Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , August 25, 1916, p. 2

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B9 WANTED Vs General Girl to go- Toronto Mrs Murray- Island Grove Lake v I WANTED A Good General Servant for two Apply to Mrs It Smith Perk Ave Newmarket jo i FARM SALE acres being East of Lot 32 in the 2nd Con- of King Bush and Pasture well watered Apply Lot 34 to JOHN HODGES Newmarket P FARM FOR BY tender fc Tenders will be received by the Undersigned up till Tuesday the IZlh of Sept for the of the Farm of the Estate of the late John A Pollock con sisting of acres more or less Lot Con Township of Lowest ten- or any not necessarily Cd POLLOCK Box 1 Woodstock Ont FOR SALE Buggy Steelex tension Top Carriage Horse Buggy and Harness Apply lo K ROBERTSON Newmarket STRAYED From Lot No 6 3rd con North August one light Red Cow years old Piece of leather fastened with pigring in left ear Also webb feet on udder on right Bide Finder please phone Tom or write owner Keswick Ont 2w29 I In Tory Toronto Every byeelection in Ontario of Sir James Whitney has gone against the Government Even the strong- Tory sentiment in TdrOntb cduld riot stem the tide last- Monday though the election of Hartley a majority of came rather as a startling surprise The Conservative for at the last election was 3761 The result of poll Toronto last Monday is giv en as follows Depart Liberal J Conservative J McK Connor Sooialist Gordon Itid Lib This is the first time in years that a Liberal has been elected in Toronto The won derful turnover indicates what will happen when the next eral Election in Ontario takes place Throughout the whole Province there is a feeling of dissatisfaction with the policy of the Govern ment while their wobbling on Vie prohibition issue has not helped matters as a party The liquor men who were strong sup porters of the late Premier have now got their backs up as in dicated by an unpolled vote of about last Monday Editorial Notes rMlsa Collins Is spending in The Batt A DIARY OF RECRUITING CAMPAIGN Of During Past Weak i Mr and f rfi Waiter Brpdle Sunday- County Clerk RlVyJ Phillips and in Colorado Miss MlnnleMuIvericy of been visiting MIbS Barkers and Albert af- rivedKome Moose Jaw last week Spent the yeekend with Mrs Geo Wood Miss NeHie Osborne is- spending her vaeaUon with Miss Annie BalnaJ Oshawa Thps Huron Street Mr f I Manning of Toronto spent the weekend Mr Wm Wiley and daughter Toronto are at Mr James Bonds this- week Wiley and son Miss Mr and Mrs Alex Jaokway of Toronto spent Saturday with Mn James Bond and spent at Hol land Landing ft it Mondays election result in Toronto will probably cause Premier Hearst and his Cabinet to wake up and get out of po litical ruts FOR SALE Cutter McLaughlin Top Single Express Harness AH the above are nearly new Light Wagon will suit milkman or Enquire of A J Rogers Prospect Ave Newmarket INVEST IN The Mail and Empire on Tues day morning after its seUback in Toronto observed The spirit of the Liberal ranks over the is big enough to put a whale in As the Con servative organ experienced a whalin on the day previous politically speaking it can now speak from experience Atanopen airhieetlpg steps of the City Hall on the evenldg of Tuesday the the Band of the Battalion present and several persons spoke -Capt- Oliver HezzleWod declared that only per cent of the native born Canadians had offered services and that the man In khaki would be the domfn- ating factor In this country when the war Is over Sergt Gibbons who has been- a prisoner of war In Germany declared that every mart who enlists Is shortening the miseries of his fel lows in German prisons C Mills said that ft was no credit to the Canadian born to to the men styled broaches and Cockneys who bad been considered ineligible for Jobs in the past the task of performing a Job far bigger and harder the defence of Canada the protection of their homes and possessions A larger share In this work ought to be taken by the Canadian born The other speakers were Capt HR Pickup Major Kirtley and Several recruits were secured Continuing the active campaign for recruits another meeting was held In front of the City Hall on Wednesday evening with Mills presid ing The fairly large crowd present led by the band of the unit Joined enthusiastically In singing God Our I SI 1 spent the weekend in Aurora visiting her sister arid Mrs Art Scott ere spend ing a few- days at Mr Robert Cockerlirs Blake Hewitt and family of Toronto spent SundayAvilh bis brother Bolt Hewitt nieces from Hamilton are spending a few days with Mrs A Brooks Joseph Ave Miss Everest has been visiting in Toronto the guest of Mrs Patterson of Kingsley Mansions Mr and Mrs Boynton ville were guests of Mr and Mrs A Brooks on Sunday Messrs w Haines Garnet and Arthur Vernon left for a trip to If you have or more to invest put It In New War Loan Bonds They edge ami free