle Hughes of Sharon- has returned from her visit lo Toronto Key Large has commenced a series of revival services at Miss is to be the en tertainer the Mechanics In stitute gathering here this even ing The Presbyterian Church will hold an oldfashioned leai next Tuesday night Report has it that Reeve will be opposed by Mr Ezra next election Mr Cane is spoken of for Reeve 01 Newmarket was nearly killed at Mr McCluros farm near King on Tuesday while en gaged in threshing Last week Mr J Pipher and Mr Jos Robinson took a run up lo and returned with three deer St Pauls Church held a splen did Social on Wednesday even ing O Ihrouffh Iho The Toronto World Conserva tive commenting on Mr Dow- arts speech said The startling forth charges of Mr must be probod to bottom the flow of Canadian nickel to munition works must be stopped The responsible for it must be punished and all he nickel plated Cabinet minis ters must be retired to private life Hon Frank Coch rane has affiliation with Iho men who control the trust and Mr Hearst and Mr are his appointees dealers make free with neces sities of lite potatoes butler eggs milk bread coal and so Potatoes two do- and a half a bushel Milk nine cents a quart and blue at thai hay crop the best have bad in years Bread cents a large loaf poor porous f full of holes and pernicious substitutes seventy cents a dozen not honest eggs either protend to be fresh laid but are really cold storage firsts breadth of Ontario but view approach with fear and Iremblin Kidnapper I Assassin I cry and flee shrieking All of which is to say that the people of Canada have a fat chance lo gel any redress Tor the high cost of living from a Gov ernment that makes the Chief Buccaneer its principal guide philosopher and friend The n of at the crossing on his SI soutli of Aurora with fatal results The ear was burled into a field fifty feet away and was a complete wreck Mr Bol ton suffered a fractured jaw crushed skull and badly smashed leg The train was slopped and the injured man brought to rie but he- never recovered con sciousness and died in the hos pital here at ten oclock this morning Mr Bolton was- a very Government already has plenty of careful driver and it is supposed information the subject it has four reports on hand but it fcc storm and prefers to go 011 investigating lrajn People got a clamorous the car was a new Mc- other day and insisted on iauhlin be was bringing home thing being done so the Gov- fniI Mr Bolton was a eminent ordered another i implement salesman ligation and let it goat that The years but has poor fools asked for bread and lhe business here they gut an f suvvivrdy This is a dc- widow sons at subterfuge It is the me of circumspeoilon and cirl It proves that the longest way round is the carriage way home It involves four luvestigalioiui four count eta think much her idea A bad lire occurred Col- fourami makes no promises at bia King on Thursday of that the municipal council week when the barns Mr Not it ftNESONSC ti vj M ill BRIT Often failure Is blessed with the London Nov was J today that hospital ship was sunk by and Dot a The captain una ofneer vie but of were on poard merely aidps crow and the suffering from the high cost a press despatch from Ottawa of Hying have died in the mean on Monday states that His If they the lonry the as would love lo hoar General be given act of grace on Hon an egg just out of j mission lo prosecute if lie seeshis post in Canada has signed jail well say three years of fit Thus the thing works around an which gives on pallor on it and the in circle the snake with Its freedom to all soldiers of the put there What wouldnt tail in its mouth the symbol of Expeditionary thai egg say to him for throw- eternity who are now deserters or who are lug it Into prison robbing it of absent without leave In to its character with ammonia fume benefit by this act of clemency and then letting it out again to Nov The or absentees must sur- up the public for prices that of the to lhe officer are heir robbery Is It Any floniptoyi tfmlted was the unit to that egg occasionally by firo loalsht in they belong or else to the goes bad under these diseourag- the slock Is at ana fficor any military wonder on In Canada not later than Is how any egg remains honest Insurance fejf on the stock end December with the of the egg on the WutdJog Am4 41 vi THE NEW PRESIDENT of Becomes tho Executive of Canadian fund The new the Duke Devonshire has manifested bis interest in the work being carried jop by the Canadian Patriotic Fund by lo become the President of Fund This position was held by the Dukes predecessor the Duke from the inception of the fund until his departure from Canada and present position of the Fund in National confidence and financial strength is largely due to his in spiration and personal devotion to its interests The new Gov ernorGeneral evidently proposes take the same active part in promoting the welfare of bis great national undertaking On Thursday morning of last Or Marshall Sutton of who bad been suffering Jn- received in a runaway so- was found dead in his Saskatoon Nov Two per sons were instantly killed and six were injured shortly after five o clock yesterday morning when a speeding on the road near the Government elevator west of the city swerved to one side end turned turtle in the ditch John Johnson the driver anil An na Doyle an employe of a local departmental store wore crushed to death Sixothers In the auto mobile Geo Phillips Miss Mil dred Allan Currie Jos Jo hanna Doyle sister of the dead girl were hurt The parly returning front a 1 1 I of t- TnariMTfk 1 1 mm p

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