Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , September 15, 1916, p. 3

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Sy l s ST IE uoh lace with Q8 Is On Season Ith W V The New War Loan You people who aro only per cent for your money in the new War Loan and double your income Scutar Pae 5 lhJs Salvation Army The Temple Band from To ronto attracted- a big crowd to Town Hall last Saturday even- Sunday he Town The meetings on MM also well attended I opening up for Fall Millin- on Saturday Sept ievmiarket Fair Entries are coming in very and indications point most successful Fair in New- market on Sept 27th and Newmarket is centrally located good roads steam and electric facilities good accom modation on the grounds and the Fair this year should attract a big crowd of visitors Womens Institute Members and friends of the jfewmarket Branch of Womens Institute are cordially invited to the opening meeting at be home of Mrs A Brodie on Thursday Sept Roll Call be answered with hints on pieMaking Let us all make our own vin egar is the slogan in warlime Let us help one another by both questions and suggestions Let us add to the revenue of our Country Com flew Fall Millinery Roche Col Junior E The Picnic which was held last Saturday afternoon with the Primary and Cradle De partment of the Christian Sun day School was a most decided success All the boys and girls from to years who wish to join or attend the Junior Christian Endeavor Society are urged to be resent at the opening meeting Saturday afternoon On ac count of election of officers It will be necessary to come at p if at all possible Com Not the least pleasure for fiigh School pupils at Newmarket who come and go by trolley is the journey on the car They seem to enjoy it immensely Judges Court at Vandorf next Saturday Nearly everybody is home from the summer resorts Provincial Prohibition after oclock tomorrow night The fall is a good time to do outdoor painting No flies and the paint hardens with the Brighten up your prem ises Potatoes promise to become a luxury in which case they are lWy to he bottled up and sold like olives Price Raised of each The first wag oft July the next her and the last on March Ho saidhehad paid over the amounts at the re quest of Dr Simpson the Treasurer of the Conservative party funds Asked by Mr Phillips why he had paid over such sums as at the request of Dr Simp son the Witness said that it had been for the same reason that he had paid over the money to Dan Mr Carter was asked to stand aside by Mr Phillips and D J Sprague was failed He admit ted that he got the and the from Carter but said that he had approached him mat a new and amended contract the same as he approached other as entered into The new conJmen for contributions Just the as A Sept Carter of this city contractor of the firm Carter Halls United before the iloyar Commissibn investigating the construction of the Agrioul- College Idday told how after he had begun work on the power house contract at a price of he was called up on the telephone by Robert Rogers then Minister of Public works for Manitoba and now Minister Works for the Dominion who suggested that the contract price was low aud told Carter that he thought the Government could help out The result of the telephone con versation Carter testified was that an amount was named and profit of tract was for meant a clear for Carter Mr Carter next told of approached by S Sprague a prominent Winnipeg Conserva tive and being asked for a con- to the campaign fund of Alex the Conservative nominee in the Federal election of Carter said that the telephone conservation with Rogers had been Between Aug and August 28 1911 and that he contributed to the Do minion election fund Sept 18 following and on Septem ber the day before the elec tion Mr Carter also told Hugh Phillips K the Provincial Government counsel before the Commission that he had also paid all told 15000 to the Pro vincial campaign fund This been in three equal amounts contracts ton F Gait Mulchings and lots Of other men Mr Sprague who appeared in the uniform of aCoptain of the Can adian Army said he could not re member many of the details of his visits to Carter for campaign contributions He thought Car ters contribution a liberal one and he had handed over the money to the Election Commit tee Members of the committee were J Boyd W J Bulman G V Hastings and Christie Captain admitted that he knew the vouchers accom panying the cheques from the Carter firm purporting that they were payments on building con tracts were not true He knew they were campaign contribu tions He also admitted that he knew Carter had Government a at C AURORA from Cleveland O also Ed- r na Ferguson and Moses Methodist congregation of j Aurora were favored last Sabbath McD Bodd of evening with an instructive ad- M Well and Mra Mc dress upon China the Country Co of bej and its People by Mrs Dr M slephenson who for J years has 82 been a Medical Missionary in stephenBon that vast Empire Its need and and son arid others opportunity are great I rom The 3 Rev Madden spent the old of F weekend visiting friends in- of Toronto actcd bearer and did her part in a We are sorry to record the in- After visiting disposition of Mrs A who has been confined to bed for several days After spending several weeks at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs J W Stephenson Mrs G Boddy returned this week to her home in Cleveland Ohio Dr Hamilton of Mcaford ExMayor of that town spent a short lime this week with Aurora friends calling at Maple Villa Mrs Rev son of Toronto visited a few cays with Mr and Mrs of North Aurora Mrs Rev several Canadian and American cities Mr and Mrs will reside in Cleveland We wish them every happiness 1 ROBBERY Passengers on P Victimized Buffalo Sept Seven pas sengers on a Canadian Pacific train from Toronto were victims an unusual robbery as the train crossed into tin United