Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , October 20, 1916, p. 3

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J HUP largo number janiliHwork and educational A hearty of accorded 1 fit i Tin of Friends Church bavin Talent Sunday school room i J will bo in the Srch parlor Were will So Made Baking Candy and for sale i Ills- a the Court A lady Church fft has Following complete pair of Bocks she has for the soldiers I draw attention to which appears in our- columns 10 the popular Illustrated Lectures of Rev Al fred Young s dosorvedly popular and arc enthusiastically received orally used- dpi- Aubrey Davis son aa a- torn therein a few days ago and went smoke A Ma ma playing a narrow escape from when the tent collapsed One day week Stanley Smith sou of Mr J Smith had the end of taken off at Specially Works V V I Wednesday Will works at had the coil of finger crushed by roll er y I III I and commented on fas rubly both by and the Friday Mrs official tologram ing that was wounded and Is now in Hospital was an employee of Specially Co and enlisted with the Contingent going overseas loft for tho front in November and is years of age His mother received a cable from her in London Stating that fernio now in Eng land and doing well Ho was wounded in scalp back arms and foot Another son Hubert is in Franco in doing his bit in the official Hal of wounded on Wednesday wo notice name of J of Now- Am OddFollows had on ISO came up frofti by Iwp special Metropolitan cars wJ Aurora and other pljioosi Among the dlstiiiulsb- order Grand- Junior Warden of tho District Deputy Grand Master several Dep uties A team from United exemplified the work In Initialing several members In a very satisfactory manner of the ceremony District Deputy presented pyramid Lodge with a handsome as a of their visit J Many of wore on the Very Odd fellows Hall In leaving rcfreslimenls were served in tho basement and was oho when visitors left for No school to dayATeadhersVaUcridink Co9vcriUon In on the now road to for Is now resumed A Kino Will of Calvary London- John and William CurUfliPf Kohlaby will share equally iiiiiioi9J John farmer who died In Township Augpat last leaving an equity of in a farm fn King household goods cattle sheep and swine and In the bank Lr Com- TO the Endeavor Meeting In tho Christian Tuesday ev ening and hear of Toron to Subject Religion and Science Free ft Help ciujdcs cleared HO from the sale of candy at the Operet ta The Oujd0a wish to their many friends for their generous help and patronage makes the work furnishing comforts for soldiers They have a good supply of the same delicious homemade candy for sale at their concert In the Town Hall Tuesday Oct and help the Boys by helping the Girls I home having had a most enjoyable I ft market I Oalo on Friday and J Now York Kelt Huts the very for Black Velvet Dan- ford Roche Mission at Next Sunday a Mission will commence at Johns Church and will end the following Sun day Fathers Keinley of tho Catho lic of Springfield Muss will conduct tho Mission Doth able energetic young men and vili give a scries of discourses on interesting and im portant subjects On Sunday High Mass will be celebrated at oclock Vospers will bo said oclock services Will commence every evening dur ing- week at Everyone is most cordially invited to bo present and hear excellent discourses Homo lt ho annual meeting on Monday afternoon the following officers were reelected for the ending year President MrsT J- Robertson VicePros Mrs Howard Cane Secretary Jackson jreaBurer Miss Nellie Auditors Mrs Cornell and Mrs Hunter Work- CoroTMrs Hilts w Mrs Frenoli and MrsLevI Rogers The- Secretary that wore members on roll life members and asso ciate During year there r lea Horses still keep up In price At Mr Gardners sale last week an agricultural sold for A Milch cow brought 910 end heifers sold for over 900 each Another me dication of a successful sale under Mr J Headmans hammer was the price obtained for agricultural Imple ments a Belling for and a mower for 92 Mr Headman has been auctioneer ing for over years hut at Mr Rushs sale In King Township was the first time he had to finish the sale aid of a lantern The farm been In the hands of the family for over GO years and was a great collection of miscellaneous At this sale a colt brought and a- cow 9103 wore meetings held pardon Parly- and 15 Knitting Teas reported that receipts year wcro vilcd to be present North York Poultry Association A special meeting will be held Wednesday evening next to fin ish the Prize and other rout ine work All inter ted in poul- try fancy or otherwise and expenditures leaving a balance in the General Fund of and In the prisoners of War Fund was made a Life Member by her son Mr Ce cil now in California There was a good attendance at the Knitting Tea last Tuesday afternoon Proceeds f Death of Mr Harrison The oldest man in this section of the country passed away on Wednesday evening of last week ilia remarkable manner Mr Har rison Proctor who was in bis year was around on Wed nesday in