Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , August 18, 1916, p. 8

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I -RUnVA-tlVES- Brobt TL Joy Of After Two Yean Suffering MADAM St Rose St Montreal April For over two years I was sick and miserable I suffered from constant Headaches and had Palpitation of the Heart so badly that I feared I would die There seemed to be a lump In my stomach and the Constipation was dreadful I suffered from Pain in the and Kidney Disease I was treated by a physician for a year a half and he did me no good at all tried Fruitatives as a last resort After using three boxes I was greatly improved and twelve boxes made me Well Now I can work all day and there are no Headaches no Palpitation no Heart Trouble no Constipation no tain or Kidney Trouble aod I feel like anew being and it was Fruitatives that gave me back my health Madam ARTHUR LA PL ANTE 50c a box 6 for trial size 1 At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit- Limited Ottawa Those who attended the garden parties report having had at White Rose certainly en joyed the numbers rendered Wes ley Quartette Were all proud of ourhonie talent The nSeeling of tup Womens institute held at the home J of Mrs ft J Spaulding on afternoon Mrs Wm a paper oVVPldwcrs for Every Month A good musical program was also provided- A BRADFORD A J Clean to handle Sold by all Drug gists Grocers and General Stores TO RENT On Timothy Street Furnace Electric Light Hard and Soft Water Apply to A Boyd or Mrs Woollen TO RENT At North End Newmarket at month Apply Hughes 3w28 HOUSE TO LET On Eagle St Reasonable rent Apply to Brown Niagara St BRICK FOR Newmarket West end Hard wood finish Electric Light Bath Fur nace etc Terms arranged if preferr ed Apply Box Aurora Ont 2 Building Lots on Park and Avenues Apply to Newmarket TO LET In the Bank of Toronto Build ing Rooms for Clubs Lodges flees and living purposes with conveniences Apply to J WESLEY FARM FOR acres more or less firstclass Uy earth being East half of Lot in the 3rd Concision of East Good house and ham Apply to T J Davis Newmarket FARM FOR Acres Township West Clay loam good state of cultiva tion fairly well buildings in good repair on main road near school first class stock farm Price five thousand One thousand cash bal ance five per cent This place Is worth Seven Thousand today Full particulars on request Luke Co Victoria St Toronto Mr Samuel Cerswell has been Very 111 during the past week following a partial stroke of paralysis His daughter Mrs Evans of Toronto ha been in attendance on him during that lime Monte Reno Park is the popular rer sort this year for Bradford picnics Last the Trinity Church Sunday School had a highly successful there and next Wednesday the the Methodist will go to the same place Mrs A Orion died last Thursday in Winnipeg at the home of her daugh ter Mrs Bragg Mrs Orion had not been In good health for some time but was only confined to her bed for five days previous to her death The body was brought here on Sunday the fu neral service being held in the Pres byterian Church on Monday afternoon and interment Mount Pleasant Cem etery Mr and Mrs Bragg accompan ied the body here from Winnipeg A year ago this month Mrs Orion left having previous to that lived all her life in Bradford She was a sister of and William Kilkenny and was in her year KETTLEBY Too late for last week Miss Lottie Leonard of Man was calling on friends here last week Mrs Edmund Baker has moved to Toronto to make her home with her daughter Mrs Lee Mrs and Miss Summerset of Toron to are visitors at Poplar Lodge Farm for a few days Miss Thompson and Mrs Lee of Toronto spent ast week with Mrs E Baker Mr and Mrs Foster and family of Toronto are visiting at Mr Wat sons Mr John Curtis had the misfortune to fall off a load of hay and injure his back Hope he will soon recover Mr and Mrs Geoffrey Cleave and Mr and Mrs Harry Terry of New market and Mr Mount of KcUleby had a pleasant auto ride to on Sunday A very pretty wedding took place In Christ Church on Wednesdy after noon at oclock when Miss Viola became the bride of Mr Harry Sibley of Toronto The bride looke charming In ii suit of navy blue silk and picture hat Miss Love A M Toronto sang very sweetly dur ing the signing of the register After the ceremony the guests repaired to the home of the brides parents where a dainty luncheon was served The happy couple left by motor for Toron to and points Mr and Mrs Reginald f were at the latter home on Sun day League was well attended Sun- lay evening Topic was taken by Miss Hall Scripture was read Miss MUoheiV Several read ings and solos were given Miss Three rinks from the Union silia Bowling Club visited Stouff- villo on Saturday afternoon playing a like number from the latter village Two rinks from skipped by Messrs Adams and Bartholomew were victorious A M Davison of being the only skip to win out The greens were very fast and a large number of vis itors were present during the afternoon a BRAE Hello hero we are again I Some welcome change in the weather August will soon be gone and our school teachers will be- at work once more Miss Olive Kay and Master Bernard have been visiting some friends at and Mr Matt has re turned from at Chicago Matt travelled a great deal in his time Mr John Clark has purchased a new silo Mr