Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , October 27, 1916, p. 1

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I I 4- man looking PLACE r Buy To Buy TCWatson I J paper of Unless paid JACKSON Editor and Proprietor AssistantEditor FOR fc ri i filecti Mechanics Tools Roofing Pipes and Fittings flighQrade Paints Varnishes and Stains I Automobile Accessories I I THE PAINT STORE Phone NEWMARKET BOARD OP DIRECTORS VINCENT I 1 But Sir I J J C I tit Cm- CepiUl Undivided Current Rates of on In the Savings lit of the of and upwards are received in this Department HEAD Ross Manager Branch SOUTH END LUMBER YARD t LUMBER AT HALF PRICE Lots To Clear HEMLOCK PLANKS and 10 Inches Wide To 1500 per ft W PEARSON 12 P Office Phone Order from Cartel Bishop John Murphy BANK Ptldop Fund wocoooo fQ are the most approved coaveidwit form of thrift can bo opened end to at time Interest la added to halfyearly of Toronto of and upwards Branches OuUrio and the NEWMARKET BRANCH P A M The of Small Sums OF ALL KINDS LATH SHINGLES POSTS ETC -AL80- BOORS SASH MOULDINGS AND TRIM n Trim and win m Shrink hi Put U CANE B0NS60 required at Kmplro celebrated Battle of dur ing Mihb of- Winnipeg lias arrived in Toronto to take up a position in connection Ave Molhodiat A Meeting Hall Monday Among Gov- Premier Mayor Horn Mr McOarry W A Cameron Archdeacon Cody Noel MarahaU Mrs A on Saturday fltales are now employed In the Canadian Record Office in London where the be ginning of the war only two of ficers and six On Saturday last an Engineer In Bank Building fell feet down a Ho dropped Into water and saved his life have been for seventy cases of alleged auto speed ing during Friday and Saturday last chiefly on the new HamiltonToron to Highway On Monday last a large crowd it tended the auction Bale of unclaimed Customs goods Some people evident ly fancied liquor would ho among he parcels offered but were doomed to dlHappotntment Two Baptist Ministers who are leaving for overseas preached wcHsCrmons on Sunday Members of St Patrick Chapter A roll are making a fraternal vlslj Ancient Chapter New York City and arc taking- with the famous Travelling Triangle which lias Just completed its travel Masonic world It coiri- long Journey seven years ago and has In the custody of the most famous Chapters of four continents The City of soldiers Is reported fbllowaj Total Insured 12000 Insured by Insured by City 32000 City carries a risk The City authorities state Winchester rifles on hand Several suspected Blind Pigs were raided In the Bast end of the City on Saturday night A little buy named Jacob Tobias aged six years was run over by an auto and killed on Saturday His Lordship Bishop Sweeney on Sunday last took occasion to condemn race suicide An change authoriz ed by the Senate of Toronto University Involving the Introduction of a six- yearscourse for medical students Prohibition has been In forne for month and male prisoners have reduced at the Toronto Jail Farm from to Hon Ferguson announced this week that tho Ontario Gov ernment purposed constructing more Provincial Highways with the HamiltonToronto road as a model It is hoped Street will be one of the new enter prises The Ontario Department of Ag riculture is now making a spe cial effort to promote and en courage the sheepraising v A big welcome from a tremen dous crowd was extended to a carload of returned soldiers last Thursday at the Depot Investigation into the barn- burning incidents in part of Ontario has resulted in the discovery that a was doing the firing business Two selfstyled Healers were up in the Police Court last Thurs day on charges of vagrancy and remanded for trial The License Hoard cancelled a hotel license at Sudbury last week Hotelkeepers must obey he law or quit business Arthur a was found guilty of criminal neg ligence before Judge and injured a policeman He was lined and costs last week Considering the very large num ber fined heavily for motor neg ligence the wonder is so many continue to disrespect law It is now slated that an alleged combine- has been organized in this to restrain trade Those fostering the proposition would feel indignant were their loyally questioned The Canadian Manufacturers Association are protesting against the Government awarding so many large to Amor can firms Forty now dentists are joining the colors They have all Summer in order to fit themselves for the front- Prof of Knox College de nounces Government for war graft Benchers of the Law voted 500 to the British Red Cross Fund last week Another lineman v electro cuted op the stuff of last Kobe of a call from Plymouth Pi FOREMOST TOWN IN I Kip IN PATRIOTIC WORK Contribution About 3500 To Brutish Red Cross Notwithstanding th wet ed to tho- Orobestra the agreeable weather on Thursday of last week the collectors appoint ed to the on behalf of the British did work greeted by a gratifying response meeting closed by singing God Save tho King As the people started to ft was proposed lo raffle the rooster A number of tickets woro sold and the lot fell on order to publicly -acknow- Koith t ledgetbo generosity of the a public meeting wa hast- E called by Mayor the possessor no use for town hall last evening but ut ag Mr owing to the rain attendance was very limited it was an enthusiastic meeting Newmarket Orchestra con tributed a number stirring se lections throughout the evening Mayor brief Intro- speech alluded to the pat riotic spirit of Town in pro viding men and in the na tions crisis and was proud of the success of Ihoi 2nd Trafalgar Campaign Mr A Bruijlon Chairman of the made a rattling gobd speech Af ter outlining