of the I At power over Treatment wboiBgie- -fc- t THE OTTAWA of the Lib Monthly occasion fit Finely Made by of heat ww I suffered much did not know what I wag doing at times pent on doe- tors and not did mo good Ono day a lady called at my and sold alio had and Pink- Compound mado hor well to I took It and now I am just as well as I over was I cannot understand why women dont ceo how much pain and Buffering thoy would escape by taking your medicine I cannot It enough for It saved my life and kept mo from the capital Mrs St III undoubtedly did their best battled with this caao steadily and could do no often treatment surpassed by tho medicinal properties of good old fashioned tools and Jietba contained In Compound If any complication It ays to Plnlc- am Medicine Co Lynn Mass sncclrtl free MViOfc Furnace Work Plumbing Our Specialties Bathroom at Shop Naval Question Every made an taxation indirect inspired evi dently by only interests Ihowartax on Imported goods gives fluito unf to inaiiufaoturbrs especially to those producing foodstuffs and bears heavily upon the masses without correspond- advantage to National Tills is the kind of Government now controlling af fairs at Ottawa But it is remembered War Tax vitalises principle and is inequitable because it applies to business and not to tho earning Dower of viduaiH its viciousiiCHrf of prin ciple becomes more than tho Liberal Monthly claims judg ed by its acts of commission or omission lha Govern ment has sadly and lamentably cornea week that Hon hoy rents or healths lie life of Monday Mr trite wHh backache hub Maw need this now failed v It is says the of that the which the Province will give to the patriotic Fund will be given in twelve InHlaleincnla THE SOUS j v next to A press despatch from Ottawa last Friday the statement that Hon Mr will not he or candidate for Winnipeg next Dominion but will accept nomination for the Province of Quebec now represented by Mr Parley Acting High Commissioner at Lon don England and- takes on last from London England announces that Hi- Duke of the of has arrived In England accompanied by the and Princess Patricia obvious reasons strict liecVcey sur rounded the departure of the royal parly from the Dominion Replying a correspondent The Municipal World remarks The taxrate for per cent of the value occupied the same as for doctors If the lawyers office wis In ihc tax ossesHtnenl vouljt he- per cent of the per of the Is per cent lihis of flic World will Help assessors and municipal he hist meeting of tbeOntarlo Association among pother resolutions the following was moved liylho Mayor of and pass ed That this Association request the of Ontario to fiuhniit to the Legislature legislation parents to be liable for the support of Ihelr offspring and to compel child ren to support and thus relive- The Provincial Hoard of License Commission has called attention to a feature of the Temperance Act of justices of tho Pence In some may not be aware viz Clause Justice or Justice of the Peace on any conviction for an offence against this Act should send forthwith to the Hoard a certificate of audi con viction for which certificate he shall he allowed a fee of fifty cents to he taxed costs In the case A blind pig in neighborhood of Newmarket Is said to exist The authorities should get busy Anuria la only one gave ft W Anuria Ml did Jfy Signed mr i omit Toronto jiwrwd i- 1 Nora Folks in and counties are delighted with the ha obtained a of who head of In Iuvamds and in Buffalo who fitarted the ache stifl legs arms and an aching head worn day began becaueo they were In and out of bed half a down times at night rro appreciatlnR the jerfect rest comfort and new they obtained from Dr Pierces Amnio To tlutt this Is a certain acid solvent and headache kidney- and bladder and rheumatism if hover ueed the Annrlcj out out and send ten centa to Doctor Pierce for a largo cample package This prove to you that times more active than In acid and tho perfect kidney and bladder tor- rector If you a to your best druggiet and ask for a of Anurfc You run no risk for Dr Pierces good name behind this wonderful new discovery has for half century for hie Golden Medical a general made with pure glycerine which makes the blood pure his Fa vorite Prescription for weak and for liver Ms ELEPHAraT BUTTE DAM OFFICIALLY front On Oliott Machinery for DAVIS East of Bank of Toronto ST mm OF y i Floral of de scription on short PHONE GET THE I IT PAYS I According to a report of the Com mission of Police and the Directors of Convict Prisons for the yearcnd- March the prison population of the British Isles shows a reduction of fifty per cent largely from the list of habitual potty of fenders many of whom have enlisted as soldiers It is lbat Peel