Toronto Slates today The train had visited her sister Mrs Willis over the weekend Mr and Mrs of ford and their daughter Dr Kilborne visited Mr Mrs on Catharine Aurora over the weekend Mrs was formerly a Miss been stopped for the Customs In spection when a man walked in Mcalo one of the coaches and began Mrs questioning the passengers Of and Mrs Jessie Ardill of New York Ave City he demanded How much money have you got Mrs Ardill opened her purse and the man counted He Johns Church On Sunday last the Holy Name Society to the number of one approached Holy in a body An appropri ate musical service was rendered the choir Holy God Wo Mae Thy Name and other were sung The Pastor took for his text Thou Shalt Not Take the Name of the Lord Thy Cod in Vain for the Lord not hold him who tokelh His Name in vain He pointed out the that fall on society on of the sins of the tongue cursing swearing arid indecent language In Order to understand the gravity Of these sins it would be well to reflect on the relationship between God the Creator and the creature For bis life and very breath he draws for very throb of bis heart and of tils muscles he is utterly and entirely dependent on It is a most outrageous Iheh for a man to abuse Ml Creator language ami diabolical Can we anything more vulgar than to defy his God to whom Pi Owes loyalty and allegiance upon whom he depends for happiness in lime and in Moreover God is a of celestial beauty andpur- hence even slightest sin JWnrt the Holy Virtue of purity in abomination In His sight Hie deluge Is largely owing to Bin God saw that the earth fcorrupled for all flesh had its way upon earth MS the of the cities of the plains the Sodom and is but their sin Is grievous Gen Paster congratulated the S members of such a swearing and aU of bis convlo- tteLl the entirely lhe of the told them that the vices in others Lieut Morris of Halt at returned to woman say- Camp Borden dined with Rev and that he would have to keep Mrs Madden on Sunday last at the remainder as a deposit Ho Maple Villa He goes overseas in wrote a receipt for the money as a few days with sixty other of- paid over to the United States fleers Customs at Buffalo A number of friends visited In like fashion the man got Mr Willis over Sunday last 338 from Edward Crockett of Hymeneal On the evening of Out Five other pas- Sept a very pleasant event in the car also gave up took place at the borne of Mr and Mrs J W Stephenson of Au rora when their grand- daughter Miss Caroline Edna only daugh ter of Mr and Mrs A of Cleveland Ohio was united in marriage to Mr James Jr eldest son of Mr and Mrs James of Cleveland At the hour set the bride entered the drawing room which was beautifully decorated and was led to the altar tem porarily and elaborately adorned where the ceremony was performed by Rev Stephen son M of Toronto uncle the bride In addition to the parents of the contracting par ties there were present Mrs Day Mrs Moses and daughter Mrs money but names were not obtained by the police The robbery was not discovered until the train pulled into Buf falo station when Mrs Ardill asked the conductor what she should do Willi her receipt The passengers gave a good descrip tion of the man whom they sup posed was a Customs official Mark ham Sent A largo traction engine belonging to Goodyear of crashed through the bridge Rouge on tho 5lh Conces sion of Mark ham today and is now buried in It will probably be a total loss although an effort will bo made to get with a derrick out with a derrick Driver Redding and Mr George Handy- Stevenson escaped by Jumping The following letter was re by Mr Keswick With the Br febicesV Saturday Aug Dear Home I wrote a lot oh the back of sheets Of a letter Harry wrote her day Harrys part was cen sored and turned back so of course all my hard wqrk was nil He has told about everything worth telling It has been rain ing off and on all day They say the winter here is fierce for Starts about middle of Aug and rains continually until spring It must be awful in the trenches by all accounts and cur hats are oil to the chaps in the infantry who have to stand on guard through it all I only hope they dont have to through another winter The Signal is a good branch of to be in from all accounts We are in dugouts which are li able to be shelled any time but they are well protected by sand bags etc It would be goodnight if signals went out of The Signal Service is an enviable one among the oldtim ers Another chap and I had a big walk today We left about this morning for a certain place Neither knew exactly where it was but general idea A lorry gave us a lift and he lift ed us or 3 miles beyond the corner we should have turned down Nobody knew the place was and we tried- out one road and then another upsuc- cessully We had lunch at a small inn The lunch was very good consist ing of eggs potato chips bread and butter and coffee Nearly every small house around is store polling confectionery and lunches soldiers We finally landed up at M A quarters Whom should I see there but Jack Beaton He hasbeen over for quite a while and says he has some great ex periences He asked me to go down and see him whenever I could To cut a long short finally found our bearings and after walking another two or three miles found the place we set out for We arrived back at Camp about oclock We are only paid a franc a day here A franc is equal to nine teen and a fraction cents Con trary to my expectations we will have plenty of chances to spend money They take French Eng lish or Canadian money here It is hard to tell whether you are getting right change or not The French paper money for everything down to half a franc cents Crops are extra good all through the country They look as if they are in need of harvest ers as some of the grain is dead ripe They have funny wagons Some have no tongues hey keep them from running on the horses heels by means of brakes