Bert is busy do ing road work Miss Nellie Bailey loft last Wednesday morning for a trip to Paris Ont Pie Bailey is home for a couple of weeks We welcome him to our midst Happy Mike TO Ontario Brampton Merry Sire Violas Bright Prince Merry Daisy 2559 of Performance iPct lbs milk Also Pure Pigs Everything for sale and vis itors always welcome DAN McARTHUR Manager Thorn Heath Phone ring Newmarket NOTICE is hereby given that Colin Poole of Ihe City of Toronto In the County of York In the Province of Ontario Manager will apply to the Parliament of Canada the next ses sion thereof for a Hill of Divorce from tola wife Catharine Poole on the adultery Dated at Toronto In the Province of the Eighth day of January A Bay Toronto Solicitors for the Applicant ORCHARD BEACH Rev a superannuated An glican clergyman over years of age was the guest of Mr Lea for the He came from Toronto and enjoyed his visit very much Dr of Toronto ws the guest of Rev Dr Rankin for the wccikcnd We hear of five lunge being taken from the bay last week and Rev Dr Rankin was of flsher- J and grandson Ivan from Bronte are at Zephyr Villa for a couple of weeks Mr Mrs Brothers of Au rora were weekend visitors at Ingle- wood There was such a high wind last Saturday that the walcr was too rough to finish tip the events left over from the Regatta Another attempt will be oclock next Saturday after noon The races will be worth seeing Mr lack Cane and his friend Mr Leslie Welly spent the weekend with parents Large congregations last Sunday at the Union Church and exceptionally sermons by Revs Balfour and The same gentlemen will preach next Sunday Rankin In Ihe morning with solo by Mis Thompson and Rev Balfour In the evening Rev Balfour was called to Toronto last Sunday afternoon on account of of his wifes mother Some of the campers wrought a delightful surprise on Mr and Mrs Andy Wright on Monday being their China Wedding Day An evening was spent which will hoi noon be forgotten Miss Mcfjulrc of Newmarket was the guest of Mrs John Mann on Sun day Mr and Mrs J of New market were guests of Mr and Mrs Ken Robertson on Sunday AURORA A big Leap Year will be held at Bond Lake Park under the auspices of the Aurora Red Cross Girls on the evening of Wednesday Aug Mr R Casement an employee the Office Bureau had the thumb on his right hand badly cut on a saw on Thursday of last week Last Friday evening the Aurora Red Cross Society held a success ful garden party at the home of J There were about live hundred people in attend ance and the total proceeds amounted to It was a fine moonlight night and many mo- lorcd in from the neighboring towns The grounds were brightly lit up with electricity William Mulock distributed the prizes The bath towel was Won by Mr the table linen by Mrs and Ihe ton of coal by Mrs Caruso Mr Downing soloist of St Presbyterian Church Miss Marguerite ithd Miss Mar- jorie Willis contributed to the program The special feature of the evening was a flag drill by Hie School children under the di rection of Miss This took minutes The town band was in attendance There was a candy booth an act gallery and old Aunt Sally with her bag of bran The affair was brought to a close dance met at Saturday August with ail members present and the Reeve in Collector Offered names of Messrs A J and Leathers as his sureties forfaUhfUl perform ance of his duties r t Stephens presented a of subdivision of easterly halves Lois and Con request for approval of the same presented a for 15 damage one sheep killed by dogs The following bills were The Ontario Bridge fculvert Pipes 5985 Crushed Ltd crushed stone at Stbuffville Austin for 17 days with on Grad er and other work operating grader Malcolm Conner days operating grader 300 John Windsor yds gravel and wood for engine with grader 1680 Isaac Pike202 3030 McLaughlin Johnston Moorhead Foes re Tax Solicitors Bills in cases Llnstead Jos Grose yds gravel Todd Cook engine coal work Con Geo E Cook yds gravel Italph Conner yds gravel W Hall labor and team work rep culverts a- Oldham ft Treasurer was instructed to- pay the bills presented the sum of 15 to for sheep killed by dogs and to Toronto York Co for use of roomfor meeting of Council Resolutions were passed Approving of plan submitted by Mr Stephens and authorizing the Reeve and Clerk to sign the Certificate of consent to same Accepting as satisfactory to Council the- Sureties offered by Mr Tax Authorizing the Discharge- of Security Mortgage given by the Treasurer in favor of the Towni ship in and so far only re lates to the east halves of Lots and Con ByLaws were passed providing for the Levy and collection of the following rates viz Provincial War Tax Co General Purposes 30061 j TO WINNIPEG SPECIAL TRAIN 8ERVICE Leave TORONTO at 1100PM 17th Sent 2nd Leave OTTAWA Central Station P i5lt 3390 3 47 500 Through Trains With Counter Cars Attached RHTE DESTINATION TERRITORY Tickets onehalf cent per mile minimum 50c till Sept 30th west of Winnipeg to any station east of Calgary Edmon- toil and Tannis Alta RETURN FARE AND LIMIT cent per mile minimum to Winnipeg on or before Nov 30lh plus from Winnipeg to original starling point For tickets and leaflet showing number of farm laborers required at each point also Town Agent I wages paid apply to nearest Agent FRIPP the 1000 180ft at eleven oclock by a FOR BALE rn Orders