his usual health and in the afternoon rode home from a visit with his grandson- Mr Fred Proctor not far away in a farm wagon Afterwards ho milk ed a cow and was about to turn the Separator in the barn when lie he felt strange Mrs Proctor who was in the barn called his son Mr John Proc tor but before he got to him his father wasdead The late Harrison Proctor was a of Henry Proctor and was horn on what is known as iraviss farm on Street His parents died when he was Only two years of age and be lived with his brother Edwin until years of age when he Worked at the carpenter trade iUi the late John Arm ft age He turned again to farming Gild after working for tho late I- Howard fdr some years he bought back the homestead which has been in the possession the family for nearly a and whore ho lived a quiet to the remarkable old age of four score and ten honored and respected by all who knew him deceased was twice married is first wife was Mary Millard of the late Joseph Millard f Newmarket by whom he had wo sous only one of which Mr John Proctor fteeve of the Township who I on the homestead farm second wife was Maria Cam Jfoii of who survives hut there are no children Mr Proctor was a staunch Jibwal in politics and a worthy member of the Christian Church many years The funeral Saturday af- was largely attended W Or was in charge The bearers were Messrs Silas Joseph Cody Rob Min Dawson Besides the the casket was J wreath from ibe Agricultural Society which Nftha were in- Cemetery London and QUI The Girl is here sooner than was expected- but it not any worse for lliat three things any one of whicb it would be worth your time and money to see First the kindness of Mr a demonstrator from i the Company will show their finest Victrola In these days of it would be interesting to see and hear the Second the Guides have been very fortunate in getting Miss M who needs neither in troduction nor commendation to the people Newmarket as elo cutionist Those who have heard Miss arc always anxious to hear her again Last by no means least there will be a demonstration of Girl Guide work The ladies of the Cross and Field Societies and the mothers of he girls are specially invited to come and see this The proceeds of the Concert are to go to buy material needed by the Guides to keep up their work for the soldiers Owing to the many other patriotic calls at this line The price of the tickets is unusually low and cents These may he got from any Guide Be sure to come to the Town Hall on Tuesday Oct 24th You will have a good lime Plan of Hall opens at oclock on Saturday evening at Drug Store The mooting Wednesday even ing of this week was large and enthusiastic and speaks well for the success of the coining show Fifth Annual Poul try Show The dates have boon set for bee to By the untiring efforts of its members this show placed in the front rank of Ontario Shows It is hoped that the citizens of the community will assist in keeping it there winners at Fair Canadian mate ontlre Stewart entire Jv T Barton gelding or Jas tonact or George Kaae 3rd Miss Stephenson in ridssJas Camorop 2nd A Mo 3rd Geo Brown mare Hi Potter 2nd 3rd Miss Stephenson I 2nd 2ycarold and 2nd Brandon 3rd 2nd Archibald spring colt Kelso Godson 2nd Da vis 3rd General Purpose harness 2nd Black M Jas brood mare 1st 2nd and 3rd F Colwell Lemon 2yearold 2nd 3rd A JV 2nd spring coil 1st 2nd an S Single driver 2nd Sinclair 3rd Jno brood mare Win Grant John 2nd 2yearold Huston Jind John spring coll 2nd Team In harness J 2nd 3rd Atkinson single driver 15 Jjands or over 2nd J 3rd Evans single driver under hands P Graham brood mare Potter 3yearold Hastings 2nd Cooper 2yearold 2nd Elmer 3rd I Simpson spring colt It M Ellison PoniesPony bands and under Davis pony hands and under J A M Specials draft mare or gelding 1st and 2nd 3rd Fennel Sons best spring colt or Illy K Godson best horse for general ddivery Hastings 2nd John Heavens best gents turnout Hut- ledge light horse W 2nd Hastings lady driver open to Miss 2nd Mrs Hastings lady driver special Miss Wilson- Judges W Stewart J Anderson Li We are Variety Oil Cloth A- Killed In Wilfred Lloyd the youngest son of Win and Isabel who moved from King to Oak Lake Manitoba some years ago enlisted in March last and went overseas with the Watt Wo have just receiv ed the sad news thai he was kill- in oh the of Sep tember The following letter was received by his father and for warded to us for publication for ilie information of many friends in this locality France Mr Wisner Oak La Man Sir It is my painful duty to have to inform you that your son Pte No was killed in action on the morning of the of this month He was with mo at the time and in the front line trench where he several others were struck with shrap nel from shell lire He was a good soldier and well liked by the rest of his comrades and my self and I hope it will be some consolation to you to know that we lost a good brave man and lie died as a soldier should fac ing the enemy and lighting for his King and Country- Yours faithfully Greenwood Li