Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , October 27, 1916, p. 7

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I f v s- i China Department in our window you coo a and Gold Sot of Quality priced to sell ulok All Lines of Church- Program- and refreshments Out for lied Gross Concert the ler part of November to ploco China Toa Very noat patterns Priced from up to is Ml of and Church The Special conducted by Pother assisted by Fathers and Hurley two young from is- awakening great In terest Good attendance at the oclock service every morning and big crowd at the evening services The Mission next evening Improvement Mr A Rogers is continually doing something to Improve his farm adjoining dickering v This week the carpenters have just completed a building 16 accommodate one dozen young iattlo with cfmiforlabte for the winter A now Poultry the next project Maxwell our popular schoolman attended the in Toronto last Week- Mr and Mrs Oscar HcaqooK spent Sunday at Myron The Sunday School has decided to hold their Christmas en tertainment oh Wednesday Deo Particulars later Miss Veda were collecting for ho Hod Cross on i A Groat f Childrens Concert on the of through the ef forts of Mrs Davis tcd the sum of to he Field Comforts The only for costumes and 1275 for printing 0 Home correspondents are seal ing envelopes which makos us pay he on Kindly turn the flap inside Dont forget tho treat in store for you Wednesday Nov 1st- and hoar Mdo Mario Ha Mrs and others on France Friends Talent Sale last Sat urday was a great success The ladles took In nearly on their hunting trip next week- Mr Kjmcr Cutting and lady friend made a flying trip through Sunday Mr Charles new hen house la an improvement to the village Miss Amy Roger spent with her friend Miss Dora Mr and Mrs Norton visit ed Mr Mrs last Sunday Messrs Myron and Calvin busily engaged picking apples and re port a good hut they are small A OF AND MOTHER How it would delight your It would your Them For You I J A Mr Nixon one of the Grand Lodge officers vl Sited Newmar ket Lodge on Monday the of the on matters Quite are dropping out of hero Cross Too Next Tuesday afternoon In Friends All ladies invited one the One Door West of New Post Office The Lodge No arc invited to attend Alma Aurora on Monday night Nov when the President of the Assem bly will bo present Members will leave Metropolitan Station at s pm All arc requested to attend There was ft good attendance at the meeting last Monday evening and a splendid program Mr KlddS ad dress was greatly appreciated- Miss Veltna gave a good paper on Womens Part in the War Mrs took ley a fine nolo and Mr Carrol demonstrator on tho new contributed a number of selections There will bo a Halloween Social next Monday night with ghostly and apparitions All young people of he congregation In vited it The address by Dr I It Dean paster of St Tabernacle Church Toronto last Tuesday was very much appreciated by the largo audience- Rarely are to listen to an ex perienced speaker topic was Science and the and he treat- id the subject from standpoint explaining hat even youngest could under stand It and enjoy as well as he older people Next Monday evening a Halloween will be given for young people by the Social of the Society and In become better acquainted with each oilier Everyone and anyone Is Invited A small fee will he asked for at the door Come and have a good time On Tuesday evening next the subject will he What new work should our So ciety undertake V This will he a leaderless meeting and we expect to hear from many on this subject Our meetings In the past have always been considered a success Come and enjoy them with us Com NEW and to Mr Herbert Secretary of the Cana dian Collegia to Movement and Secretary of Canadian Col legiate Movement and Secretary the Council of Canadian Stu dent Movements met with the pu pils of the High School on Tues day afternoon and proposed that scientific deputation team of college men It so simply I and women bo invited to- meet with the sell not for a conference on Friday and Sat urday Nov and The members staff and Student body were unanimous in agreement that this sug gestion be approved and accepted A strong committee consisting of Principal and members of the leaching staff together with representative students was cooperate in the pro motion and program- Later in the afternoon at a meeting of the High School Hoard the above proposal was formally presented anil approved by that body The plan is to bring a group of THE OF RUBBER a commercial proJuot which Is used aside from Ires to reinforce suspenders and elasticity to the human neck It grows on trees but It in hot so easy harvest as the or the openfaced prune The rubber tree does better In a climate which Is hot enough to blister the point on an Ice house and this gives rise to the sup position that hades not only paved with good resolutions but oilier kinds of verdure So rubber Is used In witnessing dhe flight of an airship that the price has gone upland a new set of automobile tires starts gap ing wound In Ihc Incomes of the plain people If It were not for rubber the window trimmer star gazer and the town gossip would have to learn a new trade There would also be a shortage In he supply of street loaf- on day There ore several substitutes for rubber chew sum slippery elm and harness- makers wax which gives the matinee girl the languid air of contempla tive Jersey restaurants use a very Ingenious band