filled at ail Telephone No South of fit TALL WOtu SNOWBALL Miss spent Sunday with Mrs MrWJll Morning spent Sun day with his lady friend Glad to hear that Mrs K to bo up again Mr and Mrs Arthur Mprnlngr and son Albert of Holland Land ing spent Sunday at John Mornihgs Mr John anion of Toronto Sunday under the parental roof carpenters commenced work at the new garage on the thirty third Monday ke they hid Miss Laura Morning apent the i4aiLt during the twelve weekend With her friend Write tot I Roy Haines Yonge ol4 Mr Clifford White at Mr Geo Browns Council Above Council met at on Saturday Aug 12 at 2 p in Members all present minutes of meeting read and adopted A grant of was given the Cross Society to buy material and to the Button Agricultural Society A number of accounts for road Jobs repairs to bridges and cul verts gravel and bonus for wire fences was ordered paid Hates for current yen levied as follows County Hate 5 mills War Tax Hate 3 mills Gen School 2 and Bridge Debenture mill Also Special School Hales ask ed for by the Trustees of the various School Sections- Council adjourned to meet at on Saturday Oct at pm Co Industrial Home Co Court House lure 19008 Co Roads Mainee Tp Gen Purposes Tp General and Trustees School Rates as required and for the collection of an addition al lax of Ave per cent on all rates not paid by the 15th day of December next Council adjourned to nient at Vandorf Hall Wednes day Sept at am for gen eral business FARM LABORERS WANTED The Western Provinces of Cana da ore not experiencing an of of Farm Laborers for Spring and Summer work which makes steady work and good wages a ccrlalnty has call ed for Laborers and an equal number Is required In Manlloba and Alberta a thorough canvass of the Territory served by Ihe Canadian Northern Railway It was found that an average of men la required at the points from which returns were received An average Is per month hoard is being paid the highest per day For further particulars as to the men required and the wages being paid at the various points apply to Butcher or General Passenger Agont King Street E Toronto j BATTALION DONATES TABLET a Why Heat In the city When You Can On the Take the Pacify fihtp from Toronto any Tues day Thursday or Saturday at p in for Port direct connection la with either or KeewaU for Mrl Port Arthur and Fort An Ideal vacation trip at email cost Particulars from any PacirtoTioitAWnt Howard Toronto Betting la an argument that is only win Mount Dennis Aug As mark of appreciation the officers Of tho York- Hangers Battalion fr placing a tablet in the building of tho Canadian Kodak Com pany at Mount Dennis to record Ihe fact that the building was first used ly thorn as a This building was known as Kodak Barracks- and waB turned over to the Battalion by John Palmer general manager of the company for the sum of one dollar The memorial Is In the form of a bronze shield which bears the bat talion crest and Ihe following In scription This building was first occupied as a barracks by the Battalion PI York Rangers on march In Juno In appreciation by P Clarke and officers LieutCol Clarke and Major T arrangements on for the erection of tablet this week The week took part in manoeuvres the of Hamilton from what now left of the Brigade at P P CIA as Brigadier two battalions out of the area entirely and to throw an outppst line north of to protect that town from a hostile forpednromCaihp Borden The outpost a flva creasing ah roads Into the Kven if a man docs lift OUR CREED AND NAME By Rev R Lee Klrkland D Fa man-made- creed forfeits the highest that Wftfl rt ever given to the children of men that of thinking fop himself and the churchy man who forces a human creed upon commits a sin for which no doubt God hold him responsible The Christian Church and the A creed is a form of religious belief written or understood Every church and every Chris tian has a religious creed That creed may be of origin or it may be of human origin It is more irt keeping with put human prejudices to formulate our own religious creeds We know what we would like to and what we would like to disbelieve There is perhaps no two persons upon earth that believe abso lutely alike Now imagine every man a sepa rate creed and if every Creed required a dis tinct church we might have as many churches as we have individuals but God has not left the human race to formulate her own creed but has given lis a Divine Creed from Heaven and we are willing- to accept His given or hot that is all He has given us and He has given us more Therefore Paul has said All scripture is given by inspiration of pod and is profitable for doctrine for re proof for correction for instruction in right- Paul assured Timothy that it then the New Testament covers all the conditions of doctrine faith and practice that any church or man should ask for improve upon the Doctrine of the New Testament with manmade creeds is to deny the veracity of Paul and more seri ously to question the competence of God If the Word of God does not contain all the Doctrine that we should have then Pauls lang uage to Timothy is misleading for he positively assured Timothy that tile inspired Scripture A good sister was arguing with that were profitable for Doctrine Also that in spired scriptures were sufficient for our rule of Church alone presents to