the method employ ed In the canvas he referred to what the British hud for us and why we should re spond to appeal Can ada is in a more prosperous con dition today than ever before in its history and but for the sad ness to so many homes and the we hardly know a great illie British lied Cross is carrying on its work of mercy all over the world and last year spout twen ty millions of dollars need will be greater this year They have 1 ambulances on the Western Front besides Hospitals and- it is a great tribute to their efficiency that whereas formerly of soldiers in battle died of wounds at present only are lost Considering the men from here firing line Newmar ket cannot do too much for the Hod Cross Mr J Treas urer of the Fund was then called upon for his The collec tions to and over in promises come in The collections include the following Public Schools Separate School High School 12000 Pickering College Davis Leather Co Km- Office Specialty Em ployees Canes Factory Bell Tel Employees C Watson then Us owner He did hot want it and it was put up again Finally af ter adding to the fund Mr Union took possession of it at a cost of St There was consid erable fun over the bird which was donated by Dr TWO A QIK1L Faint Heart Won Pair Lady A Special Committee composed of Messrs A K Hob and A J Davis was ap pointed to dispose of two Chairs and a Rooster do nated to the fund J Wedlock was the next speaker and he was pleased to see the unanimity of the Town Without distinction of race re ligion or politics the people worked for the greatest lifesav ing agency in existence today Besides the work enumerated by Mr he called attention to the three Hospital Trains now at work in France The self- sacrificing work touches a re sponsive chord in any man who loves his country and humanity A P Addison added his congratulations to the success of the campaign and had found that there was a large circle of men in Newmarket wio were willing to aid when anything Worth while was to be done spoke more particularly on we owe to Britains fleets and read a from Kipling that was heartily endorsed Hon J Davis referred to the of the employees of the Davis Leather Co to donate a days pay to the British Hod Cross and considered that man who was sick but wanted to bo counted in who already had lost one of his sons In the war ana had another on the way was the most generous giver in the Town He referred to the Battle of falgar and how that England be came of the Seas which she continues to Ve are liylQK the the history of the world wm to give that flat of Old Eng land may give liberty to the world A vote of Jennie McFall bad two strings to her how That is she had two beaux on the string both likely young men and for the life of her she could not make up her mind which to choose Then the war broke out said I shall see which is the best man FIT never marry a man that thinks too much of his precious skin logo and fight for his country The one that goes first is the one for Tliey went together Ill see which does best said to her rfiil and watted to hear of one or other winning the Victoria Cross Neither did They fought well all the same Both were wounded and came home in the same ship and went to the same hos pital Tom had lost an arm Har ry a was first to go out and visit her She nearly cried to see his empty sleeve but she was de termined to bo fair and knew that Harry was handicapped fO pay ing vjsits So she still waited and when Harry came in he got just as much sympathy as Tom By this lime their second fight was on The enemy was not Germany now It was their own human nature Naturally they felt a bit down and a bit soft and a bit slack Neither of them was a quitter nor even a kicker Neither of them ever came back a drop too when they had been away from the hospital for an outing Though they did not feel up to much at first neither of them liked loafing Both were interested in the carpentry andtypewriting and drawing classes carried on In the hospital to Jit them once more for a life of activity and inde pendence Both of them scouted the idea that a man who had done his bit at the front should rest on his laurels and do as little as pos sible for the rest of his days But there was a difference One of them was a shade keen er than the other Harry had no idea of living on his pension- and any casual job he might get to supplement it hut all he aimed at was- to earn as much as ho had been earning before Tom made up his mind to do more with onearm than ever he had done with two The more fie was handicapped the more re solved he was to win Is there any need to finish the story Europe and Turkey two- hundred thousand women and children in Albania have died of starvation each woman and in Belgium has had plenty- to eat and children In Albania have gnawed at carcasses of dead horses In the streets William Howard of New York who has returned from his third trip to lhj hunger zone of Europe predicts that the en tire population of Albania will die of famine and pestilence un less helped He soys that In Al bania corn is fifty dollars a bush el flour eighty dollars a sack and macaroni Avo dollars a pound tragedy of Albania says M Howard is that a nation is dying of hunger while the peo ple of United States laden with gifts for the rest of Europe and foe Turkey pass by on the other side Thirty millions of dollars been given by the people of the United States for relief work of various kinds in Belgium Po land Armenia Syria and the warring countries of Europe while two hundred thousand wo men and children in Southeastern Europe have starved to death un heeded and uncarcd for