Durham Glengarry and are the Counties in which the Department of Ag riculture will try its sheeprais ing scheme Judging of sheep will lake place from the to the of next month A cablegram from Home Oct via Paris Oct that tin Municipal authorities at Milan have seized cars containing eggs as the result of a campaign prevent speculation Milan Rome and oilier centres have been for a week notwithstanding the exis tence of Immense stocks It Is ex pected Government authorities will fix a uniform price of three cents through out Italy and seize and sell all eggs at this price t Yonge and Toronto Is In all de partments Wo had more than positions to fill In two months this year Enter any time- Cat alogue free J ELLIOTT Principal The increase the price of printing paper has become so Serious that publisher nrc get ting together lo devise measures to meet the situation Many already increased their subscrip tion rales and some have been forced lo suspend publication three in Ontario the month splendid contribution lo the British Hod Gross Fund by Ontario and especially by Toron to has made a most gratifying impression in London A cable gram making this announcement has been received by the LI Governor of Ontario The gift from Ontario will reach two mil lion dollars A press despatch from Ottawa on Saturday announces that the Doniinion Government- has ap pointed Hugh Clark M P for North lo he Parlia mentary Secretary of State for External Affairs Depart ment is under the superintend ence of the Premier and the work is said to have greatly in creased since the war began The War has become Govern ment excuse for a lot of expendi ture According to a report from Superin tendent of Provincial Po lice Force the clause In the Ontario Temperance Act which prohibits liquor from being kept In hoarding- houses has been largely responsible for the wonderful change which has now taken place In New Ontario Previous to there was noth ing to prevent a boardinghouse keep er from haying llojuor In his posses sion This made it difficult to deal with blind hut under pre sent conditions they are afraid to run risks and the morals of the peo ple have Increased greatly for the Provincial House been nominated In two ridings tills week and South In the former Robert Cooper Manager of the Maple Leaf Milling Co of was nominated at an enthusiastic convention Mr Cooper is one of the leading citizens of both In business and In public In South Grey of Hanover is the candidate and Mr A M P P discussed mat ters of Importance In the provincial field At the same time W It Wright of Owen Sound was chosen as Federal candidate for South East Grey and Mr Pardee M P spoke on federal Issues torsions Round trip tickets lo points in Manitoba Saskatchewan and Al berta via North Bay Cochrane and Transcontinental Route or via Chicago St Paul or en sale Tuesday until 31st inclusive at low fares I Through Tourist Gars to on above dates leaving Toronto 1043 no of car via Transcontinental Route- LIMIT TWO Exclusive of date of Final return limit on ail Berth reservations and full par- at all Grand Trunk Tick et Office or write District Passenger Agent to Out J Depot Agent Phone J Phone Up Town Agent Buggy Steel-pi- Top Carriage Buggy and Apply to A press despatch from Ottawa on Tuesday states that Sir Rob ert Borden Premier of Canada issued an appeal to the people of this Dominion lo cooperate with the National Service Commission and the Government in order to make the work lo bo undertaken by that body a success He asks the men of military age to place themselves at the service of Hie Slate for military duty and others to place themselves at the service of country for such work as they are best fitted perform Once Anthracite Coal at prices Orders filled at all hour Telephone No doors South of If it were not So serious would be rather amusing to see the Govern ment frantically trying to has brought to pass During the last ses sion of the House day otterday in the most prolonged debate of ses sion Mr Carter and other Liberal members assailed the with vigor both for their failure adequately to safeguard the export of nickel and for their illegal undertaxaUon of the nickel company The Government at that laughed at tin Now however the situation has become too serious to laugh about the govern ment knows happened South West Toronto where one of the leading issues know how opinion to Mr RowelVs attack oujUienuat London on the niclcel paper quoted iho To ronto Bays this product Should he to of the to totd to Huns lo in the ainl of more the Army on the has struck swiftly and suc cessfully against the German lines- On Saturday the region north of end to Sara an was made on a front of 5000 yards Along this battlefront the pushed their lineforward