you the Word of ft God and upon that Word you qui rest your hope for time and eternity What oh could there be to the New Testament a creed for any church and what objection there be to the New Testament as of practice I imagine a Congress or all the Churches for the union of Gods people Methodist Committee brings in their report submit the Methodist Discipline as basis union The vote is taken The Methods world vote II I I But all the rest of Ihi world vote No No Then follow all rest of the creed world in order with results Still we are no nearer together when the Congress first met But in comes little man and says Mr Chairman I am Paul Apostle of two thousand years ago Go- inspired mo when I was upon earth to say to Hi people that All scripture is given by inspiralioi of God and is profitable for doctrine and ton reproof that the man of God may be thorough ly finished Now Mr Chairman I move us a basis for union of all Gods people that vf adopt the Bible and the Bible only The vol is token and there is a mighty I I as distant thunder and a shout goes up saying Hallelujah The Lords Prayer is answered That they may be one The Name spired practice in part but in full that the man of God may be thorbughly furnished Our Saviour has commanded us to search the Scriptures saying For in them ye think ye have eternal life and they are they which testi fy of me Again the Word says Study to show thyself a workman approved unto God that not to be ashamed Why should any man be ashamed for living according to Hie teachings of the Book And why should it be thought unnatural of any Christian for adopt ing the dear old Book as his only creed and his rule of practico Tho human creed is creature of super stition and offspring of Catholicism The Catholic Church says that her members are not capable of reading the Word of God for them selves and therefore the Holy Father will read and interpret for them of this tion of Catholicism comes a flood of human creeds as different one from another as authors are different from one another I say that one or cither of these creeds were divinely right would bo to say that God was the most in consistent author of all authors for in saying that cither of many are divinely right would bo to say thai God was not capable of giving the Nations of the Earth a complete manual of faith and practice and that in His incompetency He called Upon man for help A human creed not only inconsistent but it domes mankind the heavenborn right of searching the scriptures for himself and denies to the Holy Spirit the privilege of interpreting to tho individuals of the earth His own everlast ing Word In fact human imply spirit ual slavery for every human dares to assume belief for the individual rather than the individual assuming for himself It is a spiritual bondage and the man who submits to was nothing in a name that one name was a good as another I suggested to her that i that be true she name her baby It needless to say that with suggestion all Ik temper came to the surface Why she That is not an appropriate name for my boby No that was not an appropriate name for lit baby Besides it would grieve her should sue iii inappropriate name be applied to her spring for that child was blood of her filpoi and flesh of her flesh earthly consider a name of so much importance to children is there any reason why our Heaven Father would not covet on appropriate name I His children And if the tenderheart mother would be offended al an inappropris name for her child would not our loving Fall or be offended at an inappropriate name fort children If wo expect our children to be our name how much more does God us to bear His name Not only is it but it was divinely given It was a given to the Church by the Holy Spirit disciples were first called Christians Neither was this a nickname given them the name of Baptist to John but it was a name and an appropriate name Can conceive of a more appropriate name for followers of Christ than Christians w be Baptist Christians or Methodist Christian not just Could the Me have conferred a higher honor upon to let us be the namesake of the Lord This is a name that will never fade nor vani Every earthly name will vanish away but I name Christian will be honored through eternity and the name Christian will pass lip to lip throughout the eternal city of the Km I love those old lines of poetry Im not ashamed to own His cause Nor blush to speak His name Printed by from Christian Vangcf LOVE STORY WITHOUT A MAN editor dictating to a steno grapher Naomi Johnson Dear Sir thank you for sav ing us the etc Two hours later the same editor lifting Oh I say Miss Smith calling his stenographer to hla dealt juat make that Dear Sir The girl takes the letter she rather timidly Mr Naomi Johnson Dear Sir editor puts hastily Havent you read the of course Miss Smith be gins again biiV Naomi a love you know Ruth girl Naomi man You cant have a love without Farmers Son attention COLLEGE Offers a Specially Designed Course Boys from Far November to March Comprises English Manual Carpenw Forging BookKeeping Commercial Law Business w respondenoe Penmanship Commercial Arithmetic ioj A thoroughly praotloaK training to meet the needs of to man on the Farm Woodstook College is a Residential for Boys ana

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