M The Wrist Watch for Hen and Women WHY HOY It la extensively used by and by thousand of even Man who alt up In the and Watch for the lit tte handled fornilri Which to a it Inexpensive We In Gold n4imp fiwiftoo look at You are under over with you eltfjer diet or date I Durham W Wray won all the prizes awarded in this class Jersey took all the prizes awarded in this class Hereford Palmer Bros took oil the prizes awarded in this class J Brothel look all the prizes awarded in this class Grade beef breed Milch row W Brandon 2nd John yearold heifer 1st and 2nd W Brandon Hairy breed Milch cow W Brandon 2nd heifer 2nd J Brothel yearling heifer 2nd John calf If 2nd John heifer calf 2nd J Special dairy cow and 2nd Judges Millard and Jeffs Sheep J Kehoe look all the prizes awarded in this class Leicester Fennel Son took all the prizes awarded in Ibis class Special Best pen of sheep J Judge Wm McOerniolt Bee- ton Yorkshire White Aged boar J McEwon boar pig 1st and 2nd Wray brood sow W Wray 2nd McFwen sow pig 1st and 2nd W Wray Tamworth A Stewart took all the prizes awarded in this class Specials registered hoar A Stewart best registered sow A Stewart Poultry Geese Toulouse A Bennett J V Childs any other kind A Bonnet Turkeys Bronze any other kind A Bonnet Ducks J Aylesbury W J V Indian Clark 2nd Mrs Dove Hen 1st and 2nd Chapman Hamburg Hen Chapman 2nd W Chapman 2nd Kitelcy hep Chapman 2nd 11 Kitely pullet Chapman 2nd Kitely Black Minorca Cock John Robinson hen 1st and 2nd John Robinson cockered 1st arid 2nd John Rob inson pullet let and 2nd John Robinson- Barred Kitely Sen cockerel Kitel iletH White Plymouth Rock Cook Chapman 2nd hen Chapman 2nd cockerel Chapman Cook J V J V 1yearold 3rd W pursuant to adjournment Council act at Vondorf Hall on Saturday with all the present and the Reeve In the Chair minutes of- last were read and confirmed Communication was presented from A Abbott Esq of The of Commit tco re Appeal for for BrIUsh Red Society The reported that la view of the short time before the day appointed for the Can- he had requested the Of ficers for each of the Polling Sub divisions of the War AuxU- have the necessary canvass made at the appointed lime Claims for sheep killed or Injured by dogs were presented and establish ed as viz P for one sheep killed Chas for two sheep Cd and six injured- for one sheep kill- and four Injured 3000 lirnndon for one sheop kill and two Injured The Treasurer was Instructed to pay the claims in full according to Statute The following Dills were present ed and the Treasurer instructed to pay the flame viz I Jackson on of Print- Contract 7000 J A Clarke attending Judges Voters List Court and Postage Acct COO Crushed Stone Limited for car crushed stone for Ontario Bridge Co for one In culvert pipe J Brooks amount paid men shovelling snow Wilson balance shovel ling snow Win Rogers for 21 loads gravel for i Hamilton for yards gravel for v Con Henry for yards gravel for 7 Con i Harrison for yds of gravel for con 4 Ambrose Lewis for repairing culverts and other work In Con Councillor Baker was Instructed to have culvert pipe put In opposite Lot Fifth Concession Line On motion adjourned to 1 meet Wednesday- Nov then to meet at Hall at oclock A r I I NEWMARKET FALL HOSIERY SALE HEAVY PLELOLLirJED HOSE Good Value at HEAVY WOOL to 10 Good i Value at Price pp 10 Dozen Only Odd Sizes of AND MI88E8 H08fe Reg and Sale Price COLORED Pale White Tan i I for f HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF GRAIN AND SEEDS Mrs Mitchell of came to visit Mr and Mrs Butler line King last week She was accompan ied by her son Frank years of age who shortly after his arrival took sick and soon passed away His death was due loan of the heart which had been weakened by an attack of scarlet fever some time ago The mother returned on Saturday to with the body of her- son- 0 Practically the entire estate of left by Peter Silas Gibson provincial land surveyor who was for many yearn surveyor of York Township bequeathed to the wife Eliza Jane Gibson of Wo LlUa LET FILL YOUR COAL ORDERS NOW I Order by Phone or by Cartore Harrington Ben Man ning or Ruse Allan LIVE In Toronto this week the top prices paid were as follows Choice- Steers Medium Steers Choice Butcher Cows Choice Milkers and Feeders Choice Veal Calves Sheep Lambs Hogs off cars Hogs country points I A I way choose your from Materials that stylish and Fit Perfect I V stylish and becoming Have the out right and FOR FALL LARGE AMD WELL A880BTED WE ARE WAITING TO HAVE A TALK WITH YOU 1 F WILLIS Till LOB Phone 160 Newttuurfce Oct Wheat per 1 Oat bush 0 Barley per bush 0 9SyQ Eggs per dor 0 flutter per lb 39 ton 35 per ton 3 per per 7 OFFICE Paid Up PCLKQ Fund O f Mends of J V J ootriy V Rrowii Leghorn Wheal per guilfj lol Cock Hob Ins on hen John Oats oew O Gt Robinson 2nd per bush i cockerel J Robinson pullet J White Leghorn Cock 1st and 2nd hen 1st and 2nd J I fiipt per hush utter ib per flo 310 DreU and ef avtllitW the in and otneei at v TORONTO ftfcTIK

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