from Succession duties and War Tax Call for particulars- I charge noth ing for putting the deals through Hughes AgenJ Newmarket The following paragraph from Toronto Telegram is very suggestive Sir Robert Borden handed the government of Gana- In Ages Past before Lieut J H A Stone man Machine Gun Officer of the Battalion pleased the throng by showing a machine gun in action Prof Kierstead of University whose son Lieut R Kierstead is now overseas with the Canadian Flying Corps gave the appeal of the evening Dr Kierstead appeal ed to the young men on the ground of the personal character which enlist ment gave as such sacrifice showed the highest courage also because a soldier was essential to the welfare of the human race likewise because they were Canadians and on enlistment the West on Tuesday Mr Roy Smith who Is on one of the C P Superior boats was home for the weekend Miss Pauline Haines of Toronto is visiting at the home of her grand mother Mrs Haines Miss Greta Is spending the weekend with Miss Greta Smith Second Street East Master Maxwell Hatch who has been spending holidays In Town returned to the City on Tuesday Mrs Allan Howard and daughter Miss Verna have gone to Listowell for a couple of weeks to visit friends Mr Jacob Doyle and Miss Ruth have gone to the old Homestead in to spend a couple of weeks Mrs J and children of are spending part of their holidays with Mr- L Armltage St Mrs Fred returned home on Saturday after spending the week PER8IAN LAMBS CAN BE RAISED IN CANADA practicability of raising Persian in dnuutryhas beQn proved by Johnston of Ply mouth who hasniade experiment with the Karachi sheep known as Persian lambs A year ago Mr Johnston look ini tial in this business and this spring his fourteen Kar achi ewes gave birth to fifteen lambs all of which were covered with the glossy so essen tial from a commercial stand point To secure best returns the lamb must be slaughtered at from one to three days old the fleece being then in small tight curls which loosen each day later and thereby deteriorate in value Desiring rather to increase his none of the lambs of this year sacriflced and in ad dition an imported yearling male has been purchased VEGETABLES Fresh Celery Tomatoes Cabbage and Da j The Town Council granted to the Northern On tario fire sufferers relief fund W have a of cured and canned fruits Peaches lb 10 and lb Raisins 10 and 1 2y lb and Raisins 12 arid 16c Evaporated Apples 12V lb Dates 10 and pkg Fruits Plums and tin Pears I2V2O tin Peaches and Raspberries 15c tin Cherries and 18c tin Phone 36 DRUG dp over to Sir Sam Hughes K G soldiers and finally Hon H Hearst handed the cause he man who puts on khaki show ed a live interest in the community and government of Ontario over lo the One Hundred and about 3000 Conservatives handed the representation of Toronto over lo 1 N Harness Works Having secured the prefmses on Main St Newmarket adjoining Hills Butcher Shop I have ft opened a full slock of Trunks Club Bags as everything required In the line 1 attention given to Repairs had yearn of experience I am red to give satisfaction at me a call when In Town NOTTINGHAM A cablegram dated Aug gives the following extract as part of a speech delivered by Da vid Lloyd George Minister of War in the British Government lo his fellow- townsmen I satisfied with the way things are going I feel for the first time in two years that the nippers are gripping and before long we will hear the crack Then we will he able to extract the kernel FALL TERM AUG LJOTT I and Charles Toronto Was asked lo fill more than thirty times as many positions as they had graduates during the last twelve lonths Write today for Catalogue Is College is noted for high grade SPEECH RE8TOREO BY I- 1 IT Private McNulty who lost his speech to BhellMiock In France regained tlie alijllty to speak In a remarkable rnariner He was home as In curable after months electrical at Hospital the steamer at Liverpool bound for Belfast He v near the hold while a quantity of galvanized Iron being when one bundle dropped with a tremendous clatter utter ed a vild exclamation and to his amazement found his restor ed In consequence of the unusual noise- In a minutes he was able to cop- verue freely his ra C pi London Aug The bodies of vvenly killed by an explosion taterday at a In have been recovered of property re- lulled froih the explosion WidRay Aug The barn of Mr was by lightning afternoon and totally deBlroyed ig With valuable contents be the barn the Jhe is made that a Conference will he held very soon between the Provincial Treasurers Ontario and Quebec with the object of rqaching an with regard to succession tax upon estates where assets exist in both of said Provinces My agree ment with the other Provinces ex cept Alberta and Quebec if the executors can show that they have paid the outside Govern ments succession duties on that portion of the estate held