from to five hundred yards and look prisoners Including officers The attack followed upon a German drive earlier la the morning against the redoubt At all points except two this was repulsed with heavy losses before reaching the British trenches At- these two points the enemy was ejected almost Im mediately leaving officers and men prisoners and a large number of dead In front of the British trenches The capture of Constanta the Rou manian- port on the lilack Sea and the occupation of a considerable part of the railway connecting Conatanza with and by the bridge over the Danube there with Is a serious verse for army of Berlin IS Jubilant and the not without warrant The that was safe sheltered behind Trajans wall a great built at the end of the first of the ChriaWwj era by the Emperor Trajan to keep hi check von Maokensen hegaiihfslnulois of the la September huge earthquake was put In a of defence and well provided and machine The Get- mans seem to have attacked and brok en the at a point wtst of the wall which extends for- over twenty utiles from the Black Sea Having thus turned of thedefence they wunVto the East end in the the barrier Rome than It now serves raptured Couslsftta New Mexico Oct 19 The Butte dam completed recently at a cost of and intended to impound the largest artificially retained body of water in the world was dedicated here lodny by A A Jones of New Mexico the personal representative of Presi dent Wilson Three hundred and fifty dele gates to the International Irriga tion Congress and International Farm Congress were the dedica tion committee The dam is the largest structure of its kind ever undertaken under the direction of the United Stales- Reclamation and the largest mass of masonry in the world containing cubic yards of rubble and stone It is feel in length from wall to wall of canyon across which it is built and nearly 1 feet long including spillways The dam is 215 feet wide at the base tapering lo font at the crost which Is used as a road way or bridge The roadway is 3046 feet above bedrock The lakeV formed by dam which stores only flood waters of the Rio will be miles long with an average depth of fret It will capacity of gallons or storage behind Ihn Rose- veil dam and limes the capacity of he famous dam across the Nile hi Assouan Egypt The dam is destined to reclaim acres of land in New Mex- and Texas including acres in Old Mexico Opposite- the city of El Paso It gets its name from an an cient landmark which stood on the left hank of the Rio Grande just above Ihc canyon across which the dam is thrown This hill or hullo because of the strik ing resemblance to the head of an elephant even lo the colled trunk producing tusks and flapping oars was called the sleeping ele phant by the chroniclers of Ihc expeditions made the early Spanish invaders as they passed this way during the sixteenth When the storage Take behind the new dam is only the lop of elephants head will be left over water The in ages gone was an active vol cano Geologists say it has not been active in hundreds of years the Impose a tax on end these Toronto of flclal the that some people aro far- more able to give are topay taxes it Is olnioat certain that the property Broadway and School North Toronto will purchased by a Park Sunday marked the anniversary Baptist Church v Trie Presbyterian foreign Mission Board expressed the opinion last that coming to Canada have tec- pay head laxi and that In Canada should be allowed to bring In their wives Thoy did not favor to Canada- On Sunday last a motor car driven by collided wlUi a produce wagon The driver was thrown from Ids scat the ills- companion received ankle be fore the Police Court but the case was remanded for a few days Hay Presbyterian Mis sionary working the lans of this City was presented a few with a gold watch by the members of his congregation In honor of departure- for where he will- resume his ministerial duties Guy of this City was reported missing at the writes to his friends here that he a prisoner In Germany Alice Reed a young girl who es caped from the Toronto Industrial School last Thursday was brought before Magistrate Tuesday and as the school authorities explained that she was absolutely unmanageable I and had run away on former occasions the Magistrate committed her to the Mercer Reformatory for two years Sir Wilfrid Is announced to deliver an address In Convocation Hall on the evening of Nov 1st The gathering will he under the auspices of the Newman Club of Worcester visited Toronto on Saturday Report has reached the City that a local aviator named lost bis life In German lines During last week work was com menced on the construction of the proposed Art Museum on the Smith properly at the Grange cost of