of rubber- with which to pad griddle cakes and build a waterproof over an omelet thus making life one long sweet song for the stomach A popular delicacy is the rubberized round stead which Is harder to swallow than cam paign hunk The kind of rubber used In making suspenders is derived main ly decrepit gum shoes and is liable to go hack on a man without any warning whatever There are many other uses of rubber which are too numerous to mention most important paper to folk who about to buy simple reminder of economy of puroharifng tho best more known I- I I III I J I J I I FITTED AND SOLD a Specialty TRUNKS CLUB BAGS ETC Possibilities of Flax Production In Agricultural War Hook for there are several pages devoted particulars regarding be cultiva tion of flax in Canada principally in Ontario although In Quebec Manitoba and Saskatchewan the- plant Is culti vated to some extent The principle contributor to the In the War The lain Wool J well as everything required in line the special attention given to Repairs dad years of experience I am spared to give at mod ule charges me a call when In Town FRED NOTTINGHAM THE OP LIVING or 1 me down to lira butcher lord ft that I had to cat asked in fear at tlul door lite price of a pound meat It is sixty cents said butcher man as lie mocked at tears and groans and I sell it now on the newstyle plan you have lo return the bones So I went out minus Hamburg chop now utterly my means and turned my Ps towards the grocers shop Quest of of beans Potatoes hinted ihc clerk to weve some that are really add today were letting so at three like these for a dime Its so near cost it pays like everything else ack I of you know thin sixty days the skins must all sent back Then l down to bakers place hurried and anxious tread with fear writ large oh my face I asked him the price 2 bread Theyve doubled of my flour and yeast and Pjfria scarce and high on jrtad you are bound to feast I reply Comforts Papers and magazines collect ed this week Anyone not having them ready please save them as the carter will- be around in about two weeks Mr A is again doing the collecting and the ladies appreciate very much bis kindness in giving his time so willingly to the cause Next Wednesday afternoon at three oclock wo will have speak ers on France at the Town Hall K very body welcome No admis sion A silver collection will be taken Marie who was in France when the war broke out andis now a French Teacher at College will speak also Mrs Osier of Toronto who was in Franco in July be sides others who have been in close communication There will be a musical program These ladies wish to toll us all lliey can about conditions in France Everyone come and show their appreciation of the efforts of these ladies who so kindly come out of love for one of our Allies Sewing meeting every Friday at pm of wool at Miss Forsyths for knitting Hurry and knit as ail arc needed for our Hoys Xmas Stockings representative college men and Hook Is Air James a women from various universities and different faculties meet with our pupils to with them some phases of college life and activities including such topics as The Value of an Ed ucation Why go lo College Tho Choice of Life Work Tho Value of a Purpose School Spirit Scholarships Athlet ics The Call of the Ministry anil the enlarging of opportun ities for service in all professions and in all parts of the world soon to opened to college men and women who are qualified for na tional and international leader ship It is expected that alloul-of- students will be over Friday night in the Homes of Newmarket students While the program is still In tentative shape we have every reason believe that at the pub lic meeting to be held on Friday night in the Assembly Hall of the School and to which all parents are earnestly invited the town in Province in which local option was not In force Street car conductors told how much milder were their night loads many wives who before had Hone their Saturday marketing alone ried home larger parcels than walking beside their sober Even a newsboy reported having car- usual old Secretary of the Canadian Flax Grow ers Association with headquarters at St Marys- In giving statistics regarding the somewhat limited culti vation of flax In this country Mr says Canada can do a deal more In this direction than she Is doing The urgency grows strong er when we appreciate that every acre of flax devoted to fibre purposes means to in exports Whatever flax wo export goes mainly lo the New mills and to thereby assisting in relieving directly or Indirectly the needs of the hour Mr goes a great deal fuller Into his subject In a Issued under the auspices of the Department of Agriculture Ot tawa entitled A Review of the Status and Possibilities of Flax Production and manipulation In Canada He sketches the history of the production In Cana da giving figures which show- that despite the prospects there has been a decrease instead of the apparently warranted Increase However it Is satisfactory to know on the same authority that the tide of revival Is I reaching the remoter portions of the twenty more papers than usual The Star Is quoted as saying The majority of a score of merchants I address will he given by Dr former flax area of southwestern A is Chancellor McMastcr University Toronto Further information will be given from time to time Mil baker said in reply pay oaf you must bat six before and at that of I l0 return thq crust over two cents mere