in lhat particular Province the Ontario Government remits lo them the amount charged by Ontario against thai estate the por tion held lhat other Province We are w told that similar ar rangement is likely lo be reached between Ontario and Quebec SHOVBAIX Mr Charlie Casey and his sister spent Sunday In Miss Carrie- spent Sunlay with Miss Ruth Webb Mr Lome Mitchell Sunday at Mr Alex Terrys Pie It of Niagara liamp spent Sunday at his home Some of the Snowball folks would like to know what has become of Ket- correspondent Has she gone West Mr Will Morning and lady friend motored to Honey Pot In the new Max well car Who was the lady hat took the Joy ride to King behind the black horse on Sunday evening MfBS Alrna Hall has been Visiting In in the nation Captain Mills made a special appeal to Canadians not to hold back because French Canadians would not enlist If French Canadians would not follow the flag then there was all the more reason why Canadians should take up arms and protect their noun- try Gibbons also spoke arid before the meeting closed three men volunteered to Join the One was a young man whose bronze button and ribbon showed that he had already had an experience of war Flanders At a meeting held at the same place on Thursday evening the speakers were Col Brown Dr J Broom Pickup and Capt Mills Gibbons Col Brown slated lhat If the- men would not Join the 220th Battalion he would be satis fied to see them Join some other and thus do their bit A meeting held earlier in the day was addressed by Maj B Clayton director of the dental services of Ihe Canadian Army Denial Corps He criticized the methods of recruiting anil said that buttonholing men on the street often unfair The scheme for National Registration was only the beginning of more strenuous find Just measures for securing recruits The time has come when conventionality and rod lape must he swept aside The men who were doing things today were men who had little regard for these things and he cited an example David Lloyd George Sir David Premier Hughes of Australia and Sir Sam Hughes Gibbons of the Third Bat talion First Division who was wound ed In the battle of St and tak en prisoner spent four months Germany and was exchanged address ed a meeting before the filly on Friday In behalf of the York County Battalion lie that ho wished his hearers could have seen fifty men wiio came In this morn ingreturned soldiers Home wound ed gassed some not able to follow their former occupations yet all cheerful heard the remark passed a dozen times said Gibbons ought to be lesson for some of these slackers As Michael said have been at the front and I am going back to fight for I am fight for the children glad te fight for themselves but darned if am glad to fight for the slackers who are walking around the streets Jarnleson and other am glad glad to Miss and llna Morning are fleers spoke and stated that in Newmarket In need of men Mary Mitchell has been visit- The York Bangers conducted tog Myron a largo and successful recruiting Saturday night The Bugle Band bad wish Miss Brown had a fall and was badly Injured We her a speedy recovery Mr and Mrs Hoy Haines spent Sunday with her mother Mr Hill and sinter of Street Sunday at Mr Hiram Whites What happened to- Martin that he didnt return to help finish new garage Never mind Ho sent an other fellow in place Wilson spent Sunday at Mr Geo Browns Jim looks well The Aid met at the home of Mrs Chris on Wednesday Miss Laura Morning Friday evening with girl friend at Third View- ft or the fight at Camp Borden week that those took part furnished the music and drew un- The Chairman of he meeting was and speakers were Gibbons srgt and Dr Gibbons compared a young man whorefueed to enlist but Well never let old flag to a man who would stand on the edge of a bay watching another drown making effort to rescue and singing Rescue the Perish ing Two recruits were secured weekly rnceUng of the Officers Of the Battalion was- held on 8unday evening wHh Lieut Col Brown presiding The report of the farm-to- farm canvass throughout the County highly satisfactory The men In Charge were well and the Popular opinion seemed to be more and with her daughter Mrs II Toronto Mrs Maud Hatch and- her mother Mrs Partridge returned to Toronto on Tuesday after spending the past five weeks In Town Mrs and daughter Miss Muriel of Toronto are visiting at the home of her father Mr John Bolton Ave Master Smith son of Mr Clarence Smith is home an operation at Toronto Hospital for throat trouble arid Is much Improved Miss Bessie Morton last Saturday after spending seven weeks with her sister Mrs English Mass Miss Florence limns arrived yes terday from New York on a three weeks vacation She- Is very enthus iastic over her Hospital work Mr Eugene Barker of Toronto spent the weekend at his home here and rendered a very acceptable solo In the Methodist Church on Sunday evening