construction The Provincial Health Inspector re ports that infantile paralysis Is being stamped out in Ontario In consequence of the high price of foodstuffs anglers are being exempted from a close fish season Eight law Students were called to the bar at Hall during the past week General Sir Sam Hughes spent last Sunday in this City returning to Ottawa in the evening- Ills busi ness was connected with private mat ters only No less than thirty alleged gamblers were arrested on Sunday In three gaining houses raided by the Police Two large City Dairies arc plan ning to deliver In daylighthours dur ing the winter so as to avoid frozen milk Sixteen Varsity men left for this week They expect to get commissions In the Imperial Navy The money market Is tightening The City Treasury Department sent out this week nearly warrants to citizens demanding immediate payment of taxes on incomes The Ontario Government has de- to aid Hospitals for tubercular soldiers The City gains a victory over the Toronto Light Company on the question of the Companys right to place poles on the streets Toronto City Council has taken steps lo meet the high cost of living and ordered the minimum wage of employees to be 30 cents per hour But the corporation quantity of work and men employ ed Up to Friday last Toronto soldiers had returned home It Is said the veterans who re turned from overseas last week were greeted at Station by over Twelve of the return ed men were suffering from wounds and had lo be borne to Hospital stretchers I T A i win Mure Bread and Better Bread J Violet I font of the ihy St Consul ELECTRIC HEATING APPLIANCES I I have at present a complete slock of Electric and Cooking Appliances as follows i i i Andrei 1 Iron 25 Canadian Iron Hughes Ranges In all sizes Elco pays lo use an Electric Iron in- he summer in order to ubc up the minimum for current The low rale of w hour for cooking now ob tainable in Newmarket makes the Electric Range a practical utility for the average family ALFRED STARR Electrical Contractor BUILDING v Practlc a To Every Lover of HOMEMADE BAKING TRY Our Favorite and Five Rose Flour FRESH PEED GOOD ANTHRACITE COAL raoh iln Prices Right I OLIVER STRICTLY Give Us I K VICTIM OF Rev youngest son of the late Trench of Richmond Hill died at the Methodist Parsonage Hillsdale on Saturday at the early age of years About a week arid a half ago he con ducted a funeral service for a member of his congregation and very shortly poisoning developed In his hand was done to save his life but without avail Mr Trench was a graduate of Vic toria and Toronto Universities from degrees of Bachelor of Arts and of Divinity After he was assistant to Rev J CSpeer of West Toronto for some lime going later to Bruce Mines where he was station ed- for four years For the last two years he baa been In the Church Hillsdale The Tate Win Trench conducted a here Thomas Trench an elder has charge of the at the present time The funeral took place from- his mothers residence here on Tuesday Orders for munitions placed in Caiiadit by former Shell and the present Im perial Munitions Hoard since the beginning of the war now Since tho be the present His orders received at Ottawa to tal the Muni lions Board has just received in structions from London to additional contracts for the of 5n4 the to bant on ooc Father my son eat their enemies other people generally go no further than to live on their friends and rela tives Philadelphia Public Ledger r At the COLLEGE Offers a Specially Designed Course lo Boys from Faro November to March Comprises English Agriculture Physics Manual Carpentry a Forging Commercial Law Business Cor respondence Penmanship Commercial Arithmetic Bible A thoroughly practicaltraining to meet the needs of the man on the Farm Woodstock College is a Residential School for and WW Men one of the Most Completely Equipped in Canada Other Courses Pass and Honor Matriculation and Busies Write for Calendar A MacNhmBA For personal interview see Blchmond Hill Jail Out Kept THOSE WHO FROM TIME TO TIME HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT MAY PURCHASE AT PAR 111 OF SUMS OF OS ANY October payable hrlfyearly let April and 1st October by cheque free of t dirteft4 Bank in Canada at the rate of five per cent per annum from date of of the privilege of aurrendering at par and accrued interest the equivalent of cash In payment of any allotment undej any future war loan issue in Canada other than an issue oi Treasury Bills or other short date security Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only A of of one per cent will be allowed to recog- bond stock brokers on ajlotmenta made In respect of applications or this stock which stamp application apply to the Deputy of Call All m OF AW mi