en lJU8 ii0 J m ancestors kept filled by British Hod Gross Following is the report of the treasurer Mr J Y of sums paid in up to Wed nesday evening and Blizzard and Jaynes A Thompson and M Lister and NJ and Doyle and Hose- Smith and Doyle Mr Awly and Allan How- I I and Keith arid Pearson and Eves and Davis Tench and Vale Knowles and Smith and Cane and A Watson and Mr and Mrs Sons of Public Davis Leather and Employees Cigars Cane Bona and Employees Office Spec Mfg Co and Employees c A 3150 54734 3950 1500 1000 27500 Miss Clara is visiting her sister Mrs at Ze phyr Mr Toole was the guest of Miss Grose on Sunday Mr and Mrs Cameron and Mis a Hazel of were visiting at Mr Atkinsons Mr and friend at tended Holt Sunday Mr Clifford Hose had a plowing bee last week but owing to the busy limo and weather not many were able to attend However everyone in tends to do bis hit Mr Hugh Campbell of Newmar ket paid a visit to on Sunday Misses Gertrude and Cora- Al lan spent Wednesday evening with Mt8 Mr Garnet of Sand- ford was the of evening is all smiles these days Must bo some attraction In Egypt Mr Wilson of Albeit spent Monday at Centre View Farm A few from here took in Toms Cabin at Albert Mr Fred returned homo after spending tho summer At Myrtle There was a very strong gals on Monday night sarfcua damage was done although fences were blown down and that the number of flax centres that promised to activity this year approached 30 Mr McCracken gives minute particulars re garding the flax field its choice and cultivation fertilizers seed and sow ing implements and machinery required after harvesting and tor commercial the use of flax in paper manufacture etc The pamphlet can be obtained free on application to the Publications Ottawa success The experience of prohibition In Ontario has Justified all its friends claimed for it The reports astonish ed the reader at the number of places that did not have an arrest for drunkenness during the first two weeks In the City of London days a one week there was not a single drunk and he police were al most Idle At Borden there was not a drunk for a week among twentyfive thousand men and there was a marked of the entire camp The St Thomas Journal Is quoted as- saying the predictions of the wetfl that there would be a large bottle business has been knocked into a cocked by Probably best proof of success of prohibition ho been fur nished by Toronto On Monday he there wero drunks in Police Court pa Tuesday on Wed nesday none Thursday on and on Saturday prohibition works well hi Toronto Hamilton- vd Ldodoh Another of prohibition Is a considerable The renuite Alredy the saved itvui emphatic in their statements that pro hibition has benefitted their business by materially Increasing the number and amount of purchases made by their customers One merchant iast was pay day and I old customers whose purchas es were limited to one dollar during the last weeks call made purchases of five dollars or oVer those men had never been known to do before And they seemed happy to have the money to spend Mr Geo Wright of the Walker House said In parts have been doing a very good business during the past two weeks Our hotel has been filled to capacity Who would want lo go back to old way M LIT ROLL v I lurry Shields toss rihields Shields John Morgan Ed Morgan Milton Geo Hog A Gordon Smith Angus Rev David Terry Dr Geo Cameron Lawrence Ross Stanley Draper James William Byron Geo Price Wesley David Brooks Leslie Rev Oscar Irwin Percy Kenneth L Stokes A Middleton Roy Arthur Wain Cecil Steeple Geo STILL GOING Our stock is getting lower but our as sortment still good Get your supplies and save money Any one living outside of Newmarket buying goods in ourstore will be allowed tO per cent on every dollar for their carfare Mens Suits Reg from lo Si Mens Woollen Underwear Beg per garment Ladies Dresses Reg each Saturday on sale for 2 for Pillow Shams Reg each on Saturday 10 Ladies Waists ail Embroidery and Reg Saturday IM I J Silk Waists Black and Colours Reg for SPECIAL SALE FOR SALE OR OH I TO RENT J 3 South of King George Hotel NEWMARKET Proprietor LOTS OP THBII A negro preached on one occasion by the recital of a dream bad by a member of his church All dis lime said the narrator I was I was in old Satans dominions I tell you was a bad dream I Was any men there asked the dusky di vine plenty of em the other hastened to assure the min ister What was they doin Every one of em was the an swer was aholdin pus- son between him an fire I in a certain California town lived a man who was willing to have his neighbors think him a fine musician He installed a me chanical piano near a front win dow of his home and spent hours pedaling out melodies He re ceived compliments for a time white hut his eightyearold boy him in the end Your father is a great piano player isnt he asked a woman who lived across the street Yes said kiddie but it makes bis feet awful s sore it late In the In greet to pour They are all order which means a a goods are quantities It would pay you well to I E Merle Jennings Howard Chester Donald Shields MorUon Gordon Leslie Woodcock or lie Stokes Lame clouds of other people are the ones whioH we a the silver to advantage of these wonderful offering We have a few odd in Mens and Child ren Boots Shoe Rubber Men and Boy Underwear Sweater Coat find Cap etc etc tooloee out which will mean a great saving to you Do Mils ARCHIVES

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