Mrs Proctor Mrs Chestnut and Miss Millard of Toronto ac companied by Mrs B 11 Millard of Pasadena spent Tuesday with Miss Millard Park Ave Dr Wesleys letter on the Hotel Question In this issue is well written and explains situation very clear ly Tho Idea of Park accommodation Is worthy df emphasis Word has been received that Trooper Vein who has been near London for some time has been given fi days leave of absence to visit Scotland Mr George Osborne accompanied by his sister Miss Margaret Osborne of Toronto Is spending a couple of weeks with their sister Mrs Win Haskell at Ottawa Mr Morton and Mrs Mary I Morton from Detroit spent week with Mr Mrs Geo Mix near and other friends leaving for home on Monday Gunner Morton who has been in training at Camp since June 1st was for five days previous going oversea He left here Tuesday morning on It train Mr end Mrs J Perry of Oakland Holland Landing an nounce the engagement their elder daughter Nellie to Mr Melfort Sank Marriage lo take place at the end of September in Winnipeg Mr and Mrs and daughter from Montreal are spending the holidays in Town with her sister Miss Millard Park Ave Their wnsdelayed for several weeks on ac count of the Illness of Miss who Is Just recovering an operation for appendicular An old friend Mr John Woks dropped- into the office on Tuesday and renewed his subscription to the Era for nearly the fiOth time He In now residing Los Angeles and Is hero with his daughter and grand daughter w spent two orthree among old friends Mr Hicks lived for years in the vicinity of Queens- vlllo and then took up land In South Dakota where he mado farming a suc cess and ho Is now enjoying old age being over THE LEADING Undertaking House You car buy your Cheap For UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls attended at John Millard Phones and PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes NEWMARKET The Cradle In Newmarket on Aug to Mr and Mrs Norman a son Aug Fred a MAIN STREET Agent for Cameras and Photo Fresh Chocolates Weekly N TELEGRAPH OFFICE House Phono Store Phono No A In Newmarket on to Mr and Mrs son PATRICIA THEATRE At on Aug nth to Mr Mrs J a son HOLLINQ8HEAD At Holland Landing on Aug to Mr and Mrs Fred son LUNDY In Toronto on Aug 17 to Pte and Mrs nee Miss Beta Wright formerly of New market a son SCOTT At Western Hospital To ronto on Aug to and Mrs Everett Scott of Newmarket a son THAYER In Sutton on Monday Aug to Mr and Mrs II 6- a son Newmarket on Aug to Mr and Mrs Frank a son NEWMARKET KNIGHT OF THE RANGE HARRY D CAREY A Western Drama dealing with the Red Blood Real Amer ican Men Who Do Things I A PLAY THAT YOU WILL HUGELY ENJOY ON iwllllinbury on to Mr and Mrs John Rogers a daughter ROGERS In Aug 22nd i PRESERVE YIMJR EYESIGHT By having your Prescription accurately filled and your properly Adjusted Ground On Mall and Phone Orders PERCY THK OPTICIAN at CRAPPER At Brown Sunday Aug 20th to Mr and Mrs Vein a daughter doing well The Tomb TAYLOR Lake West Shore Aug Alen Taylor beloved husband of Irene Kirk and second Hon of Into J A Taylor Esq and Taylor of Bernard Avenue Toronto Funeral Tuesday to Mount Hope Cemetery Toronto Tuesday August 22 residence of his son Dr If Harbor mirks Falls Al bert Darner of In his year Interment at Newmarket yesterday afternoon laws At Sanitarium on Aug 30 9116 wlfo of Mr Laws of In her year In on Aug Marjorlc daughter of Mr Frank Glass aged mos At Industrial Home on Aug 2l9t Agnes an inmate for about 3 years aged Suddenly on Monday Aug May Hell Sears widow of the late Edward Playler Interred at St James Cemetery To ronto on Wednesday NEILL At her homo Jefferson Aug Ann Jane MoCagub widow of James In year Funeral Friday to Aurora Ccmclery At- on Sun- day Aug 13th Mrs J Lloyd formerly of King HARRY WEDNESDAY AUGUST 30 RESERVE EVEMNQS Special PAct Broadway Feature Wednesday Admission Ten Cents Newmarkets Family Theatre DOOR8 OPEN AT PM HERBERT P Cox 181 Newmarket J Horn Is a to buy Seasonable Goods at unheard of Low Prices ALL NEW GOODS INTHtS LOT AND EVERYTHING UPTODATE to match in while and stripe effects sold at and to clear at EH i Rain 30 Mens Hats in and Imitation Panama also in lino sailor style All to date and this seasons goods regularly at and oh sale for 1 Wens Panama Hats in scopo at to at Mens Fine Shirts some have soft collars attached anil others have soft Mens Silk in variety of shapes and patterns sold at and to clear at 200 8hlrts in hard and soft cuffs some soparnlo soft collar and shown in- a largo range of patterns up to for 300 pro Mens Fine Lisle Thread in all colors including and Tan Reg 35o at or 3 Prs for 50o 1008oft in cool open mesh in Cream and with soft collar attached and to clear at 30 Mens Fine Oxfords in Black or Tan Some run- soles and heels Reg and to at Dont Opportunity to up on Goods at these Low Outfitter mm 3

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