Not one woman or child has died of hung- in Belgium two hundred thousand in Albania Is it fair is it human that the innocent women and children of Albania who never did anyone harm should be trampled under foot and left to perish at a time when all others are fed Is this American fair play have appealed for help in high places 1 have begged a crust of bread of those who have given millions to Belgium Po land Armenia and Syria I have begged in vain The Albanians are much entitled to sympathy and help as others They have not taken part in the war They fed and shel tered refugees from even with the last measure of corn that the faminesmitten villages possessed They have not done any wrong yet armies have swept over their country tak ing what could be found to take leaving to the starving women and children only the carcasses of doud horses in the streets ask only American fair play for the famished children of Al bania I ask of all fairminded men and women in the United States Why should the Alban ians three hundred thousand of whom are Christians be left to Friends in connection with Episcopalian Chunh announce a Grand Concert to be held there of York Peel Assize new being held at ihe Adelaide Street Buildings Toronto John is the County Crowri Attorney North and Agricultural Society Fall Showo Prize List appears in todays pa per The show was held at ton Mr John Boyd was Presi dent A fire in King Township near on the farm of destroyed his barn and out buildings on the sparks from a passing on the Northern Railway is thought to have originated the blaze Mr Walton of Kettleby is advertising for a blacksmith this week Dr has so far recover ed from his recent accident as to be able to resume his profession- al duties 1 starve while press forward eager in generous rivalry to feed the others The Albanians are more numerous Armen ians yet we feed the Armenians and let the Albanians starve Haying appealed to deaf cars in From Era Oct At St Pauls Church New market by Canon A on the inst Mr John Down to Miss Mary Green wood second daughter of the late Dr John all of Newmar ket At the Methodist Parsonage in Newmarket by Rev Jos on the Mr John of Whitchurch to Miss May of East In Newmarket by Elder on the Mr to Miss Jennie all of Newmarket The North on the Jane wife of McNeil aged years In Newmarket on the Frederick Charles Stoilard son of Mr John years- Near on the 29th George Phillips aged years In East on 2nd Mary wife of Mr Os car Clarke aged years In King on the Bar bara Etta daughter of Geo Riley aged years Newmarkets new Model School Building is about completed and it is expected will be formally Opened next week It cost Crime was rampant in the County last quarter The list of convictions returned to Clerk of the Peace totalled A load of of members i I i hiri attended a Dis Hi high places now appeal to trict Council meeting at Post A young boy- employed by Mr Samuel of the 5th west was badly bitten by a black collie dog of Mr Kanpawins last week boy was going to the barn and met the dog which had en egg in its mouth On speak ing to the colli the animal sprang at the and hit him and teatin- endeavoring to get at his The buy held the town for ao during time all flngfefj- other contents and when the plain people to fairmind ed men and women who would not let a dog starve to death no matter what his breed want to go back to Albania with a ship load of food I have arranged for a ship- a new American ship just launched and fitted for the sea The ship ready and wait ing A number of distinguished gentlemen in New York mostly clergymen and editors of news papers will cooperate in an appeal for a reljef cargo for the ship treasurer selected to receive contributions is the Rev Frederick Lynch D Editor of The Christian Work and Secre tary of the Carnegie Church Peace Union Contributions in any amount from- the price of a loaf of bread upward may be sent to the Balkan Relief Fund 70 Fifth Avenue New York City World Wheat Crop view of various claims of worlds record wheat crops for large the Crowfoot Farm ing Company of Crowfoot submit a sworn statement of re sults for the year 1915 which probably surpasses all properly authenticated claims from other sources acres the Crowfoot Farming Company re ceived an average yield of bushels pounds per acre of No Spring Wheat by actual- selling weight 400 acres of wheat averaged bushels per Acre These records established in the Canadian Paci fic Railway Irrigation Block In Southern Alberta There is money clover this year Mr Patrick sold pis to Herb Law Of for ft J on a tenant on Lot 6 line of Mo no tost ions crop to four calves fowl nd barn filch by it recently lost the do berg on the Mr Morgan of brother of Judge Morgan visited the new Model School in Newmarket this week and made some flattering observations Mr Warner son of Mr Henry Warner now living in Col- orado has been home here on a visit for a week Mr and Mrs Wm Widdifield were Home to a number of friends on Tuesday evening Friends from were vis- Ring at Elder Pressors this week Mrs Belfry is spending a couple of weeks in Toronto A handsome memorial window has recently In SI Pauls Church to the memory of the late Mrs Ann Dudley by her children CATARRH BE vlth LOCAL APPUCATIONS the seat of the mw a blood ad In to core it you Care Is tad Owe Is a jck It by ttrrt WWtiypiittd a Ms toeiti know Mwttfattost Mood prefect it vhtt for fret Sol ay tr fba Hotel and were pom- ilestriydby fire on Mon day night Both structures were frame the buildings were burned to the one injured hA hotel fc bit A i 1 TORONTO

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