Other wagons have only one wheel in front These onehorse wa gons and drivers walk driving with one line The houses are small and nearly all old They have cither thatched or tiled roofs and no shingles Our house is a man- toon compared to have seen yet Women children go around The country with those big flapping oldfashioned wind mills I am going to ex amine one first chance I got We see lots of aeroplanes They fly fast and at a great height I would like to have ride in one The enemy shells ours with antiaircfaft tuns When their lines and we retaliate by shelling theirs I guess I had belter stop The letter might happen to bo cen sored and then my labor would ho of no account We will hope that It will pass K this time Signallers have lots of time for rending Magazlr with good stories Era etc will bo ap preciated Different follows get Sunday World Weekly mi dont include them Now being in a snail section we able to make so any lime you send a box please Include Best love to all Isaac Second Letter The spaces represent words erased by the Censor Friday Aug 25th Dear Folks at Home Received parcel and letter written on yesterday has the parcel so not sampled It yet Another fellow and I sep arated from the I dont think It Is pormariont Wo aro attached to a parly putting in underground cobles used for tel ephone They have quite a com plicated system and wo were sent over to learn something about it We go around with old chaps and they show us system It is Interesting as rov ing all over the counUy I have hot been in the first lino trenches yet but have seen them I have been along some commun ication trenches leading to the first line This country Is covered i with dugouts where you go there are dugouts They are covered with sand bags Some of the special ones are covered With 5 or thicknesses of sand hags They are supposed to be bombproof You aro safe in them bo long dont get a SHADE l I -I- POLES AND BRASS EXTENSION Host Lines In this Department we are selling at old which 25 below hew prloes I W A BRUNT direct hit with a shell and it very seldom there- is a direct hit Some of the dugouts have corrugated iron- are good because they keep their shape Of course they are also covered with sand bags I sleep in one now say half the country is in now and believeme it looks The Infantry do most of the diggin The cable is r- I mostly at The Signallers have charge and See that everything is laid right A mans job for one night is In dig- Fellows say if shells are coming over it doesnt take long for men to dig- I have done some lodging oi shrapnel You can hear it com ing by the whizzing sound and oldtimers can tell if it is com ing straight at you or going to either If you are- near a dugout you beat it in there If not a dugout a shell-hole- or ditch It is very exciting at limes It makes you Jump if walking along all at once and without warning to hear a big gun go off alongside of you The chances are you didnt know a gun was there You can also hear our bullets whizzing through Iheair but cannot see them The bullets travel faster than sound About only part of fight you see is the aeroplanes Every a are flying over the Kiev The guns get after them in great Ive seen fifty shots or so at one aero plane and the guy comes out safely He sails straight through with explosives in front above below and on all sides of him Last night I counted of our aeroplanes in the sky The Germans do not come over very often and they seem to always fly higher so high that shots do not reach I am on phone today They put a new bunch on every day There is very little to do I go on from ft to tonight and to in the morning I was over where section is last night Hurry is Signal Clerk for the present T met some more fellows that I knew at Vic One fellow was living within 20O yards from where I am and know It for a couple of days He used to be n Gate House two years ago A bunch of Vic hoys are coming Saturday afternoon evening if they can get away I was silting down by dug out night before last when a chap walked by who looked fa miliar I hailed him and sure enough ho was fellow I thought He and Wos were great friends Ho was a scholarship man all through University course I dont know whether I will be a lineman when I go hack to the or not I expected to bo in office until the day I was sent over hero 1 was thinking this morning that we ought to he thankful the war Is not in Canada I would hale to sec old farm cut up with trenches dugouts and shell holes as this to all Isaac LIVE 8TOOK MARKET Following ore the top paid In Toronto tills week Choice Steers Choice Cattle Medium Butcher Cattle Milch 10000 Choice Veal Calves 1225 Veal Calves Sheep Hogs off cars fob country points MMfct F 30 ao Sept Wheat per Oats per bush per 0 8 utter per lb 0 31 Short- per ton Bran per too l4 Chickens per ID 0 Potatoes per bag 215 Mark Sept Oats per bush Hay person 8 1 Butter per v 0 0 Potatoes I 25 Z The ladies Store NEWMARKET hi NEW FALL GOODS ARRIVING EVERY WEEK NEW FALL In Tweede Serges and Whlpcorde NEW FALL COATINGS White Polo loth Blarikot Clothe and Curl In all Shades i FULL RANGE OF SHAKERS In Plain White and 8trlpee ranging In from to BLACK UNDER8KIRT8 and i HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF GRAIN AND m A I SEEDS Plans LET U8 FILL YOUR COAL ORDERS NOW I Order by Phone or by Jerry Harrington Ben Man ning or Rues Allan Always choose your Clothes from Material that and bi the I ivi are stylish and becoming Have the cut right and OUR STOCK FOR FALL LARGE AND WELL A880RTED WE ARE WAITING TO HAVE A TALK WITH YOU WILLIS TAILOR Phone ItO Main NKWMARKET Em HEAD OFFICE Paid Up Reserve Fund I HAY manager Drafts Money Orders and Letters of Credit Issued available throughout the World Deal ere in Government and Dealers In am Foreign Exohangs m Savlnge Department at all halfyearly at open an 0 if WYTHs- wisflf i mm

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